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You are correct in that insulting people is a bad idea.

You're incorrect about "no plans to eliminate Magic Boxes". The Lindens have started the clock on the plans to eliminate all magic boxes. The deadline is now April 16th. As before, they hide this notice where most will never see it.

Here's a link to that information:




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If you are being prompted to Create a Store when you attempt to add items to your Merchant Outbox, please try the following steps to see if the issue is corrected.

Log into Second Life using the Phoenix 1.6 viewer
1. Search their Inventory for the 'Merchant Outbox' folder
2. Right click on the Folder and choose "Restore"
3. Log out of Second Life
4. Log into Second Life using the Official Second Life Viewer


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Hi all;

My merchant outbox stopped working 2 days after I started using it in April 2012. Seems at that time I tried to stop/cancel an upload to MP once the process was started and I borked the whole thing. I tried many things that were suggested in the forums and on the Jira notice page but it never worked. To be honest, I gave up trying figuring it was a bigger problem than just my little ole account and LL would be working on it. I got the email notice yesterday about retiring the Magic Boxes so I finally filed a case. Dakota Linden wrote me today saying my outbox was reset and all should be well. So far it is! Yayy. So for those of you still having your outbox in constant intializing phase ask for a reset and see if that helps.


Thank you for the super fast response, Dakota.



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Hey Porky!

I love the Marketplace.  Honestly.  And I have for a very long time.  Years.  I am very lucky indeed that Linden Lab lets me do and work with what I love.

I also enjoy helping users as I want them to love the Marketplace as much as I do.  Yes, I know that is not always possible and there is much yet to still be done.

This is why I am here in the forums, today, to help those users who normally do not send Support Cases.

We want everyone to have as smoothe a transition as possible for the remainder of the migration.



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Dakota Linden wrote:

This is why I am here in the forums, today, to help those users who normally do not send Support Cases.

We want everyone to have as smoothe a transition as possible for the remainder of the migration.


Geez...now I want to hug you or something, that's just weird! :)

Warm words Dakota, thank you for your presence, i'm sure the late adopters will welcome your assistance.

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I think it is an excellent idea to finally get rid of the boxes for unlimited quantity items. I am curious to see how many really old listings by inactive accounts get wiped.

As far as your box not working.. logging out of all SL sites and relogging usually works as long as you do not use some bizarro OS or weirdo viewer.

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Hi Dakota...thank you for coming to the forums. :)

I may or may not have a new PC by the Magic Box cut off deadline.  My PC does not have SEE2 to run the new viewers. (I know - this has been an issue with me for awhile but RL situations keep nibbling at the money I had designated for a new PC.)

In the worst case scenario, ie. not having a new PC by MB cutoff date, what should I do to keep my current MP store intact until I can use DD?  Should I temporarily unlist my items and then upload to DD when I can?  My  two concerns are:

1.  My MP store disappearing

2.  Running afoul of the "relisting" items rule

Thank you for guidance on this issue.




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Hi Czari,

My recommendation is to do nothing if you are unable to migrate before the cut-off dates.

Listings that still have the Magic Box set to deliver the product will be deactivated after the cut-off date. The Listing _will_ still exist, but will not be visible in the Marketplace and users will be unable to purchase the items.

Once you are able to migrate your items to Direct Delivery the listings can be re-activated.  


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Dakota Linden wrote:

Hey Porky!

I love the Marketplace.  Honestly.  And I have for a very long time.  Years.  I am very lucky indeed that Linden Lab lets me do and work with what I love.

I also enjoy helping users as I want them to love the Marketplace as much as I do.  Yes, I know that is not always possible and there is much yet to still be done.

This is why I am here in the forums, today, to help those users who normally do not send Support Cases.

We want everyone to have as smoothe a transition as possible for the remainder of the migration.



Good on ya, Dakota! :smileyvery-happy:

Must make you very sad when people say awful stuff about something you love so much :smileysad:

They should remember that there are human beings behind it all, and your posts reflects that :)

Job well done :)


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Howdy, Miss Czari!

I was wondering about you when I saw the notice about the cut-off date posted.  I wondered if you had managed, somehow, to get a new computer that is SSE2 enabled.  I see here you haven't, and I really feel for ya, my dear.  I guess just do as Dakota says and let your listings go offline until you CAN get your PC updated.  I hope it isn't long, cause, you know...losing all those sales would suck.  

I don't know about letting someone you trust log on for you and do it.  From what I've always known, the Lab watches that sort of stuff like a hawk and if your account logs in from who-knows-where all of a sudden, they will lock yours and theirs accounts until they figure out what the heck is goin on.  Even if there's an off chance they wouldn't catch it this one time, I wouldn't want to take the risk of not being able to log in for the amount of time it would take them to figure it all out.

OK, I know... ^ that's a humongous run on sentence (or paragraph).  I had a lot to say in that one.  :)

In any event, I hope you can get your PC updated quickly so you don't lose too many sales.  I know *I* would hate that.

*HUGS* to you, Miss Czari! :)

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Pamela Galli wrote:

Czari, maybe you could borrow a computer just to get things listed. Or let someone you trust log in on their comptuter and do it for you. 

Duh!  I totally forgot that option. :matte-motes-bashful-cute:  It was something I was graciously offered last year by several kind people but then didn't need to do so when the date for Magic Boxes was pushed back.

Thank you for reminding me....checking into that!

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Thank you so much for your kind post, Marcus! *HUGS* back atcha!

I was thinking more along the lines of going to my parents' home and logging into SL on their PC.  I think that should be ok.  It was one of my plans had DD gone live last year.

*Hugs* again .... just 'cause :)

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Nice to see Dakota chime in on this thread :cathappy:

Does this not break the earlier Linden promise to us that once a deadline was to be announced in future, the deadline would not be so quickly arriving from time of announcement? This announcement only leaves one month before the deadline.

I agree with the OP. Linden should just grandfather existing magic boxes out of respect to their old school customers. We like the boxes. There is no reason to kill boxes entirely. Boxes are a tried & trustworthy system. If installed correctly the boxes almost never fail. Those users (like myself) who wish to be grandfathered will only represent a tiny fraction of Lindens total system. Thus the 'scalability' Lindens talk about (as if SL is scaling up! :catlol:) will be unaffected by grandfathering existing boxes. Why not let us keep this fine working system?

I am kind of thinking to simply do nothing & just let my customers transition to 100% inworld shopping, all to avoid Lindens hassle.


=ᵔ∸ᵔ= ...meow

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Wade, i think someone may have said 60 days once, but it might just be a feeling I have, no evidence. I don't mind a month, it will make me move my bottom to get it done, but I noticed I have different names on MP listings and different names on my boxes in-world, so I bit myself in the butski there, didnt i? haha

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Since the 14/11/2012 I can not upload my store items using the Merchant boxt. I followed the steps listed here by Dakota, but in my inventory, when I right click on the merchant box folder, is not an option "restore" (in the phoenix version Now that the magix box disappear'll have to resign myself to losing my MP store that I have for more than three years :(

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Glad to see you here, Dakota!


But the instructions on how to 'fix' the issue.....any 'solution' which requires you to DL and install an OLD third-party viewer to successfully execute shouts "PROBLEM" to me.  This says there is a bug in the ALL the LL viewers that still isn't fixed, but ONE old tpv did.  WTF?


Please fix DD first.  Then eliminate the Magic Boxes.  Not the other way around!


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call me silly or paranoid but i refuse to use any third party viewer. potentially & quite easily this could expose my account credentials, login & password, to said third party. as little as i trust linden, i trust these third parties exponentially less. i think linden will be saying goodbye to a lot of our marketplace stores due to this fiasco. hah as if they care one iota.

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The problems with the Merchant Outbox not recognizing that a Merchant as a store was/is a result of the way the non compliant viewers address the Merchant Outbox and therefore requires the non compliant viewer to correct.

The Merchant Outbox should NOT be visible in your Inventory window.  It is a System Folder that is specifically hidden in your inventory window in compliant viewers.

The non compliant viewers display this folder in the inventory and allow the folder to be moved around, and in some rare cases, actually deleted.

Since the Merchant Outbox folder is hidden in compliant viewers, it is necessary to download and use one of the non compliant viewers to attempt to locate the folder in the Inventory and move it back to where it belongs.


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Tania Ivanovic wrote:

Since the 14/11/2012 I can not upload my store items using the Merchant boxt. I followed the steps listed here by Dakota, but in my inventory, when I right click on the merchant box folder, is not an option "restore" (in the phoenix version Now that the magix box disappear'll have to resign myself to losing my MP store that I have for more than three years

Hi Tania,

If Phoenix isn't giving the option to "restore" you may be able to just click on the folder then drag it back out of the folder it is in so that it is once again a top level/root folder.

When you look at your inventory using a non compliant viewer, the Merchant Outbox should be visible as its own folder.  You should not have to open another folder in order to see the Merchant Outbox folder.


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