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Amethyst Jetaime

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Everything posted by Amethyst Jetaime

  1. No one owns the regions/sims that make up the Blake Sea except for Governor Linden. They may belong to a group that owns lots surrounding the public water but that does not mean that they have any control of the water outside their property lines or give them the right to set rules or run you out. The Lindens do use 'citizen advisory' groups sometimes, and if this is the case, one of the Lindens is in charge of the group. Advisors are not allowed any authority though to enforce anything. I looked for such a group in search and saw none. The two groups i did find having to do with Blake Sea Pirates, were private groups like anyone can start and no Linden was a founder or member. If the area is restricted to pirates or there are any rules, it would say so in the Covenant, to my knowledge. Absent hearing confirmation of their claim straight from a Linden or rules in the covenant supporting their claim, I'd AR them for harassment.
  2. Don't waste your time and money on business in a box stuff. They are generally filled with very old and outdated items or poor quality and about the only thing you can do with it is give it away to new residents. If there were any profit in selling the items , other than as a business in a box, the creator would not be offering them full perm to anyone but selling the items themselves. But to answer you general question about rules , if something is full perm AND there is no user license with it, you can do what you want with it. However, some things are available full perm and have a user license spelling out what you can and cannot do with it. If what you get has a user license, then you are required to follow whatever terms the creator has set or risk having both SL and possibly RL legal problems.
  3. Obviously English isn't the OP's primary language. The survey assumes everyone shops in world. Many of the questions weren't applicable to the way I mostly shop or why I buy from the merchant again. Many of the available answers were not specific enough. Example; Quality of service doesn't mean anything to me when i shop. Its afterwards, and only if I have a problem,.that it becomes important which is rare..
  4. I remember a most of those things. I also remember these: Spending hours after first arriving working on my avi and making system clothes with all the textures in the library before I left for the wider world. Wandering SL and visiting just about every sim and being amazed by the possibilities and the creativity of people Meeting a lot of great people that had been in SL for a while and wondering why I looked like a toon when everyone else looked 'real'. Camping on a dance pad to earn $L for long periods of time only to have it dawn on me that for the price of a latte or beer I could buy what I needed. Fixing up my avi and thinking I was so hot, then looking at the pics from back then later and LMAO Renting my first house and being so proud to have a home, but wondering if 300L a week was too much to spend. (A skybox filled with cheap pose balls and decorated in crushed red velvet like a house of ill repute complete with poker playing dogs over the fireplace) Learning to build then being amazed when people actually wanted to pay me to buy stuff. Building my first sim and being relieved that people actually loved it. Seeing the grid wide announcement the first time the number of accounts reached 10,000 and celebrating. Having my first rez day and feeling so 'grown up". Having my second rez day and being surprised with a big party put on by all the great friends I had made. The first time a relative newb profile perved me and said "wow your old" :smileywink: Congratulations and Happy Rez Day!
  5. I didn't come to a 3D world to shop. I don't have the time for it as I run businesses In my free time I want to do a lot of other things that are more fun in SL like spend time with friends, go listen to music, go exploring etc. I pretty much know what I want and like to go, get it , and get back to work or to the real fun stuff. Shopping is not entertainment to me and I'm glad there are options. MP is a much more efficient way to shop a broad range of creators in a price range and with perms I like. If I want to see it before I buy, I can go to a shop ot shops that I know have what I want.
  6. THere are public rezzing sites all over the Blake Sea where you can rez out a boat to use or test.
  7. If you add someone to a group and then promote them to a higher role, they may need to relog to have access to the higher titel and its assigned abilities.
  8. It would be hard for someone to know where your land is unless its in public search or you have put a tp or information about it in your profile or they got it from one of your friends. Perhaps they have a landmark to a place that was there before you. It could very well be that they were AFK or busy when you IM'd too. A drop in once or twice doesn't bother me unless I have reason to suspect that they are there spying or stalking. Its a good practice to always go to a public place when you create a profile pick and not mention the name of the sim Random profile surfing is a sport for some people and they will sometimes TP to places in your profile picks or map to the sim out of curiosity or boredom. You always have the option to eject and ban someone you feel uncomfortable with that is on your land, use ban lines, use a security system or move if these options are not allowed under the covenant. Check your visitor list daily to see if there is a pattern. If you don't have a security system that creates these lists, there are scripts available for free that you can put in any modifiable object that will record who is around. They are called VIsitor List Maker's and are available in the script library and in may free scripts places. If you really are concerned, and you discover a pattern or have reason to suspect someone , you can always AR the person, as stalking is a violation of TOS. .
  9. Suki Hirano wrote: This perms thing on SL drives a lot of people paranoid. I've been annoyed at so many overprotective designers and their no copy/no mod/no trans crap. All clothing should be no copy/mod/trans when you first buy it, in case you want to return it. Then if you like it, there should be an option to permanently switch the permissions to copy/mod/no trans. Problem solved. Personally I don't really like no copy stuff on most things, I fiddle around with most of my attachments making sure they don't clip even a single pixel, and that requires a lot of editing. I don't edit no copy items for obvious reasons. As for the choice in color - most are just too lazy to make additional colors, or the full-perm texture pack they bought didn't come in additional colors. *rolleyes* You are being most unfair and judgemental. This is not a RL big business with lots of employees to accomplish things. Most content creators do this part time and have limited time to spend creating things as well as limited funds to use for land or purchasing the supplies. The fact is that in this subject has been brought up many times in the forum and MOST people want copyable clothing. No one is obligated to offer anything for sale in your particular preferences and you are not obligated to buy anything that is not so offered. You may even find that if you want it transfer that creators will oblige you if you ask. I looked at your market place shop and don't see you offering a wide range of color choices and permission nor offering to trade items for things with a different set of perms. In fact everything comes in one color, black, and with the exception of one item is not transferablem even things you wear.. So I tried to tp to your store in world thinking you obviously do there, as surely you practice what you preach here, as I was interested in how you handled it all. The slurl in your MP shop didn't go to a shop and I couldn't find your shop in world anywhere. So your must be as "lazy" as your accusing others of being and won't spend your obliviously unlimited funds on unlimited supplies and land for a shop too!
  10. Welcome to SL Stew! You are in for a real adventure. You may even find yourself continuing to come here after your recovery. I came in out of curiosity at a time I had time on my hands myself. I expected to spend a few days or weeks here to satisfy it and kill some time. Here it is five and half years later and I'm still here and enjoying myself. You'll meet people from all over the world here and a lot of them speak English. There are also translators you can get that you can use to talk to people that don't. Most of them will translate all the languages spoken here except a few obscure ones. I have one that automatically picks up the language and translates it even if I don't recognize what the language is myself. So if your really interested in international view points you may want to consider buying one. Your avatar appearance may not mean much to you, but just like RL appearance does count. If you look too much like a newb or sport an outdated looking avi, then some folks may not be interested in talking to you. Its not so much snobbery as it is people thinking that if you don't care enough to fix up your avatar, you are just a transient or an an expendable alt. As a brand newb, you do have some time though to improve your avatar before that happens and you may even find people that will go out of their way to help you get set up. Pay attention to the quality of what you see experienced avatars wearing and pass up freebies that are free because they are old and outdated. You don't have to look like a model or spend a fortune. Seek out quality freebies which are in abundance. The best quality ones are generally in stores that sell items and offer free gifts that are just as high quality as what they sell. Some are available to everyone, some only to those people that are 30 days or less old and some you need to join a group to get. There are people of all ages in SL and you'd be surprised how many older folks with grown kids and grandchildren are here. It is rare that someone's avatar looks their RL age. And some 'old people' are actually young. So don't let looks fool you. Keep an open mind too. Because everyone can look like they want, you'll find that age as a number means very little. You may find someone that you form a great friendship with that turns out to be much older or younger than you. It has more to do with common interests and levels of maturity. Don't go around asking people their ages either. If they want you to know, it will be in their profile or they will tell you. You are not obligated to give any RL information out about yourself either, even if asked. You may find yourself feeling like a spring chicken and enjoying things that the "kids" like or that you'd never even consider in RL. Be adventurous. You can't get hurt. Try skydiving, surfing, or other sports you'd never do in RL. Ride a motorcycle, a race car or sail the seas. Take a spaceship ride. If you can do it in RL or in a fantasy , chances are you can do it in here. It will surprise you how 'real' and exciting it can feel.
  11. Owner's of large estates hire agents to help them manage their estates. To find these jobs you need to watch classifieds and also the employment board here in the forum. You could perhaps approach a few owners to see if they need help. Be prepared to show that you are qualified. Agents are paid by commission or by salary. Sometimes in lieu of a salary you will be given land to live on yourself. Commissions are based on your renting or selling land or perhaps rental space in a mall on the estate and is generally a small percent of the rent , tier or sale price on the land or space you rent or sell.. Whether it is a one time payment or you receive it every time rent or tier is paid varies You will need to actively seek out potential customers, so having a lot of contacts and marketing experience in SL would be helpful. For a salary , you will be expected to be very reliable trustworthy and available during certain time periods to answer questions from existing tenants or drop in potential tenants and go to the estate to render assistance to them on a wide variety of issues and perhaps monitor the estate for visitors that are not guests of the tenants or owners. Knowledge and experience count for these jobs. If you have any RL experience it may or may not be considered depending on the employer. Most employers will not hire you until you have been in SL six months or more and also have a presentable avatar that is either professional looking or that follows the theme of the estate if there is one. Some qualifications may be that you need to be very familiar with how SL works and know how to use all the land and estate management tools well. You also need technical knowledge for advising customers. At a minimum you need to know how to set up media on land, form groups, assign roles and deed land to groups, what causes lag and how it can be reduced, what violates the TOS or CS, and the estate covenants and have the ability to deal with difficult people and mediate disputes between neighbors. You may also need to know how to terraform well and be able to set up land with landscaping and rental buildings. And manage the rental box system that is used. A few estate owner's may be willing to train you if they see that you have potential, but not often. Most people gain this type of experience through managing their own land. However a lot of it can be learned by studying the knowledge base and wiki. Be prepared to answer a lot of questions about what you have learned and the experience you have.
  12. I very much like this idea, but wouldn't want to see it limited to games I could think of many non residential uses for one if it supported more than just the 40-60 avatars plus build a regular sim can handle without running into lag issues. I've been approached by RL companies and institutions about SL but the population limits and/or land size of a regular sim were too restrictive for what they had in mind. Perhaps there could 3 versions, one that gives you the equivalent of four sims of land but the same avatar population and prim support as a regular sim, one that is regular in size but supports a much larger avatar population and more prims and one that does both. Pricing could vary by version and reflect the resources needed to run the particular type of sim. As you pointed out, supporting the acquisition and tier price of such sims may be dicey at best. You'd almost have to have access to substantial RL money personally or in the form of investors, corporations or other institutions. What you offer there would have to have a large and continual draw of people willing to pay a price that would support tiers, staffing and marketing, either in the form of a substantial (comparatively speaking) fee or by lots of micro payments. This would have to come from the attendees themselves. Charging entrance or subscription fees has not been successful in SL. With a few exceptions, most of attempts fail quickly because so much of the population is not willing or able to spend for this, In fact the mentality seen to be that all venues should be free. Relying on rent from SL shops would not cover it, even if you managed to get a very decent rent and keep all the stores rented all the time - something very difficult to do now on a regular sim. Advertising or offering RL products isn't the answer either. This has been tried before and has failed miserably. Marketing research shows that most people don't want to see RL advertising/products in SL and will avoid it. They are here for the fantasy and fun and not to be bombarded with reminders of RL. Even if it were acceptable to residents, pricing for advertising would also have to be low as the number of times such advertising is seen by people (impressions) would be very small compared to RL advertising. I can put an ad in a local publication for a few bucks that would be seen by many more people than would ever see it in SL. However, if laws were changed and casinos were ever allowed in SL again...... :smileyvery-happy:
  13. Chosen Few has done an excellent job explaining how SL prims are created by the system and why what you suggested will not work. I would just like to add as someone that has been building full time in SL for six years, including the time before the introduction of sculpts and mesh, that with practice and study it is amazing what you can acheive using just SL prims. Now with the additon of sculpts and mesh (which has not reached its full potential yet), soon the sky will be the limit. So stick with it and have some patience. Learn how to make your own sculpt maps and mesh if that interests you too.
  14. I think the face of this shape is very nice. I also have seen the "pad" you refer to over eyes of RL people. Usually its due to having deep set eyes. As for the cheekbones, I can't offer any advice there to 'fix' it, however you may want to try different skins with it to see how prominent it is with them. As I am sure you know, skins can really effect a faces apparent shape
  15. My understanding is that you can attach a total of up to 38 objects or HUDS to your avatar using any combination of attachment points. I have never tested this but have had no problem attaching multiple items to one point. I've worn prim nails, a few rings, a bracelet and carried something in my hand before with no problem. I have experienced what you describe with just one object on an attachment point. So i don't think the amount has anything to do with this. The problem eventually went away on its own though, usually on relog on within a day or so. I think its just one of those things that I call SL weirdness or a system burp. If this is continues to happen to you or you know a lot of other people that this happens to more than just once in a while, you may want to consider filing a JIRA here. I did check the JIRA and couldn't fine this issue there..
  16. When I was a homeless newb I'd change in the deep ocean for privacy until I rented my first home. Now though, I'll change anywhere unless there is a lot of adjusting to do, then I'll go home. But when I buy something new I generally go home and do all that so I can wear it whenever I want. God knows how many times I've tp'd somewhere fully clothed and arrived naked courtesy of LL! Wish I had a $L for every time this has happened in the 5 1/2 years I've been here. I could buy my own sim!
  17. I am not a prude and have been age verified from the beginning, but there are times when I filter out adult items in my marketplace search because I don't want them mixed in with the items I'm actually looking for that have nothing to do with adult ratings. People may have children in the room that can see their screen when searching marketplace and don't want the kids exposed to adult items. Adult items belong in an adult section! Breaking rules just because everyone else does it is not only the thinking of a child but wrong period. If that's the only way you can be a success then I have to think your products may not stand on their own merits. I find it very interesting that you created an account to make this post on the forum. It must be because you know that this is wrong and are hiding who you are to avoid consequences out of pure greed, OR, you don't want us to look at your products and possibly tell you that there are other reasons people favor other creator's products. Either way it speaks volumes.
  18. Even if the original creator of those shapes is no longer in SL, they still own the IP rights to their creations both under the law and under the TOS. Legally, You may only sell your original creations, not other peoples work or mods of other's work, unless you have a license from the original creator to resell them. Copying them in any way to show yourself as the creator is content theft, no matter if you use copybot or do it manually.
  19. Not into the 'barbie' look personally, so can't give you many recommendations that haven't already been made. However, if there is one thing you should get, its a new skin. The very best skins of four years ago just can't hold a candle to what is out there today and an old skin makes your avi look dated. You'll be surprised how much better your avi looks with a new skin.
  20. I'm mainly using Firestorm mesh now. I liked the old UI of SL 1.23 and Pheonix but even though they managed to get Phoenix to see mesh, the developers themselves say that Phoenix won't last much longer as a viable viewer. So i took the plunge and went with Firestorm. I have grown used to it now. T I haven't tried SLV3 yet, because i like the extra features Firestorm has that SL3 doesn't, especially for content creation, which i do a lot.
  21. The answer is no for the IPad. For a Mac, check the specs against the minimum system requirements. Note that these are the MINIMUM and your experiece will be better the more your specs exceed them.
  22. i Theresa Tennyson wrote: You might want to try a store called J's that has shoes that hve built in toes but use the foot and an\kle from your shape and skin. They won't look perfect either but I prefer them to the "built in foot" ones. They also work better with my AO because it tends to make me roll my ankles over and shoes with built-in feet can't follow. You can get a product called a 'boot fixer'. It was made so that the foot and shaft of a 2 part boot always stay aligned no matter how you move. They also will prevent the ankle roll so your prim foot shoes so they always follow your legs and don't look like prosthetic feet. I hate cankles because they make you look like your deformed. So, unless i'm wearing boots or pants or a long skirt that covers the ankles, I always wear prim feet, even when i go barefoot.
  23. When land is rented, there are two ways your landlord can give you these rights. VIa a group or via access to owner rights. Land can be rented out and remain the property of a group. The tenant is given membership in the group with rights to rez on the land, set home, change media etc. Generally, but not always, this method is used for smaller properties. You will need to get a tag for the group if you don't have one. If you do, be sure to wear it when you do things around your property. Land can also be rented out by setting the sim in the estate tools to not allow resale of land. Then the land a tenant has rented is deeded to them so they have most if not all the same rights as a land owner. The only restriction here is that the tenant must conform to any provisions of the covenant. Check to see if your land is 'for sale' for a small fee, usually $1L. If it is, buy it. If your land is not 'for sale' , see who 'owns' your land. If its a group contact the owner of the group, otherwise contact the individual land owner and see which method they use. It may also state this in the covenant or any lease you received. You should also check these to see if your rental includes the right to terraform. Some estates don't allow this.. However in any case, you should be at least able to rez objects, and set your home to the land you rented.
  24. Don't know if its connected but I can't see glow at all with the mesh viewers no matter if its prims or particles. Must be a bug. Because i can see it with earlier versions
  25. If someone gives you a breedable because they don't want it anymore, why on earth would they object to you selling it or breeding it? Sounds more like sour grapes to me. Seems to me that breeding and selling is one way to offset your expenses for tiers and food and is perfectly ok. After all, they don't want to do this or they wouldn't be giving them to you. You should tell people if they give you one to 'shelter' they are releasing all their rights to it, and you can sell or breed them to offset your care expenses. Maybe even make them take a notecard that states this before you take their unwanted pets. I realize all these pets are just pixels, but i can't help thinking that the attitude people have about tossing them away so casually like they do may effect their attitiudes in RL towards pets and animals in general to a degree. I am not a member of, nor do I agree with PETA, but unwanted, abused and tossed aside pets are a big problem and why so many are euthanized every day. /me climbs down from her soapbox.
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