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Randall Ahren

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Everything posted by Randall Ahren

  1. I get that message occasionally with Chrome. When I do, I switch to Pale Moon. Check it out, you might like it. It's Firefox optimized for windows. It's very fast.
  2. Name recognition I guess. It's the power of branding. Does it solve your problem though? Are you able to upload you video to metacafe?
  3. Upload your video first to metacafe, not to SL. Metacafe will provide you the code to embed your video on a website. Copy that code, come here, and hit the reply button. Then click the HTML tab and paste the code you copied from metacafe.
  4. Evidently not. Here is a video from metacafe, no. 1 on the list of the top ten alternatives to youtube. It's about shoes made from hair. Thought you might like it since ladies usually like shoes and hair. Shoes Made From Hair - The funniest home videos are here
  5. Advice? Seems I am never short of that. I would try uploading to another site. Google "youtube alternatives" and see if that gets you anywhere.
  6. Cio Koba wrote: I already have my good looking suit, wich is really good looking, Now comes the moment to ask for a place to wear it.. Do you now of any awsome ballroom or place to take a lady dancing? I like the looks of, for example, the dance area at apollo gardens, but who hasnt been to that place? I would like to surprise myself and who ever I took there. All dressed up and no place to go! What man hasn't done that, and with a freenis too? Makes me wish I was young and in love. How about the lady, is that base covered? Here is one possiblity: *~*Midsomer Isle*~* Step Into The Dream~Romantic Garden Dancing Midsomer for the nothern hemisphere is rapidly approaching. The parcel photo is quite enticing: Click the image for the slurl.
  7. Niko Kozower wrote: Vehicles and weapons mainly. Just knowing LSL all around though would be best. You want to mainly do vehicles and weapons? Can you be more specific? Is there a particular vehicle that you think is awesome, but would way cooler if it just had this one little tweak in its scripting? Then research how to do that tweak and if you want to do it bad enough, you'll figure it out. Learning LSL all around will just distract you from what you really want to do and keep you from getting started. It's the wanting that is key. You can be taught to script; you can't be taught to want to script. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. What people don't get, is that you are the teacher. You teach yourself.
  8. Come up with something that you want to do and then create a script to do it. The bolded portion is the hard part. So what is it that you want to do?
  9. Way cool profile. The force is strong with you. You are a great wizard and have the power to practice white magic instead of the dark arts. Remember the power of oneness, the great circle, the Om and the Aum. It is the place in you where the entire universe dwells, of love, truth, light and peace. Consider the power of a single premise: You are whole, complete, perfect and always have been. You are a cloud making up a part of a perfect sky. It is mere illusion that a cloud is separate from the sky. Finally, the best method for dealing with the insane, is to pretend to be sane. Welcome back. ps: I think you should participate in the activities at sex beaches and not just voyeur. Try everything, shirk nothing. Don't lie to yourself. It fascinated you for a reason.
  10. Sky Beverly wrote: i wear skinny jeans and have awesome hair! ( and NOO im not EMO)!!! the person you see in SL is basicly like the real me...im not gonna play some other person behind a pc to feel like having a better live in virtual !!!! talk to me...PM me...whatever you like !!! if you like me raise your hands , if you dont...raise your standards!! peace out peeps!!! Could you post a photo a please? I'm unable to distinguish good hair from bad hair, and need an example of awesome hair. You might want to put the photo in your profile as well. I rather like the second bolded sentence. You might consider adding that to your profile description. ATM it's a bit short and simply says "ask if you wanne know stuff".
  11. Another first to report: Got caught today with a lady friend in someone's else house. We were out sailing and docked at a fancy house on the Blake Sea. The house was locked, but I cammed in and did a tp to get inside and then tp'd my friend in. We were upstairs checking the bedroom out when the owner showed up. I did a cntrl h eject and then extracted my friend. I think the dark side must be calling me.
  12. Is the media on a prim feature available for all viewers? It might work for some of what I am working on. Some of it is like a PowerPoint presentation with a couple of slides. The rest comprises photos with a plaque providing a brief explanation for each photo.
  13. Dillon Levenque wrote: I called Voyager V'ger because of that Star Trek movie, but now I'm not so sure that movie's premise was all that far-fetched. If the craft can survive this long and go this far, who knows where the limit is? Maybe there really is some yet to be born Captain Kirk to wait out there in the future for our old-fashioned girl. I saw that movie. Voyager returns in the hull of an alien spacecraft looking for humpback whales. Evidently human speech is far too complex for these adanced aliens to understand, so the alien craft destroys everything in its path because the whales cannot be found - the whales went extinct. That's what happens when you employ an environmentalist as a script writer - everything is always about the whales.
  14. I don't know how to do that. If the cache is connected to the sim however, that would explain how the temporary textures are visible to everyone else in addition to my avatar.
  15. There is something I am not understanding about temporary textures. I used an alt from a different computer, so I don't see how a cache could be shared, unless the cache is on an LL server and the alt was connected to my primary avatar. I also had a friend visit and the temporary textures were visible to her, and she lives on another continent. I've noticed with temporary textures, I cannot add them to the inventory of a prim. However, I can put the texture on an object, and put the object in another prim.
  16. I was close to the drink, but not directly adjacent, and standing. My avatar starts trying to climb over the bar to get at the drink when wear is selected, and even starts flying. Sitting on a barstool is better. The avatar will rotate a little, but does not move around other than that. Unless the drink is really close though, the avatar cannot get the drink even while seated. If the drink is very close to the avatar, it appears as if the drink moves into the avatar's hand when wear is selected. I'll post a solution if I come up with something.
  17. That is pretty funny. I have a few suggested revisions: I am a recluse. I live in the forest on a private island. Trespassers will be shot. Survivors will be shot again. I have a wooden PC powered by a hand crank. Will trade a copy of my manifesto for sex (I don't get much action out here). If you want a copy of my manifesto delivered, it's L$100K. Please be patient as my internet connection uses carrier pigeons - there is a bit of lag. @Mayalily: must be quite a rack.
  18. How about: Evil Resident - for a vampire; Sleazy Resident - for a politician; Goofy Resident - for a Disney fan who likes Goofy; Dancing Resident - for a pole dancer; Cheezy Resident - for a resident that likes cheese; Porcine Resident - for a resident that looks like a pig; Chipper Resident - for a happy resident; EndowedResident - for the plus sized resident; Rockhard Resident - for the rockers (I know what ur thinking - don't go there); Bored Resident - we've all been there; Addicted Resident - could be me; Erect Resident - for residents that like erector sets Lego Resident - for a resident that like legos and/or has trouble letting go; Banned Resident - for the habitual griefer; and Jailbait Resident - for a younger resident Just saw Solar Starship logged in here to the forums. Pretty cool name.
  19. This thread needs to be nudged in a more adult direction. I can understand ladies being fascinated with hair, but guys? No way, they are interested in teh sects. My first purchase was equipment for sale at Sexy Nude Beach. I certainly was not going to walk around the beach under equipped.
  20. Yes, Nuclear Foton is good. Too bad you lost it. That reminds me of Time Engineer and Fusion Engineer. I think they're both pretty good, but I like Time Engineer a little better. I imagine that as a person who builds time machines and can manipulate the time-space continuum.
  21. Luc Starsider wrote: Had that kind of thing been a part of my SLife, the sure I would Luc, come to the dark side...
  22. You survived a whole year! Best wishes for a few more.
  23. Moundsa Mayo is an interesting one. It took me awhile to get that one. I just couldn't imagine mounds of mayonaise. Second Genesis is pretty cool too. The meaning is pretty obvious. Void Singer I guess is someone that sings into a void. Rolig Loon is a complete mystery. The best and most famous of all is of course Imnotgoing Sideways.
  24. Wesli97 wrote: Hey I was wondering if you guys knew of some really popular places where everyone is friendly. I don't want a place that's totally packed but I would like to know of some places that have at least more than 3 people. Any suggestions?? Ever read Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card? Think spaces, not places. There is no place you need to be. What will work instead is communication spaces, as in groups and group chat. That's your destination. Join NCI and NCI Spam and participate in the group chat. If you absolutely must have a place, head for Kuula. "I need you to be clever, Bean. I need you to think of solutions to problems we haven't seen yet. I want you to try things that no one has ever tried because they're absolutely stupid." -Ender's Game
  25. Dudes really aren't into dancing in SL. They think it's boring and they tend to go AFK and make a sandwich while the dance ball animates their avatar.
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