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Viewer 2.5 with Web Profiles Has Arrived

Q Linden


Today we launched Viewer 2.5, now out of Beta. The most significant update is a new, web-based profile system, which allows profiles to be viewed and edited both on the web and in the Viewer. For example, here's mine. Please note this is just a starting point for the web-based profiles; we’ll be doing a lot of work to refine the usability and make them richer over time.

In response to your feedback from the early beta versions of Viewer 2.5, we've added some privacy settings that will allow you to control just how public your profile is. Once you’ve logged in, click on “Privacy Settings” in the upper right corner of your profile. Group settings set in the Viewer will be overridden by these group privacy settings.

  • "Everyone" means that the information is available to the whole Internet and can be picked up by search engines.
  • "Second Life" means that the information is available to all Second Life Residents who are logged into the website or inworld. This is the default for all existing Residents using Viewer 2.5.
  • "Friends" means that only your Second Life friends can see the information on the web and inworld.

This is why we have a beta process--to address concerns and improve your user experience. We will continue to iterate as we get more feedback. Thank you for all your help and comments. Please attend the Viewer 2 User Group meetings if you would like to share your thoughts and feedback directly with me and the Snowstorm team.

Viewer 2.5 also has some other new features. The one I like best is that you can now have your Favorite landmarks also appear on the login screen, so that you can log directly into your favorite locations. Torley made a video about this, so check it out! We've also improved some texturing performance and fixed another batch of bugs. Watching the internal data, we've already seen a noticeable improvement in stability and performance--on par with Viewer 1.23.

Download Viewer 2.5, try it out, and keep the feedback coming! And, if you Twitter, please use the hashtag #slviewer2.

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Lol, just disabled my profile should be visible on the web, but hey, who did that German translation for that checkbox? Google? Try again! It's wrong!

And then I downloaded that abortion of a viewer to check what happens to my profile for V2 users. On the download page is a small note the viewer is compatible with Windows Vista and Windows 7. Well guys... You'd better finally fix the way physical video memory is detected on those systems. Parsing a string from DXDiag is definitely the wrong way as DXDiag reports virtual video memory from DX10 onwards. You need to evaluate the field DedicatedVideoMemory of the struct DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC. I don't have a graphics card with 4 GB video memory! Thanks!

Addition: Sorry for all V2 fanboys, but my profile seems to be not available for you anymore. Use a viewer with inworld profile and complain at LL. LOL

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..... who did that German translation for that checkbox? Google? Try again! It's wrong!......

Same funny (and totally wrong) translation into Spanish. And the spanish residents in the offcial translator group requesting "job" a year ago without response.

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This an absolute NIGHTMARE!!!! i am all for improving things inworld but this is totally not needed, everytime someone IM's that i don't know i want to check thier profile, now OMG it opens up like a web link and thanks LL my connection is crippling at the best of times now i just freeze while it struggles to open it or worse i crash, whats the point i simply want to check briefly the person, when your in a busy sim this is now impossible there should be an option where u can choose to view them as tabs or as web link thingys, me, i DON'T want it thank you!

Give me something useful, like the option to wear multi items on one part of the body like the other viewers have!

Nothing will stop me enjoying my SL but god sometimes i wonder why you make it sush hard work.

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/me waves at Irene

I noticed you haven't set up your social networking like status for your blogs profile yet! Tstststs! You should do that right NOW!

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oh, now that we have web profiles, how about 3d profiles next?
to walk around in. kinda like facebook, but in 3d?


You mean Second Life's cheap copy in 2D? What was the name again? Flockbeard? Fulltard? Oh no! Was Facebook I think...

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Lol, just disabled my profile should be visible on the web, but hey, who did that German translation for that checkbox? Google? Try again! It's wrong!

Tell them what the right translation is, they don't bite ...often!

I can recall a few years ago trying to talk a resident through deeding land, I forget her nationality now but she was really reluctant to click deed as it suggested she'd be giving the land away.

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/me waves at Irene

I noticed you haven't set up your social networking like status for your blogs profile yet! Tstststs! You should do that right NOW!

Sorry Ansariel, but in Spain we are long overdue. We don't know about social networking, that is the problem of a country as Spain. But I'm very interested in the matter, if LL says that is good, sure it is!! (please, emoticon of sarcasm + ).

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i see the point that it's great to view profiles outside of the SL viewer but it doesn't add functionality inside off the viewer. i liked how profiles where viewed in v2.4 and older because they where inside of the sidebar and didn't take up so much space. Space has alway's been a problem with SL because whenever a window is opened it takes away the view of the 3D world!! in viewer 2.4 i used to view a lot of peoples profiles because they are interesting to read and they where not obscuring my view of everything inn the 3D world but when i wan't to read someones profile now it opens up a slow loading window that takes ALMOST MY INTIRE SCREEN!!!! with how the things are now i have to stop with whatever i'm doing to see someones profile , i want quick access to someones profile when i'm talking to someone but whenever i open a profile i can't see what everyone is saying rendering this feature useless to me in side the viewer.

Viewing web based profiles is a great feature outside of the viewer but it feels like a step backwards compared to SL's old profile viewing system.

instead of pulling things out of the sidebar you lindens should put more things inside of it!!! like the building & edit window for example, i often find myself opening the sidebar and put the edit window over it so that it doesn't obscure my view of what i'm building inworld, and with the option of pulling things off the sidebar users still have the option to use it as a separate window.

my advise: put an option in the preference to view profiles in the sidebar. i don't mind editing my profile in a web based interface but i want to have quick and handy access to the profiles of others, the old system did this really well, the new system doesn't do this at all!! and put the edit window inside of the sidebar as it is alway's obscuring my view on my builds.

i hope the final release will have to option back to view profiles inside of the sidebar. for now i'll be using viewer 2.4 as it works way better for me because of the old profile system. PUT IT BACK!!!!!

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Lol, just disabled my profile should be visible on the web, but hey, who did that German translation for that checkbox? Google? Try again! It's wrong!

Tell them what the right translation is, they don't bite ...often!

If they would really listen as they always say...

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I already mentioned in the blog post about the beta preview of this "improved" viewer why it just can't be possible to make things OPTIONAL? Must be such a new philosophy it hasn't reached LL yet! In Windows 7 I can still use Windows 95 UI style - 15 years after it has been released. Perhaps it's just too complicated for the Lab - as with finishing work on the quadrillions of "Todo" comments that can be found in viewer source that have been ported from viewer 1.x...

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why not just display the web profile data where the "old" profile data got shown before and simply add a "show in browser" button at the bottom, which when clicked opens the browser if people feel a need to see profiles in a browser? (even if it's totally unnecessary)

wouldn't that solve most of the problems everybody here is complaining about?
ok, except the privacy ones, maybe.
you could even have a "like on facebook" button and "twitter" or whatever in the SL client.

still could be found by search engines or whatever the reason was to make the web profiles.
oh, yes, what was the reason? can't really imagine.

what's next? IMs opening skype?

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Web profiles marked "Everyone", that "can be picked up by search engines" is pretty useless if those wishing to see the profile still need to log into SL to do so.



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if it at least would be some improved kind of profiles, with more options, like for example beeing able to put more text in, more pictures, or videos. like a little blog / facebook sort of thing.

lol, didnt you just add the sidebar? and now you start showing the info that got shown there in a browser?

is that the first step of getting rid of the sidebar? if so, i'm all for it, and cheer.

ever thought about thinking about how you want your product to look like when it's done, before you start working on it? like making a concept first and then start working when you have one.
like having goals, and start thinking about new goals when the old ones are reached, not when the old ones are half done.

would love to see how you guys work there.
install some webcams with sound! hahaha

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One difference I noticed and cannot figure out-how do you add a photo from your inventory like other versions? You can add a photo directly from your hardrive free but no longer a file picture from SL inventory?? Am I missing something??

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Please remove the shortkey for the internal web browser as it coincides with an international character (å) on international keyboards, making it impossible to write proper Swedish without working around that problem.

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These profiles don't work for me. All the pictures are question marks and I can't see any of their picks. What is this??? I didn't even approve this update, it just updated on it's own. I went to start SL and all of a sudden it updated on me I didn't even hit OK or approve the update.

I don't like these profiles. I want to see their picks but I can't.


Please help.

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What I'm looking for is a response from a Linden.

Why on earth would you change these over to web based AND link us to Facebook, Twitter, etc??

And why havent you listened to us with TAKING THESE OUT??  (or at least making them "optional"?)

I just LOVE how the issue has been "closed" : https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-3494

Its stupid changes like these and NOT listening to us that really, really make me hate Second Life sometimes.  I've debated leaving a few times and I keep holding out for hopes that maybe they make GOOD changes that we've been asking ... no, wait..... BEGGING for and all they can do is add widgets!!

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what's next? IMs opening skype?

Seriously, don't give LL anymore more bright ideas.  They're messing things up just fine without any help.

Someday, we will all attempt to login to SL and it will just redirect us to Facebook or whatever.

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I can have multiple profiles open at the same time in Viewer 1.23.5. Are you saying that's not possible in Viewer 2? Instead of putting profiles on the web let's just all go back Viewer 1. It works great!

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Y'all are working too hard to understand this stuff when the answer is available on the web with a few clicks:

There's a certain other site (that Is Making Voting Unnecessary) whose concurrency number as I post is above 138,000.  Can you guess to which other external sites these people are connecting?  Could those sites be *gasp* places like Facebook?  Well, what do you know... that's sure enough one of them, I looked it up!

Having seen this information firsthand, I now fully understand what Linden Lab is doing, and why.  I don't fault them for it or anything like that--making money is their first priority, it has to be.  I think it's just nice to know the reasons for things sometimes.

Edit:  Yeeps, I didn't mean to reply to you directly, Scott, I apologize for that.

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I don't think it's so much that people don't understand this stuff, it's that they just don't like it.  If you get past some of the ranting in this thread, many people bring up many valid concerns, which never seem to get answered or addressed by Linden Lab.

It's their company, and they can do whatever they want to do.  But a company that doesn't at least listen to its customers is a company that is bound to fail.  Hopefully that doesn't happen with Second Life, because I rather enjoy having it around.

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Cody, that is what I meant by "understand."  All the ranting and all the valid concerns don't mean anything when it comes to Linden Lab improving their bottom line--and I will say it again, I do not fault LL for that.  If doing things this way causes LL to lose 25,000 active customers, and gains them 125,000... well, if it were your company, would you complain too much?

LL was perfectly aware when they made these decisions that a fair number of their customers would not like them.  It's a risk/reward thing:  Do this and lose some but the potential gains are far greater.  Whether or not things will work out this way for LL is an unknown right now but it definitely seems that they felt they had to do something to maintain a viable competitive position in the marketplace.

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