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Aislin Ceawlin

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Everything posted by Aislin Ceawlin

  1. I adore a "bloke" in makeup and heels (ala Eddie Izzard, sigh)
  2. I have a homestead on Wongala East. I wish I had a room mate, it's pretty lonely. I just rezzed (another) new house, haven't landscaped yet.
  3. I wish you could have had it before they were bought out. It's fairly watery (but still delicious) compared to what it used to be. The carbonation was ridiculous! The bubbles would go up your nose and the ginger in them would make you sneeze! When I was a little kid, the schools used to go to the Vernors plant for tours, I always loved that!
  4. Here in Michigan, we have more than a few local favorites, the first would have to be the Coney dog, which was invented here https://www.eater.com/2016/5/8/11612056/detroit-coney-dogs-history Vernors (Ginger Ale) is a big favorite here, (we call it pop, not soda or soft drink) , I remember when Michigan was the only place you could get it, it was so much more "gingery". The bubbles would sting your nose! Michiganders have used it as medicine forever. It's a staple in most homes for treating nausea. https://detroithistorical.org/learn/encyclopedia-of-detroit/vernors-ginger-ale In the northern part of Michigan, specifically the Upper Peninsula and just south of the Mackinac bridge, the Pasty is king! http://www.hu.mtu.edu/vup/pasty/history.htm A few other things http://www.awesomemitten.com/superman-ice-cream/ https://detroithistorical.org/learn/encyclopedia-of-detroit/faygo-pop https://www.mackinacisland.org/visit/shopping/fudge-shops/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinconning_cheese We also have Olive burgers, which are absolutely delicious (standard burger/cheeseburger with sliced green olives). Not really sure if that's a Michigan thing, though.
  5. When I was there, and also in Germany, I had the BEST licorice I have ever tasted!! The salted licorice blew my mind! (Soooo delicious!)
  6. LOL, not quite what I meant, but interesting!
  7. Does anyone have an actual LM to FaMESHed they could send inworld? Got it!!! Nevermind!!!
  8. We have table manners as well, snooty much?
  9. I just don't get it, it comes with a built in handle!!!! LOL!
  10. NEVER!!! ALthough, I have seen pizza eaten with fork and knife, which boggles the mind! ALTHOUGH, I can not speak for the ones who live north of the bridge on the piece of land that originally belonged to you guys!
  11. You have the coolest airport in the world!! (Schipol!) At least that I've seen so far!
  12. I'm guessing it's just a beautiful! I was so happy during my trip to Germany! I could easily live in your wonderful country!!
  13. Anywhere near Bremen?? (My favorite place in the world, thus far!!)
  14. West Bloomfield, Michigan! (USA) Although, I was born and raised in Royal Oak, Michigan. (If anyone is interested) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Oak,_Michigan
  15. LMAO, I was going to look something up for a paper I was writing years ago. My smart a$$ son told me to look it up on RedTube, hahaha!
  16. I do that quite often. I'll think of something that I want/need, flip over to MP and be there for quite a while.
  17. So pretty! I really like the freckles!
  18. My SL has been pretty lonely lately. After all these years, most of my old friends have left SL for one reason or another. Feel free to look me up inworld!
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