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Arielle Popstar

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Everything posted by Arielle Popstar

  1. Surely on a high priced item like head or body, it should be quite possible to offer franchisee's a 20-30% commission on products purchased through them without having to up their prices to cover it. It is the idea that the sale will be one they wouldn't have made otherwise.
  2. Some of the bigger stores get busy and laggy. It is like why I will go to the McDonalds on the east side of town rather than the nearer west side one. Smaller line ups, better service, cleaner, etc. Your points may have some validity for the bigger creators but there are many smaller ones who are better off focusing their efforts on the creation process rather then muddling it up with marketing their products. If they can leave that to franchisee's who specialize in the promotion, sales and perhaps after sales support, then it could well result in increased sales and greater exposure of their products.
  3. I can see merit to the idea if the franchises were able to add value through some better service rather than just additional locations. A franchisee for example who is very familiar with different mesh bodies being able to answer questions from someone about the differences and perhaps even have pictures of the huds for each with some tips on how they work. A real boon would be something I saw in one store where by jumping on a pose ball, the attachment in question is automatically put on me to model without having to go through 10 clicks getting a demo, unpacking and then sorting out what parts to wear to see it on myself. If a franchisee had arrangements with several body makers, one could stop at one place to model and then buy one of them. Same if the franchisee had some of the best clothing from competing creators. One stop shopping would certainly be an attraction to me especially if combined with a bit of personal service.
  4. Which still makes the core addiction sex. Recover from the sex addiction and the money is no longer an issue to the degree it was. Its therefore in those cases a secondary addiction at best.
  5. Sex is the most addictive thing affecting 65% of the population according to figures I have run across. And certainly not relegated to the poor only for their lack of self control. What rot.
  6. You could charge an admission fee for entrance to the debate. Could be interesting depending who is on the other side.
  7. Obviously 5G tower so careful of the radio waves emanating from it. Could just burn it down like many others are doing! Flagg is probably a reference to Randall Flagg of Stephen King fame. Evil personified.
  8. Quite appropriate they all standing with beggars cups being that socialism is great till the money runs out!
  9. Meh I think it came from the word Gotcha!! It even sounds the same.
  10. My mother received a call from the local clinic here in the GTA of Ontario to come in for a jab, which was a complete surprise considering how far behind Canada is with the whole Covid vaccine program. She declined it though as she had a recent issue with a local anesthetic for a tooth extraction which scared her enough she wasn't up for another jab with unpredictable results.
  11. My partner experienced something similar today where several attempts to relog ended in not being able to connect to the region even though I was still on it. After about 15 minutes it finally connected and she was able to login and load properly. Chalked it up to a region hiccup.
  12. She obviously enjoyed herself the last time and is hoping for seconds in the storage room!
  13. That surprises me you are not aware of face searching software. It's been around for quite a while but it does empathize my point about it being irresponsible as others then may not be aware of it either. It can provide clues to the real life identity of the person pictured. https://www.groovypost.com/howto/cool-search-engines-to-search-for-faces/
  14. He strongly implied it but if he is promoting others to show their face, then he is being irresponsible considering face search software.
  15. Well thanks but it isn't what I was asking the OP about. In his preceding paragraph he was on about flaws and then mentioned the cleansing he felt as a result doing a sort confessional of his actual flaws like a Step 5 in a Twelve Step Program. I was looking for confirmation if that was what he did. That would not exactly be about hiding oneself behind an avatar.
  16. I'm curious about the bolded part. When you say you revealed yourself to the gamers community, are you meaning you did a confessional of your flaws to them since that is what you focus on in the paragraph prior?
  17. This for the US but likely Canada roughly the same: "We found that 72% of all workers were in jobs deemed essential, and over three-quarters of all essential workers were unable to work at home," Selden said. Not only that, but as many as 61% of these workers had underlying health issues that put them at increased risk of severe COVID-19 should they become infected, he added. "Because so many workers are in essential jobs and unable to work at home, and because so many adults have increased risk of severe COVID-19, we found that between 57 million and 74 million adults with increased risk of severe COVID-19 were either essential workers unable to work at home or they lived in households with such workers," Selden said. The findings were published online Nov. 9 in JAMA Internal Medicine. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2020-11-09/nearly-74-million-essential-workers-at-high-risk-for-covid-in-us Considering that the essential worker is at a higher risk and that they handle whatever it is one is getting in from outside, you better heat that ice cream and its packaging to at least 160 degrees to be sure all viruses and bacteria is killed off before enjoying it. 😃
  18. According to a recent article in one of Toronto's newspapers, 65% of the workforce is considered "essential".
  19. Interesting. Some aspects I wish we still had available and I bet the FPS would be just insane on todays machines. Lag be gone!
  20. For you to be able to sit still for 4 weeks, a slew of essential workers cannot.
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