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Eva Knoller

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Everything posted by Eva Knoller

  1. Thanks @Scylla Rhiadra. For some reason I always forget about editing the intensity. Good idea on the new thread. 👍🏻
  2. Thank you, Scylla!! What a nice assessment of my photo and avi. It is very high praise coming from someone whose work I admire! On the subject of projection lighting, I very much struggle to get it right. With this particular pic I spent ages moving around the projector and trying different windlights until I finally just gave up and went straight windlight. When I use a projector light it always tends to be too bright and completely wash out my avi. I don't know what I am doing wrong! Anyway, I think I have successfully used a projector only a handful of times and the rest of time I give up in a huff. So, all that to say, have any tips on using them?? lol Apologies for any typos, I have not yet caffeinated.
  3. I've been so busy I haven't even had time to lurk! Yay for Friday night! @Kotelle I love everything about your picture upthread. The lighting, the tattoo, the hair!
  4. I love this pic! And that shirt! May I ask where it’s from?
  5. I’m having a particularly hellacious work week, but did find time to jump on sl and visit a museum backdrop. 😁
  6. Yikes, that is an accident waiting to happen! At least you’ll look great for the paramedics?
  7. I prefer to have spoken to a person a few times before friending them. I have been the initiator at times, and vice versa. I don’t think I have ever removed anyone from the list, though I have been removed by some people. Mainly the people who expect me to be at their beck and call every time we happen to be logged on at the same time. Sorry, my SL doesn’t work that way, so it’s no major loss.
  8. Wine induced purchases are the best! Pink looks great on you, as does the hair. I passed the hair up earlier without demoing, but seeing how it looks on you I have changed my mind!
  9. Ha ha! Thanks Scylla... it tasted a little too good, too. 🍷
  10. No problem! We’ve all been there.
  11. Levi, it sounds like you need to click ‘add’ rather than ‘wear’. Wearing will replace an item if using the same attachment point, adding does just what it sounds like.
  12. Magazine submission. 🐰 Oops sorry didn’t edit to 3:4. I’m on my phone at work and just grabbed off the other thread.
  13. Would anyone like to buy some fruit or veggies? I’ve been sitting out here all day and only had three customers. 😁
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