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Randall Ahren

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Everything posted by Randall Ahren

  1. Cathbodva Clarity wrote: That is why i like phoenix i can put my AO in the built in AO and reduce my lag to almost none!! Is that really true with the built in viewer AO? Doesn't the built in AO simply load the animations out of your inventory that a wearable AO normally has and stream those to other avatars in range as it cycles through the animations?
  2. Penny Patton wrote: AO sets with high numbers of animations lead to latency issues, too, since every new animation needs to be streamed to every avatar around you. What about dancing? Practically every club or hangout place has a dance ball. Doesn't streaming the dance animation to every surrounding avatar cause substantial lag? Couldn't clubs eliminate a lot of lag by getting rid of the dance balls?
  3. I need access to SL while I'm on a treadmill. The treadmill speeds controls my avatar's speed in SL and shows my avatar trying to outrun a virtual tiger. If my avatar doesn't outrun the tiger, my avatar gets eaten. How would that be for motivation?
  4. Shouldn't this be an issue addressed by LL? Set a limit on the number of scripts that a single avatar can have running at one time and refuse to run scripts over that limit. I saw one lady that had 910 scripts. She looked great though, especially her hair. Also, how much lag do breedable animals cause? I checked some Ameretto horses yesterday, and it looked like about 10 scripts per hoss, not so bad really, considering that most female avatars run from 100 to 300 scripts each.
  5. Dillon Levenque wrote: When I said I wasn't quite sure what you meant I was talking about "You had me at t-girl".... I like to be able to fall back on things like, "My, this is really a lovely chardonnay". My fall back is jokes of a sexual nature. With the t-girl line, I was paraphrasing Dorthy's line from Jerry Maguire: You had me at hello. Be careful in SL. It does to your mind what spring does to cherry trees.
  6. It's a quote from a book entitled "Ilusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah" by Richard Bach. A more complete quotation of the relevant portion is: "Richard, don't forget what you did today. It is easy to forget our times of knowing, to think they've been dreams or old miracles, one time. Nothing good is a miracle, nothing lovely is a dream. " "The world is a dream, you say, and it's lovely, sometimes. Sunset. Clouds. Sky." "No. The image is a dream. The beauty is real. Can you see the difference?" I think what it means is that beauty is something we create. It's a matter of perception. If you perceive something as beautiful then it is for you. This brings up the question of what is meant by insanity. To those who cannot hear the music, the dancing man seems crazy.
  7. Dillon Levenque wrote: I used to spend a great deal of time at a t-girl club called Las Princesas, now sadly closed... And please, those of you who think I'm borderline delusional and was just sitting at a keyboard the whole time and that being inworld isn't real: I know. I get it. It's just a game for you, or maybe just a way to make RL connections. You had me at t-girl. Our SL world may be an illusion, but the beauty is real. Can you see the difference?
  8. You're less than 30 days old aren't you? That will limit employment prosects. BTW, that's a pretty scary looking profile photo. For now, hit up money trees. See http://moneytree.wolfhavenproductions.com/wmt/masterlist.php After you're 30 days old, try and get a job at Sweethearts Jazz Romantic Elegant Ballroom & Dance Club for L$100/hr. They are usually advertising. Alternatively, auction yourself off at SAG.
  9. Are you using Phoenix? There's a camera bug that causes that. Press Escape a couple of times, then Ctrl + 9, and Shift + scroll mouse up and down. If that doesn't help, see this http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=camera
  10. Never look a gift horse in the mouth. Praise the Linden gods for their infinite wisdom and offer a prayer of thanks.
  11. Why don't you make the prim phantom so that if anyone stands on it they will fall through?
  12. Wow, just born today. Duke, how about some more information? Just a couple of questions to get the conversation rolling: 1) If you could have a superhero ability, what it would? 2) What prompted you to sign up for Second Life?
  13. ladibla, You missed out the big religion in SL thread because it was deleted by the moderators. Someone must have posted something bad in it. What are some of the questions you have?
  14. I was thinking of implementing a policy of no friendships accepted from residents less than 30 days old. It seems like the friends that you meet once and thereafter never login again are all under 30 days in SL age. Someone who has been around awhile is not likely to dissappear so suddenly and so soon. The more troublesome question is what to do with friends that never respond to IMs? I mean friends that you are know are online because their name is displayed in bold at the time of your friends list, but there is no response to your IMs. This is especially irritating with new residents that I helped out. I give them three strikes. If I IM them on three separate questions on different days when they are online and they do not respond, they are removed. It is probably not good policy on my part. I have yet to encounter a limit on my friends list so I suppose I should leave everybody listed there even if I have not seen them active in the past year. ps: This is what I imagine Lexie's avatar to look like in-world (the one on the left). I was close, she actually looks like the one on the right:
  15. I think replace llDetectedKey(0) with Id in both llGiveInventory(llDetectedKey(0), llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_NOTECARD, 0)); and llLoadURL(llDetectedKey(0), "Oddballs Second Life Forum", "http://www.oddball.be");  Also make sure you have a notecard in inventory.
  16. Knoll Paine wrote: If the name includes their favorite sexual position; I have to pass. Yes, that is something that should definitely be in their profile.
  17. What about Nazis, do they fit the dress code? On February 24, 1920, the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (DAP (The German Workers' Party)) was renamed the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. Hitler assumed leadership of the foregoing organization on July 29, 1921. Mein Kampf was published in 1925 and 1926, as a two-volume work. The Nazis fit squarely within the time period of 1920s Berlin.
  18. In the RL if you own property held for rent, a certain vacancy rate is assumed, usually between 10% and 20%. What type of vacancy do you expect with a full region held for rent? As for a $200/month profit after tier is paid, that is a 100% profit on the monthly tier. Moreover, you don't have to worry about being sued as you would in RL for cheating your tenants as is common in SL. Edit: alleged cheating. Actually that is one of the problems with SL business, lack of enforceable contracts.
  19. Pussycat Catnap wrote: If you were not white, and to be correct only certain kinds of white, in the 1920s, the world was a very dark, nasty, brutal place. It hasn't changed much in 90 years. Try wearing a kippa in public in the Netherlands where Anne Frank lived. "Always after a defeat and a respite, the Shadow takes another shape and grows again." "I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo. "So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." -The Lord of the Rings
  20. Marianne McCann wrote: There is not "get rich quick" in SL. Actually, I think there is although not in SL real estate. The latest was breedable pets. Of the top 96 best selling items in the Marketplace, consumable items for breedable pets makes the list seven times of which these items are all no copy, no modify and no transfer so that customers must keeping purchasing the items as they are consumed.
  21. Randall Ahren wrote: Are the autobots running again? They be back.
  22. Yes, I saw one of the autobots today as well. It was a big white bus on the SLRR near Tenera station. There was also a couple of griefer objects in the sandbox by Tenera station that filled up my chat queue with "yOu aRe a nOOb" until the spam protector on Phoenix muted it.
  23. It means dream, which is what you look like in that photo.
  24. j3nnd4wnxo wrote: I need to buy lindens to be able to sell lindens? Yes, I think that is one of the requirements and which is why your sell limit is currenly $0.00. If you buy some Lindens, your sell limit will be increased to above zero eight days after the buy transaction. You also need to buy Lindens to make even more Lindens from the money trees.
  25. With the motorbikes, you have to cross sim boundaries. You don't have to do that with soccer and other games, so that is one advantage. I've tried hockey in SL. It was kind of interesting. Bowling in SL is my favorite. Try Pando Carnival and Amusement Park for some good SL games.
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