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Tari Landar

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Everything posted by Tari Landar

  1. Deja Letov wrote: I can't answer your question as to why someone wouldn't have this turned off but I can tell you that the delivery of capped IM's fails ALL THE TIME. Like constantly. A few of the merchants here awhile back were testing trying to figure out what was going on and I know some in fact were receiving all offline messages up until the point of the cap and then they stopped. This is a huge problem and while it may be frustrating as a customer, it's just as frustrating with a merchant too. But I wouldn't get all upset and claim to not believe merchants if they say it's happening because we've talked about it alot on this forum and it happens quite a lot more than people think and we've been complainting about it for a long time. Oh I know it does fail, I won't discount that. There are also times it seems to act up worse than others, with no rhyme or reason. It may not happen to me as much, but I know it happens to others, I've seen it. But some people claim it happens way too often for it to be believable(like, thye only miss any negative communication, but they manage seeing all the positive, lol I've seen people pull that one in the past). Me, I like to send NC and IM, just in case, unless a creator has a specific preference(I check profiles). If the first one goes ignored, and I see the creator has been on, I'll try again. When this happens days in a row...that's the point I start to not believe someone when they say they got NONE of the communication. That's not likely, not even in sl, lol. Especially after sending a NC and getting the "accepted" message(which rarely works as it is, and only typically when you're on the same sim, but does still happen outside of that instance, rarely). I find it hard to believe someone can contact someone for days, and that person not receive one of the bits of communication. Impossible? Absolutely not, but definitely not as likely as some seem to think. I get upset at merchants also when they blame their customers for the fact that they didn't get the communication too. That just rubs me the wrong way, and is a personal peeve. I do my best to never blame my customers (rl or sl) for anything, even if it may actually be their fault. For me, that's just part of good business though.
  2. Ok, so I know that the whole "send IMs to email" doesn't always send them all, everything has it's faults and it's not 100% guaranteed to always work, though I think the fail rate is significantly low. But I have to say, what kind of creator, that wants to be taken seriously, lets their IMs cap and does NOT select this option? That's actually an honest question, I would really love to know why some people don't choose to let things go to email. So those of you who don't choose this, could you please help me understand why? (I swear I'm not being snarky, it is an honest question despite my frustration) I have had communication from people that was sent to IM cap plenty of times myself. That's exactly why I set things to go to email. Because things cap so easily and the limit is so low. I just don't understand why someone who knows they cap daily, would think it's an acceptable excuse when there is a helpful option. I'm a pretty forgiving person, I offer one heck of a mountain of leeway for people to be honest. Probably way more than I should. But there comes a time as both a customer and a creator that I sit here scratching my head and thinking "you're really going to blame the customer for that?" when someone claims "I didn't get the IM". Whether it's in regards to a problem or just a general communication. Isn't it in poor taste to constantly say that to customers? Or am I way off base? I have no qualms admitting so if I am, lol. I am admittedly a little bit frustrated this evening after dealing with three creators who gave me the exact same line in the last two weeks. One of them it was in regards to a problem, which I have now been made whole on finally. The other two were just general communication, so definitely not urgent in the least. But it's still annoying to be treated as if it's somehow my fault they didn't get my communication. I don't always believe they didn't, to be honest. Especially when it comes in the form of a NC I can clearly see they've accepted. In the last 4 years I have had communication go to neither my email or my IM, twice. Neither of those times did I treat the person with disrespect. In both cases I explained that IMs cap, but I have them sent to email, however they didn't get there either, so I was just as confused as to where they went. But not once did I blame the other person. I simply fixed whatever was wrong, apologized for the delay and did what I could to make them happy. Blah. I think all my years working customer service, and owning actual businesses in rl has skewed my view a bit. Maybe I expect too much of people, and expect that they'd handle things in the same manner I sometimes think are just common sense.
  3. These days unless I leave my sim(a rarity), I only wear panties and a bra and hubby wears his undies too. We're too lazy to get dressed, and no need if we're just at home cuddling/dancing/whatever while our rl selves watch movies and do rl stuff. If I DO put clothes on, and they came with undies, I wear them as well.
  4. Here ya go, my fav pg undies...crappy quality pic since I had my graphics down low at the time lol
  5. I have a permanent home in sl. I was a wanderer at one time but for the most part I have had some type of home since 2008. I did not get a home right as soon as I started. I originally came to SL years ago, didn't like it and came back a few different times over the years. I came back permanently in 2008 and waited a few weeks before buying a home. My home is on the ground level and my store is up above it in the sky on a platform. Technically speaking though, I don't have a house, per se, lol. Hubby and I have what amounts to a gorgeous park with gazebo, small lake, cave and waterfall, some big trees, and a deck type thing over part of the lake. No actual house structure because we don't need one. We used to have a couple though, lol. We rent the plot on an island. My only roomate is my hubby, and my animals when they're out. Since we don't have any actual building I'd say the prim allotment is about 60% ground level and 40% store up in the sky. I could be wrong, it's honestly been a long time since I even checked. I spend time with my hubby. We enjoy watching movies rl while our avs are logged in dancing on the intan, cuddling, whatever.I know, many people think it's odd to do this, lol. I also build a lot. I have a big platform above the store I tend to build on when creating. I do all kinds of things at my home. I recommend owning a home if you want to have a space all your own. It's not a necessity in sl by far, imo, but I know some people really like having their own space. For me it's a necessity for my small store if I want it to stay open, lol. I like having a place for my hubby and me to enjoy as well. I don't think all on it's own it keeps me in sl. It certainly helps, but everything I do in sl keeps me in sl.
  6. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: You're not doing "everything within your power" if you use convenience features such as "Remmber Me" options. That's all I'm saying. Not even remotely true. I can see why you assumed I was being smug, you're doing it yourself.
  7. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: I'm not trying to argue......but a statement about "being protected" just rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe smug was the wrong word......but that's the way it read to me when I read it. This pc is as protected as it can be, but nothing, and I do mean nothing, can protect anyone 100%..save remaining off a pc altogether, lol. It's not me being smug, or anything even remotely like that. It's just me saying...I do what I can within the power I have, and aside from that...I'm not worried. Mainly because IF something happened...I'm still golden. I've been there, done that on wiping systems before. That's why I have the opinions, and stance I have now. It takes the experience of dealing with it, sometimes. I have, and you're right, it's not fun. Heck it's not even fun when you're doing it for fun, lol. Anything special or not expendable, is kept elsewhere now, for that reason, among many.
  8. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: "... I'm not concerned **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_smiley-happy.gif" border="0" alt=":smileyhappy:" title="Smiley Happy" /> My pc is protected." --------------------------------------------- Ohh...those oh so famous last words. I'm pretty Internet savvy and my computers are all protected (anti-virus, anti-spyware, anti-anything and firewalled to the hilt....both software and hardware firewalls are in place constantly). About a month ago I picked up a virus (I do have an idea of where I picked it up but that'snot exactly important where but it is important that I picked it up.....that's only the second virus I ever picked up in all the years I've been on the Internet). That virus really played heck with my registry........to the point that I wound up having to wipe my hard drive and completely re-install my Windows 7 to get everything working right again. Don't be smug about it.....that will jump up and bite you on the butt when you least expect it. Since I don't use my computers for business I didn't loose anything real important (I have a second drive with no operating system for those treasures everyone wants to save so they were not affected with the disk wipe and re-installation). Like I said before, a little paronoia is a good thing.........I just wasn't paranoid enough about a month ago. Who said anything about being smug? No pc is 100% protected, no matter how paranoid we get about it(that's a terrible term, though I do understand why you're using it, lol). I take all reasonable measures needed, and should the unthinkable happen, I'll deal. There isn't anything on this particular pc that I am concerned about
  9. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: You're an exception. The remember me for these forums has never worked for me on IE, Firefox or Chrome. It has always worked for the Dashboard. However, I don't use the "Remember Me" for either anymore......for security reasons. I've found that, on the Internet, a little paranoia is a good thing. Of course you can do as you want.....it's your security, not mine. Oh I don't doubt that one bit. I know it doesn't work for, at the very least, the majority. I'm not sure why it works on my pc to be honest. I just know it does. (I didn't have to log in to reply here, I was already logged in still). As for security, I'm not concerned My pc is protected.
  10. I use firefox, and it works just fine. In fact, it always has.
  11. Ok, under graphics you need to make sure you have Bump Mapping and Shiny, and Basic Shaders checked as well, in order for hardware skinning to be able to be checked. I have a feeling the default for this is off, I ran across someone new a little bit ago with the same problem. Maybe they changed the defaults to accommodate people with less powerful systems, I don't really know. If you do have those checked and Hardware Skinning is still greyed out, I'm not really sure why.
  12. This may or may not be of any help. But this is what I would do first, as I recently had the exact same problem, and still to this day do not understand how the setting got changed by itself. Go to Edit>Preferences>Graphics, make sure Custom box is checked, in the box there is an area near the bottom on the lefthand side that says "Avatar Rendering", make sure that Hardware Skinning is checked. If it's not checked, you cannot see mesh(or at least, shouldn't be able to). Even with a less than powerful computer, one can still run with this setting checked with little to no issue. I have run it on very crappy systems myself just to test it. If that does not help, it might be a good idea to post your system specs here, so others with far more knowledge can help. You can find them under Help>About Phoenix Viewer. Also you can go again to Edit>Preferences>Graphics and let folks know what you do and do not have turned on, and what those on are set to. It might give a little more insight.
  13. As a customer it doesn't bother me in the least. I like to browse, so seeing seasonal things doesn't really annoy me. As a seller, I leave mine up year round, beause I sell seasonal stuff year round. I've sold lots of halloween, and even winter stuff all summer long, lol.
  14. If you go to grumble(I am logging in now to get you that slurl) they have a sign right at the landing point for new avs. Also, they have a great deal of MM boards that offer GCs and such, just wander the sim, you can't miss them. The stuff is very good quality, but they also keep their prices pretty low too. This is where i send all noobs now, men or women, lol. http://slurl.com/secondlife/GRUMBLE/131/154/21 Go there, it's a great starting off point.
  15. I wanted to add that I also checked, double checked and triple checked that my boxes and sim(s) were not the culprit(s). The odds of every single box failing at the exact same moment, on multiple sims, causing that one item to fail to deliver at that precise moment...yeah I may be no Sheldon, but that doesn't seem even remotely plausible. Unless, of course, all boxes failed at the same precise moment all across the grid, causing each and every MB purchase to fail. Then I'd say... oops, their(the boxes) bad, and be done with it-chalking it up to yet another annoying but temporary glitch. It was quite clearly their(LL) bad, but there is no oops involved here. I'm far from a conspiracy theory sort of person, ftr., but I strongly believe someone, somewhere was playing with something they probably shouldn't have been messing with.They aren't exactly strangers to the concept. It does irritate me too, even if it were free items failing to deliver(in my case a couple were), it would still iritate me. There's no rhyme or reason for a "glitch" like this to occur. At least not one I can come up with, or anyone else I've spoken to about it.
  16. I'm sure this will be of little to no comfort, but I also use both MB and DD and on the period of 7-21-7-25 had delivery failures. Every single one of them, was a MB item. My items weren't transferred to DD items, but the only failures came from MB items. I don't normally have many, if any, failures at all. Granted the failures were on items that really don't cost much at all, well nothing I sell does, but that's not the point. I talked to quite a few other people in world last night about this after someone im'd when their delivery failed. Those merchants were having the same problem. MB items were failing whereas DD ones were not. I'm the last person to tell others they need to migrate to DD. I only did so myself because of an issue I was having and thought might be related to not having moved to DD yet. So I migrated some of my stuff, actually most of it, to see if that was the cause for slow sales. To be honest, I can't tell if it was or wasn't, even still, I gave up trying. But I haven't had any delivery failures for a good long while until just recently. Now I've had several in the same week. Probably more than I've ever had since I loaded my first MB in 2008. It bothers me greatly, because there's no rhyme or reason to it. Yes I know I can, and some will say should, migrate entirely to DD, I get it. The MB should not be failing, neither should the process associated with it like this, unless someone fiddled with something they should not have. The few merchants who actually post here and still use MB are a pretty small minority and I know for a fact there are a lot more who don't post here that had, or are having, the same(or related) issue. Personally I think it's more than a tad ridiculous at this juncture.
  17. Morgaine Christensen wrote: I am sure this is an innocent and informational post, but it sure sounded creepy to me. Maybe I am just jaded by my years in SL, but I got this feeling this question was asked so someone could find groups to camp out inthat pay dividends rather than investing and contributing to SL from their RL purse. I know many do not have a lot of money, but the freeloaders in SL these days is just appalling. Not only do I pay to enjoy SL, now, they want me to pay for them as well! WRONG! Most group owners are savvy enough not to pay out Lindens per week nor, CHARGE their members. I says don't drink that mocha every day or whatever, and invest $10.13 USD and get yourself 2500L to spend. Not only will you be doing yourself a favor, you will have the satisfaction of knowing you are contributing to SL. Will take a lot of time spent in groups making .01 to .03 cents per week. It's entirely possible you're reading too much into it. In fact it's probable. Most groups, as already pointed out, that pay dividends also charge and it typically works out as a wash. It's entirely possible the Op didn't realize this, and thought it was only paying dividends. Personally I don't find people who are looking for a way to make a little linden cash "appalling", nor do I find them as people who aren't contributing to sl in some fashion. It doesn't have to JUST be money brought in to sl to be a contribution. I do find the opinion that anyone can bring money into sl a little odd though. We've no clue who sits behind each screen and not a single person ought to be judging what another can or cannot do in their life-at least when it comes to this. Some choose to not bring money in, some truly can't, and yet plenty of others do. Not everyone who doesn't is some kind of freeloader or something. If I were going to think any opinion is appalling it would be that those who don't bring money in are nothing but freeloaders
  18. Venus Petrov wrote: Tari Landar wrote: My kids love music as well. Even while doing their schoolwork during the day we have music playing. Of course they have music class everyday as well, in addition to learning piano I did that, too, and continued the practice through college and grad school. However, I only listened to classical music during study time and then much later read that it was a good thing to do (specifically classical music). Oh they love it. They listen to all sorts of music while working though. But they're kind of quirky kids. The 8 yr old likes doing his algebra while hanging upside down over the edge of the couch listening to neoclassical. I'm a pretty umm...relaxed teacher. I figure the more comfortable the environment, the better they'll do, and they've proven that theory to be quite true.
  19. I listen to the radio all the time. If not the radio, there is some kind of music playing in my house most hours of the day(rl that is, not just sl, but sl does mimic rl a lot in that respect). My kids love music as well. Even while doing their schoolwork during the day we have music playing. Of course they have music class everyday as well, in addition to learning piano They're not big fans of talk radio but they do have a very eclectic taste when it comes to music and I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I'm always listening to it. We definitely listen to way more radio and don't really watch that much tv. In fact until a couple years ago we didn't even have cable, and hadn't since 2002. Even when we're outside there's some kind of radio playing.
  20. Just from your replies, I'm not thoroughly convinced you've actually wandered the main grid much at all. You should try it, it might surprise you. You don't have to pay for the majority of things, regardless of your gender. It's simply a matter of actually looking for it. The teen grid, rather the old teen grid, is not the same thing as the main grid. You should probably drop the assumption that things seem to have vanished off the grid simply because they existed in the teen grid and MUST have existed here. That's not the case. Even though the grids have merged, that doesn't necessarily mean their environments did. They simply closed the teen grid and opened the front door on the main grid to it's residents. How people "play" sl, varies greatly. For some their av is simply a characterized version of themselves. For some, their av really is a totally seperate entity. You can'tr really knock one or the other and doing so probably isn't going to garner much positive response from those you're looking to for info. That's the long way of saying you'll catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Try not being so judgmental of others and how they enjoy their sl and you very well may find you fit in far more places than you think. Your assumptions about men, and women, are not exactly fair either. Sure sometimes things go that way, but it's not always the case. There are just as many relationships all across sl that are absolutely wonderful and don't involve anyone being, well basically taken advantage of, as you describe. Though there are also ones out there that the one being taken advantage of actually enjoys it. Who are we to knock that? Whatever tickles your pickle, I say. If they have no qualms with it, you shouldn't either. (I try not to meddle and highly recommend others do the same) Try visiting the destination guide, or opening the map, randomly finding a place and teleporting there. Try searching both inworld and marketplace for the things you're looking for. My guess is you really haven't tried all that hard if you believe you HAVE to put money into sl. I'm going on 4 years here in sl on this av(had previous ones for years before, just dumped them for this one in 2008) and I haven't yet put a dime of rl money into sl. Some will knock me for not contributing to the economy, but that's ok. We all have our opinions on what contributing actually is You don't HAVE to put money into sl to enjoy it. You DO have to be willing to actually put effort in to find the fun you're seeking though. It's out there and ripe for the picking. You didn't say what sort of things you're looking for though. Perhaps if you tried that, people would be able to point you in the proper direction(s) to find what you seek. Developmental skills are, well, easy as heck, to come by. It's just a matter of figuring out what you want, and how to achieve it. It's really not as difficult as some people make it out to be. It's more reliant on being willing to work for it than it is on posessing the skills beforehand. Anyone can learn how to contribute to sl in some way, developmentally speaking. But not everyone is willing to try, nor do I think they should if they have no interest. I'm not really sure where the heck you've been when you say the public areas, nothing is free. Because it's actually quite the opposite, and a huge amount of public area is accessible to all, not just those age verified. If you can't access anywhere outside of general you probably need to update your account to indicate your age. I never participated in the teen grid, but I'm quite certain there was a process in place when one left that grid for the main grid and it's likely there still is one when someone turns 18. I can't really expand on that though, as I have no clue where it would be found. If it's not on your dashboard somewhere, you can always try contacting LL about that. There's no reason for you to be limited at 18 to only general areas unless that's what you desire.(and not everything outside of general is "adult" in nature, despite the mature/adult ratings, there's far more that isn't than is).
  21. Actually I can I haven't had any issues, major or minor, in a little while.(yes I know, I'm the minority, no I'm not discounting the issues others have, this just happens to be a breath of fresh air for me after having some serious issues for a bit, lol). Surprisingly a couple of things I added for a holiday not a lot of people around the world celebrate, are selling. I wasn't sure how effective they'd be but since their sister products for a similar holiday did extremely well this year and last I figured I'd go for it. It paid off nicely. Or well, it is paying off nicely. Also another very obscure object I added ages ago is selling quite a few everyday. It's not expensive, not that anything I sell is, but it is quite hilarious. The funniest part is the sales go up and down in waves according to how much MP, and SL in general, is screwing up for others, hahaha.(not that I am laughing at others' misfortunes, just the fact that this item even sells at all much less the way it does) My MB is still working wonderfully. Yes, I AM one of the idiots who hasn't migrated entirely to DD yet. I tried it, had nothing but issues, and decided MB is it for me for a bit, until they fix some of the issues that seem to only plague me with DD, lol. Unfounded fear by some standards, but, eh...it's working for me. When I find something thay actually works on MP, I go with it, until it no longer does. I think that's important, sometimes, knowing how epic the fail at MP can be, lol. I take the good and go with "awesome" rather than "just okay" because I know what the other side looks like and it's fugly...(and it is no surprise my typo there was toke instead of take...that very well may be why I'm not nearly as miffed at some of the MP's antics as of late too..) So all in all, my experience(s) both as a merchant and customer, as of late, have been fantastic. The only issue I did have, which was minor, I guess, is that a customer bought something and I can only presume they tried to take it apart, and didn't know how, because they claimed it had no scripts. It did, and does, they're just not in the root prim. That's not the first time that's happened in the last two weeks with the same product though, it's happened 6 times since, which tells me something fishy is going on.(but the script is full perm, on purpose, so, they're not doing a very good job of being sneaky, lol). Not really an issue, or MP related except it only sells on MP, it's just my best complaint for now
  22. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eduard_Khil There you go, now you know who he was, assuming you actually read what it says since it's a pretty good detail of his life and exactly how he came to be known as Mr Trololo. Fascinating gentleman, imo.
  23. Kallyanna wrote: This is absolutley soooo immature. gahhh going to bed thanks for the help 45 viewers lol your reply isn't at all immature to you? You have 45 viewers because quite a few people read the forums. But that doesn't mean any of them will have the answer you need. Or, the previous answer you got, IS the answer, so they've nothing to add. (and btw, the previous answer IS the answer) I'd be more than slightly miffed if a "friend"(one has to assume you're at least somewhat friends to own land with them) pulled a stunt like that. Pranks are fun, and can be hilarious, but there's just some lines one probably shouldn't cross. Messing with land/permissions sometimes falls under that category. I hope your land doesn't have tenants, or at least others reliant on being able to use the sim at all.
  24. Boudicca Littlebird wrote: I agree, I don't think we are catered for any more, I think the large corps are and people that they sit round a table with, I think they just see us as addicted fools, they think most of us are nuts anyway. That's probably because a good portion of us are
  25. You don't need to own a big store, or even a well known one, to make a decent profit. You just have to actually want it, and be able to put forth the work to do it. I'm pretty sure if you actually polled every single business owner in sl, most probably fall more under the hobby umbrella. They enjoy what they do, and if it profits, fantastic, if not, also fantastic. I do believe in order for any business to succeed, you actually have to enjoy what you do, to some degree. I have seen some very well known creators who seemingly make a really great profit, actually not make squat because their overhead is ridiculously high. Contrary to what some believe, you also don't have to shell out a ton of rl cash, in order to have a business be profitable(in rl cash as well as lindens kept inworld). Some feel they need to, in order to succeed, and of course that's their choice. But it really is entirely possible to build a busiess from the ground up in sl, with very little overhead, and still come out way ahead in the end. Not everyone who makes a profit, goes around stating so. Not everyone who makes a large profit turns it into rl cash, either. I know of plenty of folks who make a pretty penny that never cash out-they simply recirculate their money on the grid. I'm not sure if the statistics we do see count funding that's never cashed out and turned into rl funds, though.
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