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Amethyst Jetaime

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Everything posted by Amethyst Jetaime

  1. I use a rez box when I can't keep a work in progress rezzed to come back to, and the creation is in several parts. I rez the control box in the on my building platform or the sim where I am building, then as I create each section I put the rez script in it's root prim and a copy in the box. If I change the object and the root remains the same, I just reset it's script and replace the part in the box. If the root changes then I remove the previous script and put a new rez script in the new root. In the end when I need to save it, I just take the box. If you do this, be sure to name each section and name the box with different version numbers of your build so you know which one is the latest. You can delete earlier versions in your inventory if you want, however I tend to keep the last few in case I want to go back to a part of an earlier version. Unless I am building something with a very specific detailed plan from a client, I do tend to visualize and over all plan but design details on the fly, as most of my clients give me that lee way. The beauty of this is that when I return to the build I can just rez it out and all the sections are exactly where they need to be and it's easy to move around using the rez box. When the build is finished, it's already packed and all I have to do is add any instructions. If I am going to sell something as a whole object, I just rez it out and link it together as necessary. There are free rez boxes on the Marketplace.
  2. Read this recent thread about a lot of what you are critical of: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Your-Avatar/Mesh-bodyparts-is-this-even-the-way-to-go/td-p/3084186 It would be great if LL re-did the avatar from the ground up like you say, however in doing so they'd most likely break most of the content related to avatars rendering SL inventories of skin, clothes, animations etc. useless. All those things were created for the SL avatar as it now stands. An entirely new avatar would change all the maps and bones that creators use to create their things. That would make a lot of people that have been in SL very upset because they'd have to spend a lot of money to replace all those things. This is one reason that LL is creating a new virtual world. The new world won't replace SL. People will have a choice or can use both as SL will remain open as long as it's profitable to LL, which has always been the case. Bento is a bit different as they just added bones to the SL avatar and the original bones are still there and functioning making animations still work. They didn't change the SL avatar mesh at all.
  3. Save up your money because it will be very expensive. You will pay a skilled creator a price similar to what you'd pay in RL if you hired them, and not minimum wage. Remember it's going to take hours maybe a week or more to make what you want. You can't expect someone to work in RL for SL wages. Secondly, unless you yourself created that design you can't recreate in SL without specific permission from the creator. Otherwise it's against intellectual property law in RL as well as the TOS. I reputable creator will want proof whatever the case is because they would be in line for a RL law suit and possible LL sanctions too if the original creator files a DMCA. Read more here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Intellectual_Property
  4. It's my job. I'm a creator and over the years have owned other businesses such as clubs and estates where I rented out land, in addition to creating. I don't work in RL. I work in SL or other similar grids. I also have a lot of friends and a long time partner I've known for years and years, from all over the world. I guess in that sense it functions part of the time as a social network because we do socialize and have fun after work visiting each other and doing things together that friends do in RL. These people are the same as my RL friends. My partner is my partner in all worlds. We take time once in a while to explore SL as well as other grids. We don't play games other than some card or table games with friends. My avatar's personality is not a character. It's just me, the same as I am in RL. So all in all SL is not a game to me at all, although I do have a RL too.
  5. There is no such thing. Each avatar gets a stream of the video seperately. That's just how it works. There are sometimes where one person can see a video but another not see it due to that person having a bad connection to the streaming server or doesn't have the latest drivers installed.
  6. We are only volunteer residents here no Lindens read this. We have no access to your account records. You should contact billing first as they can tell you if the account has actually be released or not. If not and it's a mistake they can help you. Billing support phone numbers: Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 The Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Portugal: 800.814.450 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only If you cannot use one of these phone numbers contact Live Chat if you are a premium member or file a support ticket.
  7. The only way to tell is to go to the land itself and look at it. All land sold by LL is 'as is' and they aren't going to go and look at it for you to answer your questions. All in all though, it's 'buyer beware'. If you have a lot of questions about a parcel it may be better not to bid in an auction but buy a parcel from another resident that can answer your questions. My advice is not to go for a hilly section being auctioned, but one that is flat, if that's what you want. The limit on terraforming on the mainland will probably not be sufficient for your needs. If you are going for this parcel due because it is cheaper than other's that is probably why. However if you are only looking to make a level spot to rez a house on and don't care if the rest is hilly, you can probably use the "Flatten" tool in the terraforming tools to accomplish this.
  8. You can own as much land as you can afford to pay for. You must purchase mainland. Just like RL, the cost will vary widely depending on it's location and with the highest prices being on water you can boat or sail on, like the Blake Sea. The first 512sqm of mainland you own will not be charged tier. Anything you own over and above 512sqm will require a monthly tier fee. If you own a Linden home, that counts as 512sqm. Abandon the home if you only want the land you buy. If you form a group and buy the land for the group, you can own 10% more tier free as a bonus. Many people do this, by creating a group and an alt then adding the alt as a co-owner of the group. Never make anyone else the co-owner of your group unless they are also adding an equal amount of land to the group because if something goes wrong you can't kick another owner out of the group. Read more about groups and how to do this here: Creating and managing groups You can look in Search under the land tab, on your map and be sure Land for Sale is checked, or in the regular Forum under land, to find what's for sale. You can also bid on land that is being auctioned off by LL, although this land tends to be choicer parcels and therefore higher cost. Note that 'buying' land on a private estate is really renting it from the estate owner. You don't get any discount on it because you are a premium member. You only receive a discount on mainland.
  9. What happens is there are a lot of people that are bidding in that particular auction. Many people enter a maximum amount they are willing to pay and the software will automatically enter the next highest bid from the last bid. This continues until the maximum amount is reached then it stops bidding. If a lot of people use this proxy system, you can see a very rapid rise in the bid in the blink of an eye. If you decide to use this method yourself, be assured if you enter for example $20,000, the auction software only bids in the smallest increment allowed until no one else tops you. If the highest bid that wins is $8,010, and you won, that's all you pay. You don't pay your maximum.
  10. We will be glad to help you. First try resetting your modem and restarting your computer after that. If you were getting a bad connection to Second Life, even though you have good internet, this may fix it. Try logging in again. If you still can't log in, note down any messages you receive, also note what your screen says when you get to the point you can't get in, for example, 'Verifying Cache Files', Initializing World', 'Connecting to Server',etc. Then come back here and report exactly what any messages you saw said and what your screen said when your log in stopped. We may need information about your computer too. You can start your viewer and without logging in go to Help at the top left of your screen, then to About. Copy and paste the information on the next screen here too. Good luck. I hope the first suggestions works.
  11. Actually it now does: The Official LL policy on Adult activity on Moderate Land says: Adult activity on Moderate land must be conducted "behind closed doors," meaning that you must make every reasonable effort to ensure that the parcel is private. This means: Allow only a group or specific individuals access to the parcel. If it is group-access only, the group must not be freely open to join. Hide avatars (turn off avatar visibility) for the parcel. Enclose the area behind walls or other visual barriers.
  12. Yes. The land is not 'free' You must purchase mainland. Just like RL, the cost will vary widely depending on it's location and with the highest prices being on water you can boat or sail on, like the Blake Sea. The first 512sqm of mainland you own will not be charged tier. Anything you own over and above 512sqm will require a monthly tier fee. You can look in Search under the land tab, on your map and be sure Land for Sale is checked, or in the regular Forum under land, to find what's for sale. You can also bid on land that is being auctioned off by LL, although this land tends to be choicer parcels and therefore higher cost.
  13. Note if you are looking for the sign up bonus, then you have to be premium for 45 consecutive days before you get that.
  14. Your landlord is just telling you that to keep you as a tenant. You must move to an M or A sim to engage in ANY adult activities. In an M sim, it must still be behind closed doors and with the land set so that avatars outside your parcel can not see avatars inside your parcel. Anything less and you could very well be banned.
  15. Rolig is right. Just find people you like to hang out with and don't worry about age. Even if someone says they are 18 there is no way for you to know that's true. Many people don't 'act their age' and a lot of people older than you may like the same things you do.
  16. It is all the result that LL built an avatar before 2004 to begin with and hasn't updated it since, until recently when they added more bones. To my knowledge the avatar mesh itself has not been improved. They were concerned if they did update it, it would break some of the content that people had in their inventories and alienate some users. LL preferred to leave it up to creators. However I'm not sure this was valid, since so many users have been willing to spend good amounts of money on mesh bodies and parts and the clothes to go with them. The result is what we have to deal with now. I'm waiting on more content to come out for the Bento mesh before I'm going to be willing to spend any money on it. I have a skin I love and makes me look unique with the shape I have made myself. I've been in SL for over 10 years and have always been willing to spend money on my avatar as new and improved skins etc. have been offered. But I'm not one to change my appearance at the drop of a hat. Each time I've updated my avatar, I've always been careful to not change my basic look, just make it more realistic and improved. Before investing anymore into mesh bodies or parts I want to be sure I can do the same. I do have a mesh body that did not change my overall shape, just improved the problem areas, but never invested in a mesh head because you couldn't control the shape of it and mesh heads themselves are new enough that only a few skin designers offer skins for them and none of them offers a skin as of yet that wouldn't change my look too much. It will probably mean shopping for a new skin, and as you say it is difficult to find a skin that you like that will texture the mesh body and head of your choice. It's going to take a lot of time for me to find the right combination, so I'm just going to wait a while to give creators the chance to catch up and more content is available.
  17. Hitting the page up key once makes you jump up. Hitting one of the directional arrow keys makes you move when you jump. So if I want to jump up on something like a stage, I walk up to it, hit the page up key and the forward arrow key. The longer you hold the forward arrow key down, the further you'll jump. Sometimes it helps to run before you jump. Keep at it if you never learned to jump and you'll soon get the hang of it. It makes it more fun and therefore encourages you to learn if you have a cool "pre- jump", jump and then good intentional land animation in your AO as opposed to landing after a fall. Otherwise, it can be look sort of awkward because the default is no pre-jump, a leap with hands up and a possible awkward fall at the end if you jump far. Some AO's may have a jump but no pre-jump and the jump is just a slight variation of the Linden jump.
  18. Anytime you create an account you should write down your password and the answers to your security question. Don't put it anywhere in your computer as people can hack into it. Write it on paper and keep it in a secure location only accessible by you and/or people you trust in RL
  19. No one here is a copyright lawyer. You must make your own mind up. If you can't then consult a copyright lawyer. To help you: Here is the informatoin on this page from the copyright office concerning designs. http://www.copyright.gov/title17/92chap13.html#1302 Here is the official LL policy about all this that is incorporated in the TOS by reference: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Intellectual_Property
  20. Maybe he's using the wrong password. Have him click on Forgot Password to get it reset.
  21. Look at older posts in this section of the forum. There are plenty of younger folk that have posted here looking for friends. There was also somone wanting to start a group for people that are looking for fun.
  22. I jump all the time. I jump all over my builds as I'm building, some of the have been quite massive that are several stories tall. I also jump up on stages, and sometimes just jump instead of taking the stairs. And I also jump over terrain features. My AO has a great jump, that makes me look like a gymnast that is so fun to do, lol.
  23. Interesting. I didn't know about the first reason. However I figured anyone that got seasick or car sick might get sick with VR too, for the second reason.
  24. If you use the Firestorm viewer you can also cam anywhere and then type "tp2cam" without the quotes and your avatar will tp there.
  25. You really haven't provided enough information. Open your viewer and go to HELP>ABOUT (name of your viewer) and copy and paste your computer specs into your original post. Please do not create a new post to add additional information. Edit your original post instead. You can edit your post to add additional information by logging in to the web site, going to the post you want to edit, then clicking "Options" at the top right of the post and choosing edit.
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