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Arielle Popstar

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Everything posted by Arielle Popstar

  1. I don't know tbh but do recall something about 30 states. Is that the same as a jurisdiction in the US?
  2. He is being unclear there as the BMD's don't have a "modem" but do have either ethernet ports and/or wifi to be able to communicate with the Central Count System.
  3. According to reports: The potential for hybrid systems to add fraudulent votes without detection was identified by Professor of Statistics Philip B. Stark of UC Berkeley, an expert in postelection manual audits, in September of last year. At the time, he told TYT Investigates that the ExpressVote hybrid, which Johnson County, Kansas, had purchased a few months before the 2018 gubernatorial primary, could be maliciously programmed or hacked to create an entirely fraudulent machine-marked “paper ballot” because the machine includes an option that allows the voter to “AutoCast” the ballot without first printing and inspecting it.
  4. From the page I linked, before it seems the ES&S machines are more vulnerable to hacks though it does mention one Dominion model also having some. https://whowhatwhy.org/2019/03/19/permission-to-cheat-audits-cant-detect-fake-votes-on-new-hybrid-voting-machines/
  5. It sounds good but the reality I see after reading the following page points out that the newer machines are vulnerable to hacking that will leave no trace of any evidence. Some of these states even knew these machines were bad and purchased them anyway. Small wonder Trump kept going on about it being rigged. https://whowhatwhy.org/2019/03/19/permission-to-cheat-audits-cant-detect-fake-votes-on-new-hybrid-voting-machines/
  6. So sounds like an electronic device that could theoretically create more registered voters who might be deceased and then send in a mail ballot for them? https://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/electronic-pollbooks.aspx https://whowhatwhy.org/2019/08/15/hackers-expose-vulnerabilities-in-popular-e-poll-books/
  7. He mentions about being able to take out what I assume to be the database and then reupload it to the machine after modification. Two way communication.
  8. Yes just came across that one too. Looks like Luna was right....darn that hurt In any case it looks like he might have accomplished what he said he did which puts elements of doubt in the claims of the manufacturers. Doesn't mean that they were hacked during the election but bet it is being investigated nonetheless.
  9. I think you found the wrong guy as he doesn't look like the Stanford IT Researcher in my video. Nice try though.
  10. OK I have another one needing fact checking and since you are adept at it, I thought maybe you could prove it is bogus too because if true it does raise questions: https://t.co/GUQxYgAQ8Z
  11. Shouldn't evangelicals qualify as a protected minority under the Liberal wing at least? Edit- Jesus was crucified at Calvary I think
  12. So countering that we have this article which points out there is issues with those machines: Court-ordered audit concludes Dominion voting machines were intentionally designed to ‘create systemic fraud’ in Michigan The court-ordered forensic audit, carried out by Allied Security Operations Group (ASOG), found that Dominion systems in Antrim County, Michigan recorded a shocking 68 percent error rate while tabulating votes. The report noted that the faulty software far exceeds the “allowable election error rate” of 0.0008 percent set by the Federal Election Commission. The preliminary report also found that there were attempts to “tamper with evidence.” Analysis revealed that on November 21, an “unauthorized user unsuccessfully attempted to zero out election results,” the auditors said. The report also found that all security logs from Election Day, and the days prior to and after November 3, had vanished. https://www.rt.com/usa/509674-michigan-dominion-audit-errors-fraud/ This sort of reporting is not allowed on Left wing sites and therefore to see what is really going on, one must look for news elsewhere then the USA
  13. I read the left wing news first as it is so in one's face and then afterwards I look up the corresponding article in a right wing paper and figure the truth is somehwhere in the middle or leaning towards the right wing.
  14. I don't really know too much about the pre 2016 Trumps but I remember back in 2016 thinking that Trump struck me as more of a left wing Dem then Hillary was. I think his track record in the last 4 years proves it.
  15. Not sure as I abandoned the accounts on Facebook and Twitter ages ago so if they did close them, it just saves me the bother. Personally I am with Ceka on Kanye being the best choice!
  16. In 2020 there was a pandemic making for a lot of mail in votes which are the easiest to be fraudulent. In 2020 it was known the voting machines were hackable. In 2020 it was known that an employee (Eric Coomer) of Dominion Voting Machines reportedly claimed that he had made sure Trump would not win. In 2020 Big Tech interfered with the Election by banning and blocking thousands of accounts of the Conservative party. In 2020 US newpapers and TV networks were 92% democrat and regularly reported outright lies and deceptions about the Trump administration. One pretty much had to look outside of the USA for accurate, non biased reporting. Now Doc, use your mind
  17. I agree that was how it worked in the past but with what happened last week, I think we plainly turned a corner and have a new thing were the tail now has the power to wag the dog.
  18. Biden takes over in a week and is unlikely to be that much different. The real dictators however showed their hand last week. Apple, Google, Twitter, Amazon, our new corporate overlords. That's the real coup you are missing.
  19. Yes the problem is that most empires in history were and are in the case of the US, destroyed from within. So from that perspective I could understand your point and see it as a potential problem.
  20. Had you edited your original post I would have received notification of the change.
  21. Let's be clear. I just checked 2 different transcripts of Trumps speech that day and the word killing and killed was there 3 times: https://www.newsnationnow.com/us-news/read-the-full-transcript-president-trumps-speech-ahead-of-the-capitol-riot/ https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/trumps-jan-6-full-speech-we-will-never-concede-when-theft-is-involved None of those are in a context of staging a coup. Did you even read the transcript of his speech? Doesn't look like it and I guess neither did those who upvoted your post.
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