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Ingrid Ingersoll

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Everything posted by Ingrid Ingersoll

  1. Agree. Gives people licence to be a-holes if it's RP. More so.
  2. Because otherwise it's just RP. Which to be fair, is probably at least half of what goes on here. Because you're all insane.
  3. Just going off Scientific America. I guess the jury is still out on science, as it has been for 10 years or more now. Stress hormones are much higher in wild animals vs dmesticated.
  4. Not meaning to nit pic but most wild animals have miserable lives. They have to struggle to survive on a daily basis, from finding food and water and often don't enjoy comfort, stability, or good health
  5. Plot twist... Cat & Bagnu are the same person.
  6. Was exploring in Sansar, and came across this place by Ancient and Magic Mole. I'm wondering if they used Sansar for something at some point? This place looks like some from the fantasy linden home regions. It's luvleh. \
  7. You know, I was JUST thinking the same thing. I have name envy.
  8. Serious question...are you all actually one person? Would you even know at this point if you were? Or are you all too far down the rabbit hole?
  9. Sad story. Weirdly so many female alts end up pole dancing. I don't know why! It just seems to happen.
  10. So what I'm getting from this thread is that each forum regular has at least 3 alts. I used to think there were 13 people posting here. Now I think there might be 6.
  11. Honestly... the trailer didn't even look great and don't they pick the best parts of a movie for the trailer? Looking forward to oppenheimer though. I need to book tickets apaprently it's selling out.
  12. Speaking of the T word, 2022 Pew research: Americans' Complex Views on Gender Identity and Transgender Issues | Pew Research Center 6 in 10 people terfs. A rising share say a person’s gender is determined by their sex at birth Six-in-ten U.S. adults say that whether a person is a man or a woman is determined by their sex assigned at birth. This is up from 56% one year ago and 54% in 2017.
  13. A lot of biological women do find it offensive, maybe not derogatory. I wont say more than that cause it's off topic but a quick Google will tell you more.
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