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Eva Knoller

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Everything posted by Eva Knoller

  1. Granted, but parrots have no hands so you have to ring up and bag all of your own items. I wish I had more time in a day.
  2. Granted. Instead, all politicians save up their ad budget until two months before the election, when all stations play back to back political ads 24/7 until election day . I wish my car would wash and wax itself.
  3. I’ll give five imaginary L$ to whoever can guess where I am... that’s right! It’s NYC Christas again.
  4. Granted, but the deluge washes away your entire town. I wish for a personal chef to cook all of my family’s meals.
  5. Laughing for the folder names, not the headache. Imagine if we could pay someone to organize our inventory... they’d be so SL rich!
  6. I love reading about other people’s inventory weirdness. Like Janet I never delete a box in case I might need to unpack it again, which I realize is ridiculous in the days of redelivery. I do immediately unpack anything I’ve bought and file it away in the proper place. This is new since I’ve been back in SL after an extended hiatus. I also have a “new items” folder filled with unopened stuff I bought from 2010/2011, which is how I used to organize things. The new way is better. 😁
  7. On the shopping subject, I never shop on the MP unless it’s for a specific gacha item. I don’t get the appeal at all. I love event cam sims, and can often be found camming from a completely empty cam sim weeks after the event has opened. I have six main events that I must visit every month, and I cam around the same path at every one. I’ve used the word cam so many times that it is starting to lose meaning. Cam, cam, cam.
  8. Granted, but the pizza has fish on it, and the wine is $2 from the discount shop and tastes like vinegar. I wish people would stop walking past my office when I am try to post on my phone. *Shakes fist at Catrie.. I’m too slow
  9. I completely forgot about this gem until I heard it on the radio this morning. I mean, how can you not love a song about a donkey?
  10. Here I am at NYC Christmas again. This sim is really amazing. So much to see.
  11. Try Winter Holiday Village. The rink is huge and there is a river looping off from the main rink. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/The Pins 2/158/177/24
  12. There is a grave marker in the Key West Cemetery with something similar on it. I got a kick out of it when I saw it, which felt wrong.
  13. Granted, but the shovel does not realize there are cars in the driveway, so the cars all have shovel scrapes and dings. I wish this one guy down the hall would stop blowing his nose constantly.
  14. @Beth Macbain I get you completely. It’s frustrating. I do celebrate Christmas, though I am not a Christian, but I HATE feeling obligated to do the work stuff. No, thank you. I do not want any of your potluck potatoes. I know from the numerous stories how many people have cats that hang out on counters, and who never washes their hands after the bathroom. I declined to contribute this year since I don’t want to eat any cat hair cookies, and people were taken aback. Y’all will survive without my store bought potato salad, I promise. That felt good.
  15. She is definitely living in the right state then! Wait a day or two and it'll be back in the 80s. My soul prefers the mountains and cold weather, so I am clearly doing something wrong.
  16. I’m good today, despite having to work. It’s supposed to get warmer this weekend, which I am sure sounds good to most people, but not to this Floridian. It Is hard to get into the holiday spirit when it’s almost 80 F. Give me 40s and 50s please! I really want to move.
  17. I got all the way to the cab and realized I forgot pants. And it's snowing.
  18. It’s not officially Christmas in the Knoller household until we watch Christmas Vacation.
  19. Yeah, I was waiting patiently too. 😀 <taps watch>
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