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Not sure you want to read this...its pitiful!

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Hi, everyone!

It's been quite awhile since Ive been on Second Life..my vid card crapped out on me..anyhoo..seems so many things have changed,...typical for SL.

I guess what I'm wanting to know is...should I even move my stuff to Direct?  (I've started, btw)..or will MESH just push me out of business.

I guess I'm going to start studying mesh, but I just want to know, like I said..should I even bother with the stuff i sweated blood and tears making?


I am almost ready to throw in the towel, even tho I havent been on much in awhile.  Do i sound pitiful?


Sounding pitiful is nothing, yet...I have lost so much here, I dont even have a place to put a store..now, I dont want to sound like a bum, but if someone knows anyone who would be willing to let me put up a small store till i get on my feet..I'd be more than grateful...yes, I know...it's not the norm to beg here..but I am!...hit me up on fb if you like..


Look, im all out of options..im resorted to being a beggar!

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Classic reverse psychology! Of course I want to read something titled "Not sure you want to read this... " lol 

Anyway, for what it's worth (Not much) I feel your pain and fear re: Mesh and all things 3D.

But it's not just SL,  3D is the next 2D universally.  

I  agree with the person who looked at your blog, your clothes don't look dated or pitiful but in a year maybe then they might.

From what I can gather, creators that hammer the word MESH MESH MESH in the title doesn't mean it's gonna blow your mind.  Mesh is the new sculpty and from a customers point of view.. There's not that much to tell the difference between them.

Perhaps the designer has more options and can do things with more ease using mesh but don't let changes put you off.

WAY too many old school content creators just threw the towel in when SL and technology started to develop. It was easy to sell crap in a box in 2005 (I know I did! lol) as soon as it starts to get real and some good competition moves in.Too many people "gave up"

Good competition should drive you strive for better from yourself. At least that's how it works for me. I get the initial sting of "OUCH! I feel belittled" then I get a "OK..I am going to kick that talented competitors ass with my next design!' 


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well first i dont see anything pitiful here

your wonderings about the future of your business are legitimate.

Its true that's a lot of sheeps have run into the mesh trend... just because its new, like they do for eveything new...

mesh in the absolute doesnt mean its forcelly better. 

Some are really great, some better than old style, but a lot are not.

so buying something, just bec its mesh doesnt make any sense for me. 

id rather like an old style item with a perfect texture than a mesh with a crapy texture. 

So well it all depend about quality.

Till ill learn to make my own meshes i ll keep creating my stuffs with layers, prims and sculpt... and my customers doenst complain at all...

both ways have good points and negative ones.. i can tell you that i hate how meshes diform a texture with some poses... i hate when they look like a chewing gum around me.. and a lot are not well textured..  So well one in one, its all about quality. If you feel more at ease with the old style, keep this way, and do them with great quality. There is space for both styles imho... Noone said one is best than the other one.. they are just different and meeting different asks and likes.

You need to decide what you want to do, what you are the most at easy with and what you are the best at... and stop listening sheep trends.. a lot of those who have run at the beguining into meshes are now coming back to old style.. it happens everyday with everything new in SL or RL.. Pp usually forget to think before acting.. that just human... but it doesnt mean its right..

EDIT : for noone get me wrong : of course i have mesh clothings that i love a lot, but just like i have old school clothing that i love same... for me the technic used (mesh, sculpt, prim, layer) isnt important, the only thing that import for me is the quality...and of course, if the style match my likes

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Yummy, I'm sending you a message in-world about a free store location for you.

To the question about mesh: I find that I rarely wear mesh for all clothing items at the same time, and definitely rely on non-mesh stuff so I can wear a mesh jacket, say, and non-mesh pants that won't get tangled-up in the jacket. It's possible for mesh outfit components to co-exist, but mixing between outfits is really dicey with mesh, so there's definitely still a role for old-school texture clothing.

I also note that your Marketplace items are Modify -- something very valuable to those of us who mix-and-match instead of wearing a whole outfit "off the shelf."

All that said, you may enjoy learning to make your own mesh items, too. I'm guessing that they're selling well right now because they're the new thing, but there's a revolution coming, Materials, that adds tremendous surface detail to prims, sculpts and mesh. It doesn't apply to the avatar mesh itself, unfortunately, but the point is: all current mesh items will be practically obsolete in a few months, so you still have time to catch that next "next new thing" if you want.

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Also, only older SL consumers know what "Mesh" even is. To what I would imagine are the majority of SL avatar clothing consumers, they don't know or care whether the product on the marketing photo is made of mesh or sculpted prims, they go off the picture and demo when trying it on.

Too many merchants think adding the word "mesh" into the name of their product guarantees quality when in reality it means very little to the average SL consumer who does not create content themselves. 

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Don't worry about Mesh clothing. Most people are still using the original texture-based system. And there is viewer tech in the works which will change the game again when it gets released. Today's Mesh may be onsolete very soon.

Besides, I was at an event a few weekends back which asked people to wear outfits that used the SL tech of 8 years ago. The clothes looked good, and there was little or no lag. You might be able to sell on the concept of quality without lag. But check your scripts. Things such as resizers have gone from being a script in every prim to a single script for the whole linkset, because of changes to LSL.

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There was an ad in the sidebar for a Magnum Pink Champagne Ice Cream :o like whoah!

sorry, to your question...

There will always be a place for textured clothes.

By all means learn 3d mesh, I am and there are a gazillion resources and tutorials online for you

to teach yourself. It IS quite complicated but it is also good fun.

You will need: Free 3d software such as Blender or in my case I was lucky enough to download the free

software from Daz Studio "Hexagon 2.5" or something. http://www.daz3d.com/products/hexagon/hexagon-what-is-hexagon/ (linking not working as I have tons of programs open atmo)

I haven't viewed your clothing but if it is good as everyone says? you wont have too much trouble learning 3D.

Some people use Daz 3D itself I think? I am not sure (get it anyway despite the e-mail spam, you must ceate a free account)

Research Marvellous Designer:  http://www.marvelousdesigner.com/ which is quite expensive but find the catwalk/fasion show videos on their site and tell me that isnt a hoot to watch :)

Most of all, dont be frightened by 3d, it is truly amazing and not beyond your skill levels.

It does help to have a powerful 64bit system with a large amount of memory just so you know.

Enjoy! 8^)


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Mesh is great for building, not clothing. None of the creators make mesh for women with a figure,I will never chang my shape for clothing, I still have medieval dress`s from 3 years ago they still look good and flow well, I bought one mesh dress thar nearly fitted, but it still had a lot of flexy prims, untill mes can be streached it will only be second best. I do use a lot of mesh in buildings and ground , there you cant fault it

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Mesh has it's place, sculpties have their place, but regular texture style clothing will ALWAYS have a place in sl. No matter what technology comes along, or leaves, that's one thing that will always have a place.

Yes some will say "get with the times", "times are a'changing", "if you're not with the front of the pack, you're behind" and blahdy blahdy blahdy blah...

Don't listen to those people, they're fools. They beleive anything that doesn't fit the newest fad must be old, and therefore, not worthwhile.

Anyone can be a content creator in sl. Anyone can be a good content creator in sl. Most people can be great content creators in sl. Not nearly as many, but still a lot can be amazing content creators in sl. The two things they all have in common, regardless of the products they create or the tools they use to create them....is the talent to create and the willingness to keep at it, forever learning and improving.

No one jumped right into sl and was amazing from the word go. I know some people like to think otherwise, but, I'm pretty sure those people are fools too. Or they're smoking something they should be sharing, not sure which. The same thing applies with new fads, new trends, etc.. No one just jumped right in and got it right on the first try. Don't be discouraged.

I know what it's like to be basically driven off, out of, sl, for a while. We're having a rough patch here and having to rely entirely on MP for a while until rl decides it's ready to be kind to us again and I can go back to an inworld presence. It does sorta suck. But, even if you can't find a place inworld to have a store, that doesn't mean you can't be a creator. You also don't have to have some huge business, either. I'm a pretty small hobbyist now, probably will be for a while to come yet, since I've downsized a lot recently. But, it's all good, or will be anyway. I still get to create, I still get to share, and I still get to enjoy what I love doing. That's why I became a content creator in the first place.


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Well done rigged mesh clothing has limited usefulness. I think it's best for men's jackets and shirttails and the skirts on evening gowns, and that's about it as far as how useful it is when compared to clothing layers. Non rigged mesh shoes and boots are nice for the detail, but not amazingly, spectacularly better than the best sculpted shoes and boots available.

When sculpties came out, everyone said OMG sound the death knell for regular prims. But just as regular prims and sculpts still have their place in building and design, non-mesh clothing will not go away.

A great many people will not change their shape to wear mesh; they work to perfect their look, and do not want a clothing designer dictating their shapes to them. As a friend titled a blog post regarding mesh clothing, "your world, someone else's imagination."

Please don't worry, your work isn't looking dated, keep doing what you do the best you can. Welcome back to Second Life!

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Absolutely keep selling regular non-mesh clothing. i love my mesh furniture and I'm doing a lot of building in it. I also love mesh hair. But honestly, I can't stand mesh clothing. It changes my shape and I hate it. There is a great number of people who will continue to buy textured and sculpty clothing over mesh, so push forward!

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Deja Letov wrote:

Absolutely keep selling regular non-mesh clothing. i love my mesh furniture and I'm doing a lot of building in it. I also love mesh hair. But honestly, I can't stand mesh clothing. It changes my shape and I hate it. There is a great number of people who will continue to buy textured and sculpty clothing over mesh, so push forward!


That's the same reason why I don't like mesh clothing. I have a shape I like. If I wanted some other person's ideal shape for me, I would have bought a premade shape, lol.

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No worries, your message isn't pitiful ... it's PATHETIC!

If your GPU craps out you go the store and get a new one. Offline time = 1 hour

But you  missed the whole implementation of mesh! That must have been several months offline. I wonder about your mindset that you didn't take your wares off the MP right away. I guess it's every merchant's duty to be available for the customers. So, in other words, you're not to be entrusted with my L$.

Just my 2 cents


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Orca Flotta wrote:

No worries, your message isn't pitiful ...

If your GPU craps out you go the store and get a new one. Offline time = 1 hour

But you  missed the whole implementation of mesh! That must have been several months offline. I wonder about your mindset that you didn't take your wares
off the MP
right away. I guess it's every merchant's duty to be available for the customers. So, in other words, you're not to be entrusted with my L$.

Just my 2 cents


wow.. is there a specifical reason for your answer is so agressive ?

you may like meshes , its your rights ... as long you accept rights for other pp to prefer non meshes.. and if some creators prefer to make non meshes items i dont see where it is a pb for you, where it is annoying for you...

also for your so wise sentence : "If your GPU craps out you go the store and get a new one. Offline time = 1 hour" you seem to be lucky and live in a spoil world where buying a new GPU or comp is only costing 1 hour offline...i wish it was same for everyone on this planet, but sadly its not... maybe you should leave your comp for some hours and go for a walk in the streets (maybe not the ones where you are living ) to get a better idea about what the word is...

This thread, till you post, was going on a polite way... you just turned it in something different and hateful... this is what is pathetic for me...

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Not everyone has the funds to go out and get new computer components the moment they need replacing. If Yummy's video card wasn't working, so much for removing items from the marketplace. As for merchants being unavailable, there are plenty that have no presence in SL at all any more. The OP has come back and is setting his store to rights, that seems pretty responsible to me. Some merchants do have a presence in SL and don't respond to customers regardless, so how do you decide which merchants are trustworthy and which aren't?

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