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Arielle Popstar

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Everything posted by Arielle Popstar

  1. Lumiya was never designated as illegal but only removed as an official third party viewer. I asked Oz Linden about that specifically when he was still in charge. There have only been a couple viewers that I know of made illegal as they were being used for nefarious purposes and SL blocked their use on the grid. Lumiya is still being used by some of us though there are some limitations now with the protocol changes and lack of support for BoM. It still can be useful for groups, IM and notices in spite of its limited 3d view functionality. If one still has the viewer on an old phone or download, it can still be transferred to a newer phone and used until such time SL releases their version.
  2. After relooking at my comment, I should point out that the attempted quip was directed at my own extended dutch emigrant family who tended to speak with a fairly terse English vocabulary for a long time because they were learning the language after emigrating from the Netherlands. When one has a limited vocabulary, it is rather easy to come across as being too direct when not having all the words to soften the impact of the point.
  3. It is a bit of a rip off and I don't understand why the Lab is so finicky about some things that go on here but not about fraud in the MarketPlace. It does happen enough and though I sucked up the losses I've experienced, they left enough of a bad taste in my mouth that I do most of my shopping off of other avatars that are wearing the things I'm interested in. So even if no demo, at least I've seen it fit on someone else.
  4. So since it is likely we are all ignorant as to who you mean exactly, do we all get a by on the arrogance part?
  5. And all this time I thought it was because they only knew 3 English words! Especially if you discounted the interjected Dutch words thrown in the mix. 😄
  6. Yes I would like one too, preferably one with a selection based menu of options listing the more common problems like: I'm a cloud? How do I talk to someone who knows what they are doing? How do I get sex? Where can I get a pen1s? The sort of questions even extroverts would rather ask a machine than another avatar. This is of course based on an SL viewer because if one has FS those questions are easily answered in their Group. This whole Welcome Hub seems to be about nothing more then the Lindens refusing to set up a Group for their Viewer to which New people are automatically enlisted and through which all the noob questions can be answered no matter where they are located. Since the Lindens fail to do so then this Ai companion seems like a good alternative even for some of who been around a while and have to use their Viewer for some reason.
  7. I was using it last night yet with no problem although I can't check right now because the power is out this morning. Soon as it's back on I'll try it again and report.
  8. My mother used to tell me if I cleaned up after myself, my stuff wouldn't get stepped on. Who am I kidding, she still tells me that!
  9. Millions tend to buy more monthly bills which is why I would be very hesitant renting regions in SL.
  10. If I won a big lottery? SL I would hire a housekeeper to sort and do the upkeep on my Inventory. Start by arranging everything in the Wardrobe app as it's the only way I would stay in SL. Opensim I already have regions and can create plenty more but I would hire a developer to take a fork of the code and make some changes to it that I would like, including some to the viewer I use. I'd likely also hire a tutor to get me more familiar with Blender and Gimp or Photoshop as that would interest me.
  11. I've been considering one of the Dinkies as an avatar for one of my alts simply because they are cute but also because I am tiring of buying clothes, bodies, heads and makeup for my humans. It gets tiring and then always being looked at as a potential slex toy makes it even more so.
  12. PheebyKatz understood the context of what I was saying and I suspect you did too but were being facetious. At least I hope you were because if not, it would take too long to explain.
  13. William Blake did not live in a virtual world where all had a virtual identities on a medium that never forgets and the base men become emboldened by their own anonymity.
  14. LL's business is selling or renting out land not giving creators a place to sell their creations that offer a service LL forgot to include in its beginner packages. LL giving out Translators to new residents as required would easily be seen as something that is both expected and normal in the pursuit of new active residents. It certainly would not be the first time LL has put out something that might be in competition to a store on the MP. Looking in my inventory I already see 2 full perm free translators I've picked up over the years and looking on the MP I see several more. That doesn't include the 6 or so free full perm ones I have picked up on other grids. Why should LL not be able to put out translators that are already free? If there are higher end ones being sold on the MP that is fine but that in no way should be a bar to LL making a free basic one available to those needing it.
  15. In all fairness however it should be pointed that no one really blames the Moles or anyone else that contributes their time and talent inworld but rather those powers that be that set policies and procedures for how it will be. The lack of communication between residents and SL Lindens unfortunately leave Moles caught in between where I don't think any of us really meant them to be but by virtue of they being the ones that build out the what those managerials want (which some of us find lacking) Moles are not being blamed for those things even if they would be the ones that would supply the thing that is lacking. Take my example of available translators for example and the question to SL's Lindens would be where there is such a thing available for the many that come from other countries? That's not putting the onus on Moles but on SL for not having supplied what is likely to be an obvious need after so many years and yet is lacking. It shouldn't be left up to the individuals to bring in something so basic and essential. Other Grids I have greeted at had those right at hand for a new person to pick up and make themselves understood. Other's have pointed out examples of what could be included to make this more effective and efficient but we unfortunately talk to uncommunicative decision makers who seem to like the increasing exasperation experienced by both us residents and Moles.
  16. So it was just the ad that was ai'ed and not the skin itself? I would personally love to buy a skin that was ai'ed as I have seen some very nice ones that were unfortunately still a part of the avatar.
  17. I suppose that varies by country or region and on looking up what a felony is, I've never done anything that warranted a year or more in jail but have had some misdemeanors long ago which did seem to exclude me from ever being asked to do jury duty.
  18. Yes considering the amount of non English speaking people that come here, I don't understand why SL doesn't make it a default and priority to make translators available for both Local and IM. This should not be hard to do considering the amount of free translators that have been passed around over the years. The lack of translators on default landing often makes it a tower of babble when interacting with new people not familiar with the language.
  19. Being profiled does increase the success rate and would help inworld too with appropriate questions. As an example ones familiarity with English would help a great deal in knowing whether that noobie should be given a translator by default rather then depending they will find one to be able to makes themselves be understood or understand another.
  20. Yeah see in r/l one can tell from body language and cues that someone is not open to interaction whereas inworld that is hard to tell. I noted that when I was greeting in another grid for a while that some like the interaction and had a greater rate of returning then others who either didn't answer at all or simply never returned. One would almost want noobies to prequalify by answering the question on avatar registration if they were open to being messaged or not and then be colored or some other visible sign if they were open to interaction or not.
  21. You're assuming Tiny Empire player bots can't be scripted? You're assuming a login issue only vs multiple services? You're assuming avatars could still communicate? The outage I was referring to that was not possible. You're assuming a socially clueless avatar might not as well be a bot for all practical intents and purposes? You're assuming one who does not chat to others because they might be OVER-ENTITLED Time-Leech Social Vampire Clueless Bloody Idiots, actually has any friends at all? You're assuming you have evidence of the converse? Not bloody likely. Congratulation, a 6 face palm response, that is a record even for you.
  22. Are they Tiny Empire players or Tiny Empire player bots? Still just a bot as their only use is to play the game. There been others who during outages when the grid was at 30K concurrency then noticed hours later that there were still 15K logged in leading to the speculation that 50% were bots or were so unaware that they couldn't do anything that they may as well have been bots. Bottom line is that only about half of the available concurrency is available for socialization or can be considered for adding to the actual economy for real estate or Creator sales.
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