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Aislin Ceawlin

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Everything posted by Aislin Ceawlin

  1. @Skell Dagger Considering that the Jared Leto Joker is the best (IMO) this just made my ovaries implode, lmao! ETA, must have hit the wrong reply button, was too busy wanting to fix the "damage" lol!!!
  2. Omg, I've been looking for a cute dress with poppies on it!!! Where did you get that one?? I love it!!
  3. Sweet baby Jebus, Skell. So many gorgeous looks. You are truly the master of the male avatar! You know my preference, the dark hair, dark eyes, guyliner thing, but they're all beautiful to look at
  4. I've had things come back as coalesced on private sims quite a a few times over the years, is that only in the case of a sim closing that it's only on mainland???
  5. Sorry, was responding at the same time as you so hadn't seen your response. Also, without looking you up, we have no clue how long you've been in SL, we were just trying to help. There are people who have been members for many years who, for whatever reason, don't know about coalesced items.
  6. Someone with more knowledge about this can confirm or deny my thought, but I think there is a way that LL can restore your inventory. Not positive on that, but seems like I've heard of people having to contact LL for that. Can someone add to this?
  7. Oh, Tari, this must have you so stressed out. (Hugs you tight)
  8. YES!!!! EXACTLY THIS!!!! LMAO! I remember everyone passing the word, praying you didn't crash, etc. Good times! People who stayed in making a kind of party of things, lol!
  9. Another of those "I remember back in the day" moments!! Yep, back in the day, the grid would go down and you had no clue if it would be an hour or a day or two. These noobs think this is bad, we had to access the grid in 7 foot snow, uphill, both ways, AND WE LIKED IT!! Once we got in, all we had were prims (the equivalent of sticks and rocks), none of this fancy shmancy mesh stuff, AND WE LIKED IT!!! (grinning, it had to be done)
  10. Boy, am I glad I was off last night and tonight, lmao!
  11. @Ivanova Shostakovich I absolutely look forward to your weirdo toaster!!!!
  12. You mistakenly attributed that quote to me. I didn't say that.
  13. (looks at her toaster with disappointment) Awaiting further installments!!!!
  14. I just knew when I read the original post that it would be something big, lmao!
  15. He makes more than my butt wiggle, lmao!
  16. Similiar to the vast zucchini empire my father accidentally planted one time, lol!
  17. As a RL pilot, it is nice to get up there and relax and enjoy your time in the sky, but you still have to be 100% aware of no fly zones. You can't fly into one and whine that you weren't hurting anyone or anything! I know there's a LOT more no fly zones in SL, but if you want to use RL as an example........
  18. Sorry, this is what immediately came to mind, lol!
  19. Because I ( and a lot of us) reeeeeeaaaaalllly love our SL shoes!!! LOL!
  20. OMG, LMAOOO! You are my FAVORITE person today!!!!
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