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My profits are in the crapper

Porky Gorky

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I've kept sales records for all my business Av's since I started trading in June 2005. Over the years all that data has gone into a database. So I ran a report today, out of interest, to find out what item had sold the most copies in my time trading here. Having released hundreds of prefab houses, thousands of landscaping items and textures plus lots of other random content I felt really let down when I discovered that my best selling item is a Toilet! 

7 and a half years of working in SL and I will be best remembered for a toilet...and it's not even a very good toilet.

So I was wondering what other people's best selling product was/is. By this I mean the quantity sold, not the value earned. Freebies not included. 


Brown Trim Toilet.jpg


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I've made and sold all sorts of things for the past 5 years: clothing, buildings, scripted tools, .....  I am more proud of some creations than others,  and I'm always disappointed when one of my favorites doesn't seem to catch on.  My best seller, though, is a nightie that I made on a whim and have sold in two styles and two colors. Not my personal favorite, but it sells like crazy.

Simple Secrets.png

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I have three markets (mannequins, clothing, and pets) that all compete for sales. Your post made me laugh so I ran a check for my overall top seller from each one. These are my all time top sellers:

Mesh Female Mannequin v2 - Pose 02.pngHigh-waisted Pantsuit in Black Shimmer.pngMalakai II.jpg

It's funny because the three products all are within 10 sales of each other right now.

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Lucky me, my best is a flower



i still dont know why i dont do more but... i guess they wont sell as good as this one either... tried with other products and i know...


anyway... im happy i didnt post a toilet and hope people wont use my flower as one...

if my flower sells as your toilet... may at least your toilet smell like my flower :D

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Rolig Loon wrote:

I've made and sold all sorts of things for the past 5 years: clothing, buildings, scripted tools, .....  I am more proud of some creations than others,  and I'm always disappointed when one of my favorites doesn't seem to catch on.


Same here, Rolig, re: disappointed when one of my favorites doesn't sell that much.  I have been amazed over the years to watch what sells and what doesn't.  Builds that I personally love sell here and there.  Go figure.


I find that my best work, the stuff I like the most is kind of odd and whacky when compared to my competitors and not really mainstream. When you work in a niche it's kinda hard to predict mainstream popularity. I suppose based on that assumption I should have anticipated that a generic looking item like a toilet would outsell my more creative designs. That realisation does not stop it being annoying though :matte-motes-big-grin-evil:

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Like many here, what I expected to sell big .. hasn't. Those things that were afterthoughts or were just larks are the ones that have really been solid performers. Overall the highest volume item has been a Freebie, but not the one I expected. As part of one of the Hunts I joined, I created a very dumb and simplistic platform that has the basics of a teleporter but without any frills or sophistication. It's basically an up-n-down gizmo that can go to any altitude spoken by the rider, but nothing else. No side-to-side or programmed destinations .. yet it sells at anywhere from a few to 20 per day.

As far as actual priced products, a friend asked for a Slide Show. She was extremely disappointed in how all the others she'd found worked and hated the "picture is rezzing" gray blob mess that most display as they change pictures. So I whipped up a simple fix, packed it up and gave her a copy. She liked it so much, she told me I oughta sell it. Well .. okay .. why not? Can't hurt, right? It's been by far and away my biggest seller and continues strong even when the rest of my products seem to tank for some reason.

1-Prim SLM Image off-white Fade2Black.png

1-Prim SLM Image off-white Insta-Flip.png

Once again, proof that what WE want to sell isn't always what others want to buy. *smiles* But I'm happy to be wrong, as long as something finds a niche in the market.

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That slide show is AWE-SOME. First saw it when a wife of mine had it. I've bought it, given it as gifts......  It's interesting reading you guy's thread from the perspective of "the customer"......Yes, lol I guess we are a fickled bunch when it comes to what "gets" us. :manlol:

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*Massive Smile* Thank you SinfulPrince. Compliments such as yours are the breath of life that keeps me working day in and day out to provide the absolute best I can to all of my customers. I can only add that I am proud to be only one of many MANY other Merchants that treat their businesses and their customers in the same way.

SinfulPrince wrote:

(snip)...  It's interesting reading you guy's thread from the perspective of "the customer"......Yes, lol I guess we are a fickled bunch when it comes to what "gets" us. :manlol:

We are equally anxious to hear from our customers as to what things they want, need and are interested in. Seldom will you find a Merchant that isn't open to listening. IMHO It's a method of communication that always results in better products, happier customers and overall success in our endeavors. :robotvery-happy:

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Porky Gorky wrote:

mtwtfss71 wrote:

They are pixelized darlin'. Look closer!

On your suggestion I zoomed in and had a really really long good look and they are indeed pixilated so please accept my humblest apologies :matte-motes-big-grin-evil:

LOL... to be fair, you have to zoom in. I'll pixelate more later today! :)

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I agree Darrius. In fact, the majority of my products are born through speaking to customers who say, "I like this but what I'd really love to see is...[insert long description here]'.

As long as the request makes sense for my brand, I try my best to fill in those gaps. Customers can be your inspiration.

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