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Aislin Ceawlin

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Everything posted by Aislin Ceawlin

  1. Nurple? I say it counts, as it's been in use for decades (at least) as in purple nurple!
  2. Thanks!! I tried editing my post last night to say that I realized you mentioned the hunt name in the OP, but for whatever reason, it wouldn't let me I appreciate your response, though!!!
  3. Which hunt is it? I've been looking for a good one!
  4. LMAOOO, yep, bald, missing a foot, YUUUUGE Ginger "minge" (God, I loved her on Drag Race) I was totally bringing sexy back! HAHAHA!
  5. The season of the b*%ch! (I have a 7 month old kitten named Halloween Jack, lol!) That Halloween Jack is a real cool cat, and he lives on top of Manhattan Chase, the elevator's broke, so he climbs down a rope, onto the street he goes, oh Tarzy go man go!!! (Tarzy is one of his nick names! )
  6. I'd love it if you could give me a link to this when you're ready. My RL son is interested in getting into some RP. He has an avie that he created a while back, but has never really used that I've temporarily taken over to upgrade.
  7. Little S(L)hop of Horrors? lol!
  8. Omgosh! Glitch pants were a must!!! Actually, with the advent of mesh, I see so many avies rezzing in to areas looking "nekkid as a jay bird" I think glitch pants (and bras) might be a good thing to go back to!! lol!
  9. My RL best friend is Muslim. She had come home for a visit, and we were going to the mall. I commented on how pretty the hijab she was wearing was. She asked if I would like to wear one out on our excursion as an experiment, and I thought it might be interesting to see what sort of reactions I would get, so I did. I was treated with hostility, rudeness, and in a lot of other negative ways that had I looked like a middle class, white "probably Christian" woman, I never would have. . I realize this isn't the same as skin color, but I got a RL taste of what a lot of Muslim women go through that I otherwise never would have. I had WITNESSED it plenty of times, but to experience it first hand was something altogether different. It was a real eye opener. ETA I live in very close proximity to the largest community of Muslims (Middle Easterners) in the world outside of the Middle East ETA (again) my friend is not Middle Eastern, she's actually of Yugoslavian descent, but converted many years ago.
  10. I used to have a very dear friend that I met in SL (she has left SL, but we are still close in RL) who is black in RL. "Back in the day" black skins were few and far between, and really good ones almost non existant. She usually settled on a very tanned skin, but with her hair choices it made her race questionable. I used to call her my racially ambiguous twin.
  11. We need T shirts (mesh, of course) that say "COVFEFE"!! I bet they would sell like crazy, lol! I know I want one!
  12. LOL, Yes. I wanted to name him Willard after the rat in the movie Ben, but someone said that freaked them out too much, so, a kinder/gentler name.
  13. Actually, I believe that skin WAS Shy Caramelle, I probably (read definitely since I never clean my inventory) still have it! lol! We should have an old avie party at the hangout!!!
  14. Bless you, Alwin (you grumpy f*#k, lol! ), I think I found a fix in your links. I tried Googling, and came up with so many different things that didn't work. ETA: I could HUG you!!! The 3rd link seemed to contain the answer!!!! I have tried SOOO many that were just WRONG!!!!
  15. I absolutely know this goes elsewhere, but I'm hoping to get an answer quickly, and I think more people look here, soooo, Does anyone know how to reset your camera angle to the default position (or a better one?) I've tried a few things that I Googled (and found in the knowledge base) but I don't seem to be doing something right, or whatever (Gah). I even tried a clean install of Firestorm hoping to rid it of the settings it's using. PLEASE FORGIVE ME FOR POSTING THIS HERE!! I'm inworld and can't see in front of myself when I walk, it's looking downward (ugh) HELP!! lol
  16. OH BABY!! lol (weren't we just a mess back then?? LMAO)
  17. I spent the entire day snoozing today, so now I'm wide awake at 12:30 am. This is what happens when you work midnights. I've always been a night owl anyway, so no biggie, really. I just lost one of my beloved pet rats a few days ago (His name was Touille), so I'm spending extra time snuggling TidBit because he has to be lonely. (TidBit is the FATTEST rat in the world!! lol). Watching Bell, Book, and Candle (one of my absolute FAVORITE movies!) and snuggling a rat is my evening, lol! Here's a pic of my boys, Touille is on the left, TidBit on the right. TidBit is sooo much fatter now, lol! This really doesn't do them justice, Touille was a beautiful gray, double rex coat (semi bald) and TidBit (who is his son) is a gorgeous champagne colored single rex coat (very thick and curly/wavy). I "accidentally" had a litter of 13 babies, after a biologist mistakenly sexed the buddy I got for Touille as male. 12 babies plus the mother went to a rescue, TidBit was the only one I kept, he was such a tiny little pinkie, (hence TidBit, lol) Sorry for rambling about them, but I'm really missing Touille.
  18. We've had strange weather here, in Michigan, as well (But climate change is a hoax (facepalm)). The days have either been around 80F or 60F not much in between! We generally count on the last big snowstorm in April, (being in the southern part of Mich) but that's not even something to count on anymore.
  19. I sooo envy your life (Okay, the part you posted, anyway, lol)
  20. My RL best friend, SL sister(s) (her alts, lol) lives in Dallas, I live in our home state, Michigan. We've both brought up teleporting while on the phone.
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