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Aislin Ceawlin

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Everything posted by Aislin Ceawlin

  1. I finally gave in and bought a CATWA mesh head, not sure what is going on here. I made sure I wasn't wearing any sort of extra lash alpha that would cause this. Does anyone have any ideas about what could be causing it??? 
  2. I leave everyone here alone for a few weeks because of my RL work schedule as a nurse and THIS is what I come back to??? Infanticide??? CRIPES should I have admitted that I'm a nurse in RL? Will I now be held accountable to step in for free if she gets knocked up again??? (Notice I'm more concerned about that than the drowning of the poor little pixel bundle).
  3. You may, also, want to try our very own Pamela Gallis "La Galleria" Most of my current home furnishings come from her store. Lovely, realistic stuff!
  4. Sometimes I log in to find Aislin with her clothes rumpled, hair a mess and smoking a cigarette.....that's when I wonder what she's been up to while I'm sleeping :matte-motes-wink-tongue:
  5. I have clearly spent too much time on Facebook today, as I have just spent two minutes searching for the "like" button (facepalm):matte-motes-sarcasm:
  6. As a vocalist who LOVES jumping behind a mic, Joni Mitchell is probably my favorite female vocalist to sing the songs of. If you're a Joni fan, and you haven't already heard of her you MUST check out Laura Nyro!!!!!
  7. As a RL nurse of 25 years, I'm curious what having a "full hysterectomy" (hysterosalpingo oophorectomy) has to do with sexual tension, or the lack thereof? While some women do experience a decrease in libido, a LOT of women go on to lead totally fulfilled sex lives. You do seem rather moody at times, perhaps it's a hormone thing?
  8. Hey Phil! Good to see you back! I remember a time when it was pretty common to see those bots taking the 360 degree pics. Had a few of them land on my parcel. Haven't heard of them in a long time, though.
  9. My RL best friend has been my "bestie" since about 3rd grade (we're 48 now), she moved away from Michigan shortly after she graduated from college. I missed her terribly, even though we talked for hours almost daily. When I accidentally stumbled upon SL, and figured out what it was that I was looking at, I had a lightbulb moment! I invited her to check it out, and we realized it was the perfect way for us to still hang out and do all the things best friends do in RL....and more than we ever could have actually done! Here it is, almost 9 years later, and my "sister" and I still roam the grid together! It makes living so far apart a lot easier. :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:
  10. HEY, we do NOT eat popcorn with forks:matte-motes-shocked:!!!! I personally prefer it with loads of butter and parmesan cheese:matte-motes-delicious:, but no forks!!
  11. That's a fantastic idea, Dres. I'll probably do that myself. Goodness knows it's tiring separating my group notices from all my Viagra advertisements and offers for millions of dollars from foreign royalty!:matte-motes-wink-tongue: lol (actually, it really is a great idea)!
  12. Funny that you would mention Hotel California...with the subsequent loss of Glen Frey. He was an alumnus of my high school. His shirt in this pic is from our school. George A Dondero High School, Royal Oak, Michigan. ETA Can we just pretend The Laughing Gnome never happened?
  13. Ummm, I really just wondered why it was so quiet!! LOL! 
  14. It seemed very unusual for it to be so quiet for so long.....
  15. My apologies, Ho, I've seen you called both. That really doesn't clear anything up though. Ah well...
  16. YES Deja!! I was absent for a bit, what the h#l* did I miss???? Would SOMEONE fill me in????
  17. Okay, Perrie...no fair...the least you could do is pm me your theory....lol
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