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Aislin Ceawlin

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Everything posted by Aislin Ceawlin

  1. Thank you, Amanda! I was going to post something along the same line. I had the same experience.
  2. LOL, darn it! I was going to run inworld and shoot a pic of the same thing!
  3. Excellent idea! I'm in no way a coder, or anything like that, so I don't think of things like this, so thank you!
  4. Lately, when I TP somewhere, then TP back home, I end up looking like the pics below. Any thoughts as to why this is happening? It just started happening.
  5. Well, after 10 long years, I finally did it. Yesterday, I thought I would wear the cutest pair of leggings I recently bought. Stopped myself just short of digging through my closet when I realized that I bought them in SL (facepalm)
  6. I bought one that was very close to the one I grew up in! I just had to have it!
  7. Me too!!! (on both subjects)! I'll shoot you a friend request!
  8. That outfit is ADORABLE!!! Do you mind if I ask where you got it?? ETA: Oops, nevermind!!! lol!
  9. BTW, I am absolutely accepting applications for new buddies, lol! Feel free to send me a friend request!!
  10. I got an "app" from LittleMe Jewell that does something like that. If you don't log in for an amount of time specified by you, it alerts someone that you have chosen and I believe gives them your log in info so they can alert people. I'm not 100% on the details, I haven't read the documentation or set it up yet, so I'm relying on my faulty memory of how she described it, lol.
  11. LOL, when I saw the title and who posted it I thought "WOW! That sure doesn't seem like our Talli"!! Which is exactly why I had to open it!
  12. 'OMG, Clover, the second one is absolutely stunning!!!
  13. I seriously love this question! First would be when I discovered SL, and got my RL best friend to join. We've been best friends since 3rd grade (a looooooong time ago, lol), after high school, she left Michigan to live in the West. Having SL was having a place where we could hang out and do all the best friend things we couldn't do in RL. Another would be the time spent with the first few good friends I made in SL, discovering things together, and just acting stupid, lol! Lastly (for this list anyway) would be the day I met my ex SL husband. OMG, we were so crazy about each other instantly. We were married in SL for over 3 years. We were considered the "IT couple" most places we hung out. We've met in RL, and are still very close friends in RL. Gosh, so many special memories thanks to SL, I just can't pick only one! Good times!
  14. Good old Chelsea hotel! I used to live there, but I just have to have more prims, lol!
  15. I absolutely LOVE this idea!!! I would TOTALLY follow this!!!
  16. I agree, Talli. This isnt a competition. (or isssss it? *runs off to post many slap dash threads to get my numbers up!) lol
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