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Aislin Ceawlin

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Everything posted by Aislin Ceawlin

  1. One of the stores that sell homes has a multi level tree house that I have been coveting. There are only 2 issues with it, it's reeeeally tall (neighbors may take issue with its height) and, it's L$8,000. I pop in and walk through it every few days, lol! I know I'll eventually break and buy the thing, I keep hoping they'll put it on sale!
  2. LMAO! I actually WAS thinking about Moscato...
  3. I buy a LOT of stuff from her store, never disappoints!
  4. I had a ham in the fridge that seems to have gone missing along with a really nice bottle of wine, ...............
  5. Also, those stacked boxes!! Adorable!!!!
  6. WHERE did you get that closet??? I would kill for one like that in RL...lol!
  7. EXACTLY!! I guess now, since she isn't "me" anymore, the transition to different hair colors is a little easier.
  8. Poor Ais has remained relatively the same for almost 10 years. Just updated to the current standards. My shape was from Alady, and replaced with the newer version of the same shape when it was still open. Used that shape until I went mesh. I guess it was comforting to see the same "person" whenever I logged in.
  9. Thanks, Marianne!! I really love it!!
  10. Coming up on my 10th anniversary. Finally fully mesh/Bento. I've decided that since I no longer have the same look, it's time for a change. I've been a redhead my whole SL (like in RL) I'm going to start wearing different haircolors! (It's a huge move for me)
  11. I finally relented, and am now completely mesh and bento. I'm not really sure how I feel about it. For almost 10 years I looked like, well, Aislin! I think this is really going to take some getting used to, but it really is cool! I bought one of the Catwa bento heads and the Maitraya Lara mesh body. My shape looked pretty bad with the head, and unfortunately, my old shape wasn't mod (yeah, it was old...lol. I've had different versions of the same shape since Ais was around a year old) so I bought one of the better known vloggers shapes. I messed around with the sliders, and I'm quite happy with her, she is really pretty (to me). It's just odd logging in and seeing a stranger. I might even try different hair colors! lol!
  12. Qie, THANK YOU!!!! Your suggestion seems to be the one to fix the problem I'm having!!!
  13. SO glad this topic was posted, I seem to have multiple invisible objects rezzed on my platform that block me from moving, or it looks like I'm walking over something. Heading in to see if any of these tips will solve my problem. There was a day that I was going through my lost and found folder, and some objects seemed to rezz, but were invisible, highlight didn't help. I'm willing to bet something here will solve it!! Thanks all!! (I'll let you know if something here does work!)
  14. Anakin, Go to search and look up Shoetopia!! (Put some of your Lindens in a safe place at home before you go) lol!
  15. I think it would be cruel not to....I spent L$5000 there just the day before yesterday!
  16. That and the fact that he is usually looking for someone to support his SL
  17. A couple interesting reads https://darkpsychology.co/internet-trolls https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/better-living-technology/201408/why-the-online-trolls-troll
  18. What do you think is the mindset of a troll? What makes someone get so much pleasure from it? Is it a lack of control in RL? Are they bullies in both worlds?
  19. Depends on what type of store you mean....clothes, home furnishings, etc?
  20. Could you possibly take a picture and post it for us?
  21. What is this "breakfast" of which you speak? (and is there bacon there?)
  22. I have panic attacks thinking about logging in to find something like "Page not found" or similiar.
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