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Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

Qie Niangao wrote:

Consider this your final notice.

Perhaps next quarter we should be reminded that these reminders no longer appear.


lol, perhaps someone should do that.

I'll do it!  I've marked my calendar for 3-Jan-2013 to remind everyone that there will be no more reminders of no more economic reports.

ETA: I'm terrible at remembering to do things. Qualyphi, Qie, would one of you remind me on the 4th if you don't get my reminder on the 3rd? Thanks so much!

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jwenting wrote:

There was an economy. The only way for there not to be one is for nobody to make, share, sell, or buy anything whatsoever.

As I know I did all those things almost (except selling stuff), there must have been an economy.

There just wasn't a quarterly *report* of the economy (like we used to get). ;)


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Czari Zenovka wrote:

jwenting wrote:

There was an economy. The only way for there not to be one is for nobody to make, share, sell, or buy anything whatsoever.

As I know I did all those things almost (except selling stuff), there must have been an economy.

There just wasn't a quarterly *report* of the economy (like we used to get).


so how come we dont get them anymore? what are they hiding? & how do you know that the reports they use2 provide were accurate?



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JeanneAnne wrote:

Czari Zenovka wrote:

jwenting wrote:

There was an economy. The only way for there not to be one is for nobody to make, share, sell, or buy anything whatsoever.

As I know I did all those things almost (except selling stuff), there must have been an economy.

There just wasn't a quarterly *report* of the economy (like we used to get).


so how come we dont get them anymore? what are they hiding? & how do you know that the reports they use2 provide were accurate?



As for why we're not getting them anymore - honestly I've forgotten the "official" reason.  Someone else will likely know.

As for knowing if they were accurate - after the reports were posted, there was almost always a flurry of posts on the general theme of "the numbers are being artifically inflated" - speaking of number of new residents (are these unique new residents or another alt of someone); people questioned the financials, etc.  (Maybe that was the reason LL quit posting them...lol).


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If the statistics posted here are accurate, they might give a hint at LL's decision to stop posting data:


On the bright side, the following two charts...

SL Concurrency Oct 2012.jpgSL Signups Per Day Oct 2012.jpg

... show that LL has successfully reduced the number of people who will never again visit SL from more than 15,000/day (last year I recall LL announced they were at 20,000/day) to less than 10,000 in only six months! You must admit, this is impressive.

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LL have always been greasy.

They would show the data when it was in a growth stage as a kind of marketing. They hoped to attract companies like McDonalds and Coke to SL.

Some came, they saw, they laughed, they left. In fact this is the story for most of SL users.

LL hired Rod Humble to make them appear stable. Yes, the same guy that drove EA stocks and the SIMs francise into the ground at a record pace. Rod has done NOTHING AT ALL since he's been here.

SL has been in a slow death for years now. To the lab it's just a cash cow to milk until its bloody udders give only dust. Removing the quartly reports slows down the rate of death by hiding the info from those who are making decisions about how to invest their time and money. There are still some people who think of starting a biz in SL. LOL.


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One thing that keeps growing is the total number of items listed on the marketplace, the rate of growth is all most constant with the only dip being right after DD rolled out, likely from items being temporarily unlisted as they were changed over. Out of the sub category's I track mesh is the fastest growing.  As much as I love building with prims, the numbers should be an eye opener for any one not using a mesh viewer or not learning to build with mesh.

new items over all on the MP last week: 5853

new mesh items on the MP last week: 4974 or 84.98%


If the rate of new items is still growing,  and at the same time concurrency is going down, it might suggest that more people are building out side of SL in mesh programs, and regardless of how the economy is doing people are still building new things.  All so the time spent out of world building and learning to build mesh may all so be contribute to the decline of traffic at clubs and other events in SL


over all market growth raw data: (sorry just got home from work and I'm to tired to make the chart)

12/12/2011    1938237
12/19/2011    1946001
12/26/2011    1947868
1/2/2012    1952919
1/9/2012    1965419
1/16/2012    1976083
1/23/2012    1989504
1/30/2012    1995090
2/6/2012    2003825
2/13/2012    2016622
2/20/2012    2026782
2/20/2012    2038153
3/4/2012    2047503
3/11/2012    2054105
3/18/2012    2063627
3/28/2012    2060854
4/1/2012    2059222
4/8/2012    2070160
4/15/2012    2086516
4/22/2012    2067989
4/29/0202    2073548
5/6/2012    2079825
5/13/2012    2094438
5/20/2012    2095002
5/27/2012    2098254
6/3/2012    2104179
6/10/2012    2115014
6/17/2012    2123363
6/24/2012    2131923
7/1/2012    2146517
7/8/2012    2154234
7/15/2012    2172262
7/22/2012    2186525
7/29/2012    2194313
8/5/2012    2204947
8/12/2012    2214571
8/19/2012    2226400
8/26/2012    2238955
9/2/2012    2247402
9/9/2012    2259288
9/16/2012    2268630
9/23/2012    2280664
9/30/2012    2286517

mesh growth raw data:

3/11/2012    20361
3/18/2012    23930
3/28/2012    26483
4/1/2012    27735
4/8/2012    29613
4/15/2012    32125
4/22/2012    34833
4/29/0202    37843
5/6/2012    41152
5/13/2012    44458
5/20/2012    48005
5/27/2012    52379
6/3/2012    56953
6/10/2012    61358
6/17/2012    66036
6/24/2012    69945
7/1/2012    74795
7/8/2012    78737
7/15/2012    82968
7/22/2012    88054
7/29/2012    92258
8/5/2012    96571
8/12/2012    101206
8/19/2012    106077
8/26/2012    110872
9/2/2012    115423
9/9/2012    121161
9/16/2012    126287
9/23/2012    131494
9/30/2012    136468



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Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

Reason given: Some residents said they were of limited value.

Actual reason:   That would be speculating.

oooh I am glad you posted this link Qwalyphi. I am not right very often so we should all take a second again to marvel at my amazing speculative skills in regards to quarterly reporting......and I shall once again take the opportunity to ask you all, who da man? .....it's OK, you don't need to answer, we all know it's me. :matte-motes-big-grin-evil: 

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Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

phaedra Exonar wrote:

One thing that keeps growing is the total number of items listed on the marketplace, the rate of growth is all most constant with the only dip being right after DD rolled out, likely from items being temporarily unlisted as they were changed over. Out of the sub category's I track mesh is the fastest growing.  As much as I love building with prims, the numbers should be an eye opener for any one not using a mesh viewer or not learning to build with mesh.

new items over all on the MP last week: 5853

new mesh items on the MP last week: 4974 or 84.98%


If the rate of new items is still growing,  and at the same time concurrency is going down, it might suggest that more people are building out side of SL in mesh programs, and regardless of how the economy is doing people are still building new things.  All so the time spent out of world building and learning to build mesh may all so be contribute to the decline of traffic at clubs and other events in SL



Interesting stuff.  I'm thinking builder hours in world lost to learning is not significant.  Assuming the percentage of residents who actually do that is tiny.   Just guessing of course.


So far the down time for me learning blender is over 3 months, I use to log in 8 to 12 hours a day, I'm now down to 15 minutes a day just to check on sales and customer service.  Can't find the survey I was looking for but there was one that had building as one of the top activities in SL, all so with mesh I spend most my time on the beta grid to test my mesh so I don't have to pay the upload cost.  I've never been very social in SL but I have lots of building friends and we would often talk while building, but now I rarely see them online, but I know their still working in SL.  One firends last mesh project took them over 2 months to finish during that time they were all most never in SL.  So with 4974 new mesh items made last week, I have to wonder how many hours of out of world work went into all of that.  The other problem with building out of world is that you don't easly get distraceted by friends and events notices inworld so are less likely to end up running around to random events and places and spending even more time in SL


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Reading the replies so far, here are a couple things I can add...

Unless I missed it, Linden Lab did not give an official reason for stopping the reports in their own media such as the blogs. There was a quick comment made to a third party news agency by a Linden that said they were discontinued because there was no interest in them by the residents...

The number of Marketplace items being added seems to be directly proportionate to the number of sims closing / land being abandoned in-world. Savvy producers no longer see a need to maintain large stores or small satellite booths in-world. Less stores means fewer jobs, less time spent in-world, etc.

Mesh is also affecting the number of hours spent in-world because the software used to make it does not require logging in. Prior to mesh, all building required being logged unless developers were making custom textures.

In short, Linden Lab has created fewer and fewer reasons to enter Second Life except to play. Consequently, its transition from a vibrant virtual world & economy into another game platform is accelerating. Whether that was by design or the consequence of poor decision making will probably never be known.


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Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

 Looking back now it could have been part of a general trend where the Lindens found things they could stop doing.

the less they do the less staff they hav2 pay to do it .. the lower their payroll the more $$$ the bigshots rake in



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Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

JeanneAnne wrote:

Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

 Looking back now it could have been part of a general trend where the Lindens found things they could stop doing.

the less they do the less staff they hav2 pay to do it .. the lower their payroll the more $$$ the bigshots rake in



Or if the staff doesn't do X anymore they have more time to do Y.  No change in payroll.  (Sorry bigshots)


true .. but they did lay off 30% of their staff in 2010 .. & who knows if they replace those who retire or quit?



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It's the hats, Deltango, the hats. The rest of the uni doesn't matter even if it looks like somebody squirted it with a grease gun full of scrambled eggs. If the diameter of the hat is about twice what you'd expect, look out.


And I know this is not at all where you were going, but you pushed one of my laugh buttons. The uniform 'bigger is better' guys just crack me up. 

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