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Amethyst Jetaime

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Everything posted by Amethyst Jetaime

  1. In addition to filing an official abuse report, you could also contact the group owner who has the ability to remove the offending person from the group if they agree it is warranted. When you file an abuse report, LL may investigate the matter to determine if there really was a violation of the TOS, or it is more of a matter of disputes between residents. This sometimes takes time. If they judge it to be a dispute between residents, they won't do anything as they do not get involved with or mediate these types of things. At any rate, you will not be informed of what they decide or any action they take, which could range from a warning to a ban, because it is not their policy to tell you ad it is considered a matter of privacy.
  2. I'd never heard of a lilgabe so googled it and came up with several people of that name. Please clarify who you are talking about and what exactly your asking. You can do that by editing your OP.
  3. If you mean my spare time while I am in SL, then that rarely occurs as I work most of the time. When I'm not working I visit friends, go listen to music, sail, explore, and do all the things that residents that don't work do. If you mean my spare time in RL, if I don't have something in RL I want to do, I use it to spend more time in SL!
  4. I don't think that this information is available. I imagine that LL probably wouldn't make this information public because it would give people a way to "game" search by using keyword spam that is not directly relevent to their venue or business so that it shows as many times as possible in search.
  5. A good start would be to fix all the little aggravating glitches and bugs that have been around for years. For example, I'd kiss a Linden the day I can close an inventory folder and it stay closed until I open it again or do anything in my inventory without every *bleeping* folder opening! Yeah its small, but all those little pains add up to a big one in you know where.
  6. Liisa Runo wrote:r. Im courious, what you need such item for? Perhaps a demo
  7. Actually a demo of a building from the marketplace may be superior than seeing it rezzed in a store. With a demo you can see the building where you are going to put it and get a better feel if it suits your purpose. You also can see for sure that it fits on your lot, and landscape. Kudos on your demo suggestion.
  8. Chelsea Malibu wrote: Successful products have in world stores. If they don't have a store, find a merchant that does. Consider that someone making houses who cannot afford land to show them (at least a rezzer) is more than likely new and does not have a record that would tell you they will be there when you need them. Every product I make, I have on display in my store and that is around 500 products. Anything other than clothes needs to be displayed in world and even clothes do better when we can see them on. However, as much as I appreciate your post, those who can't market, will self select out of the merchant pool and there are many, many good builders in world to choose from who do things rights. In RL there are many successful merchants with very satisfied customers that have no brick and mortar store. It is a fact that online only sales have increased tremendously in recent years as consumers find a larger selection, more convenience and better prices on line. The same holds true with the Marketplace. To generally imply that a marketplace merchant without an inworld store is "new" or offers lesser quality products and poorer service is without factual basis. You may as well say that Amazon is inferior to Barnes and Noble. I purchase quite a lot on the marketplace and for the most part have been very satisfied. When I ask, most merchants without stores are more than happy to meet me in world and show me their products. I have had just as many if not more problems with defective products and poor service from in world merchants. As far as marketing, it may well be that Marketplace only merchants don't have in world stores for the same reasons RL online merchants don't. If I am looking for something specific, I go to the marketplace first for its broader selection, convenience, and in many cases much better prices. Most of what I read about this subject on this forum posted by in world merchants is that sales at their stores are not as good as they were - due to the marketplace. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want to see the demise of store in world stores. Sometimes I enjoy browsing inworld and buy things as much as anyone. However mostly I don't have time because of my own business. If it weren't for the Marketplace, and the many people that sell there exclusively, I'd probably go without a lot of items that are not necessities and spend a lot less money in SL than I do.
  9. You do have to enter your user name and password to confirm an order for Lindens. But for me it changes to the standard sign in page for all SL websites. I do have all popups disabled in my web browser though, so if yours are enabled that may be why. If you are unsure you can always call billing and ask them. Someone is there 24/7. Billing support phone numbers: Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 Our Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Portugal: 800.814.450 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only
  10. Geeze, give them a break. Why so hostile? Don't forget that newbs grow up. Some will eventually learn the skills to contribute to this world If they don't they get bored and leave or they help support the economy (and incidently people that do create content) by becoming "paying consumers". You did. I doubt you could create content your first day week or month in world. Most of us stumbled around for a while and were happy to do silly things like this. LL isn't hurting anyone by doing this. If it attracts more people, all the better. "Your world. Your Imagination/" doesn't mean just you, or those you 'approve' of. The grid is owned by Linden Lab and no where did I ever read that they were not allowed to add content to it.
  11. The Fruit Islands accepts Lindens.
  12. I never give money to beggers because SL is not a necessity in life. For most beggers its just entertainment. If they want $L they can get them the same way the rest of us do by buying them or earning them. Begging is annoying and shows no class. If you are approached by a begger and feel the need to give in the holiday spirit, give the money to a RL legit charity that address REAL needs. There are plenty of them in SL that will gladly accept your $L no matter the amount. Giving them to a begger only encourages more begging and fosters a sense of entitlement. You can tell the begger that is what you are doing and suggest that if they have a RL legitimate need, they go apply to a charity for help.
  13. You can buy or rent from another SL resident who is a landlord or estate owner without a premium account The terms rent and buy are sometimes confusing to people and sometimes not used correctly by the landlord or estate owner. So below I have tried to explain the differences to you, as the terms are generally used. A landlord is someone that owns land that they rent out. An estate owner owns the sim where the land is. A landlord generally spells the terms out in a lease, whereas an estate owner generally uses the covenant of the estate to set the rules. If you have a lease, you will also need to abide by the terms of the covenant if there is one, as a covenant over rides a lease if it has tighter restrictions. Be sure that you can agree to all the terms of the lease AND covenant prior to making a commitment, because if you don't, you will be evicted without refund. You can 'rent' property. Generally this is used for smaller properties that are inexpensive to rent. It may come with a building that may or may not be furnished or it may just be an apartment or small shop. You don't get title to the land, as it generally stays owned by the landlords group. You get a membership in that group to allow you to rez objects and perhaps change media and/or manage access to it etc., depending on the terms of the lease. You can 'rent' land that gives you all the same rights an owner has. Sometimes the landlord will provide a building and furnishings for free or for a small additional charge. Generally you 'buy' the land by paying the first week's rent. When you no longer want it, you can't resell the land, you just stop paying the rent and leave. When you buy land, there is generally a down payment plus you must pay the first tier due. The down payment can be anywhere from $1L to thousands depending on the desirability of the lot. Tiers are paid monthly or weekly in Lindens or in RL US funds via PayPal, depending on the estate owner. When you no longer want it, you can resell the land for whatever you can get for it OR you can just abandon it back to the estate owner. In either case though you don't get a refund of the downpayment you paid for it. It is important to note that if you have a dispute with your landlord or estate owner that Linden Lab will not get involved with it as it is a contract between you and the person you are renting or buying from. If the landowner or estate owner doesn't pay the tiers and loses the land you have no recourse with LL even if you've paid the rent or tiers in advance. Unless the person refunds the money to you, which is rare, you will lose it. So its wise to seek a landlord or estate owner that has been around a while and has a good reputation for fairness and stability.
  14. Yes you can if your husband is able to give the homes to you as copy and transferable. Basically, if he built the house, made his own original textures, and created any animations etc., he can give the houses to you to sell. If he used any textures, scripts, animations etc. that he purchased from another party, this is not possible due to the license he holds, even if they were full perm to him. He agreed to the terms when he purchased them and if he doesn't abide by that he can get in serious legal trouble and you may too. Chances are this is the problem you face. You can help though. Most content creators love creating the content but find the merchandising a pain. This is probably why he wants you to do this. You can take all the pictures and do all the graphics and give them to him as well as a write up for the home that he can copy and paste into the marketplace listing. You can learn what there is to know about the marketplace and guide him through setting up his shop.
  15. No one can answer this question for you. This may be a long answer but to make the choice that is best for you, you need to asses what your needs are. Some things to think about: In General: Consider such things as how much time you spend in SL, what you want to do at your house (from throwing lavish parties to just use it to change clothes), how much privacy you want, and if obtaining, decorating and landscaping is something you would find entertaining or a chore, Then consider what your budget is. How much can you afford to spend monthly and how much you can afford to spend to furnish and landscape it. Are you going to pay this with RL money or do you have a job or other source of income in world to cover these things. Many people start out in a Linden home, but quickly become unsatisfied with it, while others who just want a place to change clothes and hang with a friend or two occasionally find them satisfactory. Here are some other things to consider about each: Linden homes: This may be a good choice for you if your unsure how much you want to invest in SL, you don't need anything lavish just basic, or you can't afford to spend much. You get a limited choice of architectural styles. The land is already set up and you can not change the terraform or landscaping. It is empty and gives you 117 prims to furnish it with. This isn't much. To maximize your decorating you will have to buy low prim furniture and even then the resulting decor may be too sparse for your taste. It is also on a sim with a lot of other homes near yours, so you won't have much privacy. Other Homes: The sky is the limit. You will have a wide choice of architectural styles and price range. You can buy or rent. Some come completely furnished, others are empty so you can decorated it yourself. You are not limited to 117 prims, only the number of prims that the land it will sit on supports. So if you can afford it, you can buy a plot that that gives you enough to suit your needs and have fun decorating. You can get as detailed as you'd like when decorating as long as you can afford the land to support the prims you need. You can buy or rent land that is already terraformed and landscaped or do this yourself. You can choose your climate and the location (waterfront to high mountains). The terraform and landscape can be done in such a way as to block out neighbors views to give you the level of privacy you seek. You can also put your home (a skybox or house on a platform) up in the air for more privacy and just landscape the lot below. Go see the types of Linden homes and other homes and land available and find out their cost. Once you see something you like, do a bit of window shopping to find furnishings you like and can afford. You will soon be able to make a choice that is right for you.
  16. SL just desn't perform well on wireless period. You may have times when it works ok, but it won't be consistent. There are just too many things that have be downloaded and uploaded for wireless to handle. A cable can handle that much more reliably and efficiently. In fact the SL website states. "* Second Life is not compatible with dial-up internet, satellite internet, and some wireless internet services." under important notes on the system requirements page.
  17. I've owned two clubs in SL at different times that were both quite successful. I sold out my interest in both of them only because they were so demanding of my time. Its important that you choose a genre that you personally like because you'll be putting a lot of time into a club if your going to make it a success and you need to have good knowledge of the genre. Don't try to be all things to all people. . Don't allow the DJ's to just play what they want to play or even play requests that are outside of the genre.. The atmosphere of the club should match the kind of music your playing with a good build, different than other clubs of the genre. Pay attention to lag. Having lots of flashy lights or special effects doesn't do you any good if they cause lag because people won't stay at a club if they are getting too much of it. Once you pick a genre, continue to do some research by going to clubs that will be your competition,, not to copy them but to see how you can be different. Identify who are potential patrons and ask them a lot of questions. Don't ask open ended questions as you rarely get good answers. Ask specifics, like "Do you like this or that?" Make sure you have a well trained staff, particularly the hosts. Make sure they don't slide by in their jobs just greeting people when they come in and playing gestures. They should be hosts like a host in RL. Making sure their guests have what they need, keeping the conversations flowing, and drawing shy or quiet people out. Once your successful, don't sit back on your laurels. You will need to constantly re-invent aspects the club to keep it fresh and keep people interested, or they will just one day up and move on to the next 'big thing' out of boredom.
  18. Call billing and ask what the problem is. It must be something with your account or the specific card. LL does accept pre paid cards as I know a number of people that use them. It could possibly you card company. At one time the special debit card I use that is tied to an account that only has my 'online' money in it all of a sudden stopped working. Upon investigation, I found my bank had put a hold on payments because there was a suspicion of fraud. All of the sudden the bank got payment requests from Europe when LL changed processors when they knew I was in the states. So they acted in my best interest there and it only took me a phone call to the bank to get it fixed. If you can't get your situation resolved, you may need to just use another card from another issuer.
  19. Griffen is right. You can't buy more prims. I just want to add that the only way to do that is increase your land holding on the same sim as your current lot, which you can't do on those sims. If you want more prims, turn in the house and buy more land on the mainland. The first 512sqm will be tier free to you. So for example, if you buy a 1024sqm lot, you will pay tier on only half of it. Keep in mind though that the Linden home doesn't count toward your prim allotment, you still have 117 prims to use as you want. This is not so anywhere else though. So take that into consideration.
  20. I use the marketplace like I use as a starting point if I'm searching for something in particular. Its great for seeing a lot of things and for comparison shopping. It also avoids a lot of time consuming TPing around and waiting for all the things in a shop to rez, only to see there is nothing there I'm interested in. Its a good place to discover new designers too. I glance at ad's but only briefly and they don't influence me much. Some of my best finds were regular listings so I go through those more so. If I buy right from the site or go to a store inworld depends on what I'm looking for. For clothing, I'll buy it direct from the site because all I'll see in world is probably the same picture on a shop wall. For other items, I may go in world to see them 'in person' first.. That being said, even though I buy a lot of clothes directly from MP, if I really like the designers work, I will go check out their shop too because there may be things there not on MP. If I really really like the work, its high quality and my 'style' then I will join their group. But I am very picky about this as I have very limited group space. When I get notices from groups I will read them if there about something I'm interested in. I'm very picky about my clothes. My decision to buy or not is based on these things in order of importance Very High Quality Construction Lots of attention to detail Original Designs Fits my style Versatile - On as many layers as possible for mixing with other clothes I have Colors and /or patterns I like Fair Price for the amount of work
  21. Sorry I can't answer your questions about the fur, however,I know that the latest releases of Firestorm, SIngularity, and the Cool viewers all can see mesh. I don't know about any of the others. The Phoenix team said when they were still working on FIrestorm that they were going to incorporate it into the Phoenix viewer at some future date. However they warned that this will only extend the life of Phoenix for a limited time and eventually it won't work in SL. Since Firestorm's mesh viewer official release just came out, maybe they will start work on Phoenix but I haven't heard anything about it since the initial announcement about it, I've run a mesh viewer, and have been asking lots of people their opinions on mesh and how mesh is effecting them. Phoenix being able to handle mesh will enable a lot of people to see it as its one of the most popular viewers out there. However this assumes that people with older computers can still run it. Many people I know or talked to don't use the available mesh viewers because their computer doesn't handle it well and it causes serious lag and crashing for them. As much as many of them wish to be able to, they can't afford to run out and get a new computer right now or upgrade. From my talking to people I found that there is also a relatively large group of people that just don't care about mesh, because they don't see a lot of things available that they are willing to spend Linden on. They tend to be in SL only for the social and 'game' aspects of it. So, I suspect it will be very much like digital TV. A lot of people knew it was coming but didn't run out and invest in either a converter box for their analog TV's or a new digital TV until they got personally excited about it or were forced to do it or give up TV. Mesh is here to stay without a doubt, but how fast people will adapt to it depends on a lot of variables. I also suspect that with the economy the way it is it will take a lot longer than if people had expendable cash to spend on new computers and/or mesh products. Money is tight, and lots are out of a job or fearful of losing theirs and they need to save and spend their money on RL necessities.
  22. There really aren't any games that are free where you can expect any significant prize money for winning, other than an occasional contest that someone runs as a limited time promotion for their business, and even most of them require an entrance fee and/or require people to pay to vote. To find them, look in events. There are only four ways to get a significant amount of Lindens (ie: more than a dollar or so). Get a job, offer a service or something for sale that you created that people want or need, invest in a sizable amount of land and keep it rented for more than you pay for it, or buy Linden's with real money. By far, the easiest is to buy Lindens followed by getting a job. Since your profile says you spend all your time in clubs, why not get a job as a host, dancer, or even DJ if you can do that? Might as well earn some money while you do what you normally do anyway.
  23. I find that using busy mode is the best way to go for me. I have customized my busy response to explain that I am AFK or working and can't respond, but invite them to leave a message. I then don't reply to IM's while in busy mode. When I'm at a point where I can respond, I do. I even have something in my profile about this to warn people. It may take a bit of 'training' but as long as you get back to them it shouldn't be a problem. My friends understand. People that don't and continue to harass me with more IM's demanding attention are easy enough to mute temporarily or permanently if warranted.
  24. Just checked and mines the same way. There must be a problem with page, or the French have finally convinced the Linden's to make French the official language of SL.:smileywink:
  25. Why would you want that? It would be very dangerous. Griefers could give you things that are harmful. You should NEVER accept things from people you don't know or things you weren't expecting. That's why you have to "accept" anything given to you now. Its for your own protection.
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