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Amethyst Jetaime

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Everything posted by Amethyst Jetaime

  1. Even if someone did, it would be illegal to give them to you unless the creator has specifically stated in a license that they may be distributed freely without restriction.
  2. Its hard to say what is happening without more facts. Do you get nothing at all or only some things? If you get nothing at all, it may be you just need to clear your cache and relog and the items will show up. If you are only getting some things it may be that your messages etc. are being capped because you have gotten too many of them while you were not logged in. For marketplace items not delivered, you can contact the seller and give them your transaction information and tell them you did not receive the item and most will be happy to redeliver it. You can also file a support ticket for a delivery failulre to have this happen, although my own experience it that notifying the seller is the fastest way to get the items. If this is a continual and ongoing problem and you are sure your not getting capped, then you need to file a support ticket. We are all just residents like you. Posting here is not going to get you any assistance from LL. To file a support ticket go here.
  3. Nothing is clear about it. There could be many explanations that have nothing to do with what LL did or did not do. For instance Q3 of the year is a busy time in RL for many people. In the US most people take their vacations then, they are more involved with outdoor activities and they are busy in the latter part of it getting the kids back to school, so they may just not have the free time to spend in SL like they did in Q2.. A four percent drop from Q2 to Q3 is small and not any indicator anything is being done wrong. Compare the numbers to the same numbers of all prior years to see what the trend is and if there is any significant variation in the trend this year that could indicate there is cause and effect. If there is you then need to examine all the possible causes in RL and SL that could account for it before drawing any conclusions.
  4. Avatars come in all sizes and shapes and a clothing designer can only make things fit an average shape and size. So its very typical.that you have to move prims around or resize them to get the best fit for your avatar. I have to mod just about everything i buy this way. Spending some time learning how to do this is time well spent if you want to look your best.
  5. From the LL TOS Section 4 You acknowledge that you will be exposed to various aspects of the Service involving the conduct, Content, and services of users, and that Linden Lab does not control and is not responsible or liable for the quality, safety, legality, truthfulness or accuracy of any such user conduct, User Content, or user services. You acknowledge that Linden Lab does not guarantee the accuracy of information submitted by any user of the Service, nor any identity information about any user. Your interactions with other users and your use and purchase of User Content or user services are entirely at your own risk. From Section 5 of the LL TOS: Linden Lab makes no guarantee as to the nature, quality or value of the features of the Service that will be accessible through the use of Linden dollars. So unless you are paying a merchant directly with your paypal account directly to their paypal account paypal offers no protection to you and LL doesn't have to make it up to you either as you agreed to this when you used SL. If you have a VIsa and use it to buy things in RL store, you are protected under whatever protection VIsa offers. But if you use the visa to get cash from an ATM and then use the cash in the store, visa offers you no protection. LL will never allow direct payment to merchants because they make money when you buy lindens and the merchant sells them for RL money. If they allowed direct payment, then that entire revenue stream would be cut off. You read things and think they mean what you WANT them to mean not what they actually mean. The TOS trumps every 'protection" you are alleging that PayPal offers because you agreed that LL has no liability to you in this regard when you created an account here. Even if LL got complete identifying RL information on every person in SL, and you got ripped off they are not going to give it to you nor are they going to give you the lindens back or give you what you paid for. So PIOF is useless to you. You can argue the point until the cows come home, but you have so far not offered one valid reason to require PIOF for anybody other than something you've made up in your own mind and are so desperate to hold onto that you completely ignore the facts.
  6. Chances are its something in the prims contents. You will have to examine each prim to find out and deal with the content. It could be a texture as mentioned earlier or may be a script such as a resizer. Be sure that the permissions on any scripts you are using but didn't write yourself are set for the permission required by the user license you have. You could also have accidental drug something you didn't' t have full perms on into the prim contents. If its not this it is SL. I've had this happen before and have had other creators it happens to them too. This sometimes clears itself up in a few hours or a couple days. Its a bug. Unfortunately if it doesn't change back to full perms after a reasonable time, there isn't much you can do about it except rebuild the object, if you don't have a full perm backup copy.
  7. Yes, it is common practice to model clothes for pictures using other creators skins, hair, accessories etc. Just be sure to specify what the customer will get so they don't think they will get everything. For instance if its a dress, say the layers it comes in, If your including any accessories list them too. for instance a belt. You do not need to give credit for other things the model is wearing in the listing. However for the convenience of the customer, some creators include 'style cards' in the box with what they sell. These are notecards listing the name of the item and the shop where they can be found and sometimes the creators names. Chances are if people like your clothes and how they are worn by the model, they may want to know this too and it will save you from getting questions about where you got these items from. You can even say that a style card is included as part of your listing so potential customers know they can duplicate the look of they'd like. It may be added incentive to buy it for someone trying to put together a certain "look".
  8. I use Firestorm, the most current release, and i used the beta mesh version earlier. I have had no problem stretching and making prims up to 64M and everyone can see them, even people with older viewers. Try going to a different region in case the region that you were testing in is having issues. If you still can't create them so others see, its an individual issue. Perhaps a clean reinstall of the viewer is needed or you need to try another viewer which may be more compatible with your personal setup.
  9. It is against the rules on many sims to do this as it is considered spam and/or an unfair business practice. Rules of a sim are either given to you on a notecard, chat or popup notice when you land there or are posted on a sign or in the covenant. It is your responsibility to read and conform to the rules. Also, it may have something to do with the group you were inviting people to. Even if there was no specific rule, it is considered bad form to go to a public area and randomly issue invitations to a group for another public area. Its like going to a store in RL and handing out flyers advertising another store. As the others have said, an estate or land owner or people they appoint to help them manage the place, can ban you for any reason or none. They don't have to tell you why. They don't have to notify you. They don' t have to reinstate you either. So, you can politely apologize to the owner, tell them that you didn't know and you won't do it again and ask to be unbanned, or you can forget it and move on and just don't go there anymore.
  10. This is why they tell you never to give your password out to anyone else. If you give your password out and someone logged on and changed the password and contact information there isn't much you can do unless you prove to support that you are the real owner.
  11. Show color under cursor shows the RGB value, ignore the fourth and last number. Actually mine is always zero. Please note two things thought 1. The color values it is showing is the color of the pixel directly under the pixel. Something like a skin has many different colors in it, so choose the mid range color in the skin for best match. Some skin creators give you the recommended color to use with each tone of their skin. You may want to check at the skin shop and see if this available or IM the creator and ask. 2. If you are writing a script and you try to put the Color Under Cursor numbers directly into a script, you will get the error you mentioned. That is because scripts use color vectors, which look like this: <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>. One is the highest number and is white, 0.0 is the lowest number and is black.. What you need to do is convert the numbers you get with" color under cursor" into vectors. The script below will do this. You rez a prim, put this script into it and color it with the "color under cursor" numbers using the edit box, then touch the prim and it will say the vector color.. Some shoe HUDS allow you to enter the RGB values and then automatically convert them to the color vector, a few don't. If you are doing this with a HUD, try entering the color as a vector. init() { llSetColor(<1,1,1>, ALL_SIDES); } colorize() { integer s; vector color = llGetColor(1); llWhisper(0, "Current Color Vector: [ "+(string)color+" ]"); } default { state_entry() { init(); } on_rez(integer a) { init(); } touch_start(integer total_number) { colorize(); } changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_COLOR) { colorize(); } } }
  12. Go to you Merchant home page and from the side bar click Manage Inventory. A list of items will appear. Find the item and look to the end of the line about that item. Click Actions and choose Edit. Right under the Available Quantity setting there is Images, a button that says upload an image. Click that. The maximum size is 700x525 pixels. You can upload up to eight. Once all the pics are uploaded , scroll to the bottom of the page and click the update button.
  13. I was responding to the notion that PIU and PayPal would protect the consumer somehow, which it doesn't in any way. Now you are saying that the Marketplace should be limited to "Serious" merchants only by requiring this because it would not 'be a problem' for them. How easy it is to upload PI is not the issue. The issue is that some legitimate sellers don't have access to a payment method acceptable to LL and some people chose not to put this type of information on the internet period. So requiring it would indeed limit the number of merchants on the marketplace. You are penalizing them for something that a few bad apples do. Complaints about awful stuff and junk on the marketplace is off topic and a discussion for another thread aside from the question of how does PIOF protect against poor quality, or someone that is using a stolen or fake identity to avoid the law? In truth any time you buy something you buy under the "buyer beware" rule. Aside from the fact it that there is no way PIOF will provide any protection, you are asking to be protected against what in the end is your own mistake and/or poor judgment when you decide to buy. LL is not going to touch this with a 10 foot pole. They are not in the business of arbitrating disputes and policing the marketplace or inworld stores. If that is not satisfactory to you, don't buy. That isevery one's choice.
  14. Mayalily wrote: I didn't say my dining set was botted. lol I said I thought it was an original, but the same chair is in lots of stores, and I also said it's a full perm item, should have said full perm chair. And @ Amethyst, I like what Paypal offers and that is a buyer's protection plan. With SOPA looming, and this ridiculous rule that LL can take away all our stuff and suspend our account simply for shopping is beyond a ridiculous business practice. That is punishing the victim, and it's crazy stuff. Paypal has a buyer's protection plan, and again, with SOPA looming which I am all for btw (hope it passes), creator's need to get savvy here and think of someway to prove their reputation either via Paypal verified and/or this item was created on this date and if you see anyone else with my product please let me know and I WILL take care of it. I'm not spending money if my items can be taken away simply because I went shopping in an endless shopping market of millions and bazillions of items. The way selling on SL runs now is chaos, and it's time for dealer's to realize that. No one is punishing anyone. LL is doing / would have to do what the law requires So if you feel your being punished blame the people who supported the law and got it passed. So if you don't like that, stand against it, not for it Presently, If a successful DMCA is filed then the illegal content is removed from SL by law. If it happens to be in your inventory then its gone. That does not get you banned unless you did more than just buy something. So if you know of anyone that was banned over stolen content, they were either banned for something else and not admitting it or were involved somehow with the theft. Do you think you should be able to keep the stolen items? You couldn't in RL if you bought stolen goods, even innocently, and you can't here either. Do you think someone should pay you? Who? The content creator and LL had nothing to do with it other than do what the law allows or required, so they are not liable. The thief is the person you would have to get your money back from and good luck with that. PayPal won't protect you against this. If you get ripped off by a merchant in SL then PayPal will not do anything unless you paid the merchant directly in RL money from your PayPal. Even if you purchase lindens and use them to buy the stuff, PayPal cannot penalize LL and take back the money or insist they replace the content. The agreement to buy and sell was between you and the vendor not LL. You bought and received lindens so they fulfilled their part. LL has stated repeatedly that if you buy something from a vendor, its between you and the vendor. Merchants are not employees of LL but independent sellers and as such LL has no responsibility. You agreed to that.under the TOS. Requiring merchants to directly accept PayPal or any other RL method of payment would severely limit the number of merchants in SL. With PayPal there is a processing fee charged to the merchant, just like when people use credit cards at a regular store. RL merchant accounts for some payment methods require other fees. Obviously you never owned a RL business or you would know the costs of all this to the merchant can be high and would eat up any profit unless they were a merchant that sold a LOT in terms of RL money. So you'd drive most content creators out of SL except for a few that give stuff for free or big ones, giving you not much choice and much higher prices due to the costs and lack of competition.
  15. I am a verified Paypal user with two accounts, both personal and business accounts. But how will that help you, unless you order something from me and pay by US funds to my account, I monitor that I got the money then manually send you the goods in world? Plus are you also willing to pay the percentage that Paypal charges for a business payment as well as a much higher price for the goods since it would be a LOT more work for creators?SL prices for most goods, other than complicated and expensive items, cost very little in terms of RL money. Its not worth a creators time to do all the work to track that amount outside of SL. And why PayPal? A lot of people don't want to use PayPal at all because they have had problems with it and a lot of people have no access to it in their country. You think because its your personal choice that everyone has to use it and if they can't or don't want too to bad? Verification of everyone will NOT stop crime. It doesn't in RL where verification is not an issue and your identity is already known. Ask any teenage beer drinker how easy it is to get a fake ID. Go to your local mini mart with some cash and see how closely they verify that you are who you say you are before handing over a prepaid Visa. As far as education. I am not naive enough to think it will stop content theft, but it will help. Furthermore, just because someone is a newb doesn't meant hey checked their brain at the welcome center and won't get it back until they are no longer a newb. Newbs can learn. All I am saying is to teach them how to protect themselves where they can and how they can help to stop content theft. Not that they are obligated to do so. I do agree that content creators are responsible for their own content. So are people for their own health. Doesn't mean you can't educate people about things they can avoid to keep their health. Just because I'm not a doctor doesn't mean I didn't benefit from public service messages about medical issues. Your choices are your's to make and I have no issue with them. You are also entitled to your opinions, as I am entitled to think that they are not well thought out. But when you (or anyone) impose your choices on everyone when there is no reason to or they are not effective, than I do take issue with it. I also take issue with attitudes that SL should be more elite and available only to people that can pay for everything AND pay in a method you prefer!
  16. Mayalily wrote: Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Payment info used is like a lock on a door. It will stop honest people from entering and some opportunistic thieves will be discouraged, but won't stop anyone from entering the door that really wants to bad enough. Anyone can walk to the corner mini mart and buy a prepaid Visa or Mastercard with cash and a fake ID or even no ID. If you think that's not possible your pretty naive. If a thief wants to steal and you put this barrier up, that's exactly what will happen or worse, they will steal someone else's credit card and identity. Believe it or not there are people in SL that don't have credit cards or other means of payment acceptable to LL so have no PIOF, let alone used. There are also people in SL that don't want to put PIOF because of security issues and people who have no need of PIOF because they earn all the lindens they need by working in world. The majority of these people are honest. You basically saying that if you have no PIOF and used, and can't afford an inworld store we are going to penalize you and presume your a thief by not allowing you to sell anything. All because of a relatively small percentage of people that are thieves. How is this fair? Do you refuse to sell to people with no PIOF. How do you know their lindens aren't stolen? I think LL thinks more clearly than you do and understands that it would be ineffective discrimination. RyOta and Peggy are right, consumer education is the answer and content creators are responsible for protecting their own content not LL. I disagree. How is it a consumer's fault? And, how are you going to "educate" consumers as has been stated in this thread when there are new content creator's every day. How is that a consumer's fault? I agree with Phoebe. I believe ALL residents should have payment info on file, just like eBay. Although some on eBay still try to get away with going against the simple rule that eBay is Paypal only now. However, that is very easy education on eBay. IOW, don't buy from the few seller's trying to bypass the Paypal rule and who say "send payment to me". It's easy for consumers to understand on eBay, but how on Earth would consumers know what is stolen content and what isn't? How would you educate them unless it worked like eBay ala Paypal only for payment and that the seller is Paypal verified? I did NOT blame consumers and don't appreciate you saying I did. Read what I actually wrote. I only said that more can be done to educate them. To elaborate more, a disclaimer is not the whole answer, or even a large part of it, and maybe it only needs to be shown the first time someone buys on the marketplace, not on every page. First time shoppers on the marketplace may not be aware of the issue at all. They need to be and also need to be aware of what they should do if they DO run across stolen or misused content. They need to be educated that if they think 'its not my problem" and do nothing, how it effects them in the long run with less choice and higher prices. Just yesterday I was in a store and the owner was selling mesh and sculpt kits intended for builders not resale. Not only were they selling the kits, but asking three times what the original creator charged. As a content creator myself I won't tolerate this, so I IM'd the creator and told her about it. Told her who it was selling the items and where she could go and find them for sale. If more people did this more often maybe stolen or misused content wouldn't be as large of a problem. So give people the knowledge and tools they need to help curb it, not take away their own ability to sell content.
  17. Payment info used is like a lock on a door. It will stop honest people from entering and some opportunistic thieves will be discouraged, but won't stop anyone from entering the door that really wants to bad enough. Anyone can walk to the corner mini mart and buy a prepaid Visa or Mastercard with cash and a fake ID or even no ID. If you think that's not possible your pretty naive. If a thief wants to steal and you put this barrier up, that's exactly what will happen or worse, they will steal someone else's credit card and identity. Believe it or not there are people in SL that don't have credit cards or other means of payment acceptable to LL so have no PIOF, let alone used. There are also people in SL that don't want to put PIOF because of security issues and people who have no need of PIOF because they earn all the lindens they need by working in world. The majority of these people are honest. You basically saying that if you have no PIOF and used, and can't afford an inworld store we are going to penalize you and presume your a thief by not allowing you to sell anything. All because of a relatively small percentage of people that are thieves. How is this fair? Do you refuse to sell to people with no PIOF. How do you know their lindens aren't stolen? I think LL thinks more clearly than you do and understands that it would be ineffective discrimination. RyOta and Peggy are right, consumer education is the answer and content creators are responsible for protecting their own content not LL.
  18. Unless the textures came with the avatar as seperate items you can only mod it using the appearance function in world. You can also change the color by tinting it with the color picker. If that is not satisfactory you'll have to create your own textures .
  19. To write a review on the marketplace you must have purchased the product.
  20. I am getting more and more too. I think its due to the economy and the fact that many merchants are not enjoying the sales they had in the past as a result. Unfortunately there is no easy fix for this. If you get the im's/notecards because you are a member of a group, you need to leave the group or turn off notices for that group under the group profile. Some viewers have an option in preferences to turn off group IM's if the group notice is shut off. If you get im's/notecards from subscribing to an update service, you need to go where you signed up and unsubscribe If you get them simply because you bought something from someone, you need to contact the sender, or owner of the server that is sending them to you, and tell them to take you off their list. Mute will also work for this but if you want to get updates of products you bought, you won't get them. My own solution was to turn off group notices and IM's and just periodically check notice histories at my convenience in case there is something I'm interested in. I unsubscribed from any subscription service that I am not really interested in any more. I don't get much of the last category of spam from vendors I bought from, but I have my preferences set not to automatically accept things sent to me. When they come, I simply hit discard when asked if I want to 'keep the notecard.
  21. I'm a big fan of sailing myself and have sailed for personal pleasure (as opposed to racing) for over five years now in SL. I highly recommend the boats built by Qyv Inshan. His store is Quest Marine (You can tp from his profile). He doesn't sell on marketplace. My partner and i own several of his sail boats and they are the only boats out of the 30+ we own between us that we can consistently and safely sail across a sim line. We live in a private sailing estate of over 100 sims that are mostly water and can most days sail from one end to the other and back in these boats without crashing or flying off into the wild blue. They sail realistically on the SL wind, or you can make your own. They also can kick some serious butt.
  22. I agree that people in the land business get preference over other businesses. If someone can post about land for sale or rent, then other's should be able to post about new products or sales. No one should have to look at either unless they want to, so I agree with you that advertisements should be on a seperate board.
  23. I agree 100% that a person should be able to control who follows them. In fact, I would prefer it to be handled like a friendship offer. They have to ask and you have to accept. However, i have no objection to giving the abiility to make a choice between allowing anyone to follow you, allowing only friends, or having to accept a follower. If you don't personally care about who follows you or want people to follow you, that is your choice. If someone decides they don't want followers at all, or doesn't want specific followers, it doesn't hurt you in any way. Before LL unilaterally decided that our second lives should be spread all over the web, you didn't have this ability and the last time I checked being able to follow people in SL, Facebook or whereever, wasn't an inalienable right.
  24. Several times over the course of the last 24 hours I have attempted to use a Slurl link from a marketplace listing or store front to no avail. I keep getting the message that my browser can't find the file. Is this just me or are others having this problem?
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