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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. I have suggested in another thread that I'd like to see a merchant level premium account with benefits geared toward merchants. I personally think that if there were parcels that could only use the mole created buildings and that all the buildings were of equal value/size and kept within the theme that it could be a very nice addition to the Bellisseria community. I don't think these shops should be intermingled with the residential areas though. I do however, think that it's a great idea to have teleports to rezzers in the sky to see demos and the like and save the actual shop area for tasteful displays of merchandise vendors. You might think .. well what you might consider tasteful another may not but we have that very situation with residences as well. As long as we act like grownups and respect our neighbors I think we'd be fine. Anyway, my two cents worth. I like the idea if handled well.
  2. Btw, all the props in my kitchen are individual pieces. Some are gacha finds but a lot are regular items from shops.
  3. It's the Hive modern farmhouse kitchen set that was at Fameshed last round. You are exactly correct. It is the only time I actually played an Epiphany gacha so I could get the exclusive. I had to have that pancake griddle.
  4. Casper has a free rez system that works great. It's really easy to use and you can't beat the price.
  5. I would dearly love to see a Bellisseria town square with real commercial ventures. With the rate of in-world stores closing and only selling on the MP I think having Linden Stores (Homes) would be a huge incentive to bring shops back in-world. I know I would gladly open another premium account to have a store in Bellisseria.
  6. Follow this post and set up to receive email notificiations.
  7. When I build an add-on I don't really let the LI determine what I will do. I build what I think looks good keeping in mind LODs. I do, of course, aim for low LI but sometimes in order to get the details I consider so important, it's impossible to do the add-on without spending a few extras prims. With my add-ons, and I would guess others are the same, the purchaser can decide what they want to use, as most of mine are a combination of pieces. That's another reason why I don't concern myself with the LI as much, because those details are important to me, but for my customer they might not be so they can remove them and reduce the LI. Most of my add-ons are around 10-15 LI, with the most being 50 which was the wrap around porch with screened room add-on for the Continental. But that porch completely changed the house so I felt 50 LI was a bargain.
  8. Honestly, that wiki page is so out of date and so full of information that is no longer valid, I don't begin to trust it to apply to anything today.
  9. I brought up the part about commercial use not being addressed in the Bellisseria covenant the very first day the preview opened at the home and garden show. I even asked Patch about it standing there in the middle of the street. He really didn't comment other than to say .. hmmm .. or something similar. A few days later a clause specifically addressing the prohibition for commercial use was added. I don't see that clause anymore in the covenant. So there's been some movement in regard to this topic recently. I remember the issue being brought up in other threads specifically in relation to advertising and open houses. So, we see changes without any real official comments from anyone at the lab. I really would like some real clarification even if it's to say .. hey we aren't set in stone yet on this subject .. we'll let you know when we've decided the best course of action.
  10. Okay, here's that view from the kitchen sink. I have pancakes and freshly squeezed OJ for breakfast. I've crammed a lot into this room but it feels more cozy than crowded I think. The bedroom feels light and airy, and I still have my closet. And where I once had my kitchen I now have a mudroom/laundry area with a really nice size bathroom. It's been a crazy 6 weeks with frenzied building trying out all the Linden Home styles, but I think I've reached my peak and am going to settle back down to working on inventory and other things. Well at least until I see what the new theme is and go from there. I think I'm done for awhile now. If anyone would like to see my home in person please feel free to stop in. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Washburn/22/73/34 I use a wide variety of furnishings so trying to list who made what would be impossible, so if you'd like to know whose products I used you'll just have to come over and inspect the items yourself. I welcome you to do so.
  11. I loved the wrap around porch with the screened room for the Continental, but I just don't like two story houses that much ... sooooooooooooooooo I pulled out my favorite single story Linden Home and started a new porch. Notice my "street number" is 2003. That has nothing to do with my actual location but more to do with how long I've been in SL I bought some new flowers too. One of the reasons I have thought about possibly changing parcels had to do with having a view to the morning sun .... so now I have it and didn't have to change parcels. I can do my morning dishes and watch the sun rise over the distant water, which is barely visible but visible nonetheless. I have my little garden going well now with added tomatoes and strawberries. Rather than use my precious LI on a pool, I decided to put out some deco items that show just how close I am to the beach. I still have 38 LI left so will be added more furnishings to the back porch and perhaps another crop of something in the garden with maybe a berry bush of some sort. I'll give you a peek of the inside in my next post.
  12. I've always been under the impression that all moles work for nada .. it's volunteer work. I hope that's not the case because they certainly do a huge amount of work. We see them toiling away day after day on SSP for months. It would be great if they are compensated.
  13. It really boggles my mind that people think Lindens are just some kind of free paper money that can be handed out. If they raise the stipends then they MUST also raise the cost of premium to cover raising the stipend. Lindens = money .... money = real money..... Come on people start thinking.
  14. That's a good point. I almost wish I never had an inkling of an idea that anything is coming. It would relieve so much stress--- lol ... again my problem and something I need to work on .. but at 66 I doubt that's something I'm going to change.
  15. I'm not too worried about how the proposed new premium will impact my decision whether to pay the pre-paid on my premium accounts now. Really that's a no brainer - I'd be throwing away my own money by not taking advantage of the offer. The Lab has already said for those who want to upgrade to the super duper they will be able to upgrade with credit for what remains of their current account. So why worry? I'm just tired of hearing the rumor of a super premium and not getting any details. That's a hard pill to swallow for someone like me who has little patience in waiting to know what will be. I honestly, wouldn't have such a hard time waiting for it to be implemented. I just want to know what it is NOW.. lol .. but that is my shortcoming. I need more patience as having a clue drives me nuts if I can't find the answer.
  16. I've been somewhat vocal about my views in regards to groups and how they really do not function well with the way people use them in SL now. I have mixed feelings about the Lab's decision to keep the status quo on groups with the slight increase still going forward for premium. I still believe it's just putting a bandaid on a sore that really needs lancing and a through cleaning. I hope they will take some of the proceeds from the increase to premium and use it to fix groups because they really are broken. I also believe that we need to learn to budget our resources and groups are a costly resource. I hope people will reconsider how they use groups, both those running the groups and those who are members of groups. This constant turn over in juggling groups just to get the latest group gift is non productive. If people are going to join and then two days later, if not 10 minutes later, drop the group so they can join another group to get the latest freebie then the purpose of the group really isn't functioning anyway. So why have a group if that's the outcome? It's wasting resources. I really hope LL will consider a subo type function for situations like this. A subo is perfect for sending notices about group gifts and there is no need to juggle groups to stay informed. In the end, I understand why the Lab decided to hold off reducing group slots for basic accounts. I know it rubbed people the wrong way, and I understand their viewpoint specially with the increase to group slots for premiums. So cheers to Linden Lab for showing how much they really do value all of the residents.
  17. Here is an idea why don't LL create a poll and ask premium members if they want / need more groups to the detriment of basic accounts? If you asked me I'd say that Linden Lab didn't go far enough. Not only should basic accounts have the number of groups reduced but so should the premiums. It was a mistake to give us so many groups in the first place. They were not designed to be used as they are being used today. It's broken!!! Too broken to be fixed! Groups need to be used as they were intended when we were only given 10. We need a new system for advertising and running huge RP communities. It just boggles my mind that any RP group/land group would need 10+ groups to run their business. As a side note, I also think they've given us too many attachment points.
  18. I'll be Sophia ... when you are that old you can say or do anything you want and get away with it .. that's the life for me!
  19. LOL .. I'm so far past menopause I don't remember what a period is!!!
  20. In order to claim one of the new Linden Homes you have to have at least 1024 sqm free. So you can own a mainland plot that you are paying tier on and also have the free 1024 sqm to use for a Linden Home or if you don't want to pay tier then you must give up the mainland so that you have a total of 1024 sqm free.
  21. My main, Debi Baskerville, Oct 2003 ... so I beat ya!
  22. I use a combination of Blender and Mesh Studio. I love using Mesh Studio as it allows me the pleasure of building with old fashioned prims to start the process.
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