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Scylla Rhiadra

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Scylla Rhiadra last won the day on May 4

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    Women, Life, Freedom #مهسا_امینی

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  1. You're right Sid that we aren't legislators. We're not going to be able to "overturn" the new rules -- nor do most people want to. But we can make suggestions and point out issues. There has already been one revision of the FAQ that was sponsored by questions and comments in that thread, and we've been promised, again because of things said there, some sort of clarification on what the "modesty layer" should look like, and what it is supposed to be comprised of. We've had Tommy Linden and others popping in occasionally to note that they are paying attention -- and the evidence is there that they are. As i said above, I think that this thread is, in some ways, this forum at its best, and most useful. Yeah, there's a lot of garbage of course, but there is also some serious and useful discussion that is making an impact -- or as much of one as we should ever expect to be able to make.
  2. Actually, I disagree Solar. Although, as I say, it's starting to feel a little meaner in tone, it's been, overall, really surprisingly civil. What's more, it has led to discussion that has had a visible impact on, for instance, the FAQ. In some ways, its the sort of thing this place could be used for, even if it too seldom is. As for compromise . . . I think LL wants a workable one, and I'm hopeful some of the suggestions will assist them in achieving it.
  3. Very true. The issue here, that some don't seem to get, is that naked non-child avatars on Moderate pose a threat to child avatars. And this is where, I think, you don't "get it." You and others are understandably upset that rule changes are restricting your right to freely move through SL and engage in the kind of behaviours that you prefer, namely, RPing as children. Those who don't RP as children are understandably upset about the suggestion that they should give up their ability to move freely through a very large swathe of SL (mainly mainland) engaging in a kind of behaviour that they enjoy, namely being naked. You've also suggested that we should just get rid of "Moderate," which *I* would fight hard against, because it would divide SL into two completely incompatible and likely uncommunicative extremes: one where everything is Happy Valley and Norman Rockwell, and another where extreme sex and violence are permitted, with no in-between state currently represented by Moderate. It would be like having a choice between having to live in a Disney princess castle, and a sex club. If you want people to give consideration to your defence of your freedoms and choices, you need to acknowledge and concede those of others as well. That's why we need a workable compromise here.
  4. I don't even mean personal attacks, although, yeah, there have been a few of those. I mean less tolerance for other opinions, and for working out a compromise.
  5. Maybe it's just me, because I need a break from it, but it's feeling like the mammoth child avi thread is starting to get a little mean. It was really pretty civil to start with. 😞
  6. Really? How many other "items of clothing" in SL generate this many rules and angst? Or have legal ramifications? Let's put this to the test. If you ran across a child avatar in SL engaged in inappropriate sexual activity with an adult avatar, you'd be disgusted and upset, right? I can assure you that most people would be, even if you wouldn't. Now, name an item of clothing or entire outfit that would generate the same disgust if you ran across someone having sex wearing it. Can you think of any? Child avis are an identity, not an item of clothing. Not an outfit. Everything we're doing here, all of the laws written against child p*rn, are predicated on that assumption. We wouldn't be having this discussion about anything else that you could put on or take off in SL.
  7. This is equating an identity with an item of clothing. Being a child avatar is not the same as wearing a crop top.
  8. And you're not a "real life" lion, but I'm sure you'd take it badly if restrictions were imposed upon furries?
  9. Fair, and I stand corrected! For what it's worth I have at least two very good friends from Texas in-world, one of whom is a cop and the other a music teacher. Neither person would I characterize as "bumpkins."
  10. We all give up freedoms in order to make society working. Going outside and firing a weapon into the air is a freedom you've been denied because it endangers others.
  11. I don't want to "penalize" anyone -- I'm just pointing out that assuming that one position or another is the "default" one is employing faulty logic. Everything we do here, and everything we are permitted to do, is a "choice." Given that there are many more adults who want to go nude or have sex than child avatars is part of the calculation, but the idea that child avatars are a kind of deviation from an imagined "norm" is both erroneous logically, and a little dangerous.
  12. Absolutely. I have zero interest in being a child, whereas I DO go nude occasionally (mostly for pics). But this isn't about your preferences or mine: it's about trying to find a compromise that safeguards as many rights and freedoms, for as many people, as possible.
  13. Good question. My guess is that they aren't going to touch that question. And they may not need to: I suspect that depictions of furries in "adult" contexts are not covered by the laws that LL is most worried about.
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