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Arielle Popstar

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Everything posted by Arielle Popstar

  1. Fair point but until those in active development are close to the usability level of an older solution, I feel it is only fair to let potential users know it is still working.
  2. The part of the No Mod that irks me the is the inability to rename certain inventory items. Several examples would be the inability to rename a copy of a mesh body by its skin tone, or shoes that has nothing related to what it is in its actual name. Same with a number of hairs. These sort of items will not be found by the normal search terms for such. Organizing my inventory would be simpler if I could at least rename or even just have the ability to prepend the name with a significant term.
  3. Definitely premature on that. Lumiya is head and shoulders above any other mobile solution.
  4. Looks like the first of the police defunding started: https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/07/us/george-floyd-protests-sunday/index.html
  5. Hmm, that was my only post in this thread so "all attempts" might be a bit of a stretch. In response to your question I would say that I do not believe mob violence will lead to legitimate change. If anything it would lead to the police needing to be funded for even more arms in case of future incidents.
  6. I looked that study up too and seems the 3, 4 and 5 year old test subjects were being tested on the effects of segregation:
  7. Maybe that is the point in that we need to merge the viewpoints to come to a clearer understanding of what is really going on in all of this. It is not the black and white issue that some are trying to promote in this thread. (That is not directed at you)
  8. There is another option if you would really like an S/L style world to explore or interact in and that is Opensimulator. It allows connection with the same sort of viewers used in Secondlife but are independent grids with varying policies and in general, much less to no adult style content. The main grid there, Osgrid.org unfortunately has the same minimum age requirement as S/L but it is just one of many independently owned and run grids there. These grids though independent are often interconnected with each other through a teleporting mechanism known as Hypergridding so that in spite of there being less people overall then in S/L, you can still potentially access many other grids from one login. Being that Opensimulator is opensource software, one can actually create a home hosted server that allows you to have your own grid and be in full control of the sort of content on it and who can access it. It really is not that difficult requiring less configuration then a typical new viewer install and can be often be installed on the same machine as the viewer if the computer is reasonably new . There is in fact an app created by a former S/L resident Ferd Frederix that makes the whole process much easier and even has a Mewe and Facebook group for help and support. In addition, there are over 100 regions of ready-to-go, curated and free content that you can load with just a click and all of it kid safe.
  9. And if it had been brought at the same time when mesh body parts came out, it would have been a fairly simple transition for most but instead we had to loop around with rigged mesh, fitted mesh, Omega appliers and now finally full circle to BoM. In itself it is simple enough but the problem comes in with the different ways body and head creators have set them up. As an example it took me watching 2 different youtube videos to understand why a system top and pair of jeans would not apply to the clothing layer of the Lara 5.02 body when it worked fine on another mesh body. On one particular head, I am still suffering from brain freeze when attempting to decipher the instructions for when and where and what layer to use when putting on lipstick. In both those cases, it is the backwards compatibility that causes the complexity, not BoM itself. There is also the increasing complexity of shopping, paying very careful attention to not only what an ad says, but doesn't say as there are now so many different options with their varying nuances. Twice this past weekend I bought items which in retrospect were not of the sort of fit I needed for the outfits I was putting together, because I did not read the advertisement closely enough. I been around long enough and know enough of the nomenclature to muddle through eventually but the idea of recommending S/L to friends and having to teach them even the basics of shopping and dressing honestly makes me shudder.
  10. Date my avatar? I think not as she knows nothing of social distancing and as such would need testing for viruses as well as a host of other critters before I would get within a sim of her. 😏
  11. Oz specifically mentioned caches a few weeks ago as being the issue, which to my mind makes sense as a name change will hit on an existing cache file and generate an Unknown Name/Unknown User error because of an UUID username mismatch. After all, the name change itself is easily done in the database(s) which will populate those areas that directly query it but that wouldn't happen with the caches. Each cache that would contain the old name would have to be cleared and reloaded which is not a major problem for a one of like Lyssa Greymoon mentioned but when it starts to involve potentially hundreds per day for both the viewer of the one changing their name as well as those of friends etc, as well as sim caches, marketplace and who knows what other caches S/L uses, it could be a lot of data refreshing hitting the main servers to reload affected caches. Probably would require a lot of code writing to both the servers and viewer to allow for that as well as having to be very careful of not opening a vulnerability between a legitimate name change versus a hacked attempt.
  12. If Alt 1 was on an older viewer release like Singularity then it would make sense since the server updates at the beginning of July when animations are fetched through HTTP instead of UDP. The last official release of Singularity and some other viewers did not have the capability for HTTP on that inventory type.
  13. Is the visual stimulation of a potentially well hung shemale too much of a temptation that you have to go to the bother of derendering them before moving on to the next candidate? Female bulges are the new yummy! Admit it!😋
  14. The SlideMe version is 3.4.1 so in the group it is possible to get linked to the updated 3.4.2 version that used to be available on Google Play, as well as tips and tricks for using the features that are still working. I am assuming the OP has never used it before so may need some help in that area. Lumiya still does communicate with the S/L servers except for a couple of Inventory types that were recently updated to HTTP (gestures, animations) The clothing issue seems to be more of a problem with the Wear command then a broken connection in that when I change clothes in a regular viewer, the change will be reflected when I relog onto the Lumiya viewer. This includes clothes I just bought in the past couple of weeks that would not have been in the Lumiya cache. Everything else seems to work just like it used to so the only real prob is that one will be standing and walking a bit noobishly but if one only access is through an android device, the app is still well worth getting until it is either updated or a new one developed. ps. Alina's last login was march 18 2019, so 5 months ago, leading me to retain some hope she will be back.
  15. You can still get Lumiya from SlideMe though there are a couple of quirks with it. It does allow chat and groups as well some graphics without animations. Once inworld you can join the Lumiya support group for more help.
  16. Never use voice as it breaks immersion and because my hearing is not great with some voices and absolutely sucks with accents. My virtual partner of 10 years and I, have only talked once to work through a windows reinstall.
  17. Google sends me a critical text message if one of my accounts is being accessed from a different country than normal. They send me a text when I am trying to access my account from a device it hasn't seen me using before. Google blocks access if I try to access an account too often with an incorrect password. And Google does not have anything in its files that could result in my identity being stolen but if it did, i can tell them to delete and forget it.
  18. If LL does know if it has been hacked in past, NDA's will likely keep us from finding out about it.
  19. If it is any consolation I suspect it mostly just works on other guys RP'ing girls. 😏
  20. That to me looks like you countering her "buzzwords" with a new one called NDA's! that you and several other posters have trotted out in this thread, as if NDA's are an answer to all potential data security threats. That seems to me to ignore the fact that many of the data breaches other companies, banks and governments have suffered in the last few years, had NDA's in place. It certainly didn't stop a disgruntled employee of my bank of forwarding the data of several million of its clients to an interested criminal party. NDA's do nothing to prevent intrusion methods that come through hacking an employee's account or social engineering access through other methods which account for a fair percentage of data breaches. Nor do I believe extensive log files are much of a deterrent and are only a hindsight remedy at best. I much rather LL have sufficient safeguards to prevent a large data breach in the first place rather than focusing on who to blame after the fact. The more people who have access to our personally identifiable information, the more risk that it is a matter of when there is a data breach, not if. Lets go with the ounce of prevention rather than the pound of cure.
  21. Don't forget to insert the ios mobile viewer!
  22. If you copy/paste this link into a viewer chat window then click the result, it will open the group profile: secondlife:///app/group/054a9b10-0df0-1ca7-2403-c50146b433ad/about Otherwise simply click the Search icon under the Group tab of a viewer and type in "Lumiya Support" to bring it up as a result.The enrollment is open.
  23. I don't see this as being about the OP but about a tenant who went ballistic for no apparent reason. If something like that happened in R/L, my first thought would be to wonder what it is the tenants were trying to hide using their abusiveness as a distraction.
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