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Delay On Cash Out

Legend Hye

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I wonder how many of us are seeing big delays on cashing out the USD out to Paypal.

From what I hear LL are blaming Paypal for the delay and Paypal say its got nothing to do with them.

At the end of the day (as ALWAYS) we just have to wait on LL. I was just wondering how many are seeing delays and how long we can expect to wait. I have been waiting since 2nd Jan, 2013. Anyone waiting longer?

It would also be nice if Linden Labs actually informed customers of this problem, but that would fall under customer service which LL lack greatly on.



Legend Hye

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From my observations of the Cashing Out process and my background knowledge on how PayPal works, I believe Linden Lab is using a totally manual process. That means they have an employee that processes the payouts using a list of requests and then manually executing "Send Money" orders through their PayPal interface. Since it's totally manual and requires a human being to create and execute the payout order, I suspect delays are due to the responsible human having time off for holidays, sick time, "my toast got burnt today and I'm in a crabby mood" ... and other similar situations.

I do know that they wait for the cash out to pass their Fraud Detection process, and it just may be that with the surge in illegally obtained L$'s that they are taking extra long to complete that stage. But yes, considering that so many people cashing out are not first-timers at the process, it would seem to make sense to automate it and speed it up much more than it is now.

Of course, there's also the perspective that by hanging onto the monies slated for payout to customers, LL generates an awful lot of extra interest income, thus they do have the incentive to extend every payout to the maximum time allowed. Their Wiki page on the process states that it *should* take no more than 5 business days, but of course that's just a guideline and not a hard-n-fast rule.

I have had cashouts complete in 2 days, and a few that went the full 5 business days. The average though seems to be around 4 business days. Maybe the delay is just a "Holiday Season" thing ... at least let's hope that's all it is.

/me crosses his fingers that your cash arrives soon ...

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Pamela Galli wrote:

I have two payments pending, the first since Dec 29. I called LL the other day and they said Paypal had a backlog.  Hmmmm.

Uh-huh ... yeah ... Nope! Not buying into that. PayPal virtually established the automated money transfer systems emulated by web sites and payment processors the world over. Granted, the Holiday Season no doubt increased their load some, but I've never seen them have to delay transactions due to an overload or "backlog" before. Simple fact is that if LL were using an automated system, the entire process would take seconds instead of days.

Just to ponder a bit though, if the source of the delay truly was PayPal, I think we'd see the same issues with delayed payouts from the other big name L$ Selling Services. I have to admit that I don't follow those services, but I'm fairly certain we'd see similar complaints from folks if those others were delayed beyond their typical instant cashout process.

Has anyone that uses any of those other services run into delays from them? Have there been any notices delivered to you about the possibility of a delay even if it turned out otherwise?

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We are investigating, can we interest you in a new category?

We may have given away too many free L$ in our Amazon promotion and now we're waiting for enough L$ to be purchased so we can start giving it out again.

Or ... a hamster chewed through the wire that connects us to PayPal.

Your World, our Imaginative exploitation.

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Legend Hye wrote:

Nope, other Paypal transactions are as normal, kinda what I expected.

The LL policy is as with many... well who am I trying to kid... ALL companies policy is to put the blame else where until you HAVE to come clean.

Although some folks refer to this sort of behavior as "Spin Doctoring" or even "creative marketing", It's become so common place that people seem to not care that they are being lied to routinely.

Even though it makes the customers feel cheated, we've become so complacent about it that it seems companies don't even stop to think; they just say whatever meets the needs of the moment and don't worry that they're engaging in deception and bald-faced lying.

IMO this is one of the most disappointing attributes of companies like Linden Lab. Since there is no actual punishment for lying to people, they continue to act in a deceptive manner fully congnizant that they're destroying their customer's trust.

*sigh* Y'know, when I walk past a mirror and catch a look at that fella looking back at me, I'm pretty content that he's not cheating, lying or decieving people to make a buck. I know I'd have a hard time looking him in the eye if he was doing otherwise. I wonder if the management at Linden Lab have any mirrors in their homes and offices ...

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Darrius Gothly wrote:


Has anyone that uses any of those other services run into delays from them? Have there been any notices delivered to you about the possibility of a delay even if it turned out otherwise?

The one time I had surplus funds to cash out...lol...I used a service recommended by a good friend of mine.  The entire process was executed in minutes.

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Darrius Gothly wrote:

Although some folks refer to this sort of behavior as "Spin Doctoring" or even "creative marketing", It's become so common place that people seem to not care that they are being lied to routinely.

Even though it makes the customers feel cheated, we've become so complacent about it that it seems companies don't even stop to think; they just say whatever meets the needs of the moment and don't worry that they're engaging in deception and bald-faced lying.

IMO this is one of the most disappointing attributes of companies like Linden Lab. Since there is no actual punishment for lying to people, they continue to act in a deceptive manner fully congnizant that they're destroying their customer's trust.

*sigh* Y'know, when I walk past a mirror and catch a look at that fella looking back at me, I'm pretty content that he's not cheating, lying or decieving people to make a buck. I know I'd have a hard time looking him in the eye if he was doing otherwise. I wonder if the management at Linden Lab have any mirrors in their homes and offices ...

You're absolutely right and it is a sad commentary on societal business practices. (Not saying *all* companies practice this behavior, just enough that, as you say, we've almost become "accepting" of it.)

Personal experience - I used to work for a very well-known, Fortune 500 Insurance Company within the Workers Compensation division.  My position was a combo call center/report filer/liason to the adjusters/anything else they could throw at us.  It was multi-tasking to the nth degree.  We were told to provide "exceptional customer service" - but don't stay on the phone any longer than 2 minutes; make sure every jot and tittle of these reports are filled out correctly because we are fined for incorrect reports, but make sure you are answering the phone, assisting the adjuster, anything else we throw at you, while doing it.  I swear one needed 5 separate brains most of the time.  There were approximately 20 of us in this department.  The phone never quit ringing.

So, with this background in place, the co-worker who sat directly behind me and made a practice of standing while taking phone calls, thus enabling me to hear the conversations clearly, developed a "unique" way of dealing with "problem calls" - he made stuff up.  I'm not kidding...I would listen to an answer he gave someone and, after the call, ask if that was some new policy via memo I may have missed.  He would grin and say, "No, I just made that up to get him off the phone."  WHAT???????????  The "problem call" was usually an injured worker inquiring why his workers comp check was late.  I just sat there stunned.

This employee was under scrutiny by our supervisor for a number of things such as regularly arriving to work late so I know he was being watched.  One day he left for his vacation and never returned so not sure if he was "ushered out" but he worked there three years prior so how many people had he lied to in the process?

I'm with you, Darrius, I enjoy the feeling of being able to sleep well at night.

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I am afraid being honest and truthful in todays world can put you out of a job (no matter how good you are at it).

I was a polymer chemist for over 15 years, Comany policy was to give customers samples of the correct spec materials, but for the actual products we would use slightly lower spec material. When I became Manager, I ignored the policy and did business MY way. We actually did much better and had few problems, untill a VP from the USA division came over and repoert me to Head Office, I was then told to keep to company policy or else I would be fired. I had no choice in the matter after that,

That VP did very well in the comany and always had a dislike of me. He later became my boss and fired me lol,

Its just the way the world we live in is now :(

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Legend Hye wrote:

I am afraid being honest and truthful in todays world can put you out of a job (no matter how good you are at it).

I was a polymer chemist for over 15 years, Comany policy was to give customers samples of the correct spec materials, but for the actual products we would use slightly lower spec material. When I became Manager, I ignored the policy and did business MY way. We actually did much better and had few problems, untill a VP from the USA division came over and repoert me to Head Office, I was then told to keep to company policy or else I would be fired. I had no choice in the matter after that,

That VP did very well in the comany and always had a dislike of me. He later became my boss and fired me lol,

Its just the way the world we live in is now

It is very sad that many companies operate in this way, but I will still continue being honest.

Edit: clarification

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I have 3 payouts pending right now, and I'll be cashing out today or tomorrow again, so lets just make it 4. Personally, I think with Christmas and New Years Eve falling inbetween the weekends, it just makes so few actual business days that it takes incredibly long. So, 5 days is easily 7 or more.

Irreguardless of why tho, It's down right stupid to run a 24/7/365 business and only have the payout people work on "business days". This is not 1980. People do business every hour of every day on the net. It's just sad that we have corporations that can't or won't run their businesses to fit the customers.

When LL runs things this way, they just create more work for themselves. People like myself are just going to cashout more often to make make sure they get a constant flow of money moving around. Back when we had Xstreet and cashouts were instant, I only cashed out when I reached a thousand dollars. Now, I won't even let is reach 200 before cashing out.

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Just recently, I forget who but a prominent forum person, explained in detailed how the cashout system works with LL and Paypal, or with all corporations and Paypal. Some kind of mass payout system. I don't want to go into too much detail, as I know I'll be wrong. From what I remember tho, LL sends the payouts to Paypal, and Paypal processes them in the order they are recieved. So, basically, Paypal gets a huge chunk of payouts, I imagine thousands, or tens of thousands from LL, and then processes them. Even still, I don't understand, with the way technology works today, why things aren't instant, other than checking for fraud. It definitely is annoying. Does any1 have any info on other cashing out options, cause having hundreds to a thousand dollars just sitting there while I try to move money around to make sure everything is paid, is getting a bit ridiculous. If it cost me 5 extra dollars to cashout immediately, and it is safe, why not.

Oh, but my experience doesn't quite jive with Paypal being the problem. For example. I've cashed out multiple times in a week, with each being days apart, and recieved the money within hours of each other. So, it doesn't jive that it is all Paypals fault. Possibly, LL waits until they reach a certain amount until they send the payouts to Paypal. With corporate people only working on business days, it is hard to say exactly tho.

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Since Jan 2 here too. I'm sure they realize that alot of their merchants rely on SL for a paycheck because it's their actual job and they can't pay their bills without it, and I'm sure they don't intend to harm people in such a way. Today is techincally the 5th "business day" for me so I expect that it will be sent today at some point. 


LL has typically been good about processing in 3 days in the past. With all the technology though I don't see why someone thats been cashing out with them for 3-4 years and never had a fraud complaint or otherwise can't be put on some kind of "instantanious" list where the computer handles it instead of a real person. 


I don't believe they're checking for fraud and here's why. About a year ago I made a booboo. I typed my email address wrong (typed an L instead of a K). After about 6 days I got to wondering where my money was so I checked my history and realized the mistake. Long story short, LL had already sent it to the mistake address I had typed (even though I have been sending it to the same paypal account, with the same address for years) and I had to wait almost 6 weeks for paypal to reject the claim because that paypal account didn't exist, and return the money to LL. THEN I had to wait for them to reapply it to my LL account and wait for the cashout again.

I would think that if people were there to check for fraud, then they would have seen that the email was 1 character different than the address its always been sent to and question if someone had stolen my password and was trying to send it to their own account.

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I have transactions pending from 30th Dec, 2nd Jan and 5th Jan across 2 accounts, but they are all delayed. I need to pay my webhost before the end of the 11th, but have no RL money to spare in my back for it. >_<


Any way of cashing out faster though another legit exhange method? I have heard about Virwox, but not sure how that works.

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I've not had a cash out go through since 12/25.  I had to delete 3 regions so the billing on them this week wouldn't drain my checking account like it did last month,costing me $125 US in overdraft charges.  I discovered that PayPal now has activated an "instant transfer" feature I cannot figure out how turn off. 

Instead of getting a notice I don't have enough funds like in the past, tier billing just goes for the throat. And with Cash Out being dead in the water with all our tier money sitting there, I spent two and a half days relocating residents off the sims with tier due, to vacancies on our other sims. Out of 7 residents on those regions slated for deletion, only 2 stayed in the land group.

Unless Cash Out gets repaired or improved, I guess I'll have to force our tenants to pay rent with Paypal and watch our 6 year old land group and continent shrink to nothing practically overnight.

-Cindy Bolero
Aero Pines Park





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Cindy Bolero wrote:

I've not had a cash out go through since 12/25.  I had to delete 3 regions so the billing on them this week wouldn't drain my checking account like it did last month,costing me $125 US in overdraft charges.  I discovered that PayPal now has activated an "instant transfer" feature I cannot figure out how turn off. 

Instead of getting a notice I don't have enough funds like in the past, tier billing just goes for the throat. And with Cash Out being dead in the water with all our tier money sitting there, I spent two and a half days relocating residents off the sims with tier due, to vacancies on our other sims. Out of 7 residents on those regions slated for deletion, only 2 stayed in the land group.

Unless Cash Out gets repaired or improved, I guess I'll have to force our tenants to pay rent with Paypal and watch our 6 year old land group and continent shrink to nothing practically overnight.

-Cindy Bolero

Aero Pines Park


You dont need to cash out to pay tier. Just sell your L$ on Lindex and then pay your tier with your USD balance on the website. That's the only way I have ever paid tier.

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Cindy Bolero wrote: 

You dont need to cash out to pay tier. Just sell your L$ on Lindex and then pay your tier with your USD balance on the website. That's the only way I have ever paid tier.

Yeah I need to agree with Cindy here. As long as you convert your L$ to USD and leave a balance in your SL account, they will always draw funds first from USD on hand in your SL account before charging a card.

Also, I have totally stopped using LL's paypal payout and just sell my L$ through Virvox for quite some time now. It's pretty much instantly in your paypal account after your initial payout. I think the first time you use their service there's a business day delay but after that it gets added to your paypal instantly. The exchange rate is a little higher than L$ but I figure for the convenience of having it now, it's worth it in the long run.

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Floyd Gilmour wrote:

I have transactions pending from 30th Dec, 2nd Jan and 5th Jan across 2 accounts, but they are all delayed. I need to pay my webhost before the end of the 11th, but have no RL money to spare in my back for it. >_<


Any way of cashing out faster though another legit exhange method? I have heard about Virwox, but not sure how that works.

I've used Virwox and the funds reached me within literally minutes.

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Cindy Bolero wrote:

[snip] ...  I discovered that PayPal now has activated an "instant transfer" feature I cannot figure out how turn off.  ... [snip]

I have been a PayPal member since their first few months of operation and I have always received very prompt and detailed responses to my questions of their support department. I would suggest that you take a screenshot of the Instant Transfer feature you are describing then send it to their support people with a request for information on what it is, how it works ... and how to turn it off if it might be costly to your account. They treat their customers with respect, dignity and always within a very reasonable time ... at least in my experience.

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The question I need to ask now is ....

Has anyone had a cashout through LindeX completed yet this year? I know it's one of those "nagging fears" that many have, and after all Linden Lab doesn't HAVE to tell us they stopped, AND their various pages on the subject state that they provide the service at their total discretion subject to termination at any time for any reason. So just to soothe the terrors that I'm sure are welling up in those of us that haven't cashed out yet this year is ...

Have they stopped or are they just bogged down?

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Darrius, I had 2 of them just finish processing/transfer to Paypal for mine (they had been waiting since Jan 1) about 2 hours ago.

As a note (unrelated to LL processing to Paypal, but with regard to Paypal itself), there is a phishing email circulating that looks like it is from Paypal. It is NOT. If you do get one, do NOT click through, do NOT enter your information. I called Paypal about it this morning and they confirmed it is a phishing attempt.

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