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Lucia Nightfire

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Everything posted by Lucia Nightfire

  1. If KittyCats does not allow for a user to pay money to buy a starter cat of known traits and instead, gets one of randomized traits, they might be in violation of the policy as it doesn't look like LL can make an exception in this area. LL certainly opened up a can of worms (bad pun) and can't play favorites to any applications that offer unknown content for money. I do hope the FAQ LL is cooking up explains what all is allowed or not outside of what's literally gacha for all intents and purposes.
  2. Or they'll just price things they already love creating accordingly and not based on how many pulls they think they can get? There is obvious passion in creator's works. Gacha going away won't stop that.
  3. Oh that already happened over 30 pages back, heh.
  4. In all fairness, I think LL needs to officially state whether this practice will be acceptable or not as it looks like a lucrative alternative that could come into practice. The law can very well prohibit it, but so far with what Patch said on page 9: seems to be the focus and as long as what is pictured/expected is what you get upon payment, that part should no longer come into conflict with the change. Re-randomizing occurring AFTER expected product is paid for and receiving, might be an entirely different ethics/legal issue altogether.
  5. Just because your gacha machine is next to machines selling the same content directly, doesn't make the gacha machine legal, no.
  6. I predict this as well. It seems completely legal to me as you're buying what's displayed. It also has traffic boosting potential. My only gripe about this format would be if changeover times/countdowns are not displayed, else, you can lose money at inopportune times. There is also the problem of "snipers", but since there is no "only sell to" pay mechanic that allows a customer to interface with a payment object and that payment method be established, snipers have been and will continue to be a problem.
  7. Body shapes, static poses and now, environment settings are the biggest "scams" in SL by default. 🙄
  8. @Patch Linden It's been brought up several times without a official response, but what about token based purchases of randomized received content where L$ buys tokens/store credits/store points and those are later used to make purchases instead?
  9. Commons -> Arm Rares -> Leg Ultra Rare -> First Born
  10. "How about a pair of pink sidewinders and a bright orange pair of pants?"
  11. You mean don't want to gamble and instead, just want to pay money for the make/model/style/color they want.
  12. Yeah, their synching problem might be fixed, but the login problems remain. "Mission Accomplished" as usual...
  13. It's called dynamic bones and colliders (deflectors). It's only been around for over 20 years in games and only been overdue in SL since the one and only skeleton update. Hair isn't the only thing that can use them. Clothing and body parts can as well.
  14. I would say Queen had a very successful adoption considering that it made it to #9 when it didn't even exist at all in my report 5 months before this latest one.
  15. Facebook Horizon is boring and lacking. Roblox is far more capable. Horizons does not have the avatar customizing, content creation or world building toolsets Roblox has.
  16. Did they ever? Was it ever? They haven't been perpetually 10 years behind the standards ever since they introduced mesh?
  17. It would sure be nice if LL could roll out a server version that allows logging on to aditi without issues. Every time I want to log on aditi, I get the "despite our best efforts" timeout on the first attempt, followed by "Connecting to region..." > "we are having trouble connecting" timeout on the second attempt. A third attempt either finally goes through or it is a repeat of the "Connecting to region..." > "we are having trouble connecting" timeout. This has been the case since January.
  18. Setting PRIM_SPECULAR and PRIM_NORMAL with LLSLPP fails with -ve rotation values
  19. Secondlife is not on any competitive corporate entity's radar. Secondlife does not create any standards that any competitive corporate entity would be interested in mimicking.
  20. I'm aware there are such benefits, but I'm not for access to this information without my explcit permission. I'm not for attempting to create a new standard where permissionless access should be treated as a new norm.
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