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Sexism Survey in Second Life


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Hey, i'm looking for data for my college paper, so if anyone could be so kind as to comment with answers to the following questions it would make my life much easier. 

1. What gender is your character?

2. Do you feel the second life community is sexist? Why or why not?

3. As a male/female in second life, do you feel at all limited by your gender? Is there anything you can/can't do?

4. Do you think the real outside world would be more or less sexist then in second life? Why?

Thank you SO MUCH, i really appreciate it!

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Hey, i'm looking for data for my college paper, so if anyone could be so kind as to comment with answers to the following questions it would make my life much easier. 

1. What gender is your character?

2. Do you feel the second life community is sexist? Why or why not?

3. As a male/female in second life, do you feel at all limited by your gender? Is there anything you can/can't do?

4. Do you think the real outside world would be more or less sexist then in second life? Why?

Thank you SO MUCH, i really appreciate it!

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Oh yay, another college student with a survey!

Anyhoo, I'm bored, so here you go.


1. Male, female, agender. I have a lot.

2. Sure. Ladies tend to be in the 'working business' and often get unwanted attention.

3. I am not limited because I am everything. I can do whatever the hell I want. I can even be a cat and run around. Whatever.

4. I think it's a touch worse, though honestly it's probably about equal. Most people feel some anonymity online so that's probably why it's more prominent.

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KlistiesSeMio Ewinaga wrote:

Oh yay, another college student with a survey!

Anyhoo, I'm bored, so here you go.


1. Male, female, agender. I have a lot.

2. Sure. Ladies tend to be in the 'working business' and often get unwanted attention.

3. I am not limited because I am everything. I can do whatever the hell I want. I can even be a cat and run around. Whatever.

4. I think it's a touch worse, though honestly it's probably about equal. Most people feel some anonymity online so that's probably why it's more prominent.

As i said in his other thread, there are a lot of people who don't like adulterous bisexual furry baptist skunks in SL.




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1. Female.

2. Yes, I believe it is sexist, just as real life society is sexist, Second Life society is bound to be sexist, being made of real people.

3. Yes, I am limited by my gender. I can't visit anywhere where men and women mingle, especially places on the Adult grid, without being pestered with sex requests, and if I am blatant in my disinterest to the people who bother me, sometimes the response will be hostile. It is hard to find inexpensive and modest clothing, and when I am on the job as a sex worker in SL with my tag showing and all people think it is OK to promise me ridiculous tips, have me tease them for an hour, and then make meager complaints about the establishment that we don't run and pay us about a quarter of what they promised, knowing full well that the tips are our only real wage.

4. On one hand it is people who are a bit more educated who seem to stay in Second Life, the people who are only here for sex don't hang on for long. But, on that note, many educated people are sexist. Still, as a whole I find the Second Life community a bit less sexist than real life, though only nominally.

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maxgertler1 wrote:

thanks for the help!

actually, there's a lot behind my statement. 

There is a problem with your survey or questions. 

You use the word "community." 

There are over 30 Million registered users of Second Life. 

So you can find all kinds of extremes in behavior. 

Also, you use the word "sexist," a very broad generic term.  We have no idea what you mean by this so I may answer your question incorrectly.

On a whole I can say that in my experience, people in Second Life are more tolerant likely to accept people for who they are without judging them.


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maxgertler1 wrote:

Hey, i'm looking for data for my college paper, so if anyone could be so kind as to comment with answers to the following questions it would make my life much easier. 

1. What gender is your character?

2. Do you feel the second life community is sexist? Why or why not?

3. As a male/female in second life, do you feel at all limited by your gender? Is there anything you can/can't do?

4. Do you think the real outside world would be more or less sexist then in second life? Why?

Thank you SO MUCH, i really appreciate it!

1. Female

2. No. Because I have seen no evidence that, as a community, it is.

3. In Second Life? No, not really. Since avatars don't wee, that issue is moot.

4. What do you mean by 'would be' - if what?

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maxgertler1 wrote:

Hey, i'm looking for data for my college paper, so if anyone could be so kind as to comment with answers to the following questions it would make my life much easier. 

1. What gender is your character?

2. Do you feel the second life community is sexist? Why or why not?

3. As a male/female in second life, do you feel at all limited by your gender? Is there anything you can/can't do?

4. Do you think the real outside world would be more or less sexist then in second life? Why?

Thank you SO MUCH, i really appreciate it!

1. Female

2. Yes, there are different attitudes, behavior ... you name it towards women in comparison to men. Like in RL.

3. As a female, personally, no I don't feel limited by it and it doesn't stop me from doing what I want to. That is not to say, the community isn't sexist as for my reply in #2.

4. You might want to rephrase this question, it is a bit unclear. What do you indicate with "would"? In comparison to what conditions? Or if I thought this before I joined SL? Or, do I experience the RL more or less sexist then SL?


I go for the last alternative and believe that is hard to seriously compare. You need to have similar situations, age group etc to do a relevant comparison here.

Spontaneously I do believe that those who are sexist in RL just show their true nature in SL and might appear even more sexist there. Less barriers and people "hide" behind their avatars and feel anonymous.

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1 Female

2 Yes, there are many sims that practice discrimination based on gender. Try going to a gay sim of the opposite sex for example, although to be fair, there are more than two sexes in SL Generally? yes there can be, but there are plenty of places where everyone is treated the same, depends on the group/sim is the right answer.

3 Same limitations I have found in RL, little different with the exception of some peoples achaic 1940s expectations of what is appropriate for my gender. RL is a bit easier that way.

4 Less sexist but not much, you will probably find that that is geographically and socio-economically linked.

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1. I have lots of characters, but all are female.

2. No. There are sexist individuals, in SL just like everywhere else, but I don't feel the community as a whole is sexist.

3. Not in the slightest. I have never felt the need to play a male character, because I feel there's nothing I can't do as a female.

4. I think SL is way less sexist than the real world. In SL, no one can your force you to anything, there are no physical limitations, and there don't seem to be any real sex/gender imbalances when it comes to positions of power, earning money, careers and such. All those things are problems in RL, but in my experience they don't apply to SL much.

I don't care if some individuals are jerks, as long as they can't hurt me or stop me from doing what I want.

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maxgertler1 wrote:

Hey, i'm looking for data for my college paper, so if anyone could be so kind as to comment with answers to the following questions it would make my life much easier. 

1. What gender is your character?

2. Do you feel the second life community is sexist? Why or why not?

3. As a male/female in second life, do you feel at all limited by your gender? Is there anything you can/can't do?

4. Do you think the real outside world would be more or less sexist then in second life? Why?

Thank you SO MUCH, i really appreciate it!

I will answer your questions, but my suggestion to you (if you have not already done so) is to create two characters..a male and female...don't make them anything special..but better looking than newbies or you'll get no response. Go to a sim as a male..then go to the same sim as a female. See what the people's reactions to you are. It's SO much better when you are creating a paper to experience it for yourself...rather than asking us for help.


Now..that being said:

1. Male (but have played Females too)

2. have no idea. Never experienced any

3. As a female...I feel imited that I can't pee standing up...

4. You can do things in SL that you can't do in RL..like be sexiest. I've never experienced any,as I said.

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maxgertler1 wrote:

Hey, i'm looking for data for my college paper, so if anyone could be so kind as to comment with answers to the following questions it would make my life much easier. 

1. What gender is your character?

2. Do you feel the second life community is sexist? Why or why not?

3. As a male/female in second life, do you feel at all limited by your gender? Is there anything you can/can't do?

4. Do you think the real outside world would be more or less sexist then in second life? Why?

Thank you SO MUCH, i really appreciate it!

Nice that you managed to put this in twice, so I need to repeat my answer...

I will answer your questions AGAIN, but my suggestion to you (if you have not already done so) is to create two characters..a male and female...don't make them anything special..but better looking than newbies or you'll get no response. Go to a sim as a male..then go to the same sim as a female. See what the people's reactions to you are. It's SO much better when you are creating a paper to experience it for yourself...rather than asking us for help.


Now..that being said:

1. Male (but have played Females too)

2. have no idea. Never experienced any

3. As a female...I feel imited that I can't pee standing up...

4. You can do things in SL that you can't do in RL..like be sexiest. I've never experienced any,as I said.

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I am thinking you may not have been prepared for some of the responses you have gotten here, may even be thinking that some of us are real butt holes.  Well, we can be a tough crowd.  Truth is that we know how big a topic you have chosen and this topic has been discussed on and off for a long time here.

Really trying to help you here, but you need to delimit your paper better.  Some people would consider my point of view "sexist," that men and women are equal but different.  Personally, I don't think it is.  Because I don't relegate anyone to the position of you can only do this or that because of your gender.  I would never try to restrain any individual from trying to do or doing something based solely on their gender.

The other problem which you may not have realized is how small a sampling you are going to get.

If you asked us, "does sexism exist in SL," well yes it does.  How much or how bad it is, the responses you'll get will be based to an extent on the individual point of views of the responders.  Be more specific and you may get more and better answers. 

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It also depends on where in SL you go. You may not discover much sexism in moderate or even adult sims...but Gor (and please don't jump all over me for this....)may be full of it.

Go out and explore..find the answers for yourself as well as hitting us up for information!!!!

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Perrie Juran wrote:

The other problem which you may not have realized is how small a sampling you are going to get.

If you asked us, "does sexism exist in SL," well yes it does.  How much or how bad it is, the responses you'll get will be based to an extent on the individual point of views of the responders.  Be more specific and you may get more and better answers. 

Indeed I agree, to perform a task like this takes lot of preparation to nail down the questions to be precise and leave no doubts to get more qualified and relevant answers and get something relevant to present. As you can see of my reply, question #4 was very unclear and opened up for a lot of answers, thoughts and ideas, which isn't desirable for the survey.

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1. Female

2. The people are not suddenly more sexist than they are when they go shopping in the local mall. So the answer depends on how sexist the real world is.

3. I'm not limited by my avatars gender. Some gay-clubs may not want females being around but I see no reason to go there anyway..... I think I'm sometimes more limited by the kind of avatar I chose, not its gender but its race.

4. No, because people are the same. They don't switch their inner personality, just because they meet in a virtual space. A sexist stays a sexist and somone normal doesn't turn into a sexist in any world.

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