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Freya Mokusei

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Everything posted by Freya Mokusei

  1. It was probably sensible to buy a new laptop first and then ask for a professional opinion. I can't see this backfiring at all. Oh well, at least you didn't ask us if one thing that we don't know is different to one other thing that we don't know. Jeez.
  2. Supersatan3 wrote: Is it possible for someone who owns a single sim to compete with larger landlords in the current market? No, not at all. The Atlas program exists, giving larger landlords preferential (and secret) rates. Sadly no links are available, you will have to Google more about this yourself. You might make some money (I don't know the market so closely), but I'd expect razor-thin margins if you're trying to be competitive, and you'll need an occupancy rate of as close to 100% as possible. Not sure what kicked off this idea of yours, but be careful that it wasn't an old source. The market has changed a lot in recent years.
  3. You cannot. Your only option would be to abandon your Linden Home and buy 512m^2 of mainland, which is tier-free for Premium accounts. You could then buy more land on the same simulator, to expand your holdings (and your prim allowance) - for a cost in tier.
  4. Facial expressions ride on-top of the neutral face. I don't think this would be possible. That said, you might be in the wrong place. LSL scripting is for asking about code - if you're looking for something pre-built (or not looking to learn LSL yourself) then maybe you want the Wanted forum.
  5. Good stuff. Hope you remember about the Code block for next time!
  6. To my eyes, your primary mistake was not using a Code block to paste your code into. Now all the indentation is gone and it's harder to read. Use the button in the text editor that looks like a piece of paper with </> in it, and post your code inside that. More stuff:- Not sure why there's an open parentheses inside timer(). Not sure why you're only deleting 1 item, only if it's called "Object". Is this correct logic? Specifically, should the operator (highlighted) be NOT? if(llGetAttached() ATTACH_HUD_CENTER_1)
  7. This won't work with Physics layers at all - the physics moves the system avatar polys around, away from matching positions for attachments (e.g. pectorals). Since this effect is client-side, it's not possible to make Physics + chest attachments work together, since everyone who can see them may see them in different (and wrong) positions. Your post is unclear, but if you're using a static (not-physics-friendly) mesh chest AND a physics layer, remove the physics layer. It probably does very little except increase rendering load for yourself and those around you. Hope this helps. If the issue still persists, you'll probably have to explain in greater detail what you're trying to do.
  8. Have you repositioned them so that they don't float? Are they attached to chest, spine or pectoral attachment points? Are you wearing a Physics layer? Are you using a mesh avatar/mesh chest?
  9. Joined today. Have you been in-world yet? Perhaps if you're studying virtual worlds, you've logged into others. If so, which? Assuming this project is due in the academic year 2016. Is it due imminently? Aren't you leaving it a little late? In short, why should anyone spend time/effort talking to you? At first glance, it doesn't seem like you're very commited to the subject. Not your petri dish.
  10. No useful information in your post. This is probably a local connection issue, it's your responsibility to maintain your connection to Second Life. Run through this, try everything. And if that doesn't work explain your findings in full. The more information you post, the better we can help you.
  11. <Some content wiped from this post because the OP is too slow/appears disinterested> You'll need to initialise your variables as global variable, type integer and list. -- Note that this is the LSL Scripting forum - we're happy to help, but we won't fix things for you. Fixing your script becomes your learning experience. Follow links, understand terms, and learn how to fix this issue for yourself in the future.
  12. While I hesitate to provide useful information here since this isn't a People issue and can't reliably be Generally Discussed... is a Russian IP belonging to Yandex, a popular search/hosting provider in that country (kind of like Google, except with state sponsorship). Malware infections are possible and more probable than other, non-Russian providers (hooray), and there's likely to be an malware/adware-serving component of the site. Port 60897 is unused by anything I can find. Perhaps just scanning, perhaps this is SL-related and internal, not anything to do with Yandex. It's not possible to tell and doesn't seem useful anyway. Note that Malwarebytes doesn't only detect malicious content, but also obtrusive and annoying content. It's possible that the detected threat was intentional, a side-effect of you randomly careening around in SL with media enabled and the destination attempting to scoop information about your PC/connection. The Internet's not always as safe as that, I would encourage browsing with more caution in future (e.g. disabling auto-play). You could report this issue to Yandex directly, but this isn't LL's problem, to agree with Sassy. The risk is one that you are taking, it is your responsibility to browse securely, as only your system is placed at risk. Malwarebytes is one way of countering this risk, but you're still exposed to quite a few tricks if you're using auto-play media in SL.
  13. Qie Niangao wrote: Freya Mokusei wrote: Correct that LSL functions only test against one group - the current group the script-container (object) belongs to. Right. There is, however, a way to see more from a single script. Although OBJECT_GROUP returns NULL_KEY for avatars, it gives a valid response for avatar attachments (excluding HUDs) obtained with the newish function, llGetAttachedList(). Cool! This is a function I've only used a couple times since it was released to us. Definitely a fun use-case I hadn't considered. Maybe if this method is being used, pick an attachment point that changes regularly - and if the RP location uses a mandatory titler object, try there?
  14. Hi there! Correct that LSL functions only test against one group - the current group the script-container (object) belongs to. Solution therefore is the use two objects (one per group), and pass avatars to be tested between the two. If the party-group was the second-tested group (TestObject2 in my code) then you could easily remove this second test, leaving only the roleplay group access to the land - for times when there aren't parties. Pseudo-code follows! If(!sameGroup(avKey) && Me == TestObject1) { AskTestObject2("Failed1:" + (string)avKey); } else { Passed(avKey); } ... If(!sameGroup(avKey) && Me == TestObject2) { InformAv(avKey,"You've failed both tests, bye!"); Eject(avKey); } else { Passed(avKey); }
  15. Haha. Depends on the script. It's possible, of course. I'm sure it's happened a hundred-thousand-million times. I'm sure it's caused silly drama a hundred-thousand times too, just as it sounds like here. Good way to make the scene look inappropes, make the guy look like he's after more. Then boom, shot down as you turn it into a thing that it's not. Ask the creator for confirmation, or stop freaking out about things just because they look like sex. Changing an animation is not sex, you're not being forced into a sexual encounter, just a position. Folks these days.
  16. Hey Alwin - I see the UK number @ https://support.secondlife.com/billing-support/ is different to the one you've pasted. Might want to check these! Also, bank accounts can be debitted very quickly if you PayPal account is verified (PayPal then charges your bank immediately if it's told to use your bank balance). Have a good weekend.
  17. For speed, I'll include the link at the top: https://support.secondlife.com/billing-support/ I notice that the page is missing the leading 0 that we use in the UK - the number should be 0800 086 9081 Your options now appear to be limited to Submitting a Support Case. That page does say that some International numbers have changed, but doesn't say what they've changed to - or from. Not very helpful! I'd be pretty cautious trying the same thing repeatedly. You might find the money returned to your account within a few days, but you also might not. Good luck!
  18. Bryce Kidd wrote: Generally people who pass me notecards from people I muted, get muted too. High five!
  19. ziicutie wrote: Be sure the write an apology to this person wether you believe you did something wrong or not, and don't make up any excuses or explanations about why you did what you did that cause them to unmute them. If you mislead them once, you're not going to be able to mislead them ever again because they will most likely never listen to you again, and possibly ------ --- --- -------------. This is a recipe for disaster. It's far more sensible to only apologise when you believe you did something wrong - misleading them by writing a fake, half-butt reply will most certainly trigger this same response. Omitting the harassment stuff though, since I'm pretty sure writing fake apologies isn't harassment. Claiming CS breaches over small arguments is distasteful to me. I've had people try this A > C > B nonsense before, getting third parties involved in personal arguments just turns it into a three-way argument. My strategy - one that works every time - would be to mute anyone passing a note from someone I'd already muted, since they're clearly a fan of perpetuating drama and aren't interested in promoting a healthy space for me. This creates the following good outcome:- Cuts short the drama (I'd hoped it would've finished when I muted the first person) Gives me a list of the folks who value drama more than my consent (if I wanted to hear the first person's POV I'd unmute) Serves as an example for next time (don't pick sides, don't get in the way) And I can unmute the note-passer at a later date, when/if I'm ready to (if they cause secondary drama, then they've shown their true colours) This strategy has served me well. My mute list is very short, and only contains people who have demonstrated that they don't value my feelings. The last time I muted multiple people like this was because someone was using me to provide them with excitement (which is draining and dismisses my feelings), and after muting them a friend told me that I should've "considered their feelings" - no, that's junk, goodbye to both of you. Muting someone is only a big deal if you turn it into a big deal by screwing around picking sides and making drama-laden requests of uninvolved peoples' time.
  20. Madelaine McMasters wrote: And if none of that works, Freya might be right. Many options are still open to you! 
  21. I've re-read. You're having trouble putting data INTO the notecard? The only way to do this is manually, by opening the notecard in your viewer and typing information into the notecard. Remember to save before closing. Again, the notecard should be placed in the same object as the script. If this isn't your problem, and you're having trouble reading FROM the notecard, then please answer my bulletpoints, above.
  22. Second Life is Buyer Beware, that means your only recourse is to work with the supplier of your items. If they don't work, and the supplier won't fix, then you're out of luck. Linden Lab will not act on resident-to-resident disputes.
  23. Humans are bipedal creatures at factory defaults. This makes two feet the typical anatomy. If you're not expecting two feet then perhaps you're not designed for a human body.
  24. It's somewhat normal across the Internet as a whole, sorry to say. SL isn't special. Turns out that some people believe it's useful to demand access into the private lives of [typically] women to resolve their own insecurities, and are willing to withold friendship as a way of encouraging women to cowtow and play their game. And it turns out, that sometimes, women fall for this, to their own detriment. There are many stories of women being shamed, blackmailed, doxxed or just criticised when they do give in to these requests (and receiving abuse when they don't). As long as the perpetrators of this scam end up with folders full of spank-bank material they win, so it's easy to play the odds. The personal safety and comfort of the woman does not cross their mind at all, it's a purely acquisitional and selfish act. Solution is to ignore these idiots, find a better quality of friend. Use this test as a qualifier - if people you meet play these games, tell them that you don't, and exit the conversation. The folks who play like this aren't reasonable people, and are frequently on a hair-trigger for dispensing abuse and criticism, especially of the conservative/bigot variety. There's nothing of value to lose by discarding such types. That's what I do, and I'm not short of - far more reasonable, and far less self-serving - friends. There are many who don't play these pathetic games.
  25. You've probably dropped this object "DC-Droid-FairChang Kumori" in the sim FairChang - Kumori. It's owned by you, and is reporting to you. Go and recover, or delete it, by following the SLURLs in your post. It'll be within 96m of 247, 39 at ground level.
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