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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. Had the person writing the letter signed the letter personally rather than trying to speak for all of us and had the respondents not signed the petition anonymously I wouldn't have taken issue with this. While I don't agree with many of the arguments I support anyone's right to voice their concerns and to ask others to sign in support of those concerns. The problem is the cowardice behind this and the audacity to try and make it sound as though all creators support the argument.
  2. And where would you put my store? Considering that I sell hosiery, rigged jewelry, cottages, buildings, and add-ons for the new Linden Homes? Oh and my gift this year is furniture.
  3. There are four regions .. two of them are down but being restarted. So there will be room .. just hang on.
  4. That's a nice feature, but I love my FS!!
  5. As a content creator I object to the title of this thread and do not support the opinions expressed by the anonymous author of this open letter.
  6. Pretty sure the OP was before we had mesh bodies .. perhaps we had the mesh butts but not bodies. The post is about standard sizes not fitmesh. That's a dead give away that the Maitreya body was not released yet. This objection to big butts was pretty prevalent when the first mesh booties made an appearance. I remember the constant remarks about being able to drive a truck between a gal's knees as well and some making similar remarks about the mesh lips that some wore before we got mesh heads. Honestly, this thread would have been better not being revived. It was long dead and IMO should have stayed that way.
  7. You can also make a folder and name it Demos .. then inside that folder create five new folders with the name of each region in the event. When you've collected everything in one region drop all the objects into the folder for that region. Do that for each region and then you have a really good idea where you got the items. I do that all the time especially for events as I always take demos home and it may be a few days before I even try the demos on. I'd never remember where I got anything if I didn't create demo folders for the different events.
  8. I prefer folder delivery and used to only do folder delivery until I got a new vendor system and decided to participate in a popular event where people like to cam shop from outside the region proper. This caused all kinds of headaches as the vendor system doesn't like, or won't, deliver folders to outside the region. So, I've gone to having everything delivered from the server in boxed format. I have packaged most of my products into attachable HUDs that auto-unpack, but I've seen complaints about those too in the forums. Basically we can't win for loosing no matter what we do.
  9. To answer the OPs question - If I were LL I would stop trying to placate the very vocal minority who are constantly complaining and crying about how unfair they are being treated and do what is best for the company, which in turn is what's best for all residents of Second Life.
  10. I love this idea; however, I think a bunch of video tutorials at the beginning might be a turn off. I think having a brief video explaining that many video tutorials are available at a learning island and perhaps a quest given as they leave the area would be to teleport to the learning island. They would then have the landmark to the area and could return at will. If this was initiated I think it would be vitally important to have said island monitored by someone who can eject and ban those who would use this as an opportunity to prey on new residents as we see so much of this at infohubs.
  11. So what you are saying is they should have raised the fee back when they doubled the amount of sqm allotted to premium accounts. I totally agree. Maybe we should pay them retroactively by your reasoning.
  12. It really sucks when you show up for a meeting thinking you're gonna finally get to hear the scoop and you wait and wait. Finally, you see someone's name you recognize so you message the person to ask if she knows why the event hasn't started, only to be reminded that today is Sunday and the meeting is on Monday. Well, it's not the first time I've lost track of the days, and it won't be the last. Now I have to wait a whole 24 hours. *pouts*
  13. In no stretch of the imagination could my brand be considered a big brand and yet I got it. I also have a variety of products not just women's clothing.
  14. Do you also object to a whole shopping event calling itself Wh*re Coutour? There's a huge list of merchants who participate in that event. Are you going to boycott all of them? I don't have an issue with the word being used personally. Though I'm not a fan of the fashion style. It's just not my cup of tea. In response to the suggestion that SL needs to be targeted to 20 somethings .. I seriously don't think SL will ever have a wide appeal to that age bracket. Their lives are just too full of living with raising families and building careers, and they don't begin to have the kind of disposable income of those in their 40s and 50s. They might spend some time online playing games but to invest time in a virtual reality? I don't think so. I think you'd have a better chance targeting late 30s and early 40s. Their families are well established and their earning power is greater. They have more free time on their hands.
  15. Not true. It is a two way barrier. If sounds can't leave the parcel they can't enter the parcel either. So if you want to be able to hear the mole made sounds in the governor's protected land you have to leave the parcel open. Personally I don't think it's a good idea to make the default having the sound limited to parcel. It seems to me that default setting should be the least restrictive.
  16. My experience it that if I block sounds on my parcel it blocks all sounds outside of my parcel as well and I am in mainland 95% of the time I've been in SL. I notice this because I really like some of the sounds dropped by moles, like ocean sounds and lapping waves, so quite often don't want to limit sounds to my parcel. When a neighbor has a sound I don't like I just find the object emitting the sounds and derender said object.
  17. I have one of those 32x32 houseboat parcels, and while it does call for some inventive solutions to the neighbor in your face scenario, it's possible to end up using the home of your dreams. I prefer the evening star houseboat but it does position my entry door facing my neighbor. But this is my solution... I added a dock and water garden. The water garden gives me a visual break and consequently my eye doesn't go to my neighbor's door but to my lovely koi swimming under the lilies. The addition of the dock gives that side of the houseboat the emphasis it needs to make that seem like the entrance.
  18. I really don't like mouselook either, but once you learn how to reset your camera angle/distance the whole world changes. I fixed mine years ago!!
  19. 1. Rez out the rez box or create your own and drop in the two scripts found in the premade rez box. Copy the exact position of the box into the description field of the box for future reference. 2. Drop in a tracker script into the root prim of each linkset. Pair. 3. When you think you have everything paired, click on the rez box and select test. It will raise everything that's been paired into the sky so you can see if you've missed anything. Once you're satisfied that you've paired all the parts you want to be included in the rezzer, 3. make a copy of each linkset. Drop the all the copies into the rez box. If you're just backing up the build then you're basically done and can finalize the box. If you're wanting to clear out that build to start a new project, then you will want to remove all those linksets you copied that are still rezzed in world. The Casper website has all these instructions given in detail. This is just a brief description of how I use it, but please remember I'm not associated with Casper in any way. I just use the product. My bolded response is a direct response to the part of your comment that I also bolded. The test function is one of my favorite aspects of the Casper system.
  20. You drop a script in the root prim of each link set. So, if like me you link lots of things to save land impact then you don't have all that many scripts to drop.
  21. I specifically asked Patch about parcel size, among other things, and his response was Monday. So I was honoring his response with my comments. I don't think the parcel boundaries went missing due to trying to monitor traffic as they were very evident in the first preview. I really think there's more up their sleeves and they want to keep us guessing.
  22. There are many premium members who used that extra 512 and now feel locked out of the new homes unless they give up that land they bought. So having 512s in the new area I think is a MUST. I have a good friend in that position right now. He bought a small parcel for a store and now feels as though he has no choice but to stay in the older homes.
  23. I use the CasperTech Rez2 system. It is free at his shop. It's very simple to use and works like a charm. I always store the exact coords of the location of the rezzer box in the prim description when I'm packing it, so I know exactly where to place the box when I want to rez everything again. That way everything rezzes exactly where I want the first try. There are other rezzer systems available and some prefer to just target everything and pick up as a coalesced object and then drop and move into place that way. Oh and I never leave my no copy items out when I'm packing up things as I will most likely want to use them somewhere else.
  24. I will be seriously surprised if they turn out to be 1024s honestly. But we really need to wait until Monday to get any official announcement.
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