Hello ! I have been using Second life since a few months now , I love it but I have this one serious concern and complaint from Linden Labs, I wishh they resolve this soon, I dont have any Credit Cards, I only use Debit Cards and Skrill ,but neither of them work for me here.Whenevr I want to purchase Lindens I have to ask my Friend favor for it. Why does Linden Labs dont accept Debit Card payment when they have the option of it in Add Payment Method? http://prntscr.com/dmz3sy I have confirmed that my Bank service is not Blocking the card. and my cards are working everywhere but here. They even take money from my account but which are sent back after some days. I know this is all linden Labs issue and they have control over it. I always have to wait for my friend to be online and able to send me lindens . I wish they do something for it. P.S I love Seond Life. So take this question as a request rather than complaint. Debit Cards are accepted everywhere. and I just Found out that LL accepts Debit cards from only US Residents.