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Aislin Ceawlin

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Everything posted by Aislin Ceawlin

  1. I read something in another thread that brought back a rather cringeworthy memory from my early (ish) days. I thought it might be fun to share our moments of mortification in our SLs! I'll start. I was home alone one evening, waiting for my SL husband to log in and was playing around with different things on my viewer. I opened the mini map and saw two dots in one of my neighbors homes, and hovered my cursor over the dots to see if it would display the names of the avies. I must have tapped it somehow, because, next thing you know, I'm standing in their bed directly over the two of them whilst they were (cough cough) playing "cowgirl". I was absolutely horrified, I about died of embarrassment. They weren't exactly thrilled with my unannounced visit, either. I apologized profusely, explained what had happened (via PM after TPing myself home as quickly as possible) and thankfully, they were quite understanding. We actually became good friends after that.
  2. Or sins to be cleansed ( @Madelaine McMasters is that service still available?)
  3. (yells through the door) DON'T COME IN, I'LL BE OUT IN A BIT, WE CAN TALK ABOUT IT THEN, I'M (cough cough) BUSY!!!"
  4. Clearly, using his brain before he speaks is not his thing https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/380010-banned-from-the-disco/#comment-1171901
  5. Wow, not sure what YOU'RE looking at, she looks like a perfectly normal sized woman. Bet you're no catch, yourself.
  6. I loved that song when I was a kid, lol! I double, dirty dog dare you, Rhonda, lol!
  7. SWEET BABY JESUS!!!!! (runs to bathroom and locks the door)
  8. ROLLLLLL TIDE!! My alma mater!! I went to nursing school there!!! Bear Bryant is considered a God!
  9. I've popped in and chatted with him a few times, lol!
  10. @Nostoll, I hope you tipped our Talli well!!!
  11. (Looks left at Snuggs and right @Madelaine McMasters, sighs with exasperation) "MOMMMMMMM, THEY'RE BREATHING AT ME AGAIN".
  12. I LOVE Elizabethtown! When I was growing up, we'd (my parents and I) always stay at the Holiday Inn in Elizabethtown on our way down home to Tennessee and Alabama (where my mom and dad were from). It was kind our little tradition to always stop and stay there. It's such a pretty town!
  13. But, .................I don't LIKE Spam (not true, I love spam, lol)
  14. I have a "niece" (she's actually the niece of one of my life long best friends) who is part of a poly relationship in RL, they are an amazing family, and so respectful of each other. It's really inspiring.
  15. Happy belated birthday!!! (You're only a year ahead of me)
  16. @Talligurl Would you please send me a link to your gallery???
  17. Forgive me, Skell, I don't know how you feel about this person, but that avie brings Jeffree Starr to mind (I love him, personally)
  18. Just curious, where are you in Tenn? I don't remember if you said, or not. My mom was from Tenn. My grandparents, and a lot of my family lived / live in the Smithville, Watertown area.
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