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Are free account residents really this low a priority?

Nuhai Ling

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Miserlie wrote:

Yea, kinda ashame. I got 1 reply per week and it took 6 months for them to give up. I fixed my problem on my own.

hd: hi Help Department!!!! how may I help uuuu !!!!!

me: hi I haz prob. wat I do ???

hd: oh! wow!!! realllly???

me: ye relly

hd: never heard of that b4. r u sure???

me: ye

hd: k

me: k wat ???

hd: umm! k

me: kk

me: so ???

hd: have 2 opts 4 u

me: k

hd: fix it urself or go away

me: tnks

hd: yw

hd: I can help u with nething else ???

me: nah! is ok

hd: k then have a nice day

me: /press chirping button


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Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

its just like there is noone in LL offices now.... well, except some forum moderators indeed who seems to be still active....

I reckon the Lindens have actually decided to work on SL this week as they have made 2 posts in the merchants forum in as many days! Dakota Linden was even brave enough to post under her given Linden name yesterday instead of the generic Commerce Team Linden account they usually use.

I almost **bleep** in my pants I was so surprised.

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Thank you everyone for the advice and input. I knew most of the ideas to "bump" the servers and had my customer try those but a few others were new so I passed those along. Still no word about his "condition" getting any better but I only posted this less then 24 hours ago!

Seeing six pages of good discussion surprised me, then made me sad. Generally I have a good experience with Linden Lab but it sounds like my premium status gives me "privileges" all the free account residents don's have. That definitely will make a difference now when I talk about Second Life to other people who I think might enjoy it.

Please feel free to keep the topic going, I just wanted to toss in a fast thank you before it got to page 10! Have fun!!!

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Star Trek Online. Star Wars: The Old Republic. Tera. World of Warcraft. Plus dozens of others. These games all have free to play options.


Customer service is equal for all of their customers. Even the ones that don't spend a dime.


As a matter of fact, I get better customer support from Cyptic on my free STO account than I get with my paid SL account.

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Gadget Portal wrote:

Star Trek Online. Star Wars: The Old Republic. Tera. World of Warcraft. Plus dozens of others. These games all have free to play options.


Customer service is equal for all of their customers. Even the ones that don't spend a dime.


Of course it is. That is because every non paying customer is a potential future paying customer and customer service and support is a key selling point for any MMO or virtual world. LL seem to have completely forgotten that whilst their competitors have not.

A company that puts the effort into supporting and communicating with it's userbase will find they receive a lot more dedication from them (the users) in the long term. It also gives a company room to maneuver when the inevitable bugs and problems occur because the userbase has the confidence that the problems will be addressed and an open dialogue will be maintained;

What is sad is that Linden Lab once had all these key components in place. In the early years both support and communication were great, bug reporting was transparent and regular office hours and support groups were held to address a variety of issues affecting a variety of user types. But the population grew too fast and the LL could not sustain enough staff to support them all, especially after they culled a 3rd of their employees in 2010. Since then both support and communication have deteriorated to the point we are at now. I think they have just given up making anything other than a token effort.


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mikka Luik wrote:

Interesting point... so my paying (as part of a group) around 30 bucks a month (to a landlord) doesn't qualify but my oh lets say 2 bucks worth (approx 50) of uploads do.... Hmm...one to mull over =^^=

That's right. Your ~$30 a month makes you a customer of your landlord but not a customer of LL.

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Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

I hadn't thought of upload fees. That's paying LL directly and
that would make a person a customer.
 Starting a group is another way to pay LL directly, and it would also make a person a customer of LL. So there are more Basic users that I'd though who are actually LL's customers. 

 (emphasis is mine)

yes ! you said it !!! 
So im a LL customer !!!!  And still.... no customer support !!! 


(and well, you are just admiting half of your mistake, but well, its already a step, and i will aknowlelge you did a step... keep this way Phil, you are almost good :smileywink: but since you have been pretty studborn, you will be spanked at the end of the audition and not only one time.. but by Czari, 16 and I.... i hope you will learn from this lesson for next time :smileywink:)

Hmmm. I always said that paying to LL makes a person a customer of LL. I'd forgotten about those small payments, and the large one (paying LL for a private sim) that's all. But it doesn't change the point I've been making - that nobody is an LL customer unless they pay LL and those who are not customers don't have any right to customer service. Also, it's pobable that most basic accounts don't pay LL at all.

The audition will never happen. You three can't organise it, so I'm safe from that particular spanking. But if you want to practise your spanking technique, just in case you three get it together, let me know.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

Hmmm. I always said that paying to LL makes a person a customer of LL. I'd forgotten about those small payments, and the large one (paying LL for a private sim) that's all. But it doesn't change the point I've been making - that nobody is an LL customer unless they pay LL and those who are not customers don't have any right to customer service. Also, it's pobable that most basic accounts don't pay LL at all.


you can add to this the weekly 30 l$ im paying for geting my land in sl search, (that i paid lately 2 times for nothing, bec a bug on magnum region and that they didnt thing it was useful to refund), you can add also all the commissions im paying for my market place sales. So i dont think you have to be absolutly premium for being a SL customer according to YOUR definition of this word that i dont share btw.

Phil Deakins wrote:

Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

The audition will never happen. You three can't organise it, so I'm safe from that particular spanking. But if you want to practise your spanking technique, just in case you three get it together, let me know.

You wanna bet ? ok... keep you ready, its all that we are asking to you.. give me some little time to organize this with Czari, 16 and Marigold and you 'll get the spanking of your life.... and consider yourself as lucky this will be virtual ahahhahha... btw i will take some pics during the spank session of course...you said you are ok for this audition, Phil... so we are expecting youll be present at it :smileywink: its now to late for pretexting anything....



Keep in touch, ill let you now for the day and hour soon lol (you shouldnt challenge me, Phil... Challenges makes me do always crazy things ......):smileyvery-happy:

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Phil Deakins wrote:

Actually, I've forgotten what the audition was for. Can you remind me? I do know that it involved me getting naked but I don't remember why.

well yes, it was in the Perrie's thread 'avatar size', if i rem well.. it was about a naked party... you challenged me to organize it and so you proposed for your own to apply for an audition... As i said... you know... challenges makes me do silly thing everytime lol... so its ok... im ok for the naked party in my skybox, that way noone will have to say anything about nudity lol... but before we need appliers for the audition... jury will be Czari, 16, Marigold and myself... 

And as a bonus... after the audition, you ll get a free spank for your definition about the word "customer", but well this is just an extra... and from what i know, you will even get ice cream after the spank.. for consolate you... :smileyvery-happy:

of course the whole audition will be phtographied by me and i will report in the forum of course....:smileywink:... well for not getting this report deleted, ill be forced to blur some part of your body indeed, but i will leave the uncensorred report in my blog anyway 

i hope you appreciate all im doing for your fame ! :smileyvery-happy:

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Phil Deakins wrote:

Ah yes. That's what it was all about lol. You have a very good memory


indeed... and really really good... lol.. its always risky for pp to try to play with my memory btw..

Phil Deakins wrote:

But you lot are all talk and no action, so I don't need to be concerned about it


Well, Phil, i never told it had to happen right now... with a full time rl job and and my sl business that is taking me at least the same ammount of hours, i dont have a lot of time for fun... but.. as u said... i never forget.. and things happens ... just they need a lil time for being prepared... 

on top, winter is prob not a good season for a naked audition, since my skybox is still snowy, and i dont want u catch a cold because of me. so give me one or 2 monthes, and you'll see... 

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Phil Deakins wrote:

Marigold Devin wrote:

Add me to the spankers list please. I'll give him ice cream afterwards.

Enjoy being on the list, Marigold, but they are useless at organising the audition, so don't hold your breath

I don't need them anyway, I see you around sometimes, a name on my radar, and I'm just stitching me a big butterfly net and stocking up the freezer - vanilla for you was it?  Expect a surprise any day now ;)

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Phil Deakins wrote:

LOL! I don't get around so it would surprise me if you see me on your radar. I'm logged in when I'm awake but I don't go anywhere. Maybe you're mistaking me for a red admiral (it's a butterly).

Well... maybe it is that I am sleepwalking when I see your name on my radar... or maybe you are trying to call my bluff.  Time will tell, my friend, time will tell.


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Phil Deakins wrote:

LOL! I don't get around so it would surprise me if you see me on your radar. I'm logged in when I'm awake but I don't go anywhere. Maybe you're mistaking me for a red admiral (it's a butterly).

o.O  "Red Admiral" - that must be the head of Drake's Red Army that is coming after me.  Whew.  Glad to know it's just a butterfly.  I can take on a butterfly - "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee" and all that. ;)

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Being premium is actually rather cheap.  Plenty of people spend much more money than that on SL without ever being anything but a "free-account" member. 


If you've been to the marketplace you might have noticed you can buy marketplace stuff with money (as opposed to lindens). You might not be aware but plenty of premium accounts rely on people to buy some or all of their stipend to be able to continue as premium.  I suggest a lot of lindens are getting sold to "free-account" holders.  Then there are all the land owners who wouldn't own land if they couldn't pay for through their SL economic activities, and I suggest a lot of the revenue they rely on comes from "free-account" holders.


Now you can tell yourself these people are not direct customers of LL, but it's an irrelevant and quibbling distinction.  What matters is whether LL profit from their economic activities and the extent to which LL's bottom-line is dependent on their ongoing participation.  How the money trickles through to LL from these users matters less than how much money it is.

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You've misread what I wrote. I didn't say anything at all about spending money on SL. I only talked about paying LL; i.e. being an LL customer. You used the marketplace as an example but if you spend money in the marketplace, you are a customer of the seller - not of Linden Lab.

Who did you say was talking nonsense? ;)

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