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Aislin Ceawlin

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Everything posted by Aislin Ceawlin

  1. Scooby Mode wrote: I mean lets be honest people, back in the day you had the whole Jesus thing going on, and had the whole witch trials happening, in both events, Jesus could perform such miracles, and these "witches" could perform such magic. How come you never see this happening today? I've never seen anyone on youtube or on the internet that could perform real magic, or turn water into whine without some catch or illusion like Criss Angel or David Copperfield, or David Blank does. (My bolding and highlighting) Where on earth do you get the idea that Witches EVER actually performed what you consider magic? Witches were generally healers, and practicioners of folk medicine. They never turned anyone into a frog, or conferred with the devil. More likely, they attended births, providing comfort with herbs, and plants, treating common ailments, etc. Honestly, you sound like a bit of a nutter, too! (I'm also assuming you meant David Blane)
  2. I'm a nurse in RL who works the midnight shift....healing my a$$, I'll be looking much closer at my co workers now :matte-motes-shocked:
  3. Profile perving is one of my favorite hobbies when I'm bored. I like to go to highly populated clubs, or wherever the masses seem to be congregating at the time, hang back and perv away. I agree that profiles are MEANT to be read, or why have them?
  4. OMG Freya...you summoned EDDIE!!! (btw...Cake, please) :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:
  5. Exactly! That's the other way to pronounce it! (Oh, I so love that song!)
  6. Thanks, Bobbie. I've tried Truth, but hadn't thought of Magika...I'll check it out.
  7. Welcome to SL, Teri ...:matte-motes-big-grin-wink:
  8. I've logged out with her safe in a church, praying the rosary; logged back in to find her dressed in latex, hair mussed and smoking a cigarette:matte-motes-big-grin-wink:
  9. Ivanova, When I'm bored I like to go to crowded places and look at all the crazy names, and perv profiles. I happen to have one of those vexing Gaelic names, and I'm often asked how to pronounce it. The "official" pronunciation is , but I prefer the A be pronounced like the a in "ate" (Just to confuse people even more) :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: As for the even MORE difficult to reckon Ceawlin, it's pronounced See awl in ....
  10. My relation is so distant that being the music organizer is probably closer! lol
  11. I wish I had the answer, but alas, I am in the same position that you are!! :matte-motes-dont-cry:
  12. Zoe, the b*%@h just won't respond, and to think, I'm actually a very (very very very very) distant relative to the "family"! (I didn't even rate an invite)! lol!
  13. I absolutely love the style of Kate Middletons wedding hair, and have been searching the grid. Just wondering if anyone has seen anything close?
  14. OH MY! I definitely think the second is the sexier! (I've never been a fan of muscleheads)
  15. Heck, I invented it! (Wait, what are we talking about?)
  16. How about gross things human bodies produce, such as; ToeJam, Smegma, BellyButtonLint, EarWax?
  17. I live across the lake from Wisconsin (Michigan), but I can highly recommend the EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association) museum! https://www.eaa.org/en/eaa-museum and depending on what part of July he's there, they have the best air show I've ever been to! https://www.eaa.org/en/airventure
  18. Would that be like "Giant Midget Man"? My son and I used to make up oxymoron superheroes when he was little :matte-motes-tongue:
  19. What about this example of a special kind of stupid? http://www.gq.com/news-politics/newsmakers/201203/terry-thompson-ohio-zoo-massacre-chris-heath-gq-february-2012
  20. "Then I noticed an acquaintance had IM'd me, so I looked to see what she was saying. She was gone already, and had angrily stated some things I was supposed to have done, but had not...and she had muted me. I haven't been able to get a response from her or others in nearby chat or IM's to others who know her, but it was apparently upsetting." That part makes it sound as if there may have been something, but not sure if there's no way to find out exactly what it was that you supposedly did. It very well could have been a glitch, but without more info, no way to know. Maybe someone else will have a better idea.
  21. I think one of the first things I would do would be to save a lot of my photos to my hard drive to preserve those memories. Like someone else said, I would make sure that anyone important, that didn't already have my RL info, did. I would be sad for a while, it's been almost 8 years (in June) after all, but I'd move on. I'd miss Aislin, she's a part of me.
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