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Tari Landar

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Everything posted by Tari Landar

  1. Umm, what you say, isn't possible, at all. The bridge script cannot hack your system(and that's a pretty strong allegation to make too, not a wise move since it's not something you can possibly prove but rather an assumption) You're darn lucky it's only your SL account that's been hacked, thus far. Or rather, more likely, you haven't noticed what else that hacker has been able to retrieve from your system. Because it's your system at fault. Though you could have a rather smart hacker who knows you have financial ties to rreal world accounts via sl, and is taking advantage of that. A one time account hack is typically because someone, luckily(though unluckily for the owner) guessed the password of an account. A repeated offense however tells me there is something going on with the system. It's quite clear you are doing something, or not doing something, that is making your system susceptible to hackers. I suggest you find someone who knows what they are doing to take a look at it before you lose more than just SL info.
  2. When you broadcast SAM is the program app(among many) you use to play/create the music, which goes through a stream to the listener. Shoutcast is merely used as the stream server HOST for most, it's the server. Regardless of what program you use to create your music or send it out to the masses, you still need a host server that can stream it out to others. SAM cannot do this on it's own, that's not what it was designed for. SAM is a broadcasting application and needs a streaming server to send that out so others can hear it. Shoutcast is the most popular host server in SL(actually it's popular worldwide, even outside of sl, but that's irrelevant). It's used by top performers, DJs and clubs all over the net as well to stream. While you CAN play others' streams that are also hosted on shoutcast that is not ALL shoutcast does, it's not even the primary function for most users. People pay to host their streams there, and some allow public use of those streams(not all do). Shoutcast is simply used to broadcast out the music(or even spoken word) to the listening audience. You need both a program(application) to create the music, and one to broadcast. Shoutcast cannot create on it's own,a nd SAM cannot broadcast on it's own. I was going to pass this thread on to a great group of DJs I know but I'm not real sure they want to work with someone who tells others they don't know what they're talking about...yet they don't know the difference between a broadcasting application and a host server.
  3. I'm a mutli-tasker myself. I type more words a minute than I ought to be able to and my brain and fingers don't always agree on doing things the right way at the same time. So, typos, and lots of them, are not strangers to me. I try to fix, but sometimes I don't. That's where multi-tasking sometimes gets me in trouble. I also type out long winded answers that could be shortened. It's not in my nature to say what I need to say, in fewer words. At least not in type/print/text. Can't give you a reason as to why though. I'm just weird, and it tends to get me lots of insults, lol. I do abbreviate some things that others might not, or use words others might not choose. But I try not to make them so obscure no one would understand them. I don't use odd abbreviations that change the word entirely, though. As for others. I try to take most things with a grain of salt. I have my moments when l33t speak just grates on my nerves. I simply walk/scroll away when that happens. There is one way some use l33t speak that I find more irritating than any other. That would be the people who are attempting to sound intelligent in their responses but use the most absolutely obscure l33t versions of words or the strangest short versions of things.(this goes double for things like no instead of know, and such, that's just plain wrong, they're not the same word and are not interchangeable). Those people while I prefer not to think little of them, I can't help it sometimes. Especially when I know they're capable of better communication as I've seen it, lol. I do try to give benefit of the doubt when possible, which is most of the time. But some folks, just don't deserve benefit of the doubt, lol. When English isn't your first language, it can be difficult to make your point, but I think most people do a pretty fine job. Those who struggle with it don't hide this fact as it's plainly obvious. I take absolutely no issue with that at all, ever. I commend them for even trying. I have a lot of family who are not native English speakers, so I understand that all too well.
  4. Clarissa Lowell wrote: Thoughts?? I simply choose not to purchase from creators who set such restrictions. There are some I have bought from for years who've recently changed their "policies"(and I use that term loosely for some, lol) and while it pains me to no longer be a patron, I let my lindens do my talking. I appreciate some restrictions, and even on some products when needed, serious restrictions. I do not appreciate total restriction however. I think for many creators, especially sculpt creators, they are cutting their own audience down tremendously by being overly **bleep** retentive with the restrictions. Some, is good-or cna be. Too many however, can be very damaging. Even if I am the only customer that walks away from them, I would think one customer walking away is one too many. That's my take anyway. When I create things for others to use, sometimes I have rules(not always, but sometimes). I would NEVER make them as restrictive as some do though. I love to see what others can do. Sometimes free items can lead to magnificent things too. I created a bunch of things once that were to be used for a charity event. Some of them were used for products being raffled off, some were part of gift bags handed out, lots of stuff went to all kinds of things. That charity event raised more than $12k in USD for a very worthy charity for kids near and dear to me. I just can't fathom how allowing those other creators the freedom to do what they wished with my products, harmed anyone(especially me). That's just one case of course, and not likely typical. But, it's one I think of fondly. I could probably come up with all kinds of scenarios where a less restrictive set of perms for future sellers is more desirable. But then people really are free to use whatever restrictions they want. Just as I am free to not purchase from them.
  5. Well I don't do anything special in sl, really. Sometimes I make something for easter, but not this year. I just spend it doing what I always do, if I am on at all. That would be spending time with hubby. Sometimes we like to let our avs dance, or, do something, while we watch movies and tv in rl like we do most other nights(I know,it's weird, lol) Rl however, I do loads of stuff. I spent the week working on some really cool lessons with my kids, that had absolutely nothing to do with easter, but were fun as all heck. Eventually those lessons morphed though, gotta love child lead learning, into more easter themed topics. We colored eggs, using both homemade dyes(worked into our curriculum), and store bought ones. We made some pinatas, and all sorts of different treats all week. We had an egg hunt outside-awesome weather this year, thank you mother nature. We went for a nice walk down by the lake, since I finally got my cast off. Awesome weather again. Generally, it was a really nice week. Today we spent the day with family. Egg hunt for the kiddies, with all kinds of goodies, even money. Tons of delicious food, snacks, treats. Easter baskets all around, even for the big people(mine is just awesomesauce, ty mommy). It was a great day. Normally we do this on easter Sunday, but family members have to work tomorrow. Tomorrow morning my kiddos will get up, do their little treasure hunt for their baskets(I am a VERY sneaky mommy, and they don't get the basket in one whole piece, either, bwaaahaaaaa). We'll have a nice brunch, because no one really wants breakfast, or lunch. We'll spend the day playing with our cool new toys, enjoying the (hopefully) nice cool spring weather, taking naps because we woke up too early and are beat, maybe watch Hop again, have a great dinner, and the kiddos will be back in bed by 8pm. We don't do anything religious, never have and never will. Easter for us is all about family, and fun.
  6. I do not EVER recommend doing an all return like that with anything that is scripted. They are more likely to break and you very well may be unable to rez them again when you try. At which time you'll have to get access to a special plot, by the lindens(not difficult to get, just a pain in the butt), so you can then attempt to rez them there. There is still a good chance you'll never recover those items. This doesn't typically matter if your items are unscripted, but scripted items play by their own rules, especially coalesced ones. There are limits to how many of them will safely rez(don't know the specific numbers, just know I've gone over it many, many, many times, both with really large groupings and smaller ones as well). Though you could still lose unscripted items, they aren't always as likely to be no copy, so it might not be a problem. Of course if the items are copy, breaking them wouldn't be a problem anyway, long as you have a good copy. This would be a VERY last resort, and I don't mean a "dang this is just too much stuff, I don't wanna" last resort but more of a "I need to return these items to someone who is no longer able to come on" sort of last resort.
  7. You already got good advice on what to do about the annoyance factor. But I want to say there are , literally, hundreds of places for people who don't have an "official sl home" to hang out in. They aren't hanging out in welcome centers simply because that's their only option. The problem, aside from their need to annoy others, is that they don't *want* to go anywhere else. They most definitely can, though, if they ever choose to. Even with search screwed up as it is sometimes, it's not difficult to find somewhere to go in sl.
  8. I've never had issues with transaction reports going slowly, so I can't comment on that personally. For me, there has been no change in that aspect.I am glad it's loading better for others who were having an issue with it. I'm just not certain they actually did anything to change it. I've talked to an awful lot of merchants who weren't even having that issue, so it's hard to say, for me anyway. I have a feeling this fix people are seeing, on that front, is merely a side effect of something else and not an intended fix. I'm honestly not certain what they did, or have done that is, they remain rather hush hush on what *exactly they are working on. The most we seem to be able to get are very generic, scripted responses, some very general lists of problems(which they didn't even provide of their own accord, they compiled/copied what others here have already pointed out, repeatedly..in other words *residents did the work for them) and a whole heck of a lot of "we'll look into that". After a while, the looking needs to actually produce some results. Even if they're bad ones, or ones we don't want-like "sorry folks, we can't/won't fix that", it's still something. I'm a huge supporter of communication, I dislike non communication tremendously. I'm not keen on companies, especially large ones with PLENTY of resources, who use that sort of tactic. We already know LL is notorious for it. Something we also know is that when they apply themselves, and, well, work, they can make things better. They've done it, so we know they can. I've just not seen hide nor hair of that with this whole fiasco thus far. It seems every little thing that gets fixed(most seem temporary, hard to say for certain), at least one more problem creeps up. Some unavoidable, but I don't believe the majority are. I think they seriously lack the talent they need on the commerce team, personally. But that's just my outside view based on watching them(commerce team) screw things up and follow a pretty consistent pattern of not caring.
  9. I'm a very optimistic person, often get criticised for having a "pollyanna"-ish outlook. I still stand by what I've said. One person's problem being fixed(or seemingly so) is not progress. Not in this case. Not when the incidents of things going wrong, straight to downright broke and costing people plenty of money, are increasing every single day. It would be different if problems weren't getting worse, compounding onto other problems, not to mention new ones popping up every day. I don't consider the very few(one might say negligible even) things going as they should(note that doesn't mean better, it means..normal, expected, as intended, etc..) as something worth a kudos. It has nothing at all to do with my perception, or how I "look at things", lol. If my expectations were even remotely high, it would fall under that, but wanting things to run normal is not a high expectation or some strange perception of reality. My customers(not just sl, I'm speaking generally here) expect me to perform, at the very least, at what they'd deem a typical/normal/average level. They're happy when I go above and beyond(noteworthy), and not so happy when I underperform(also noteworthy). But doing things exactly as I should, nah that's not really noteworthy to anyone I know, lol.
  10. Well considering I just had a crap ton of products re-delivered to people, I am going to disagree that this is progress. I was just going through things, trying to figure out why my transactions looked like they did/do, and there's a bit of a problem. Every single item that was just redelivered(and I am talking more than a few here) was part of an order that at SOME point had partially failed-but NOT the item they bought from me. In other words, people made multiple item cart purchases and something in their cart failed to deliver-so it says partially failed. All of the items bought from me delivered just fine and dandy, though. Yet, a crap ton of stuff was redelivered over the last couple days to a crap ton of people. I don't care about the lower priced and free items, but the ones with higher prices, yeah that bothers me. I give away my own stuff of my own free will, whenever I feel like it, and I do it quite often. I don't want LL deciding when and where to freely hand my stuff out. I've no clue what the heck happened, but I'm not happy. Not all of these were recent purchases either. I haven't even been having issues like others, and my issue isn't DD related because I have not migrated, but still fully support the notion that none of what we are seeing, is actually progress at all. They aren't getting any amount of kudos from me. Things have only gotten worse with MP over the last few months, not better. This just puts icing on the cake. Pages loading faster and items-the ones that actually arrive-being delivered in a reasonable time frame is NOT progress. That's like giving me a pat on the back for being able to say my own name. Barring anything that would normally prevent me from doing so, the ability to say my own name as a grown adult, is not an achievement worthy of a party.
  11. I have new stuff going up this week. Actually, quite a bit of stuff. But I'm not migrating to DD until they give me proof that their new little system is actually stable. Or at the very least, more stable. At this juncture, I don't put much faith in them and my current system works peachy. I won't change it until I absolutely have to. (that's not me just being stubborn and refusing change, I have valid concerns) My magic box is working just fine, I'm not about to ruin that by switching over and crossing my fingers. I'll stick with what works, for now. Since they've pushed back the dates, this works even further in my favor.
  12. You've already received great advice, but I'll add a little more. The building/decor-keep it simple. If you try to overdo it, you're more likely to draw people away. Every scripted object, every new texture, every single avatar, etc....things like this are all things people need to process when they come in. Me, personally, I'm not a fan of clubs that are indoors. Why? Because they tend to lag out more than others. Just a personal observation though. I've seen people who keep the walls/ceiling/floor deals to a minimum have a lot better luck as far as that little tidbit is concerned. It's worth looking into. But my most important piece of advice, if you are not using an entire sim and you share your sim with other people/parcels, PLEASE for the love of all that is holy, be respectful. So very many club owners are not. Not only in their own actions, but also their own inactions. They do very little to combat the resource load and their footprint on the sim. Some clubs have rules, but rarely enforce them. Rules as to what people can, or cannot wear there(like some clubs are 100% against most scripted objects, I've only run across one club that actually enforces that rule, well their version of it anyway). Other people on that sim would also like to enjoy their time in sl. Driving people away from the sim, won't bode well for you, or your venue. We have had a club on our sim, that has caused issues. It's been the sole reason many other parcel renters have left, or only stay temporarily. I tried once to reason with the club owner(before going to the sim owner, who never did actually get back with me). At first the owner met me with what I thought was merely ignorance on the actual problem. That was shortly therafter met with an enormous amount of unnecessary hostility. I thanked the owner kindly and decided that convo was going nowhere. So I sent the info off to the actual sim owner(though she never got back with me). A while later the club owner responded back to a previous message, still slightly hostile but not nearly as much. It's a bit apparent that at least some hostility in even everyday conversation is a big part of this person's SL, so I somewhat expected some, at the time reading the profile made this VERY evident, lol. Likely, because I informed her that I sent the information about the issue, to the sim owner(not something I would normally do, for a minor issue, but this was MAJOR, not minor, their load was making all things scripted elsewhere, simply not work). The place we rent from has a site that actually tracks fair usage, so I was able to point out to this club owner that it wasn't my assumption, but the actual facts, stating the club/parcel was using above and beyond it's fair share. Needless to say, until recently, things got better. I can only assume the club owner took remedies to fix this(during their busier times), after pointing out how much collisions and script times actually affect the entire sim. I never wanted that club owner to feel attacked(and as far as I know, they didn't, though they did a fair amount of attacking me, lol), because there are times when it's a pretty popular club. But at the same time, we're all sharing the same sim, and it's not really all that fair to drive another merchant's patrons away simply because you feel you're entitled to do whatever you want. I'd feel differently(and likely leave/move) if our sim didn't have rules against that very thing. I feel bad for the other merchants who were on our sim, but had to leave, because the arrogance of one person caused a serious imbalance in the resources, and traffic wasn't even really possible anywhere else. Not because the av count wasn't allowing it, but because the resources used on that one parcel were taking up 80-100% of the resources for the entire sim. Long winded way of saying, be nice, know your footprint, and don't be arrogant, or ignorant to the effects of your own actions-or inactions. If your venue causes issues with another, don't meet the problem in an attacking manner(this goes for the person making the complaint, and the person being met with it). You're sharing the sim with others, and neither of you is entitled to using all of the resources of the entire sim, or even most. You have simmates and ought to be able to share a sim without issue.(I know, a pipe dream, lol, but plenty of folks live harmoniously, we ALL should be able to)
  13. lol... The fact that I didn't quote, should have been the first indicator that I wasn't speaking only about your post-especially since quite a few people mentioned it before you. Generally speaking, I'm not fond of publicly addressing another creator's price point. This goes double for doing so in a post where I also mention what I sell(that also includes what I *coiuld sell in the future). I find it to be not only rude, but quite tactless as well. It really wouldn't matter who did it, or when. To be quite honest, I'm not really sure the price point of this particular object actually matters, as far as the situation is concerned. That's part of why it bothers me even more that people mentioned, in some cases were focused on it, at all. The price itself has absolutely nothing at all to do with the actual problem-unless of course the person actually intended to repay the one who lost it. In which case, I would tell them to do their homework and figure out what the cost actually was(or would be). That would be the only time the price ought to matter at all. You feel the price is too high, and I personally feel that only the person who once owned the item, and anyone involved in it's original sale(or modification if that applies) would actually know the truth. It's presumptuous to believe otherwise. But, like I said, merely my opinion. Should be no skin off your nose, or any other creator's for that matter, lol. Fairly certain I am just as entitled to share my opinions as anyone else is. Guess I could be wrong though.
  14. Phil Deakins wrote: Tari Landar wrote: Personally, I can think of lots of things that would cause something to increase in value, including dj booths. The fact that you don't own one, or sell one, or can't find one in world or on MP in that range(assuming you looked, general you of course), doesn't mean they automatically cannot exist. You may not agree with the price point, but I find that tidbit rather irrelevant to the subject at hand. I can find lots of similar houses, for example, in prices ranging from free to several thousand linden. I have MANY things I have made over the years, that others have either improved, or had me do it for them, that greatly increased their value, and cost. I'm not so certain anyone else ought to be able to decide that a certain price point is simply not right.(or however else anyone wants to put it). I find it more than just slightly offputting to see another creator chime in with things like "I make such and such, and there is no way it can/would/will cost that much". What does your own personal perceived value of *your* items have to do with the value another creator(or in this case, the owner of an item) puts on items they own? That just screams arrogance, to me. The whole "I can do it cheaper" mentality, meh, just doesn't come across very well. It's one of the very few things that will specifically keep me away from a creator, no matter how good the product is, or how much I need it. I'm someone who gives just about everyone benefit of the doubt, but that's just not a very conducive attitude, imo. SL is a pretty big world, and one of the best things about it, well about the general market anyway, is there are things for ALL budgets, all price points, and plenty of room for ALL creators. I just don't find there to be any need to publicly shoot down another's value of something because you don't agree. It's simply in poor taste, imo. Certainly no way to promote your own business, that's for sure, lol. I beg to differ. You may be right about everything you wrote but I have to say that the post you wrote about really does promote the person's product - imo. S/he stated quite a few features of his/her DJ booth does and there may be people who read it and who would like such a thing. I think it was a very good 'sales' post That's actually the main reason that would drive me away from shopping there(or anywhere that did such a thing). Because it was a sales pitch, in a place where they're not permitted. Yeah, makes me a buzzkill, I'm sure, but I'm not a fan of advertising one's wares, when/where not permitted, lol. Add to that factor, the knocking of another's price point, and ya lose me instantly. Won't mean much to that one person, I'm sure, though, lol. Just a peeve of mine, and I know plenty of others who find it just as offputting. Again, not that it would much matter, it IS just a personal opinion after all, and we've all got them.
  15. Personally, I can think of lots of things that would cause something to increase in value, including dj booths. The fact that you don't own one, or sell one, or can't find one in world or on MP in that range(assuming you looked, general you of course), doesn't mean they automatically cannot exist. You may not agree with the price point, but I find that tidbit rather irrelevant to the subject at hand. I can find lots of similar houses, for example, in prices ranging from free to several thousand linden. I have MANY things I have made over the years, that others have either improved, or had me do it for them, that greatly increased their value, and cost. I'm not so certain anyone else ought to be able to decide that a certain price point is simply not right.(or however else anyone wants to put it). I find it more than just slightly offputting to see another creator chime in with things like "I make such and such, and there is no way it can/would/will cost that much". What does your own personal perceived value of *your* items have to do with the value another creator(or in this case, the owner of an item) puts on items they own? That just screams arrogance, to me. The whole "I can do it cheaper" mentality, meh, just doesn't come across very well. It's one of the very few things that will specifically keep me away from a creator, no matter how good the product is, or how much I need it. I'm someone who gives just about everyone benefit of the doubt, but that's just not a very conducive attitude, imo. SL is a pretty big world, and one of the best things about it, well about the general market anyway, is there are things for ALL budgets, all price points, and plenty of room for ALL creators. I just don't find there to be any need to publicly shoot down another's value of something because you don't agree. It's simply in poor taste, imo. Certainly no way to promote your own business, that's for sure, lol.
  16. Personally, I've had to do something similar. I had to return some property that was left out, when the person didn't come back for it. In my case, I offered ample time, and notice(nearly a week, actually). I don't know the specifics of why the person could not come get the items themselves, but frankly I'd prefer not to judge anyway. Att he end of the week when he still hadn't come back I politely let him know I was returning items, one by one(the safest way to return objects, imo, especially scripted ones) and if anything were no copy/deeded, I would indeed replace them at my own cost. Did I have to? No, I didn't. In fact I wasn't obligated to let him know, or return the items as gently as I possibly could, either(at least not by any specific rules or TOS in sl). I've had items returned to me too, and get eaten. In fact about a year ago I was offline for an extended period of time due to unforseen circumstances, and the person who returned the items knew that one was deeded and no copy. She actually paid me what it was worth(on her own, she went and found out what it would cost and reimbursed me).That sort of treatment speaks volumes to me. That's not saying anyone who does otherwise is a jerk, or something, lol. I just know how *I* felt, and I prefer to treat folks as I'd like to be treated. I certainly didn't expect her to reimburse me, or anything, but it was a VERY nice gesture. One that won't soon be forgotten, either. I do however think randomly returning objects with no warning, despite the fact that on your screen you GET a warning specifically mentioning this item could be deleted, isn't the best way to handle things. I understand if it's something you simply have to do, but I see no point in resorting to that right from the word go. A little kindness(and warning) really goes a long way with me. As for the value of the item, you have absolutely no way to tell what it's actually worth. As someone pointed out, it could have been a custom, it could have also been a modded version of something else out there(ie, things added to it, increasing it's value). It really could have cost that person, that amount. I'm never so quick to judge on things like that. Especially since now, that person can't even prove to you what it's value was, since the item is lost. I don't doubt for a moment that LL told them the item was deleted because of the return, and that they ought to speak with the person who returned it if there is an issue. I know, because I've seen LL give a nice scripted response pretty darn similar to that. That's not LL saying that person owes the other money, it's LL telling the person exactly what happened, why they cannot replace it, and that they don't get involved in resident to resident matters. Kindness breeds kindness, imo. I prefer to take the high road, even if others wouldn't, or don't. You just never know why someone didn't come get their item(s). Like I said, I prefer not to judge. I know all too well what it's like ot have life happen at a moment's notice(or with none at all, lol) and be unable to deal with other things because of it.
  17. The best way to find events/fairs and things like that is to join some of the hunt groups. I know without land you can't really participate, unless someone is willing to lend you land or you find a small shop relatively cheap for the duration of the hunt, but joining those groups isn't just about participating in them. You can network with other people, find out information about events, and it's a great(free) stepping stone. RFL in SL starts very soon, and there are a ton of events that take place during it. It lasts 4 months. While the money earned from product sales at these events, goes entirely to The American Cancer Society, it's a great way to at least get exposure. Exposure is really important when your goal is "just to be seen".(which should be your goal in the beginning anyway).I happen to know your market(which isn't actually as small or undeveloped as it might seem, lol, there's a pretty big steampunk market out there), but it's very popular market among many, many members of RFL in SL. There are all kinds of other events, for various charities, or themes even, done year round. But you really need to get into that community to hear about it. Sometimes you'll see the events advertised here on the forums, or even just look in the events listings in-world. But for the most part, it's word of mouth that gets it passed around. It takes some time to find them, though. It'll require legwork on your part. You need to get out there, join groups, wander the grid, and see what you find. No one person will be able to necessarily point you in the right direction, because there are multiple. Google can be your friend too, despite what some think. You can actually find out about events, groups, websites, blogs, etc... dedicated specifically to those kinds of things, just by searching the net.
  18. Currently...16 pages and 6 online. I don't get too many friend requests, but I don't mind accepting them when sent. I don't remove people unless they give me a real darn good reason to-which is a rarity. Even if I rarely speak to them, or in some cases never, anymore, I don't mind seeing their names on my list. There are a few people on my list that have since passed away. Removing them almost seems wrong, to be honest. So there they remain I like looking at the names, and trying to remember(for those I might not speak with often) when/where/how I got to know them and why they are on my list. Aside from the fact that I fully enjoy thinking back on memories, it actually does me a world of good to try. I like to reminisce, it's fun.
  19. Do you feel that SL is changing so much that you don't know where you are. Nope, sl is supposed to be ever evolving, though. I'd not expect it to remain stagnate. I know exactly where I am, who I am, and what the heck I'm doing here, too Do you feel it is becoming elitist controlled and push out others that don't agree. Not really. Do I think the vast majority are actually heard by the lab? Nope, but that's nothing new. As far as your average everyday ordinary avs being elitists, I couldn't possibly care less. I don't give much thought to that sort of thing, to be honest. They can do whatever they want, it's their world too. In mine, I have no need to care about it. Does the way SL treat you make you feel under valued and worthless. Sl itself doesn't treat me any way, it can't, it's not a living entity. No one can make me feel anything I don't allow, either. So no, it doesn't make me feel undervalued or worthless. No one makes me feel that way, I can't imagine letting a virtual world "make" me feel that way, I control my own feelings. The lab has their own issues, that's for sure. They definitely don't know what they're doing, and need some refresher courses in both business and customer relations. They need actual PR reps. I deal with them as little as possible, for that reason. But they are certainly not alone. A lot of people in business have no friggen clue what they're doing. I tend to leave room for improvement, for anyone who goes into business. That is, assuming, they work towards improvement. Some people don't, despite admitting their flaws, they never try to do better(there are a ton of creators/business owners in sl who work the same way, too). The lab doesn't hold the trophy on that one though. They could do better, I hope one day they do, but for now I work with what I've got. I still won't let them "make" me feel any way, either. If I feel frustrated, or angry, or whatever, at them.. that's all on me. I could have let whatever caused me to feel that way roll right off my back, but I chose not to. Again, they don't own my feelings, I do. Did you invest to much and now feel you were wasting your time. Nope. If it was a waste of my time, I wouldn't bother. This is one complaint I will actually never understand. If you're doing something you find to be a waste, why on earth are you still doing it? Or did the lab handcuff you to your av, hold a gun to your head and say "enjoy your sl, or else". Seriously, lol. I do understand not wanting to lose one's investment, be it time, money, or whatever else have you. But you only invested it, because you wanted to, and sometimes investments don't pan out. Sucks, but that's a reality in life. I don't believe in focusing entirely on the negative. I'm quite certain that if folks are still here, despite feeling as if they've wasted their time or lost their investment, there MUST have been at least something good that kept them here. That's what I'd focus on, if I ever thought my investment was wasted. But personally, I'd never feel that way. Or are you addicted and still in love with SL. Not addicted, but I do really enjoy sl. I have for a very long time and I can't imagine that changing anytime soon. If I didn't enjoy it, I wouldn't be here. It has it's sucky moments, yeah, so does life, but I'm still living life too
  20. The credit card companies tend to get a lot of my junk mail. So do religious organizations that send me crap. I figure why waste all the waste they've already created making those wasteful notices, when I can put that waste to good use, right? It would be nice if my lovely little presents lead to them not sending me more wasteful junk I don't want and they never should have created in the first place. But that's not the case. I've been doing it for years. My dad taught me that trick when I was a kid
  21. I'm going to give you the mommy answer....(and yes I did actually read the thread, too, wasn't sure I'd make it, phew) This is for the commerce team, of course... "Please stop touching things, without asking first" That's my answer to about 99.9% of what you do. Okay? edited because I had to fix my emphasis.
  22. Even real children aren't necessarily limited in their mind. I know some absolutely brilliant children that could blow any adult out of the water, in the area of intelligence and maturity, lol. But I doubt that's the point you were trying to make, lol. But just because they are adults, doesn't mean their avatars behave as such(though truth be told most of us adults don't always act like adults, either, lol). Many truly roleplay children in as many aspects as they possibly can. Some, in fact most, children avatars are VERY immersive in their roles. It's not just the "act" of having a child avatar around questionable content, behavior, etc...it's also the appearance(s), and how that makes people feel. If it bothers them in rl, it's quite possible it will bother them here too. Though sometimes even if it doesn't bother them irl, it might here, at times. Me, for instance, kids don't bother me. I have my own, I actually enjoy spending time with my kids, heck any kids even ones who can, at times, be annoying. I have an extremely high tolerance for their antics, as it were. I'm a kid sort of person, I guess, lol. But sometimes, in sl, maybe I'm all kid'd out for the day. Mine are in bed, sleeping away, plotting their newest adventures, or how they're going to pay me back for the nerf fight I clearly won(the little cheaters), and mommy needs to unwind. I very well may not want to do so, with other kids around, even if they aren't "real" kids behind the scenes, they are PLAYING real kids, in sl. I don't run across too many kid avatars who don't immerse themselves very much in their role in sl. A few, but not many. I have a kid av too, my alt is a kid, or was, currently she's an adult, lol. You just won't find too many who don't take that role seriously. Unlike many other different kinds of rp you see, where folks may not be quite as serious, the majority of kid avs, actually are. Looks like a duck, quacks like a duck....it's a duck, for all intents and purposes in sl. Even if it's really a middle aged dude sitting behind a computer screen pretending to be a duck in sl. He wants to act like a duck, he gets treated like a duck. That's pretty much how I look at most roles people take on(except those that I intentionally ignore, lol, but if I were to pay them any mind, I'd treat them as their role says I ought to, til they tell me otherwise).
  23. Sometimes just thinking there isn't anything adult on a sim, isn't really enough to classify it as that. There very well could be adult activities going on, in the comforts of homes, and whatnot. There could be adult language used on the sim by it's guests. There could be any number of reasons why people don't want children meandering about, amongst adults. It's not discriminatory. To be frank(I've always wanted to be frank....), I think it's you who doesn't understand the TOS. Land owners have every right to not allow people on their land, and they actually don't even have to have, or give you, a reason. One of the beauties of owning a plot of land. Me, personally, I couldn't care less. But if a kid wanders onto my sim, and hubby and I are playing naked twister, I don't want to see someone complaining about seeing his dangly bits or my nipples, let alone whatever dirty talk might be going on in local(not typical, we use skype, but still). Sometimes we just lay naked on a rug, in the middle of our, umm, house(it's a box, guess it's a house, lol) while we watch movies irl. You know how many people have wandered into our land, or my house from other parcels on the sim and had crap to say? Too many. But, my parcel is still open for all, because I have a store way up in the sky. I tried the house up, store down, and had the same results. Now.. I just don't much care. When people complain, I point them towards the opening that would be a doorway if it had a door and let them know there's an amazing little store about 300m up if they'd like to explore I can completely understand why some people don't allow certain things on their sims. Be it people, attire, behavior, whatever. They may take issue with it, and that's a-ok. I don't like to see people being dragged around and publicly humiliated or abused, and I'd prefer not to see it on my land, but since I only have the one parcel, I can't very well tell people they can't(unless I want to limit my own traffic, lol), so I don't. When I had a full sim I sure did though. I restricted access to everywhere except the store. Then I didn't have to see the things I didn't want to see. It was kinda nice, actually. Now because of the sim I am on, I get way more visitors that are just wandering, lookie loos and whatnot. I don't normally mind, but there is the occasional problematic wanderer. Some folks do mind dealing with them, and you really shouldn't blame them for that. I think you're actually showing just as much intolerance and you're complaining about, to be honest. You're intolerant of other people's desires, as much as you're claiming they're intolerant of yours. You desire to be a child avatar, and they desire to be away from them. Seems a no brainer to me. You don't go places that contain things you don't want to see. Why do you do this? Because you desire not to see them, correct? So why should your desires trump the person who owns(or rents, in most cases), the land? I guess I'd understand the whole "it's discrimination" if someone were being openly derogatory, publicly derogatory, intentionally attacking, etc... But that's not even remotely the case. SL is a huuuuuuuuuuuge world, there are plenty of places that would welcome you with open arms. Why worry about the ones that don't want to? Seems a waste of time.
  24. It might help if you list what's on your land too, so people know what you've got available. Things like how big the plot is, if there are any other activites/ammenities and such on the sim/parcel. People will take those things into consideration too, they can prove to be the best selling points. Especially if your price point is not on the lower end of the spectrum. I don't want to sound condescending or anything but $5l per prim, per week may prove to be a bit steep for most people who would room/share a plot/house, with not only one other person, but multiple people. You can easily get a plot, or furnished home, with more prims than 100 for less than $500L per week. Those places are a dime a dozen, and most always have openings, lol. But if you offer something more than them, people would likely be willing to look at your offer before theirs.
  25. The beta thing has been going on for a while now and to be honest I doubt it has anything at all to do with the failed deliveries. The timing just doesn't coincide well with the few big spikes of delivery issues MP has had. I used to sell on slex and xstreet too. Failed deliveries *did happen, not quite as often, but did exist(moreso with xstreet, than slex). Failed deliveries went up in general when marketplace rolled into town, and there are times when the number of failed deliveries increases(usually that's when LL has touched something they shouldn't, but you'll see an overall increase in issues from many, many, merchants, not just a small handful, when that happens). But it'll vary per merchant too. Until their latest debacle(which affected the majority, imo), I've had very few issues as a merchant. I've had more as a customer. If your store is having that many failed deliveries, it might be worth restarting your sim(or having it restarted if you cannot), where your magic box resides. Even taking up and re-rezzing your box sometimes helps. There have been others who have had to take up their boxes, put fresh ones out, and then reput everything back into the new boxes, to solve their issues. Script lag can affect your magicbox without you even realizing it. Script lag isn't really something you'll always notice, or feel. Happens all the time. I get script lag on my sim a lot, especially at night. Mostly because there's a club there and the patrons don't much care for being asked to limit their footprint. Eh, what can I do, other than move, right? It goes away eventually. I can still move and function just fine, but some of the scripted objects, aren't so lucky.(makes me wonder how they even function in that club to be honest, but gotta give them props, at least there are people in it, lol). Thankfully it rarely affects my boxes. It seems the things affected by it are things we don't really use a ton. I'd go that route first, check to be certain it's not your sim, or objects/scripts on your sim contributing to your failed deliveries, and then go from there. Especially if you're not the only parcel on that sim. If it's not you, try giving it a little time, and hopefully the issue will resolve itself. It might just be your unlucky week. Scattered incidents happen without LL even touching anything, lol. As for a disclaimer, you could add it, but I think for the most part, people in general realize you can't always be held responsible when things go wrong. I know it's a pain in the butt to lose a sale, but at least the customer(in most cases) gets their money back if it was deducted and the transaction failed. So they can always purchase again. It's something people are getting more used to and it's more the minority who would/will make a big deal of it. Most people are more understanding than they once were, because these issues have existed with MP for so long now.(shame people are actually getting used to failure, but it's true, lol). Hopefully your issues will resolve themselves soon. Weeks like that are just an all around pain in the butt, no matter why, or how, they happened.
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