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Major change to Age Verification

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I know you are not giggling at me.  You and I had this discussion a couple years ago when LL opened the grid to minors.  I know age verification on the Internet is full of holes and can be easily spoofed and gamed (without even much effort on a minor's part).  But me point was (two years ago) that any obstacle placed in the way of a minor gaining access to adult content is good........it's one more level for them to overcome (it makes them lie twice or more times to get around the adult content access).  It gives adults who are concerned about exposing minors to adult content another tool to try to help prevent that exposure........taking most of the tools away places those adults in a little more difficult position if, they themselves, want to participate in adult activities (they have even less confidence that the people around them are actually not minors).

It will require me to adjust, once again, my activities to make every attempt (on my part) to not expose minors to conduct inappropriate for a minor.  Not to say I had much confidence before but now I have even less.  Two years ago it was about 75% of me to be vigilance, then it was about 95% on me......now, it's about 99% on me.  Let's just say, after LL doing away with that full of holes age verification process, I have no confidence that the avatar next to me at some adult venue is not a child.  I will act accordingly........which is, yet, another adjustment that I've had to make because LL as pushed the responsibility off to me.

As big a fan of SL as I am (and have been since joining), I'm becoming less enthusiastic by the day.

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Roseysun Galicia wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote: "a lot of people would go to verify their age in their dashboard and see that it was already done.."


That happened for users with Premium Accounts; until the change it was listed as a benefit on this page:

It is still referenced here: Benefits of premium membership

Premium membership provides the following benefits:
  • Your own private Linden Home
  • Linden dollar rewards
  • Exclusive virtual goods
  • Premium-only sandboxes
  • Other benefits, including live chat support, the right to own mainland in popular areas, and
    immediate access to adult-only areas.

Everyone else had to age verify off the dashboard, and enter bday on sign up.

ya but if that birthdate didn't match the account birthdate even if it was older..you were still not getting  into adult lands set for age verified..when they switched it to birthdates..all you had to do was enter the same birthdate of the account..

so really what kind of great premium benefit was there to that? not having to enter the same date that is on the account birth date?

it all hinged on the sign up birth date no matter what..that's all i am really getting at.

even with the old way of doing it..

all the information my husband gave on his first account did not matter..not even his drivers license information..it all comes down to the day and year you put in on the birth date scroll bars on sign up..

because he had to use that same info  when he age verified on the older system where you had to use  social security number or drivers license number and birth date...and he passed the age verification..

but still  could not get into moderate or adult..

then not long after that they switch it to only having to enter your birth date..which still hinges on the right birth date on account creation..


so basically it was kind of worthless and no more or less of a risk going on since it all is based on when you signed up the first day..


i remember when it switched over for premiums also..or at least on my dashboard when they did that not having to enter it..because i did the old verification myself..then seen they wanted me to dothe new way of  entering my birthday again..but i was still getting into all the places  before..so i said to myself..if it's not broke don't fix it..so i left it alone..

then one day went in there again just to se if it was still asking for my  birthdate..

and it just said that i was verified...

as glitchy as the system was in the past ..i wasn't about to play with the devils tounge and  go messing with something i already had  lol




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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

I know you are not giggling at me.  You and I had this discussion a couple years ago when LL opened the grid to minors.  I know age verification on the Internet is full of holes and can be easily spoofed and gamed (without even much effort on a minor's part).  But me point was (two years ago) that any obstacle placed in the way of a minor gaining access to adult content is good........it's one more level for them to overcome (it makes them lie twice or more times to get around the adult content access).  It gives adults who are concerned about exposing minors to adult content another tool to try to help prevent that exposure........taking most of the tools away places those adults in a little more difficult position if, they themselves, want to participate in adult activities (they have even less confidence that the people around them are actually not minors).

It will require me to adjust, once again, my activities to make every attempt (on my part) to not expose minors to conduct inappropriate for a minor.  Not to say I had much confidence before but now I have even less.  Two years ago it was about 75% of me to be vigilance, then it was about 95% on me......now, it's about 99% on me.  Let's just say, after LL doing away with that full of holes age verification process, I have no confidence that the avatar next to me at some adult venue is not a child.  I will act accordingly........which is, yet, another adjustment that I've had to make because LL as pushed the responsibility off to me.

As big a fan of SL as I am (and have been since joining), I'm becoming less enthusiastic by the day.

if you haven't changed  anything in a year when they switch to just having to use a birthdate to get verified..then i wouldn't bother now..

if they were lying to get into mature and adult then..it's probably safe to say they were getting verified since they made it in anyways..so all they had to do was hit their dashboard and enter the same birthdate which if i remember right was already sitting on the sliders..

i know mine was..

it wasn't really enter you birth date here..it was more like..if this is not your birth date your screwed..lol

still i never touched that verification at all even though  it was all set to go..i just felt  if i did it would have messed up my account with some crazy glitch..because i was already verified anyways..




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still i never touched that verification at all even though  it was all set to go..i just felt  if i did it would have messed up my account with some crazy glitch..because i was already verified anyways.."


I don't know if I'm doing you one better or not but I age verified one time (and one time only when LL first brought in that requirement with Integrity and it was beta).  I never verified my alt and I never have been asked to verify again, as apparently you have been.  Both my accounts are age verified.  I used my driver's license to verify with Integrity years ago..........I forget exactly what else was asked for to verify but whatever it was I gave the information factually.  As I stated before (numerous times) any age verification process is full of holes and easily spoofed.  That's not my point at all.  My point is that interacting with anyone in SL in an adult way has almost no assurrance that you are not interacting with a minor.  When the SL main grid was designated adult only, and a requirement to age verify for adult content access the residence at least had LL backing them up as far as doing all that can be reasonably done to make sure the person you are dealing with is an adult.  We, as residents, no longer can think that way.......it's all on us to make as sure as possible that the person you are dealing with is an adult.  And we, as residents, have no way (not one single method) to even guess whether or not that avatar you are covorting around with is not some 15 years old.  I'm not going to take that chance (no matter if if's slim.......though I don't think it's that slim at all).  No virtual experience is worth finding out later that the "adult" you thought you were dealing with is actually some child.........or having some FBI swat team knocking my front door down late one night.

I'm adjusting my behavior once again.

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:


still i never touched that verification at all even though  it was all set to go..i just felt  if i did it would have messed up my account with some crazy glitch..because i was already verified anyways.."


I don't know if I'm doing you one better or not but I age verified one time (and one time only when LL first brought in that requirement with Integrity and it was beta).  I never verified my alt and I never have been asked to verify again, as apparently you have been.  Both my accounts are age verified.  I used my driver's license to verify with Integrity years ago..........I forget exactly what else was asked for to verify but whatever it was I gave the information factually.  As I stated before (numerous times) any age verification process is full of holes and easily spoofed.  That's not my point at all.  My point is that interacting with anyone in SL in an adult way has almost no assurrance that you are not interacting with a minor.  When the SL main grid was designated adult only, and a requirement to age verify for adult content access the residence at least had LL backing them up as far as doing all that can be reasonably done to make sure the person you are dealing with is an adult.  We, as residents, no longer can think that way.......it's all on us to make as sure as possible that the person you are dealing with is an adult.  And we, as residents, have no way (not one single method) to even guess whether or not that avatar you are covorting around with is not some 15 years old.  I'm not going to take that chance (no matter if if's slim.......though I don't think it's that slim at all).  No virtual experience is worth finding out later that the "adult" you thought you were dealing with is actually some child.........or having some FBI swat team knocking my front door down late one night.

I'm adjusting my behavior once again.

really i'm about done with SL myself anyways..not because of all this..but just because i'm tired of every step being a job..i'min another  virtual world that is a bit more user friendly..and really it's nice to have just a little time building something and getting it built  and have more time to run around..rather than trying to deal with..omg why is this doing this now!! 3 days later the trouble shooting is over and i can almost finish it now..hehehe

anyways..i'm dumping my sim and my premium and gonna relax..at least until i feel like coming back later..


anyways again lol

lets see..i've done just on this account  the first age verification..that aristotal one or what ever it was called..

then i did one that was aafter that on our dashboard that you had to  do pretty much the same thing..as the one before it..

then they switch to just the birthdays and i never messed with that one..

one thing that was strange is that LL doesn't keep your other information but payment info..which doesn't do anything for age verification..the only reason they even ask for a social or  drivers license is to make sure the payment info is good..

my husband went round and round even resent them that info and they said they don't store it..

here is the final emails between him and  LL


this is right when i was about to start rolling on the floor hehehe it's really funny i think hehehehe

he will kill me if he see's this thread LOL


Hello Casshann Resident,


I understand you were able to age verify on your own, but your viewer cannot be  set to Adult.  After further review of your case, the issue seems to be your date of birth (April 09, 1994) which shows you are 17, and not eligible to access Adult areas.


After your birthday in 2012, your viewer will automatically allow you to set it to Adult so you can access adult areas.


If I can be of further assistance please let me know Casshann.  Thank you for contacting Linden Lab Support.



I canceled the account.

As i should have 7 days ago.

As i said before it is not worth it. My credit cards and Social Security Number and everything else is more valid than your slider for a birthday that anyone could have hit the wrong number on.

From the sound of it the rest of the information i gave is useless because your system is not update enough to utilize it.

I would like my information taken out of your database please. Since you really could never use it anyway but to ask for it for the hell of it.


He about flip a lid when he got the response to his  email about canceling his account..LOL


Hello Casshann Resident,


I am sorry you have canceled your account.  Otherwise, I could have requested 2 forms of government issued ID and corrected it for you.  When it comes to age, the system is very sensitive to prevent minors from accessing areas they should not.  When creating your new account, please make sure to enter your real information.  Enjoy your Second Life!


If I can be of further assistance please let me know.  Thank you for contacting Linden Lab Support.


LOL omg the face he made was priceless after reading this LOL

he was real quiet..he looked up and me like he was gonna say something..then kind of looked back at the screen then just raised his hands in the air and  started to get pissed...hehehehe

"WTF!! Are these guys really gonna dump salt in my F'ing wound after the fact? 7 days of me asking what i could do or send in to fix this mess and i get this sh*t 






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Well, as I said earlier, I haven't had a single issue with age verification.  I age verified with the Aristotle Integrity beta system about a week after LL introduced the feature.  I passed without a hitch......I could go anywhere on the grid including parcels and regions flagged "Age Verified" (of course if the parcel or region was limited to group, and I was not a member of the group, then I couldn't enter but not because of age verification).  I know people had problems with the Aristotle system but most of those problems, from my observations, were due to how they initially signed up to SL (like your husband's error on the birthdate) or that they simply gave false information.  Some of the issues were caused by Aristotle's somewhat incomplete database and since Aristotle could not match information the age verfication failed.  That happens, especially with beta programs which the age verification process by Aristotle/Integrity was (and for all I know still is).  It was a pain for many people but it was an effort on LL's part to restrict access to adult content by minors..........I cannot fault LL for that effort (in fact, I applauded them back them for the age verification efforts).

My concern is actually just a deepening of my concern back when LL closed down the Teen Grid and allowed minors on the Main Grid.  I've always thought the mixing of minors and adults in an invironment that has adult oriented content and activities was a very dangerous policy..........and by opening the main grid to minors LL did just that (it disturbed then and it still disturbs me now).  I know LL has that restriction that minors cannot access anything  but "G" flagged areas.........but without some form, other than a simple "My birth date is **/**/****" is just not enough for my comfort.  At least put some obstacles in the way to make it just a little less easy to circumvent.  Well, LL seems to have taken that one obstacle away.  I don't like it and I'm very uncomfortable with interacting with anyone I don't already know over time.......it's going to require me to make another adjustment when I'm playing around at a club, live music event or just flitting around SL.  I'm not happy about it..........so, I'm doing some rethinking about just how much I will endure to continue my Second Life (and I've had so much fun over the years that is hard for me). 

We'll see where I land once it all settles a little in my mind and if I see somthing I don't like to can't bring myself to "understand" and move on.  I'm saying I'm leaving SL (or even close to leaving).  I'm saying I'm not as enthusiastic as I was 2 years ago.  It's sad.............but I know I'll live no matter which way I wind up going.  LL is going in a direction they want to go.......it's not the same direction LL was going when I joined in 2005.  I have to decide if I want to go will LL or not.

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

Well, as I said earlier, I haven't had a single issue with age verification.  I age verified with the Aristotle Integrity beta system about a week after LL introduced the feature.  I passed without a hitch......I could go anywhere on the grid including parcels and regions flagged "Age Verified" (of course if the parcel or region was limited to group, and I was not a member of the group, then I couldn't enter but not because of age verification).  I know people had problems with the Aristotle system but most of those problems, from my observations, were due to how they initially signed up to SL (like your husband's error on the birthdate) or that they simply gave false information.  Some of the issues were caused by Aristotle's somewhat incomplete database and since Aristotle could not match information the age verfication failed.  That happens, especially with beta programs which the age verification process by Aristotle/Integrity was (and for all I know still is).  It was a pain for many people but it was an effort on LL's part to restrict access to adult content by minors..........I cannot fault LL for that effort (in fact, I applauded them back them for the age verification efforts).

My concern is actually just a deepening of my concern back when LL closed down the Teen Grid and allowed minors on the Main Grid.  I've always thought the mixing of minors and adults in an invironment that has adult oriented content and activities was a very dangerous policy..........and by opening the main grid to minors LL did just that (it disturbed then and it still disturbs me now).  I know LL has that restriction that minors cannot access anything  but "G" flagged areas.........but without some form, other than a simple "My birth date is **/**/****" is just not enough for my comfort.  At least put some obstacles in the way to make it just a little less easy to circumvent.  Well, LL seems to have taken that one obstacle away.  I don't like it and I'm very uncomfortable with interacting with anyone I don't already know over time.......it's going to require me to make another adjustment when I'm playing around at a club, live music event or just flitting around SL.  I'm not happy about it..........so, I'm doing some rethinking about just how much I will endure to continue my Second Life (and I've had so much fun over the years that is hard for me). 

We'll see where I land once it all settles a little in my mind and if I see somthing I don't like to can't bring myself to "understand" and move on.  I'm saying I'm leaving SL (or even close to leaving).  I'm saying I'm not as enthusiastic as I was 2 years ago.  It's sad.............but I know I'll live no matter which way I wind up going.  LL is going in a direction they want to go.......it's not the same direction LL was going when I joined in 2005.  I have to decide if I want to go will LL or not.

i just posted that up because it was funny..

it just makes me remember seeing him just calm and then get so fed up over them pretty much telling him that when he grows up he can go to mature and adult..LOL


i guess you had to be there hehehehe


as far as leaving..it' just something i have been thinking about the past year..not really leaving  ..just spending my money and time mostly else where..

it's not really anything LL did or anything that changed..it's just me needing something else..

i'm just bored  is all..maybe after a few changes or some time away it'll get exciting again to me..but right now..i haven't logged in hardley at all the last couple of weeks.. but have been in this other place pretty much non stop..

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When it first rolled out in 2009 - it took me 3 months to verify this account, and about 15 seconds to verify an alt that I did first...

This go around, this account and my alts all came through fine. Having my home set mostly to parcels on A land may have 'hinted' to the system to not mess with me. :)


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  • 11 months later...

Have you checked your preferences which is usually ctrl+p while in SL? In the general tab choose 'I want to access content rated General Moderate Adult'.

Also, you should just make a new thread instead of posting in a really old one.

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  • 2 months later...

Please Help.I can't change the maturity ratings it was GMA earlier and i didnt change it but its only GM now.I'm 22 it's verified for years, i set my preferences and i got the latest version.I downloaded again and again.My preferences set to GMA.İ added the payment info with my own credit card&email, it sait the informations corrected i use the real info since i got the SL membership.What do you think is the problem?Please please help :(

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Rouge Cyberstar wrote:

Please Help.I can't change the maturity ratings it was GMA earlier and i didnt change it but its only GM now.I'm 22 it's verified for years, i set my preferences and i got the latest version.I downloaded again and again.My preferences set to GMA.İ added the payment info with my own credit card&email, it sait the informations corrected i use the real info since i got the SL membership.What do you think is the problem?Please please help

It's a bug, there should not be any avatars now who can access mature but not set their own adult access. Open a support ticket and they can fix it. They will ask for a copy of your ID, even if they should know who you are, that is their procedure.

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  • 2 years later...

Age verification does not stop children. It's never effective, ever. Even if valid ID was required, one could simply get an adult to do it for them. For your entire life, the chance that you are having a romantic conversation with a minor has ALWAYS been the case. 

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