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Ingrid Ingersoll

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Everything posted by Ingrid Ingersoll

  1. Anyone know why this is happening in firestorm? You'll have to listen with sound up. https://gyazo.com/a91ca6d1396ae89619d4f0ae47e15bad
  2. Read the title of the thread and thought this might be about racist stores
  3. Exactly. And what about sex with silicone torsos? Sex with rabbits? And the underage! Who will think of the pedophiles?
  4. Maddie Ziegler was 12 years old when the picture below was taken. 12 years old.
  5. I honestly think this makes the most sense. Ive done the same. theres only so much stuff you need in sl (and rl) to make you happy.
  6. Just got the laraX update today I guess I'll keep 2 versions of my naked avi, one with the old bod and one with the new and switch back and forth depending on the clothing I want to wear. I guess that's what everyone else is doing. There's absolutely nothing wrong with the original lara bod, it's great and so is so much of the clothing made for it.
  7. Yeah.... they're getting younger and younger looking ain't they?
  8. I like the old fashioned ornaments on this one!
  9. Maybe barnesworthanubis.com He has nice traditional homes with lots of windows. Easy to decorate, all the rooms are well defined.
  10. There should be something in the sl handbook at this point that tells men who join sl to just go with a female name right from the get-to. It's inevitable
  11. You cant say that. There will always be a group of weirdos ready to jump on you if you suggest deleting objectively ugly crap from tbe mainland.
  12. How about yours? I enjoy being a girl. I raked leaves, trimmed hedges with an electric trimmer this afternoon then spend 30 minutes removing dog crap from my crocs. Who doesn't enjoy being a girl?
  13. I feel like secondlife is pretty off-brand for Stella's character. But it's interesting to see if featured again on TV. Wonder how old the writers of the show are.
  14. I use it a lot. It frees up your hands while you're building something in SL and its just a nice way of connecting with people.
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