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Tari Landar

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Everything posted by Tari Landar

  1. Personally, I don't much care what others do with their breedables(or any product on sl, really), or whether or not they profit from them, enjoy them, whatever have you. I've made a pretty penny in breedables and their related content, and have for quite a while now. Some I get into and enjoy for only the game aspects of them. Some I get into and enjoy for the potential income. Some I do for both. Some I purchase simply to study and find out what they're all about. I've made back all I've spent, and then some, beyond just some, actually. Certain breedables have been a veritable goldmine for me, actually. I'm not stupid enough to believe it will be for everyone, or that it should be, but it most certainly can be. It doesn't have to be as hard as some think, either. And it doesn't have to cost you much of anything. Those that cost me, are the things I do for fun, much like my many other hobbies in life. I don't mind spending on them. Those that make me money, support my other hobbies and fun, they provide the needed income for them. It's a win-win for me Sometimes I even use my skills to create things for others who also share my hobby, ie, content that goes hand in hand with other products. So that particular market can prove to be beneficial to me in more than one way. The breedables market has proven to be exactly that. it's not just the offspring and whatnot of my breedables that bring in profit. Not everyone will have the same experiences, but personally I say, don't knock it til you've tried it. You just never know. Sculpty creators have been the backbone of some of my creations for years now. I invest money in their creations, so that I can later make my own creations, and profit from them. The more I make, the more I can invest back into someone else's creativity. I see some of my breedables in that same light. I might not always recoup what I spent, certainly not right away in many cases, but the potential to do so is there. I don't buy all my sculpty packs for the intent purpose of later making a profit, though. Some I buy because I like them, find them nifty, and just want to make stuff out of them-not sell. Either way, it's still a win-win for me. I get to spend money-giving someone else profit, get to enjoy a hobby and in some cases, I can later profit from my hobby. I see no fail in that plan. Fail only comes about when folks put their cart before their horse. But they can do that in just about any market these days. Not hard to lose your shirt, when you don't think about what you're doing. I put plans in place before I act, not vice versa.
  2. They didn't "just decide" anything. Failed deliveries have been part of the MP since it's inception. Some merchants are more affected than others, but the potential has been there since day one. Partial delivery failure doesn't necessarily mean YOUR item wasn't delivered. It could be something else they bought at the same time, from another seller. Every single seller represented in that cart/purchase, for that person, will say "partially failed" for delivery, even the stuff that got there fine. The actual purchase info will tell you if your item was safely delivered and if you've been paid for it, or not. As long as your item delivers, you should get paid for it, just fine. Even if something else, from another merchant, in that person's cart fails. I have , in the last week 5 partially failed deliveries, listed under my orders. Out of those 5, not a single one was an item from my store that failed to deliver. I got paid for all the items those folks bought, from me, it's other items in their order they didn't get.
  3. I pretty much always err on the side of the customer on this one. No matter what the permissions of the item is. Good will, goes a long way for me, so I imagine my customers feel the same. It literally costs me nothing to resend the item to them, I'm happy to. Stuff happens. Even if it is the customer's fault (not typically), I wouldn't much care. But my approach to this is a lot like my approach to many other things in life. I'd rather assume the best of someone, and be later proven wrong, than to assume the worst and be proven wrong. The latter, would not only make me feel like an idiot, but prove me to be one. I'm not an idiot, and I plan on remaining that way for the rest of my life I replace things for folks all the time. Even things they've broken-hey, it happens. I had someone once copybot something I created, and try and rip the scripts out of the original, and put it in their copy. Totally busted the whole thing-both the one he made, and my original. Obviously this person wasn't very schooled in copybot, and how to mange not only pulling it off, but not getting caught. He sent me a nc with a problem detailing the issue he had and attempted to send back the original with it's contents intact, but it being nonfunctional. What he didn't realize was he sent me the copied version he made, with my scripts. I could have done any number of things. But I took the high road, didn't attack him, didn't engage him in conversation about his deeds, nothing at all like that. I sent him a new one, along with new instructions(which was one of the points he made in his nc, he didn't understand my instructions), and a kind note to please not attempt to rip the item apart, or copy it, because it would have the same results next time and I might not be online to fix it right away. If he was interested in a custom version done to his specifics, I'm more thanhappy to help out. I'm faily certain he probably felt sheepish after that. But he HAS bought more items from me since then and even brought others in to purchase as well. Que sera sera.
  4. Not real sure what you're asking for exactly, but there is a way to check your order history. Go to marketplace, while logged in look up top where your name is, there's a link that says My Marketplace, click the little arrow(it opens a drop down), go to merchant home.On that page you want to click under orders, it says "transaction history". That's where all of your orders are, successful and failed ones. If you got an email for an order, that's not listed on that page, you can always submit a ticket and have LL look into it. I've had that happen and when compared to my actual transaction history on secondlife.com it turns out that it never was an order(I didn't deliver, the person didn't pay, and no one was out anything, no clue where or why the email was ever sent, but I did double check that with LL as well-turned out to just be some kinda glitch). That's the only time I've gotten an email for an order not listed on that transactions history page. I've gotten other emails, and also orders, listed under my orders that I never got paid for, but that's an entirely different issue.
  5. I believe that everything, be it physical or electronic can hold value for people-or a person. It depends entirely upon the item, and the people/person in question. Some of my works-even long before I came to sl-are digitaland they hold a tremendous amount of value for me. Not just because of what they are, but also because of what they represent, the feelings and emotions they bring about and even how they came to be in the first place. I don't expect anyone else to agree or even understand. In fact, it would likely be quite odd for someone else to understand. It's a very personal thing. Our emotions that is. They are dependent upon us, as individuals, to exist and they really can't be replicated(though multiple things can bring them to the surface, the exact emotion, or set of emotions and feelings, is never really duplicated). I have digital versions of some very personal things in sl, as well as elsewhere on the www. Things I've recreated from my childhood, from less happy times in my life, from happier times in my life even. Things I've recreated from the days when my children were younger-which really aren't too far off, my kids aren't too old, lol. They are very real to me. Not because I can physically touch them, but because of how they came to be, and what they represent. Others may laugh, and disagree with my thoughts on the matter, but i don't mind. I'm not ashamed that non-physical items hold such value for me. In fact, in some cases, I'm rather proud that these things can invoke such feelings, ones that at least at one time, were quite hidden. Bottom line a digital rose can hold as much value for someone as an earth-bound physical rose. It doesn't have to, and it most certainly won't for everyone, but it definitely can. It's my opinion that we don't get to determine this, for others. We can only determine worth and value(of anything) for ourselves. Much in the same that no two people see beauty the same, no two people really see value, and worth, the same. It doesn't have to be a physical object for this to be true.
  6. 1. Describe yourself in two words? really weird 2. What surprised you last? Finding out you can not only break bones, but do serious (and lasting) damage to ligaments and muscles, just by taking a step. Also, it hurts like hell, and weeks later, will still hurt like hell. If you get a charlie horse under your cast, it's going to hurt like no other you've ever gotten, and it will last days, not just hours. 3. What is your current favorite song or album - one you are obsessing over? Don't really obsess, or have favs. Depends on the day, weather, mood, etc.. etc.. 4. What is your mood or feeling today? (Or for you NT types, if you prefer: What is most occupying your thoughts?) Pain, and lots of it, aggravation, annoyance(those would be geared to my ortho dr-ok moreso his nurses and asst. who suck), grateful I have awesome kids and an awesome hubby who doesn't mind me being a crabass, grateful I don't have steps in my house 5. What do you most hope for this year? Hmm, good question. I don't know.
  7. Sigh....still have orders that went through, customer paid(and in some cases got the item), but I didn't get the funds, as well as orders that never delivered and while some never took the money, others did. What a mess. To say I'm miffed is an understatement. I have an extremely high level of patience, especially when crap happens out of your control, or you really do just make an honest mistake. But dangnabbit this was NOT out of their control, nor an honest mistake. They caused it, plain and simple. They chose an absolutely terrible day to do this. Their responses are just crap too-but that I did expect, they're known for it. I bet the labbies' mothers would be ashamed of them all right about now (if I were a labbie, I'd be ashamed of my own workplace, to be honest) I felt, and still feel, terrible for my customers who ordered and did not get the item. All but one order that was placed, were for Valentine related items, too. So waiting for LL to get their heads out of their butts, really isn't an option. I went through all of yesterday's(and so far today's) orders and resent them inworld(well the ones who were online, I left NC and IMs for ones not online, so they know to contact me when it's convenient for them, for redelivery). LL isn't going to make up for my lost revenue, so I'll just have to take that hit. Normally, I wouldn't mind *too terribly. But in this case, I do mind, very much. Because it wasn't just an accident, or a mistake, or some other event that they had absolutely no control over. Sometimes I give them more credit than due, but definitely not doing that here. They dropped the ball, big time, and can't even own up to it. I loathe business people who can't accept and admit their own mistakes. I guess they're just lucky SL offers more good than bad. That's also why things like this, don't really have a lasting impact for many, or cause people to up and leave(moreso a culmination of things that cause this), and why they can get away with it, so to speak. I am quite grateful that, thus far, all my customers have been VERY understanding. Didn't we have similar, if not identical, issues on another holiday in the past with MP? I distinctly remember there being issues, hefty ones like this was, but can't recall which holiday. Clearly, LL doesn't know how to take past mistakes and experiences and turn them into lessons on what not to do(and when to not do it).
  8. Pretty easy, and quite painless Best of luck with your research. (and I have to admit, I'm honestly curious what other people chose as answers to some of those questions too, lol)
  9. I don't know what game it is, nor do I care. But I can say those meshes (if they are mesh) don't look like they were made very well. In fact a couple of them look like things that you can make in Plopp(because that's how the end up looking in-world after uploading the sculpts, plopp edges look a lot like that). But, as someone else said, until it gets reported, LL doesn't really know it exists. So tell the copyright holder, that's the only person that can do anything about it anyway.
  10. I take it that's a "nope, don't want your stuff" S'ok, I'll find a use for it anyway. Best of luck with your business.
  11. Please remember to send me a nc of the things you're looking for the most. Otherwise I'm goign to continue to build random things I think go well in a pediatric clinic/office.(and having spent the first five years of one of my child's life in a children's hospital, I may end up building things you don't need, lol, but I think are awesome ) Might I also recommend you add a playroom? Because I looooove building stuff for playrooms and I have tons I could give you for that (and will probably give you anyway, so you might as well have a place to put it, haha) So far I have waiting room furniture(in kiddie and adult sizes), finishing up a desk at the moment(reception desk of sorts), and the beginnings of exam tables, plus a half built aquarium(no doctors office is complete without an aquarium, it's a must). Most things are already built, just need to script them/add animations. I can't promise the exam tables will be super nifty, but they'll have a couple of poses (sitting up, and possibly laying down). I may be able to make other items you need too, especially decor items. But if you need any other big furniture type items, I need to know. I'm kinda stuck witha bum leg at the moment and just had a new cast put on today. So you might need to add another couple of days onto my timeline, but I should be done before mid-week.
  12. Yes Melita, I'm bored, I don't know what other creators make, and take out of sl. I don't pretend to know exact figures. But I do know there are a lot who do pretty well. Pretty well is subjective though-and only we can determine for ourselves what pretty well means to us. If I can pay my rl bills, keep a roof over my kids' heads, food in their bellies, clothes on their backs, curriculum on their desks and toys in their closets on the off chance I buy them(lol, sticks, dirt, and boxes are still way more fun than most toys)...then I'd say I'm doing pretty well. Pretty well for me, doesn't mean millions, doesn't even necessarily mean thousands at any given time, though. That's why pretty well is subjective. Some years, are better than others....and some are way worse. I suspect they'll get progressively better, before they get progressively worse though. The whole, "the more you know", sort of shpeal, and all. I don't know why people argue numbers, or statistics on what people make, and what they don't. I'm not even sure how accurate those numbers truly are, to be honest. Only because I know there are plenty, who don't really report income(and maybe they don't have to, where they are..I'm not judging, not my place). I think some people use those statistics to judge sl and it's overall success, at times. I don't see the correlation, unless one thinks sl can only be a success if merchants have a positive financial gain at all times. I don't share that opinion. I see sl as far more than that. At one time the discussions about income, and what merchants make(or could make) were very interesting. They were eye opening even. But now, they're not so much. I can't put my finger on why though, lol. They just aren't as interesting to read as they once were.
  13. The BEST practice would be to use prims. Those aren't different, depending on your viewer. A prim's measurement doesn't change. A 1 meter prim is a 1 meter prim in any of the viewers I've ever used. That should solve any issues. The real problem is getting all creators to use the same measurement tool. A prim is the simplest and best solution, because it's one everybody has, everybody can use, and it costs people absolutely nothing. When I make shapes(I don't sell shapes, but I do make them), I use prims to measure. I always have, and have never understood why others do not. It's the most accurate way to measure. I use from foot sole(bottom of heel, flat foot) to top of a bald head. This is the prime reason why I have never bought a shape in sl, and never will.
  14. It won't solve itself, I can promise you that. LL isn't acting sufficiently, so YOU need to up your game. Don't ditch sl, don't create another alt, and don't let the sicko win. In a couple of weeks it will be the 2nd anniversary of a very dear friend's death. Her death came at the hands of a similar individual. Except he wasn't a stalker, in the same sense, in fact he was someone who claimed to love her-which made it ten times worse. He was someone that tormented her in ways I don't think anyone will ever understand(I definitely don't understand) and eventually drove her to a place no one should have to go. Not to say you'd get to a point like that, but her story is not unique at all. It happens every single day all across this world, and it always starts out by someone overstepping the boundaries. It doens't matter the who, the how and the why, what matters is that laws have been implemented to help people in situations like this, for a reason. You need to step up and use the legal system available to you. I would also do as someone else suggested, link Rodvik to your blog. Maybe, just maybe, it will help. But don't count on it. You need to take steps this person clearly doesn't think you will. That's why he gets away with it. That's why he does it. No one has yet taken those steps, and there are likely far more people than you think that have been affected by this person. At some point, someone is going to have to do more. As you said, it's been going on forever, you don't even think this thread will help, and you clearly know LL won't. So do what WILL help. Even if there aren't any laws in your country to protect you, there are laws in the US that will. You need to make use of them. I don't want to point my finger at you, because I do know you're trying to do a good thing, and warning people, and sending notice, but making this a public thing also has a down side. It's going to feed his ego, and the ego of all those who are like him, or want to be like him(both men and women). It may increase the overall trouble in time. It may cause those people to up THEIR game too. You need to be prepared for that to happen-not excusing it, I'm just being honest. People like that are a dime a dozen and very much enjoy watching you wriggle, knowing they are getting under your skin and tormenting you. It's a very sick hobby, unfortunately all too common. Hence why we have laws to protect us, and even more importantly, protect future victims. What starts out as text and cyber bullying, can easily escalate.
  15. There's nothing that says you can't, as long as it's your website/community. But you might want to pay close attention to the name, if you intend to use it as part of th product's name. Really long names are sometimes a pain in the butt for people when just skimming their inventories(why, who knows, doesn't bother me personally, I've just seen others complain, lol)
  16. I can probably build you some basic furniture pieces. They may not be anything super fancy, but they'll serve well as waiting rooms and such. Not sure on the exam tables(as far as the animations are concerned that is), but I can give that a whirl too, and other exam room things as well(cabinetry and such). While I try to build low prim I can't promise everything will be only a few, but I can certainly try. However, I'm going to need at least a couple of weeks to finish it all. If you want me to create animations for them, it's going to take even longer. Just send me a NC in-world with what you need, any color schemes you might be looking for, and such. I'll see what I can come up with. Can't make any promises to get it all done, but I'll do my best. But I will give you a bit of advice as well. Get all your ducks in a row, before you go looking for anymore assistance from others. Pediatric clinics, and clinics that see actual patients, are NOT a new idea. Not by any stretch of the imagination. They have been around longer than likely you or I have been, actually. Despite the fact that the number of child avs and those participating in family roleplay has grown over the years, clinics that fit their needs are just not as popular as it seems. They are a novel idea, for a little while, and then it wears off. People stop using them. Owners have to stop paying staff. Eventually they become virtual(heh) ghost towns. Most end up closing. I've seen at least a dozen come and go since 2008. I'm quite certain there have been many, many more. People are likely going to be more wary of such an idea, because not only is it a niche, but it's not likely one that will necessarily serve them well. You can't blame them for thinking that way. Sometimes people donate so much that there comes a time when they simply have to say no. Sometimes people just don't want to donate. Then there are the times-way more common-when someone has been burned one too many times by well meaning individuals who never get the idea to really gain momentum. So the idea ends up dying in the water. Then the donor feels a bit odd wondering why they bothered. Not to mention a bit miffed that this person now has all this free stuff, for nothing. That happens way more often than people think. It's happened to me, way too many times, I just don't get jaded by it, lol. Having one month's tier paid, isn't likely going to be enough to convince a lot of people you're here for the long term. That doesn't scream longevity. That's more akin to living day by day-at least when it comes to sl. Also I know you said your account is new, and you want it to be fresh and ripe and official, but, umm, if you want your account to be associated with professionalism and scream "I'm here for the long haul", you might want to reconsider the name. Personally, I don't much care what you call yourself, lol. But if you want others to take you seriously, they likely won't with that account name. I'm not trying to knock you, your ideas, or anything like that. I just want to point out a few things you might want to think over. Especially as you're essentially asking people to do work for you, for free, or donate items to you for free. You're going to want them to feel as though you're not just looking for free stuff. Clinics, medical centers, RP sims and such get free donations from creators ALL the time. It's not a new request, and some people might be a bit apprehensive based solely on that. Just some things to consider.
  17. I have both Tantra and MA(I've had others, but have thrown them all away, they are subpar in comparison to these two, very subpar, and a waste of money in the end). Tantra by far is the most realistic as far as a woman's cycle is concerned. You can adjust pretty much everything to your real cycle, if you want. Or just make one up if you want. You can set it to desire a pregnancy, desire to not get pregnant, set yourself to just risk it, things like this. It follows a more realistic option as far as the odds of actually getting pregnant. I started using the MA while it was still in testing phase(I bought it ages ago) and while it's improved, it's just not my cup of tea. Requiring both partners to need the hud, plus charging extra for contraceptives is a bit, meh, not to my liking. There are other minor annoyances that just don't fit with my needs too. But it IS a good product, well made, and functions exactly as it says it does. Unlike most other products in this area, you'll find these are the two most recommended, because of their outstanding customer service and performance. Tantra doesn't charge for the condom hud, you get it in the package. Those also come with some risk too, if you decide to use them. They can break, come off, work just fine, all sorts of things. Adds a bit of realism without asking you to shell out more money. Tantra also works with more than just Xcite!, it actually works with most other genitalia you can buy. There are a few it doesn't work with, but in those cases manual override is a click of one button on the menu. So it's not some complicated process. They seem to do their best to stay up to date on the current products out there, so that their products can work with them(whenever possible of course). I've not had any issues using it to simulate getting pregnant, or following cycles. With MA, it's just too easy, takes a bit too much of the actual RP out of the equation. Some people love that, and use MA for that alone. But I'm not one who likes that. I like the more realistic odds, more personalized cycle, things like this. As far as tummy talkers go, yes, please turn them off if you are in a setting where others may not want to listen, or appreciate being tossed into your RP. I had one that I will never ever buy again. Cost me way too much linden for a one time use tummy and in the end, after seeing others, it sucked, lol. If you're going to shell out big bucks, don't go for a one-time use one. It's pointless. There are some wonderful ones out there though. Tons and tons even, lol.
  18. There have been way more instances of customers not getting refunded lately than normal, whatever their normal actually is. So it's not true that *if a delivery fully fails, the money will be refunded within 24 hours. Lately a lot of people aren't getting refunded. But when they file a ticket with LL they either get the item redelivered by them, or they are told to contact the merchant for *redelivery(not a re-charge and then redelivery) if LL cannot redeliver the item. Either way the customer still gets the product and the merchant doesn't get the payment. This is becoming a very common thing. It never used to be this way, but it is now. I'm fairly certain there are JIRAs about this issue actually. I know there are plenty related to it. My customers, thankfully, haven't had any failed deliveries in the last week. But before that, there were a ton. The site wasn't showing them as failed though. I wasn't getting the money, and the customer didn't always get a refund, and rarely ever got the product to boot. It was a mess. Before this, I haven't had a true failed delivery since June. But recently(until this last week) I have had way more than my fair share. I've lost money, a lot of it, to this problem too, and it sucks. LL doesn't have much to say about it though. You always get a canned response from them, or pointed to a JIRA or something you've already both voted and watched. It's ridiculous that they don't even bother reading the tickets anymore. They take keywords and just randomly choose a canned response and hit send(assuming a human does it at all, personally, I think it's automated at this point). Thankfully, for me, it seems the worst is over, for now. But there are lots who aren't so lucky.
  19. I own arcade games made by Seven Shikami that I love. I use them for events, and have used them (or rezzed them out for others to use) for various charity events. Things like skeeball, basketball, a racing game, a fighting game, a crane-type game, a UFO thingy, a game similar to Dance Dance Revolution, and the guitar one too, whack a mole, actually I think I own all the games made by that creator, lol. I even have the ticket system that goes with it and prize counter and stuff.(and you just reminded me of something I need to get to work on too, lol, ty!) I also have a trashcan one(you throw the paper ball into the trash can), various carnival games, a gem one, a connect four type game..... I have a ton of them, lol. I don't even remember them all. Some of them I've had for ages now. I like taking them out from time to time, mostly when there is no one else on the sim, so I don't disturb if I get click happy. None of the ones I own are really intensive on the script times, but I don't usuallly leave them out. I'm just extremely mindful of others, and careful since I am sharing my sim. I like some of the card and board type ones, but some of them aren't nearly as fun as they look, and don't function super well either. I've had a few really bad experiences with them, lol. Especially some of the "game room" type ones. Various air hockey, bowling, tabletop type games haven given me nothing but grief. I ended up just getting rid of them because it became a huge hassle and there wasn't ever anyone around to fit the non-working stuff. Now if I want to go bowling I have to go find a new sim. I used to go to a really big place with friends, but it closed down a while back Was quite sad to see it go too. That place was awesome. I prefer fun, inviting, easy to understand, engaging, colorful....things like this. Not just ones you need other people to play. Sometimes I like playing alone
  20. I don't quite get the confusion, or suspicion about what's being asked, it's pretty straight forward, but whatever... You're looking for places to go, where there might actually be other people, preferably teens, I take it, correct? I would check some of the high school RP sims(you can find them in search pretty easily). All of the ones I have been to, are within your maturity settings, so you should have no issues. You don't necessarily have to join the schools or the RP to meet people there. You might find at times they are pretty empty, but if you find out approx when their busy hours are, you can figure out when there will be more people. Also check the destination guide, for hangouts and such. I don't really visit too many places anymore in sl. But since your viewer will restrict where you can go, for you, you won't have to really worry about the ratings for any sim you visit. Just start hopping about the grid until you find somewhere you enjoy, or find people if that's your goal. I've no clue where the teens hang out these days,s orry I can't really offer advice on that part. Your best bet really is to just start grid hopping from place to place. You *shouldn't have to worry about getting places you shouldn't be, the viewer shouldn't let you(I say shouldn't because you just never know, lol). But should you get somewhere you don't want to be, or shouldn't be, just tp right back out. No harm, no foul. It wouldn't be the first time it's happened, lol. The building classes are sometimes a great place to meet people(and learn new skills), but I'm not sure what their rating is. RP sims that fall within your rating settings will be a bit harder to find, but not completely unreasonable. Just check search and do the grid hop to find one that suits you. You don't have to settle on just one, either, if you find some you really like. Most of all, have fun. You might not find what you're looking for right away, but don't give up. There's something out there for everyone in sl and eventually you'll find what you're looking for. In fact you'll probably be surprised when you find something you didn't even know you were looking for.
  21. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: I noticed no campaigning for Newt though........you prejudice or something? No, I'm just extremely allergic to politicians. They make me itch....and break out, and sometimes go into rage mode. No epipen on earth can save me from that I'd rather do good for humanity, not contribute to it's downfall anyway
  22. If it were me, I'd find a charity, and volunteer some time. Have a local charity that helps families with clothing or household items? If so, they're likely always looking for people to help sort. As a bonus, you could also take some time and rummage your home for items you no longer need. It's a win-win. Your house gets decluttered, you find a new hobby, and you're helping out those less fortunate. Awesome! Volunteer to help with story hour at the library for young kids. Volunteer at the local schools(assuming yours do this, some do not) with whatever they may need. Most towns, or counties, have food pantries-they're likely always looking for help. Visit your local animal shelter and offer to bathe, walk, play with, whatever, the animals. I could go on forever. I could think of a million and one ways you can find a hobby that'll benefit you, but, imo, a hobby that will benefit others DOES benefit you, and is especially time well spent when you're in the proverbial corner for misbehavior too (or should be, for past actions, if not current )
  23. There are some sims I would LOVE to see get a break. But odds are, they aren't the same sims others would choose. So who gets to? LL? Do you really want them to make that decision? Honestly? Think about this long and hard. I'm not talking based solely on the revenue this sim, or the owner/builder of said sim brings in, because that would most defnitely not be fair(let's face it, there are some less, ummm, beautiful, sims that bring in a crap ton of revenue). If we want to base it on talent, I sure as heck don't want LL to decide. They don't even know what talent and good quality truly is. I mean, come on, lol, look at some of the stuff they've promoted. Their ability to tell a good quality image is terrible, can you imagine their idea of a quality build? Eeeep, I shudder. Back to the topic. Yes, in a personal way, I feel some sims ought to be given a break, or heck made a permanent part of sl even. But, the realist in me says, that's not going to happen. I can think of some places that are just beyond breathtaking to me. They probably don't bring in much, if any revenue, for their owners. The only revenue LL gets from them is the tier paid. But my gosh the intangible value of such things. Blows my mind. But none of those places would likely ever be deemed worthy by the powers that be. As for buildings, there are a CRAP ton that blow my mind, all the time. Both new and old builds, and builders. There are seriously some amazing talented people in this world. I commend them all. Even if what they build is not *my* particular taste. Even if, for it's time, it was magificent and I can look at it and say "awesome work....but", it's still pretty cool that people do what they do. Yet the amount of great builds, and builders in sl grows by leaps and bounds. What was once the most amazing build(or builder) in sl...WILL be replaced by another. That's just how things are. That doesn't mean that person, or that build, isn't (or wasn't once) great, it just means over time things change. New things come to be. I like that. I remember builds from years ago. I still see some of them. For their time, they were awesome. But now,while still awesome in their own right, compared to others they really aren't anything super special or unique anymore. They once were though. Them not being "the best" anymore, doesn't make them bad, either. Just means...new time, new things, new builders, new talent...and the world continues to revolve and evolve. I like that aspect.
  24. Storm Clarence wrote: Que? Best response thus far Thanks for that OP-Yes TOS needs translated, so does a crap ton of other stuff. But it's not a priority, never has been, never will be. Your rant, your original rant, had nothing at all to do with the actual TOS and everything to do with other issues(ageisms, griefing, and whatnot...speaking of the majority of "kids" in sl, as in actual underage people, probably can not only translate but most likely speak English just fine, them choosing not to because their native tongue is easier, doesn't make them stupid, or something. Just thought I'd toss that in there, for all those kiddies who speak "another language" out there). Issues that you're now throwing a verbal tantrum when anyone dares mention them. Newsflash, you don't get to decide which parts of your posts people respond to. Come across in a weird or unexpected manner, and people will respond in kind.I didn't expect your issue to have anything to do with age, or griefing, or anything like that, when I opened the thread, lol. Plus, convos derail all the time, and this one is on page 3(so far) and hasn't yet derailed, that's pretty darn special. You simply don't like that people don't agree with you on your crusade, or at least, a portion of it. (btw, spamming people is a form of griefing, are you sure you fully understand the TOS?)
  25. While I 100% feel for you, because there are idiots that to this at nearly every RFL I have ever attended(and this has been going on in sl since 2005, RFL that is).....They didn't ruin your event. I'm not justifying anything, or making light of what they did, or anything like that. You simply don't need someone else pointing out the obvious...you were griefed. It happens, it sucks, doesn't matter when/where/who...it sucks. But the point you ought to focus on, is not what these people did, but rather what they did NOT do. Because in the end, that's all that matters. I know exactly how you're feeling. I know it's beyond a pain in the butt. I know sometimes those idiots make you just want to scream and pull your hair out. But then, when they come here to read(and they're probably pretty certain you'll complain about it somewhere), you've now given them a gift they don't deserve. You've shown your weakness(human character trait, we're all weak, it's not a flaw, just a trait we all posess) and now they have something to say "see, we did good, we pissed them off, look what we did", and something they can gloat about. Fuel for their next fire, even. Hold your head high, know you've done good, and leave the bad stuff in the past. Because that's where it belongs, in the past. Don't worry about what they did, doesn't matter now. Didn't matter while they were doing it, didn't matter five minutes after it was done, and it matters even less now. THAT is how you deal with that stuff. Take my words for whatever you'd like. But thousands of people have been where you are/were, and will be again. Best way to deal with it is beat them at their own game.
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