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Freya Mokusei

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Everything posted by Freya Mokusei

  1. Hey Core, This sounds like a great idea. I've been drawn a couple of times in-world, it's always made me feel pretty special! So I applaud the [probable] intent of special-feelings. For etiquette, I've had people ask beforehand and not - not asking if someone would like to be drawn seems risky to me but I actually don't think I can imagine it going poorly (unless you demand money or something ). And of course, if someone is sour and really does object to having their image posted in public online, it's probably courteous to hide it - though you could still use it in a private portfolio. As far as rules go, you're safe from SL's Machinima and Snapshot Policy, but it might still be smart to know of it. And if someone has listed in their parcel description that they don't want snapshots taken on their land then... maybe it's still smart to avoid painting people there as a matter of course. I've never seen this option used, but I could see it having value in private members clubs or high fashion events, where publicity might be controlled quite tightly. I've helped on a few art shows that weren't based on photography. A partner of mine made fractal works. Of course initial visibility is the hard part but there's little harm in asking if places* would consider doing art shows - or if they have art shows coming up. PHX (my partner) had a super-good, helpful and well-attended show at Commune Utopia - once you have a few images together, you could ask there! *The places I'm thinking of include:- Cafe's Coffee shops / Meeting houses Book clubs / Philosophy talks Event spaces The places SAUL suggested, above
  2. Phil Deakins wrote: It's a horrible web page, full of ads, pictures, etc. Salon.com is about 8/10 on the Clickbait scale - fairly terrible, but I end up there somewhat frequently. I just tried to load it up in IE11 and it crashed, haha. I didn't see the same video nonsense (though like you, I roll unfiltered), but it probably came from the manymanymany Google adspots on that page. This is journalism now. To be fair it was the first time I'd loaded up IE on this PC, I think ever (it's four years old). I'd be tempted to just read it from the source myself (it's fairly easily parsed), it's a good account of why Free != Good, basically because people don't value things presented as being 'given away', won't participate further in the ecosystem. The author bemoans digital content (Kindle etc) but then also complains about running out of physical materials (books) - I've been giving away free digital content for years and I'm yet to run out of 1's and 0's. Old economics be old.
  3. This fella figured it out before a lot of the others.
  4. You should check out the Second Life Brand Center. I see that WindLight® is a registered trademark of Linden Lab. Using it in the name of your business is definitely breaking the brand guidelines. You should either gain written permission to use it in this way (unlikely), or consider better adherance to these rules. Hope this helps!
  5. What "information" are you expecting? Update your question, be more clear and post a picture if that helps to explain your problem. Maybe your "cats" are no-modify or.. made from particles... or... something?
  6. ChinRey wrote: It's not exactly rocket science It's quantum science! The most confusing of all the science. Cool article! Radio waves are fun, but electronic signals are seemingly tied to Einsteinian Physics for some time yet.
  7. Gadget Portal wrote: the most common browsers on the market... OT but hardly. Edge is unlikely to ever gain more than a 3-5% share, IE itself is only 11% after a hundred-billion years of being forced to install it alongside Windows. Trend is headed doooooooown. More importantly though, IE and Edge are the most divergent browsers from W3C web rendering standards (Edge does better, but still not a winner). The Trident/Spartan engines underneath have been a real mess for some time. There's a lot of web-developers - conscious of the mobile markets - that would rather spend time on Gecko (Chrome/Mozilla) and Webkit (Safari) engines than fixing Microsoft's product for them, just to satisfy the tiny percentages who use IE/Edge. I don't know that it's right, but I do know that that's been the approach here for some time. I can't see this changing. Have instead been suggesting the outliers move to a less effort-dependent browser.
  8. Rowlett Rhode wrote: Im trying to add music to my land and not having much luck...... what id really like is to beable to have my own play list playing (kinda like spotify) without it having to run from my compter.... You can do this if you have a stream in a compatible format. Spotify is a closed ecosystem, it doesn't 'stream' to other services and they don't allow you to stream their music outward. Same with Pandora. Only way to accomplish this would be to break the Terms of Service for either platform (something that I won't help you to do). I don't know if there's a good dubstep station, or if this is an oxymoron. J/K, Dubwub's pretty fun. Your best bet is to take a look at the compatible stream options in the link above, and search for a station that will work for your land. As an additional note, most of the services/links on the official pages are very old - don't expect to find living radio stations there. Good luck!
  9. Not... unless you move closer to them or upgrade your networking cables (this includes those outside the house). Electrical signals are beholden to the laws of physics. The longer the distance, the longer it takes to traverse. This, combined with slow networking speeds (average in the UK is ~3.5Mbit/s) means longer delays when communicating over long distances. You could try to improve your connection speed, and maybe see some performance gain. As one example, it helps if you're not sharing the line with anyone else, or downloading torrents, etc. Additionally, the voice system is operated by Vivox, Second Life isn't responsible for its performance, even if it could be resolved. Hope this helps! For more specific advice, add the results of a speedtest to your next reply.
  10. CordeliaDeLear wrote: I thought it was a simple question, perhaps I am phrasing it incorrectly as I don't seem to be able to get an answer (in-game) from anyone. When I am in edit mode for a piece of furniture, for example, is there any way to inhibit movement of that object when it touches another object (or, at least have the outline change color when that happens), for example when it touches the wall, or the floor or a table, etc. ? Nope! Although you might have success with using "Snap to Grid" in Edit and setting custom steps (using the -> button that entirely doesn't look like a button). CordeliaDeLear wrote: Also, while I'm about it, is it possible to change the orientation point of an object when rotating it? Yes. This can be done by setting the Snap to Grid mode to "Local" while editting an attachment. It moves the axis from the point of attachment to the centre of the object. (there's no way to set custom orientation points).  More info: SL Wiki: Build Tools
  11. This often happens because your connection 'chokes' on the sudden rush of data as you log in. Limit occurances of this by making sure:- You have no leftover Notifications (top-right) Your inventory is small (ideally <40,000 items, and no folders with more than 10,000 items) If using RLV, that your #RLV folder is small as well If you think this is all fine, you'll probably just want to reduce your settings so that your network struggles less with the pressure of logging in.
  12. According to Community Guidelines, you're not allowed to post names of companies, groups or individuals to this forum. You need to remove all of that - you're breaking the rules and may see your content removed, and suffer penalties against your account. To answer your "question": landowners can ban anyone for any reason. Some people are dumb, go to better places. You're not entitled to any kind of refund, or any kind of explanation. And... no Linden staff will read your message.
  13. A TPG file? Maybe you mean JPG, or TGA? TPG isn't a thing. Anyway, you'll have to add it to an appropriate layer, or use whichever applier was specified for it. Maybe check out SL Wiki: Clothing Tutorials
  14. No-one here can answer you authoritively, we're just residents, like you. My reading of the Machinima Policy is that yes, streaming is covered. There have been several high-publicity live-streaming events and all of those (that I'm aware of) took the advice of the Snapshot and Machinima Policy in mind.
  15. I understand that you're frustrated. I would be, too - I'm not a furry (in fact, I probably fit your definition of 'BDSM person') but I advocate for acceptance for many lifestyles, kinks, subcultures, what have you (I separate this from protected status like gender identity, age, religion, for reasons explained later - although obviously I advocate for these too). I marched with a handful of anthros recently at London Pride, who stayed in their fur all day despite the wicked heat (I, lacking fur, suffered heavy sunburn). Now, again, I would like to see as many types of people accepted at as many places as possible. The RP locations I've worked with all allow furries (namedropping: Wastelands, Doomed Ship), the kink/BDSM locations as well. If there's a place I'm involved in, it will be accepting. I probably wouldn't go to a place - and I definitely wouldn't stay or contribute - if I found they had many/any rules regarding appearance at all. I vote with my feet/wallet, I challenge policies that get in the way of a general principle of "more folks = more success", and - on occaision - I get told that I, or my varied friends, are no longer welcome (which is acceptable, though unfortunate). To me, this approach strikes me as being useful for a few reasons:- It minimises opinionated bystanders (who don't matter, your issue is with specific landowners) It allows you to explain the positives, and challenge any perceived negatives. Time is your friend (opinions and perspectives change very slowly) When it's clear that I'm not welcome, I can use it as an opportunity to invest in new places/people. I understand the claims of the "immersion" argument, however... it's SL. Immersion is broken every time a player gets an IM, every time they see the infinite water-plane beyond sim edges, every time someone TP's in like magic. If roleplayers are expected to ignore/not draw attention to that, it doesn't strike me as being especially difficult to accept a couple of slightly fuzzier folks. ALL OF THAT SAID... Subculture, lifestyle, kinks are NOT protected statuses. They are NOT the same as religion, sexual preference, gender identity. I can only think of one exception to this rule - and of course, it's not possible to say "that's how it should be" - it's a situation that's still evolving, people are learning the limitations of each approach. Nothing is perfect, no-one can be protected all of the time. Discrimination means 'something else' online. I suppose this argument could go on forever, but to try and shorten it... discrimination in real life prevents people from getting the job they want, from being allowed to vote, from being able to walk down the street in safety. In Second Life, what do you lose? You typically lose the ability to socialise with people who probably don't like your group (for generalised, likely incorrect reasons) anyway, and very little else. It doesn't prevent you socialising elsewhere, doesn't endanger your wellbeing, and doesn't limit your growth or development. Discrimination is a social concept as well as a legal one. Linden Lab's ToS and CS protect against 'official' discrimination, hatespeech and offensive behaviour and prejudice against individuals or by the platform itself. This won't help furfolks get access to places where furries are (politely) not welcome or discouraged from participating. Even if you could force your way into these places (this is literally what you'd have to do), how would your presence be received? Would sim owners be motivated to police their (previously happy) communities to accept change? Would other roleplayers or participants interact with you as often as they would a non-fur? Does any of this conflict help you, or the landowner? Tolerance is hard, even when the odds of trouble are low. I wear a collar in both lives, for personal and aesthetic reasons. I'm told to remove it in plenty of spaces (my reaction to this varies) - and I've had plenty of negative confrontations, assumptions made - in both lives. I sometimes present as 'Goth', and this too gets mixed reactions - I've faced harassment, assault and plenty of verbal hassle (ditto, both lives). There's other aspects of my identity that cause friction, but... even here, I'm cautious to make myself a target. I see plenty of people every day, and 99.999% of them are great - but it only takes one person to sour a whole party, event or space that previously appeared tolerant. All you can do in these situations is find the good people, and keep trying. We all have struggles. Acceptance is tough for everyone to find, even those who fall in 'mainstream' groups - it's still necessary to find those groups in the first place and learn where you fit. Questioning why some groups are accepted and others presently aren't (e.g. BDSM vs. Furry), IMO, creates more division than it dissolves. Everyone has a fight, sometimes groups can choose to help each other out, but alliances are hard-fought, and throwing a different group under a bus in an either/or doesn't help anyone. Embrace difference, rather than seek to make everyone the same. This is why the approach of landowners having freedom to exclude has been accepted. It's a reality of the platform, and no-one's going to step-in to police it. You can argue that some actors COULD, or SHOULD police things, but until they do this is where we're at. The Grid's a big place, and it's full of folks like me with some exceptions. You'll find a good place. (Also, Tari's posts in this thread have been awesome to read. There are others too. )
  16. Pamela Galli wrote: Hopefully our Patron Saint of JIRAs, Whirly, will be along to enlighten us 
  17. ObviousAltIsObvious wrote: you might still fake it with a Flash-based remote access program pointed to a real PC somewhere. If that's a viable route for the OP then they may have interest in another recent thread in this forum:- https://community.secondlife.com/t5/LSL-Scripting/Create-a-working-computer/m-p/3043970
  18. Nope! I don't even think SLGo would've had support for this.
  19. Today is Tuesday. Just like most Tuesdays, there is rolling maintenance - you can find info about it in the usual place:- https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Status-Grid/Rolling-Maintenance-Main-Channel/ba-p/3043902 You might be able to log in by choosing a different starting location, esp. those at the very north of the Grid.
  20. Thanks Qie - good point about visibility. For the OP, this tells more about the PUBLIC JIRA: SL Wiki: Bug Reporting 101
  21. Hm, irritating! My own suggestion would be to look into creating a SEC JIRA case, but you might want to check that other posters feel this is suitable (I'm not certain). Feel free to read through the link above and make your own call.
  22. Sorry that you struggle. Just to tackle the known tricks I've seen with easy queries:- Are you sure it was the same account? Not an alt, with display name? Are you sure he was on the sim? Not on an adjacent sim and using position-offsets to 'ghost' his way in? Are there adjacent sims? I don't disbelieve your account, but sometimes folks use similar-looking tricks to make it look like they're super-powered. No-one really is, but it'd be interesting if he's figured out a way around even Estate bans.
  23. Yes. I have a friend who created a CLI terminal using web-side Javascript. It's probably cleverer than I could do justice in explaining. It used a combination of technologies and languages. The trick - for your approach - would be ensuring the VNC solution was supported by the in-world browser. That's where my friends Javascript usage did pretty well.
  24. I'm slightly confused by your use of "a previous owner". If you're talking about THE previous owner - the single user who paid tier - then perhaps there would be the option. If this applies to you, consider Contacting Support. My understanding is that this is pretty unlikely. Once a region is gone, I think it's gone for good. But I can't speak authoritively about what's possible, so give it a try.
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