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I have been a linden viewer user for years.  I've tried the third party viewers, and honestly, I don't need the features they offer, and I loved the clean interface of the new v3 linden viewer.

Then today i was forced to "upgrade" to the latest viewer with this chui thing. 

After about an hour of standing there wondering why I have to have a window covering my screen displaying things that I have no interest in at all, and watching a * icon flashing away and not knowing why it was, then having other mysterious things happen I gave up and uninstalled secondlife, thinking that maybe i could use an older version.

So I downloaded an older version and installed it.  When I logged in however, it forced me to download the upgrade.  Is there a way to turn this chui thing off? I dont like it, it's confusing, and it covers up my view of the world.


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When. Will. LL. Ever. Learn?

The answer, seemingly, is never.

After the disaster that was LL V2 viewer, they eventually  had a reasonable viewer that performed well in V3.

Until now, that is.

If there ever was a clear indication as to the frequency the Lindens actually go inworld, it is this latest debacle with so called CHUI.

As per the V2 shambles, I can see Second Life being 'saved' yet again by TPV's.......

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do you mean the chat system? IF so I hate it, IDK how to switch between local, IM, or groups, I cant tell if someone is a Friend or not and it just plain SUCKS LL WHY THE HELL DID YOU CHANGE THE CHAT LAYOUT IT WAS PERFECTTHE WAY IT WAS NOW IT IS JUST STUPID!!!!!!!!!

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A lot of these new features look like they could actually be useful, like being able to set up chat groups on the fly.  But I think they could have been done as well, if not better, without a whole new interface.  Looks like they gave up on the built in language translator?

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It is just another changing in a world full of people that has a phobia for changes. Ok, it is questionable if we need so many changes in a row. But it is not said every change is bad. 

After a little while I got used to it (beta viewer user) and  I do like it in the meanwhile. It feels as if it was always like this.

Or maybe I just have a large screen. 

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I have a 32 inch LCD, is that large enough?  It just seems absurd to cover a 3d environment with inappropriate clutter, and I dislike absurdity in tools, which is what this is.  A tool.  It isnt important, it's not helpful, it brings nothing to the 3d environment for which we play secondlife.

It should be hidden away where only the "elite supercool" can find it, because believe it or not, we've been doing perfectly well without these features since 2004.

If I wanted to go backwards, I'd install an irc client and use that on my second 32 inch lcd, out of the way of my 3d environment.



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Oh, I don't think it's horrible. I mean, the original V2 sidebar was horrible. The CHUI is nowhere near as bad as the sidebar was.

It does, however, have some impractical defaults, so first impressions are apt to be unenthusiastic. Maybe the defaults were chosen to open everything up so it was obvious from the start where all the features could be found, instead of hiding things, but the result is that, at first, it appears to be a major screen suck.

To get it down to practical size, I always collapse the left pane until I need it for something. The left pane is actually pretty handy, sort of a combined chatter list and tab control, so it might even save space when those functions are needed, but otherwise I always keep it collapsed.

I often collapse the right pane, too, so the whole window is just a column of tab icons. I usually tear-off the Nearby chat window and shrink it down to the single-line chatbar, except when I need to watch history.

And of course I choose Compact view instead of Expanded with its wasted chat history space. That Expanded view is a silly feature that's been around a long time that I don't think anybody uses.

So I mostly like it now, used with those settings. I've fussed all along that the widget design itself uses far too much blank-space as padding, and should instead be patterned after the Mini-Map that pads not at all, so is practical to keep on the screen much of the time. If the Lab doesn't fix that, I sure hope somebody "skins" the CHUI to get rid of all that padding.

For those who, like me, want to preserve screen real estate for a clear view of the world, nothing helps more than getting rid of all the toolbar buttons. This is a major advance of V3 over the old V1 viewers: you don't have to waste a whole line of buttons at the bottom of the screen. All those controls are available from the menu, and it quickly becomes motor-memory to get to them instantly, once the stupid toolbar training wheels are off the screen. (Actually, I get to many of them by right-clicking the avatar, and the most common using keyboard shortcuts.)

I've even seen complaints about screen real estate illustrated with screenshots that show the camera control window. Now that really is a horrible waste of space--and a horrible way to control the cam, too.

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Hi Qui,

I spent an hour with it, I could see exactly what they wanted to do, and I didn't want any of it.  Interestingly, now that I am using a TPV (catznip) I've found that when I log in my avatar pops into view almost immediately instead of being a cloud for 10 minutes.

So really, I'm happy that they've done this.  It forced me to look at alternatives, and they were better.

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Whispering Hush wrote:

Hi Qui,

I spent an hour with it, I could see exactly what they wanted to do, and I didn't want any of it.  Interestingly, now that I am using a TPV (catznip) I've found that when I log in my avatar pops into view almost immediately instead of being a cloud for 10 minutes.


So really, I'm happy that they've done this.  It forced me to look at alternatives, and they were better.

As I mentioned earlier I have been using my netbook recently (not the most powerful of machines but ok) - and for that Catznip beats both Firestorm and the official viewer in both performance and rezzing speed with the same settings.

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I just watched the little demo video and the chui thing is way too big and invasive. SL is an immersive, virtual environment -- so much more than just a chat client.   *smh* 

I mostly use Firestorm but my choice of viewer was never carved in stone.  I even told  friends who didn't like changing from Phoenix to Firestorm that V3 is a reasonable option nowadays.  Well, i take that right back.  :matte-motes-not-even:


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the impression I've gotten, from people in the know about such things, is that the CHUI may well be inextricably tangled with many of the new features (and new features still to come).. and so TPVs may be forced to implement it as-is, or with slight tweaks.

I admit, I don't KNOW for certain, but it may be only a matter of time before we're all using it, regardless of what TPV you use.

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CHUI Beta Viewer Released


Chewing On CHUI


It is very feature rich (which I like) but still lacking in design.

Unless more people contribute in a civil manner to the CHUI BUG JIRA we will not see design improvements.  Calling into question the parentage of the Devs will not get a positive result.

What I fear however is that to really get the design of the UI element right would require them going back to square one, something that wont happen.

I am more convinced every day that the Devs don't have a Second Life.


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to me, the chat interface looks and acts very similar to what i was using in firestorm...they added some nice stuff to it that i'll probably never need, but overall, it looks pretty nice

the camera controls still aren't resizeable...please fix that

the only part that worries me, is when i use the new SL viewer, my computer works really freakin hard, which i have never had with firestorm - which may be settings i need to tweak or something...

anyway....change can be hard, but since the chat area is resizeable, and you can minimize the whole thing down to icons, i don't see how this is a 'deal breaker'...it's just different in my opinion....play with prefs and get the thing the way you want it...:)

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