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Aggressive Profiles

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Verena Vuckovic wrote:

"I like those who say they hide their groups."


It's another of those brainless things like people who hide their online status and then imagine they have 'privacy' as they wander around sims in full public view of everyone.




I think you just called me brainless.

I can wander wherever I want, whenever I want. If you see me then meh, so what. It's no biggie. 

I think there is more to your issue with this than meets the eye. 

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Verena Vuckovic wrote:

"I like those who say they hide their groups."


It's another of those brainless things like people who hide their online status and then imagine they have 'privacy' as they wander around sims in full public view of everyone.

The fact that anyone in the same groups as these people can see they are in them is lost on these people. Likewise, they seem oblivious to the fact that 'I hide all my groups' is the surest possible way of causing others to show no no inclination whatever to be interested.




i think it causes the opposite of uninterested in some people..

where most just really don't give a hoot what other people have settings at..

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"I think there is more to your issue with this than meets the eye. "


Well of course....there has to be doesn't there. How else would one ever have any drama.

I cannot help but notice, on these forums, how every time anyone makes any generic statement.........there's always a whole bunch of people appending their own little bit of drama to it and trying to add more than has actually been said.


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Drama is just a part of life, and not surprisingly second life as well. When people say they don't do drama, my 1st inclination is to ask them wth they are doing here then, lol

Pretty much synonymous with conflict, which is going to happen anywhere. And most of us love it in our movies, books TV etc.

I can handle a reasonable amount of varying opinions if it's kept civil. I try not to minimize a person's feelings if I can help it, so I seldom aim the word drama at someone. I consider the word drama to be in league with words like entitlement and ignorance. They tend to carry a certain amount of agressiveness by simply being used (or more commonly misused).

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Peggy, I am one who doesn't much look at profiles (most of the time). If someone IMs me and I don't know them, I usually open up the profile just to see who they are.  I had some guy IM me a while back, and we chatted for a while.  Not consistently, maybe a message every 15 or so minutes.  I was busy at the time, so I didn't read it.   Eventually he says something to me that showed he had read everything on my profile.  I felt guilty so I looked at his and had to return the compliment LOL.

I've also been guilty of not even immediately looking at the avatar who is talking to me.  I've talked and flirted with guys for 30 minutes to an hour before I even bothered to look at their avatar or profile.

I tend to go in spurts.  Sometimes I'm a profile perv, and others could care less.  It depends on boredom.  If bored, I look at profiles, if I'm having fun, I rarely do.  

In response to the OP, I don't do angry profiles.  I usually avoid talking to those people as much as possible.  Same with the "use chat logs".

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I seldom look unless the person is either not in the same sim or if they direct me too, and I'm terribly guilty of not keeping up with friend's profile changes, even the one's that I know feel it's important. I'm more apt to be veiwing a profile if I am after a product and trying to find a pick or some other indication where to find what it is I'm after.

With the aggressive stuff what I have learned is it's usually an indicator of something that happened to the person either recently or had a lasting effect. It's a place for them to express themself. A lot of times a person's demenure to be around casually doesn't reflect what they are grumping about in their profile at all. Maybe it was a good place to vent?

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Diasonia Stransky wrote:

Ok, warning taken and I might skip yours then *laughs*

But I usually like to check profiles when I can see an avie in world. Just to see how the profile clicks with an actual avatar...

i used to love profiles when they were inworld profiles myself..i was always looking at them and had mine all set up and loaded with pictures and things in every section of it..

but when they switch from inworld to web based..

they went bleh to me..i lost interest in mine and really looking at others now..all those settings and feeds and stuff..

it's like just going to a website now rather than something attached to the avatar anymore i guess..

i wish they would have just left them be as far as leaving them in world..

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Verena Vuckovic wrote:

I'm always amused by those profiles where the person types in big bold letters ' All my IMs are recorded '......' I don't do drama '....and threats to AR anyone for just about anything they can think up. SL is full of these sort of....I call them 'aggressive' profiles. 

Its almost as bad as people insisting on knowing when someone else is logged in, or if they're hiding that.



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I'm a profile perv too. I love to read them. Though I don't update mine very often, not like I used to. In fact I haven't updated it since November-ish(hubby is even worse at updating, most of his sits unchanged for years, lol).

I still love reading other profiles. Some people put some pretty profound stuff in there. Some put some pretty funny stuff. Some are funny when trying to be serious, or are to me anyway. Some are super serious too.

I just enjoy reading them.

Granted I use a viewer that shows me the profiles the way I've always seen  them. Not the goofy web based ones, I don't like those, they're kinda annoying. But the regular old V1 profile boxes on the screen, I like.

I've found all kinds of great places, groups and even people simply by reading profiles. Never know what you can learn in sl, I say. :)

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"Its almost as bad as people insisting on knowing when someone else is logged in, or if they're hiding that."


I can't mention any names here.....but this is a true story.....

About 4 years ago I got involved in RP in SL with some guy....lets call him Mr X....who had similar RP interests. This guy had a partner...was 'married' in SL....and his profile said of his partner  " She is the love of my life. She is my soul mate. She is all I need ". Awww....how sweet and loving ....what a nice person ! How trustworthy and decent !

And then one day, I was with Mr X......and he suddenly said  'dont tell anyone else this.......'  and proceeded to log in right next to us, a female alt of his.

Fair enough, I thought, it takes all sorts to make SL. Even a 22 stone lumberjack is entitled to a bit of 'exploring their sexuality'. No....my problem was not the gender bending, but that this guy's partner had no idea what he was up to.

Oh...and it was worse than that. It turned out.....as  I was friended to both Mr X and his female alt....that Mr X would be kissing his partner....his "soul mate....she is all I need"....goodnight, and then promptly logging in as Miss Y......a 'lesbian' whose profile read  "I am 100% lesbian and don't like guys ".

Not only was Miss Y a 'lesbian'....she even ran a lesbian site, and a lesbian vampire group, and spent his...sorry, her.....entire time bonking anything with a dress on.  And all of this within minutes of dear sweet Mr X kissing his 'love of my life' goodnight.

Still want to lecture me on the right of complete and utter RATS to privacy in SL ??

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Verena Vuckovic wrote:

"Its almost as bad as people insisting on knowing when someone else is logged in, or if they're hiding that."


I can't mention any names here.....but this is a

About 4 years ago I got involved in RP in SL with some guy....lets call him Mr X....who had similar RP interests. This guy had a partner...was 'married' in SL....and his profile said of his partner  " She is the love of my life. She is my soul mate. She is all I need ". Awww....how sweet and loving ....what a
person ! How trustworthy and decent !

And then one day, I was with Mr X......and he suddenly said  'dont tell anyone else this.......'  and proceeded to log in right next to us, a female alt of his.

Fair enough, I thought, it takes all sorts to make SL. Even a 22 stone lumberjack is entitled to a bit of 'exploring their sexuality'. No....my problem was not the gender bending, but that this guy's
had no idea what he was up to.

Oh...and it was worse than that. It turned out.....as  I was friended to both Mr X and his female alt....that Mr X would be kissing his partner....his "soul mate....she is all I need"....goodnight, and then promptly logging in as Miss Y......a 'lesbian' whose profile read  "I am 100% lesbian and don't like guys ".

Not only was Miss Y a 'lesbian'....she even ran a lesbian site, and a lesbian vampire group, and spent his...sorry, her.....entire time bonking anything with a dress on.  And all of this within minutes of dear sweet Mr X kissing his 'love of my life' goodnight.

Still want to lecture me on the right of complete and utter RATS to privacy in SL ??

the fact that you didn't know till they told you pretty much proves and sums up that there is privacy..

you finding out their little secrete doesn't change the fact that they still have the right to it..

want a bit more proof..

if you go telling anyone  their secrete about them having an alt and information about that alt and it gets back to them..you would have violated the TOS for disclosure and they could AR you for it and it would stick..thats where thier right would be supported..

it doesn't matter how happy or sad the story you put out there to tug on heart strings..they still have the right  to it..

we don't have to like it..we don't have to love it..we just have to accept it..


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Verena Vuckovic wrote:

"Its almost as bad as people insisting on knowing when someone else is logged in, or if they're hiding that."


I can't mention any names here.....but this is a

About 4 years ago I got involved in RP in SL with some guy....lets call him Mr X....who had similar RP interests. This guy had a partner...was 'married' in SL....and his profile said of his partner  " She is the love of my life. She is my soul mate. She is all I need ". Awww....how sweet and loving ....what a
person ! How trustworthy and decent !

And then one day, I was with Mr X......and he suddenly said  'dont tell anyone else this.......'  and proceeded to log in right next to us, a female alt of his.

Fair enough, I thought, it takes all sorts to make SL. Even a 22 stone lumberjack is entitled to a bit of 'exploring their sexuality'. No....my problem was not the gender bending, but that this guy's
had no idea what he was up to.

Oh...and it was worse than that. It turned out.....as  I was friended to both Mr X and his female alt....that Mr X would be kissing his partner....his "soul mate....she is all I need"....goodnight, and then promptly logging in as Miss Y......a 'lesbian' whose profile read  "I am 100% lesbian and don't like guys ".

Not only was Miss Y a 'lesbian'....she even ran a lesbian site, and a lesbian vampire group, and spent his...sorry, her.....entire time bonking anything with a dress on.  And all of this within minutes of dear sweet Mr X kissing his 'love of my life' goodnight.

Still want to lecture me on the right of complete and utter RATS to privacy in SL ??

LoL Verena .. reminds me of my 2nd SL boyfriend .. he had a female alt & i figured out pretty early on that she was his alt & my sisters confirmed it .. they said that they werent going to tell me but since i figured it out that .. yeah .. him & her were the same rl person .. i'll call them 'paul' & 'paula' .. paul & i were a couple & we'd be dancing & he'd bring in paula .. we would be chatting in open chat .. & i'd be in IM with them both .. carrying on 3 completely separate conversations w/ the same person @ once !! i kept expecting him to mess up & type the wrong thing in the wrong box but he never did .. it was a pretty impressive performance !!

anyway ... paul was in2 bdsm .. im not particularly but i went along w/ him on it for awhile .. he liked to tie me up & be mean to me & i let him .. he was always the dom .. but then 1 nite i logged out from his skyhouse & got some sleep & a few hours later logged back in there ... there was paula on all 4s & some female avatar i didnt recognize had her on a leash LoL .. so paul was the dom & paula was subbie .. ok ... but then paula begged me to not tell paul what i'd seen !!  & here i'm thinking 'theyre the same person' !! but i agreed & never mentioned to paul that id seen paula on a leash in his skyhouse ...

then i started thinking that maybe paula was the puppetmasters real persona & paul was the alt .. my sisters told me that theyd known paul & paula for several years & were pretty sure that hes male in rl ... i wasnt too convinced but took their word on it .. meanwhile .. i kept hinting that i knew they were alts ... would bring my alt in when they were both there .. kept trying to make it obvious i knew they were the same person w/out actually coming out & saying it .. but paul/paula played it strait ... never would admit to being the same person ...

So finally i was getting sick of the bdsm so i told paul that i wasnt into the meanness of it ... he said 'but bdsm isnt about meanness, its about trust' !!! & i thot TRUST !! how was i supposed to trust him when he wouldnt even be honest about his alt ?!?! so that was the last straw ... i almost said how can i trust you when you wont even tell me youre paula? but didnt ... i just went to bed instead

i still like paul/paula & see them occasionally @ my sisters gigs .. i kinda miss paul cuz we use2 do fun stuff 2gether .. but how can you be in a relationship w/ someone you cant even trust to tell you about their alt? and especially when they say you should trust them but they arent even trustworthy? Meh .. scammers, schemers & drama queens ...


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Oh come on. Surely you have figured out by now that some people actually do enjoy their privacy whether you respect that or not? Thanks for calling everyone who likes privacy brainless :\

This was a funny thread for a minute when it seemed like you had finally gotten off that dead horse lol.

On to the topic at hand, those people crack me up. I point and laugh and do not talk to them. No one needs to be taking SL so seriously that they need to warn people about logging IM's!

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Nothing in that story would've been any different if they had privacy checked or unchecked. 

In  your story he only fooled her after he logged off and then logged in on an alt. She didn't know about the alt so what difference would privacy on or off mean to that story?

Luckily the Lindens see that the whole SLuniverse should not have to pay for the cheating jerks out there. And by the way he could've been playing all three avs for all you know. A lot of people partner themselves.

If you meet a rabidly promiscuous "lesbian" in SL especially if nothing she wears is quality or matches anything else on her body you can probably wager it is a guy in real life. I'm not talking about transsexual I'm not talking about a real lesbian, I'm talking about a male with male hormones seeking as many women for quickies, as he can, using a female av to do it. It is pretty transparent once your eyes are open to look for that. They really don't fool anybody but newbies.

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