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Second Life Destinations: Rainbow Reef

Linden Lab


Endless summer awaits at Rainbow Reef, a surfing destination with everything you need to relax.

Creators Love Repine and Ghost Mannequin know Second Life pretty well, having been Residents for about 15 years. Love tells us, “My motivation to create in SL has always been around beach {regions}. Building an environment based on movement, ambience and sound, a place where people can really immerse themselves in a true beach experience. A place to call home and a bolthole to escape.” 

Trade in skyscrapers for palm trees and hop into a wetsuit. Regarding the beach theme, Love adds, “I’ve been lucky to have had some amazing sims like Laguna Beach Club, Mojo Beach and now Rainbow Reef, that have attracted amazing people, which at the end of the day completes the circle.” A solar panel on one end of the beach gives it a modern touch.

A casual bar appears to be made of locally repurposed wood, providing a dance floor right on the water. Music was another factor that had to be just right, as Love mentions, “At Rainbow Reef we have hooked up with Dublab, an L.A.-based radio station that plays an eclectic mix of music which streams across the {region} 24/7 and brings in an extra dimension.” A cabana nearby would be a great spot to catch your breath after catching some waves, and the string lights make it great for day or night.

Regions that honor the beauty of nature and offer a virtual way to interact with it are great for virtual vacations when life doesn’t make it easy to take a day off. Love adds, “Recently at the height of the pandemic when people were restricted with travel, working from home, and often isolated in {the physical world}, Second Life gave people that channel to reach out and still feel connected.” 

However, Love feels that this magical draw to connection is not unique to the last two years, citing it as “just one example of why people have consistently used Second Life and will continue to do so, creating wonderful experiences for others, and for themselves, to spend time in.” Plus, don’t miss your chance to grab a pic with an adorable stray beach cat.

As you can see in the video, Rainbow Reef is a melting pot of Residents ready to kick off their shoes and live in the moment. As a reminder that at any given moment in SL you can meet someone from another part of the world, one of the Residents in the video is Jetcat Despres, hailing from Japan. Drax tells us that “we had to use translators to communicate but we all felt very connected and had a sense of presence, as Love mentions above. However the ingenious decision of LL early on to create a sense of family via last names was awesome. I had forgotten about this amazing aspect of the SL Metaverse!”

Who knows, maybe you’ll run into a long lost virtual relative as well! Find out by visiting Rainbow Reef today.

Video Production Credits:
Draxtor Despres



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