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Aislin Ceawlin

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Everything posted by Aislin Ceawlin

  1. Thanks for posting! I went to LeLutka and bought three of their "Swish" styles and am absolutely in love!! :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:
  2. That I am, Sir, (American, that is). I do have a rather large dose of Welsh blood, though. A direct descendent of Gwladys Ddu (the dark) verch Llewelyn, a recent discovery. Does that help at all? (Probably not, but worth a try) :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:
  3. Can I claim lack of sleep as a defense?
  4. *Punches you lightly on the arm while grinning* Wouldn't have you any other way, SirLeigh :matte-motes-wink:
  5. Locking the doors will have no effect. You need to go into "Parcel details" then "Sound" click the box that says "Restrict gesture and object sounds to this parcel".....Problem solved!! ETA; Just realized you said apartment...not sure how to solve that problem if it is an actual apartment building.
  6. Precisely, Madelaine! Unfortunately, I think sometimes some very important items get pushed out to make room for the useless ones. I occasionally find MYSELF asking "Why do I know that?" lol!
  7. Ahhhhh, Thursday. My favorite day this week, my first day off of work. I shall celebrate Thursday with my all time favorite musician/vocalist
  8. Me too. That song has sooo many memories for me:matte-motes-bored:
  9. My family thinks he must be my long lost brother...I LOVE random facts like that....I'm known to utter "BUT...did you know...." alot. :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:
  10. Add to that list the "If you mess with my wife/husband/partner/daughter/son/goldfish/alternate personality I'll mess with you" group!
  11. I'm your neighbor, not too far to the south. About 20 minutes north of Detroit. Kitchener is such a great area. I didn't know about the 9/11 memorial there. May have to make a day of it, and go see it, and then head to Stratford for some catching up.
  12. Derek, is that Kitchener, Ontario by any chance? I used to go through there quite a bit on my way to Stratford, where a few friends of mine lived.
  13. Sounds great!! I took German in High School many moons ago, but only remember some of the basics! I've been wanting to expand my grasp of the language!
  14. I'm willing to bet that Bree posted the article because she found it interesting, and thought others might as well. My question is why do you care?
  15. SO sorry, you have not even made me shiver with the fear that I may be less intelligent than you...lol! I was merely responding to the words that YOU used. It's not my fault that your statement was not worded in the way that you meant. You never stated "As per the beliefs of the time". Also, next time you want to say that someone is inferior intellectually, I suggest you use spell check. Your pitiful use of spelling leads me to believe that you are, in fact, the less intelligent of the two of us. By the way, MENSA doesn't feel that I have a small brain. "Way to take my words out of context. Please, for the love of god (who probably doesn't exist), never reply to me again, or even hop on a discussion such as one as intellectual as this when it's apparent you're retarded." FIFY! P.S. I really don't have a CLUE where you got the idea that I am a "bible thumper". (That one really made me laugh)
  16. Kwakkelde Kwak wrote: Aislin Ceawlin wrote: Where on earth do you get the idea that Witches EVER actually performed what you consider magic? Where on earth do you get the idea that Jesus did? I don't subscribe to that myth either :matte-motes-wink-tongue:
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