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Aislin Ceawlin

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Everything posted by Aislin Ceawlin

  1. My only thought on this is that, maybe, it will spark a little (if only short lived) new interest in SL...we'll see.
  2. His death has really had a very profound effect on me, things just seem a little "less".
  3. On January 10th we lost one of the most influential musicians of all time. I fell in love with David Bowie when I was about 4 years old. My brother, Bob, is 13 years older than I am. He was a hippie at the tail end of that era, and has always had an amazing taste in music. He was and remains a huge Bowie fan, and that is where I first heard the great man as a child. I'm 48 years old now, and David has been my idol from those early days. His chameleon like tendency to change has enabled him to reach so many different types of people, there's a style for pretty much everyone. It's been a very hard week for me, the knowing that he is gone from this earth, that there will be no more. His latest album, Blackstar, was his parting gift to the world, and such a gift it is. 
  4. lol, Dres... I figured. Besides, I'd toot your horn, but you wouldn't enjoy it...:matte-motes-evil-invert:
  5. /me swoons SirLeigh, always the romantic....lol :matte-motes-inlove:
  6. LOL, when I first came to the forums and got my first rank bump I was pretty stoked...till I realized it was absolutely meaningless!
  7. Yeah, they don't mean jack squat to any of us on the forums. :matte-motes-wink-tongue:
  8. Did you make any resolutions, or have you reached the same conclusion as I have? (I'll only end up disappointed when I fail to follow through.....again)! 
  9. LOL! Apparently, once you blast your teeth out of your mouth, you can use it for (although as a nurse, I'm not sure I'd recommend this...) cleaning out your ears, and your sinuses! Repurposing!!!
  10. Touille is old, he probably would have been stringy, and tough.
  11. Just spending time with our children (and them actually LIKING it) is one of the greatest gifts ever! :heart:
  12. HA! So cute! They're such intelligent creatures! Touille is a geriatric fellow, a rescue, in fact; I just couldn't leave the store without him though. He's very loveable, but I don't think his previous owner spent much time with him. I take time everyday to let him run and play on the bed (he gets lost otherwise) He's taken quite a liking to my 11 year old Boxer, and my 13 year old Tuxedo cat....if he was female, I'd call them the Golden Girls...lol. They actually seem to like him, too.
  13. Since Pamela isn't going to toot her own horn, I'll do it for her! :matte-motes-wink: My home and a large portion of my interior pieces come from her store, La Galleria. Her stuff is GORGEOUS! Whats Next also has some really nice pieces. There are so many out there. I'll try to shoot you a list when I get inworld, but I highly recommend La Galleria. Of course, your personal taste really does make a difference. ETA...just realized you said "INFERIOR" not "INTERIOR" ....derp. :matte-motes-tongue:
  14. I agree, Madelaine, giving is the best part of the holidays! I was just so excited about Touille...I've waited so long for him :matte-motes-big-grin: This year was a bit of a bummer, someone got hold of my debit card info (Phishing, theft...no idea) just days before Christmas. My bank caught it fairly quickly, and the losses weren't too bad. Probably take about a month to get my money back, but of course they had to cancel all my cards, and it made things difficult...so my gift giving was pretty sad this year. I know it's not about how much you spend, and I was able to at least get something for my son, my partner, and my sons girlfriend. In the end, it was still a beautiful (although snowless) day with the people I love the most!!
  15. I know I'm a bit late, but I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas/Holiday! What wonderful gifts did you all get? I finally got the pet rat I've wanted for so long, lol! He's a hybrid hairless- dumbo ear and his name is Touille! 
  16. Hey there, Dres! You're right, some people don't have a problem with the demos in search. I figure if I want a demo of the item, I can go to the store (on MP) and get it. I just don't feel like plowing through page after page of demos (I'm lazy that way, lol)
  17. I think a lot of us can agree that most of the MP is "FUBAR'D" . The search is terrible as well, you find yourself with a ton of demo products, even using boolean search terms to attempt to avoid them! :matte-motes-confused:
  18. Just came across this one... hood can be up or down https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Loki-V4-Parka-Coat-DEMO/8213653 ETA: Might try looking at this store, they have different versions, some male and some female.... https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/3414 It's a child clothing store, but the parkas come in sizes for adults as well...
  19. Also, keep in mind that some slight photoshopping might have been done to enhance the look of the lashes
  20. LOL...feel free to steal any meme that I have stolen from elsewhere!!
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