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Viewer 2.5 Beta Now Available

Q Linden


In addition to many grid enhancements that FJ shared last week in his technology update blog post, the Viewer 2.5 beta cycle begins today. Viewer 2.5 Beta 1 is now available and includes several new features, usability improvements, and bug fixes.

Improved Web and Viewer Resident Profiles
The biggest change in Viewer 2.5 Beta 1 is that we've replaced the Viewer-based profiles with web-based profiles. You can access the redesigned profiles on the web using your Second Life user id and in the Viewer itself. For example, here’s mine. In the Viewer, profiles now open in a web browser and you can open as many profiles as you like at the same time. And, if you wish, you can even connect other social identities from Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn to your profile.

Logging In to your Favorite Locations
A long-standing feature request has been the ability to access some of  your favorite Landmarks from the login screen, so you can quickly teleport to places inworld. In the Viewer 2.5 Beta, we've added a preference that gives you access to the Landmarks on your Favorites Bar from the Login Screen. To use this feature, go to Preferences > Privacy and select the check box labeled, "Show my Favorite Landmarks at Login." If you log off and then restart your Viewer, then you'll see a list of your Favorite Landmarks in the "Start At" drop-down box on the login screen. Also, when this feature is enabled and you share a computer account (login) with other people, they will see your list of Favorites if they run the Viewer 2.5 Beta.

Decompression Performance Improvements
For a long time, we’ve used an older version of the Kakadu library known as KDU to load textures and images in the Viewer. The KDU Library has been updated to version 6.4 in the Viewer 2.5 Beta, which allows the Viewer to take advantage of significant decompression performance gains; our preliminary measurements gauge the performance gain at 30% for decoding images, which should translate to a visible improvement in rezzing time for complex scenes.

Please note that per our support policy, we’re also deprecating Viewer 2.1.1 today. If you’ve been running Viewer 2.1.1, you’ll be prompted to download the latest Viewer release. To stay up to date on future deprecation announcements, please subscribe to @secondlife on Twitter.

As  always, we want to know what you think of the latest beta so please keep that feedback coming. Share your impressions with us on Twitter and use the hashtag #SLViewer2.

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I really really wish you didnt force the twitter and facebook linking on us.  could you PLEASE make the widgets optional? PLEASE

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I'll cautiously welcome being able to connect other websites to my Profile. I can see the advantages, and I can also see the security risks. I can set up my web browser to be very restrictive on running scripts and other executables. How do I do the same for an SL Viewer?

I do not want to have to open an account with a third party to find out what you are doing. You already have a website. If you want to use Twitter or Facebook as one of several channels of communication, fine. I don't have to. But you're talking as though you'll only listen to foodback via Twitter. This seems particularly dumb.

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I've tried a few ways to try and get it to work, since it's the number one point you make about 2.5, but still, I get "SSL Handshake Failed" whenever I try to open a profile.  It won't even allow me to open it in my own browser.

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The SSL Handshake Failed is a known issue that is fixed and will be released in Viewer 2.5 Beta 2. Some users could fix this by opening their profile in Internet Explorer one time to import the SSL certificate properly on Windows. Give it a try while waiting for Beta 2!

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Profiles that open in extern webbrowsers only?

Hmm, that kind of sucks to be honest. I see SL as a game still, meaning I rather want to do everyting in the viewer itself, without having to ALT-TAB constantly.

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Profiles that open in extern webbrowsers only?

Hmm, that kind of sucks to be honest. I see SL as a game still, meaning I rather want to do everyting in the viewer itself, without having to ALT-TAB constantly.

Not only do the profiles load in the client but you can have multiple profiles open at once. However, you cannot drag and drop inventory items on these new web page profiles.

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I'll  have to give it a try, though what I suspect is a memory leak (I've yet to pin down a real "__ causes ___" for it) has caused me to not use 2.3 or 2.4 (2.2 still works fine for me). As that is nearing end of life, I'm more than a bit worried!

I assume the profiles will remain viewable inworld, in the UI, just using a web-based system?  Either way, they sure look better.

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So let's get this right Fredrik you released 2.5.1 Beta without making any reference to this major bug and the workaround in either the blog post or the release notes!

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I dislike the fact that the SL profile is now web-facing with no decision on my part to opt-in. I think this is a concern.. may be a concern for many.

To my thinking, it's the sort of thing that gave facebook privacy a bad name. "We've decided what about you you can share".

my  5 Linden.

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Also with the Viewer 2 lead, Esbee Linden, having chosen to leave LL for greener pastures would Q like to tell us about plans for her replacement?

For those of you who don't know Esbee was a patient, tireless and very able lead for Viewer 2.  Under her direction the Snowstorm team made good progress. Sadly, however, the work carried out by others in LL and outside did not always support her - I wish her all the best in what I'm sure will be a very bright future for her.

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Thanks for the good wishes; I'll pass them on. We're going to miss Esbee. But Snowstorm continues. We'll keep you posted on our plans.

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Well, sorry, Hitomi. That was my fault. We just figured out the actual problem last night and I failed to ask to have the release notes updated.

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Twitter and facebook arent optional. you cant remove the widgets.  that's not optional.  I find it creepy that people can link my sl profile page to twitter, can like it on face book (and have done so) and that then facebook shares it to others.  thats NOT optional and not okay...

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Ild really like web profiles much better if the twitter and facebook widgets were not forced on me. let me opt in to them if i want them or not.  AND let me hide my profile without having to get out of search.  it seems funny to me that there were over 70 votes to go off the new profiles before they went live and that only ONE of the three biggest concerns has been even responded too. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-3494

I also find it intresting how many people have come out against the facebook look, feel and widgets.

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- Can we please vote if we want to have "MyTwitBook" links there?

I dont want a "I like" button there, so my Profile gets sucked into Facebook, without my Veto.


- Still a Sidebar? 

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Pat yep you just beat me to that point.  They dont miss a trick now where is the option to remove adds only seen the adds on q lindens profile Is that how it will look

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I do not care to have any connection to the social networking sites. I do not like Viewer Two. I think Display Names are stupid.  Perhaps the business plan is to reject the old residents and court the Myspace/Twitter/Facebook generation. I can't see the rationale of ppl in a role playing and fantasy environment wanting to link that to a social network, If you want us to all go to Inworldz just ask us to go. I went there three days ago, there was a constant rain of ppl rezzing in their welcome and announcing their SL departure. Inworldz founders are waiting there in the welcome area answering questions and listening.  They are 18 and over only and adamant on that. I have 5 years in SL, I am invested here and have spent many happy hours. I have the impression Linden Labs is turning it's back on it's established  customers.

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I'm really not a fan of the web profiles either.  At least with the old ones, everything was there at a glance, now you have to dig to see Picks?  I really don't like that change at all.

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