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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. I really like Ryan's ( @Vanity Fair) latest post, Coping with Change. He ends it with this statement: Perhaps what we all need to do, the next time a change hits us and overturns all our plans, is to pause, take a deep breath, and just embrace it as best we can. Yes, it is difficult. But most times, it’s not the end of the world. Sometimes we just need a little wisdom and a little perspective to make peace with change in all our lives, both virtual and real. At the end of the day, you need to ask yourself: is it worth getting so upset over this?
  2. lol .. I read that as IUDs ... I was like wt* .. til I reread
  3. Totally surprised by your response. It's a shame when I try to clear up misinformation that may cause others to panic and you take it personally. I was not attaching you. But surely it's your right to block people. I will still be reading your posts and if I continue to see erroneous info I'll comment on it. It's not a personal issue as far as I'm concerned. And likewise, if I post something that's incorrect, I would hope someone would come along and clear it up. I'm not too full of myself to think that I don't make mistakes.
  4. You did so, perhaps not intentionally, by using the wrong terminology in your post. I know what you meant. The problem is, because of your terminology, you didn't say what you meant.
  5. I think it's much more than a matter of semantics as the terms cashing out and process credit are two very different things. Interchanging those terms is leading to confusion and in some cases fear. It's important enough that Oz addressed it here in this post.
  6. Yeah, I decided to remove all the dishes as well and replaced the transparent glass texture with an opaque texture. That gave me back 5 LI. It didn't break my animations though.
  7. These are the two kitchens I'm currently using in my homes. This is the Adams house, and I'm using the modern farmhouse kitchen from Hive. This is the Evening Star houseboat. Here I'm using the Trompe Loeil - Finley Kitchenette.
  8. You can cash out without being required to submit your personal info. So using your Lindens to pay your premium shouldn't be an issue. It's only if you process that credit after cashing out to your RL paypal account that you are required to provide identification. So why would anyone opt out of cashing out? The only reason I can see anyone doing this is if they totally are not reading the info provided by the lab or have drawn a conclusion based on misinformation and then refuse to amend their conclusion once they've been given the correct information.
  9. Proud of you ... keep going! You can do it!!
  10. It's been in existence for a long time. Inara reported on it back in November of 2015. You can read about it here: https://modemworld.me/2019/07/02/tilia-a-further-look-and-a-little-more-speculation/
  11. A large number of adult regions were added with Horizons. That has to be part of it as well. Personally, I avoid adult rated regions and much prefer living in an M rated region. I don't have anything against adult activity but don't want it in my face all the time. Keep it behind closed doors and I'm fine. Yeah, I'm old school... I wear panties too .. lol! TMI?
  12. Ebbe said they are still in the process of rebalancing fees. So some fees may come down and others may go up as a result.
  13. I have two alt accounts both have less than $2.00 USD balances. They held premium accounts at one time but are now downgraded to basic. With balances so small it does not make sense to buy Lindens and then transfer to my main account. My question is -- Will there be a way to transfer those balances to my main's USD balance? If not, is there a way to just relinquish the proceeds as I will NOT be trying to recover those funds through purchasing lindens?
  14. Ahhhh .. I thought you meant $600 a month. Gosh if it's only $600 a year .. that's $50 a month. So anyone who takes out at least $50 a month has to give their tax info. I wouldn't think there would be many who haven't already had to give over their information with the threshold being sooooooooooooooo low. Thanks for clarifying though .. I was confused.
  15. Oh I'm very grateful for the income I make here in SL. But what I meant is that I'm definitely small time as there is no way I could survive on my SL income. I think to be considered as a big time merchant in SL you'd have to make enough to support yourself RL.
  16. I am the very definition of a small time creator. At the time that I had to hand over my tax info to Linden Lab I had three process credit amounts, $74, $449, and then $394 which triggered them requesting my identification before they'd send me the $394. So I can attest that the threshold for requesting the information from me was much lower than what Chic experienced. This was in 2013 by the way. Not sure if the time span affects it but just in case. These three withdrawals occurred over a 5 month period.
  17. I wonder just how much money the lab is sitting on from inactive accounts. You know those pennies add up! I can imagine that there must be a tidy little sum of cash that's being held.
  18. Sure would be nice if the lab made a way to transfer those USD balances from one account to another without having to purchase lindens just to cash them out again.
  19. It just dawned on me that I probably have alts that at one time held premium accounts and have long since downgraded to basic that most likely have a couple of dollars USD$ still in their balances. Heck it could even be more than a couple of dollars. What a pain in the butt for LL to have to carry my forgotten money around in their data base. I don't blame them for charging an inactivity fee. The question now is since I've never cashed out from any account, other than Blush's, how would I even move that money? And is it even worth my bothering with it? The only reason those accounts ever had a cash balance at all was just for paying the annual premium fee.
  20. The lab fully answered my question back on page 7, and I'm completely satisfied with their response. No issues whatsoever for me now. Full speed ahead as far as I'm concerned.
  21. Not in my case. I had cashed out three times, all three times, small amounts. With the third cash out I had to submit my info. Also, these cash outs were not done three months in a row but were spread out over a period of time. In Sansar, it was requested with the first cash out.
  22. The best way to close inactive accounts is to charge a fee that will do one of two things, either prompt the account holder to action or reduce the balance in the account until it reaches zero and then can be closed by Tilia.
  23. I rather suspect that you all are complaining about something that Linden Lab has little choice in because this change is most likely in response to US regulations. I also think a great many are jumping to conclusions that are based on fear and not what is actually happening. Step back and think for a moment. If you have not been making money and taking it out to your RL then you are not really affected by this other than checking a box agreeing to the Tilia TOS. You will NOT have to submit any of your personal information. If you have been taking money out of SL to RL then you most likely have had to give them that info already. If you somehow have slipped through the cracks and have not had to submit that info then this will remedy a mistake because you should have submitted that info already. The regulation of monetary transactions is one of the most important roles of government. All businesses have to submit to those regulations.
  24. I took a photo of my ID, front and back, with my phone and sent that to them and it worked just fine. That was maybe 6 months ago when I cashed out of Sansar.
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