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Aislin Ceawlin

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Everything posted by Aislin Ceawlin

  1. Let me just say that this was never intended to be an argument between the left and the right. I was only thinking of how sad it is that the current situation has been so destructive to relationships for people on both sides of the coin. Since it seems to have taken a turn from my original intent, I will agree with you, Luna. Seems funny that some have an issue with this topic, but are so thrilled with the one about LL standing up regarding the Muslim ban. I live near (ish...30 minutes) from Dearborn, Michigan, the largest Muslim/Middle Eastern community outside of the Middle East. I have many Muslim friends, (my best friend since 3rd grade is Muslim) I live 20 minutes from Detroit, I have many black friends, I personally identify as Bi, So, when someone I know suddenly starts talking about how all the Muslims/blacks/Mexicans need to get out of the country.it makes me mad. When they suddenly reveal that they think LGBTQ people don't deserve the same rights afforded to everyone else, it makes me mad. When I hear men that I've known 40 + years laughing and joking about sexual harassment and shaming rape victims, it makes me REALLY mad.. From where I sit, it seems to have brought out the worst in a lot of people. I will now return you to "Can you identify this hair?"
  2. A sense of what? I've exaggerated nothing. I think you must be pretty sheltered if you honestly believe that. I've literally "heard" (read, etc) hundreds of people from both sides discussing this exact topic. The friends that I have lost have revealed themselves to be many types of "phobic" and even racist when they had never made those sorts of comments before (at least not in my company).ETA I also still have many friends who didn't vote the same as I did, but we respect each other and consider each others beliefs and feelings.
  3. The question had NOTHING to do with your response. As far as people showing their true colors, I was referring to people that I have known for most of my life, and it most surely HAS.
  4. Sorry, Alwin, I disagree. People here in the forums are always complaining about the lack of anything other than "where do I get this hair" posts. We are all adults, and we've had many discussions in these forums that were heated and hurtful to people. I'd like to think that maybe....JUST MAYBE, we can discuss this without getting crappy with each other. That is exactly why I said "Regardless of which side you're on". My OP was intended to discuss the loss of friends and family members, not anything more. I don't care WHO anyone voted for in this case. ETA; If you don't approve or agree with the subject matter, please feel free to not participate, problem solved.
  5. Also keep in mind that the land owner you make this deal with had better be trustworthy. They may decide to abandon their sim, leaving you with no land and no recourse to get your money back!
  6. With all of the unrest and division in the U.S. right now, who has lost friends and family members to this nightmare? I'm absolutely blown away by some people that I've known pretty much my entire life, this has really brought out peoples true colors. :smileysad:
  7. Innula, without even reading the following posts, I can guarantee BilliJo will never allow herself to be educated on the matter.
  8. If I am reading the OP correctly, they did not participate, just questioned the process.
  9. I used to know a guy named Willworkfor Food in my early days. Unfortunately he passed away in RL many years ago. People used to come up with really clever names when we had the last name list to choose from.
  10. ACK, not sure where to put this. I can not for the life of me remember where to find the transaction history for inworld and MP purchases! I'm pretty sure there was one at some point, but it's been a long time since I've needed to access this information!
  11. RIP, Sharon, I hope you're jamming with Mr. Jones :matte-motes-crying: Can we grab Iggy and Alice and wrap them in bubble wrap till 2016 is over?
  12. Yep, Pamela, Bleep is right....we are TOTALLY Bleeped. :matte-motes-crying: :matte-motes-crying: :matte-motes-crying:
  13. Still learning about mesh heads, can anyone tell me what is causing this mask like appearance??? 
  14. Not true, I've used Green Dot cards. The key is that they have to say that they are capable of paying recurrent charges, and they have to be the one you get back with your name imprinted.
  15. I've had my bank card linked to my account for almost ever, I've NEVER had an issue with it. If I have the money, it goes through, if not, it's denied, simple! There has never been an erroneous charge, there's just never been a problem! Maybe I'm lucky, but I don't think it's a problem laden system! (Also, it's a bank issued debit card, and has always worked) I guess I'm not sure what the problem is???
  16. After 9 years, I finally got it together and did a major inventory clean out. Reduced it by around 25,000! (Patting myself on the back)! I was wondering if anyone can suggest a good inventory organization system? (to purchase) One that I can use to organize all of my hair hoard, and other things. :matte-motes-big-grin:
  17. It looks familiar, I'll look through all my old ones when I get inworld, see if I have it.
  18. Soooo, was I married to Madelaine, or Snuggs??? :matte-motes-sarcasm:
  19. LOL, Madelaine, the other half must be him!!!! OR...are YOU him??? OR is he YOU???? Oh, the possibilities!
  20. LOL, this thread has really reminded me of the joys of being a noob! It really is a magical time to look back to once you've been around as long as a lot of us have! Good times, good times!
  21. Absolute truth! My first SL husband used to create alts, some he would introduce me to as a "friend", others would just happen to pop into places I liked to frequent. I ALWAYS knew when it was him! He would sooner, rather than later "out" himself by his behavior, wording, spelling...something would give him away. :matte-motes-sarcasm:
  22. You are, officially, my favorite person today!!!!! Thank You!!!!!
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