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Amethyst Jetaime

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Everything posted by Amethyst Jetaime

  1. Try DATS, (aka Door and Texture Store). They have white paneling very similar to that.
  2. It's true racism exists in RL and SL, but not everyone is racist. I'm not in RL or SL. I'm not working now due to health reasons and being able to earn in SL. My last RL job for 13 years was managing a state office raising money for scholarships for black students. I do a lot of complimentary work for a predominately black sorority in SL that promotes sisterhood among all women, provides resouces and encourages all members to learn and improve their life and raises money for various causes. I find the black people I've met though both of these organizations to be great folks and count a lot of them as close friends. Last year I was inducted into as an honorary member of the sorority. Something that I'm very proud of. I've learned in my life that you get the respect you give to people regardless of who or what they are. Take people on their merits rather than your preconceived notions and you'll get a lot further in life.
  3. What's with the mesh vs. non mesh war that seems to have broken out?  People can wear mesh if they want to and that doesn't make them 'stupid'. Funny, when I go places, I never have the problems of mesh rezzing. All the mesh rezzes within a few seconds even in crowds. So it's not the mesh wearers fault your computer is not up to it or internet is not fast enough to rez mesh. If you want to stick to the legacy avatar and wear system clothes, that's fine with me. It's your choice. But don't call people names and make rude remarks because you don't like their choices. There are enough people that will criticize you severly for your choices. SL is about people being able to wear the avatar they are most comfortable with. Clothing designers will make the clothes that the market demands, which is for mesh bodies right now. You might want to check out applier clothing, as some of them also include the system layer clothes the legacy avatar can wear. You can just delete the appliers in your inventory.
  4. It's not your viewer Request that the sim be restarted. If it's a private region, ask the estate owner or agent. If it's mainland, then open a support ticket for the restart. Anyone can do this.
  5. Detach and reattach them. If that doesn't work, rez them on the ground and see if you can reset the scripts. Usually that works. If not see if you can get a redelivery at the creators shop or contact the creator for one, explaining what happened.
  6. Responses and status of your support ticket can be viewed on the support page. On the sidebar you'll see your ticket. Just click it to get updates or to update it yourself.
  7. A quick search in the MP turned up mesh canine/wolf legs, heads, tails etc.that were modifiable and came with the photoshop files you need to match a skin. There were some that worked with the SL base avatar and some with mesh bodies. If you can use photoshop, gimp or other graphics program, you can duplicate that pic almost exactly and even get a mesh body for the price you are willing to pay.
  8. Torrie Mint wrote: If you already have the land its not going up but they are changing their prices and there not going down. Get ready SL for higher tier. And just where do you get this information? The rumor mill? The only thing going up in regard to the tier paid by the landowner is if the landowner decides to buy into the deal to bring there sims prim limit up even more to 30K prims per sim. That will cost $30.00US extra per month to the estate owner and is entirely optional. It is unclear how estate owners that do this will handle it. They could just up distribute the prims to each parcel and keep the rent the same to be more competitive or maybe they'll distribute them and raise the rent a bit to cover the extra $30.00US tier they'll pay. They could also use these extra prims for their own projects or improve the sim with better infrastructure. Rent if extra prims are given and the owner decides to charge more should only increase about 10% to 15% of what is being charged now, maybe a bit more if only few estate owners take the deal and demand is high. That's a bargain for twice the prims people had before any prim increase took effect (15,000 per sim) and a 50% increase since the last prim increase to 20,000 prims. Granted a few estate owners decided to increase rents for the extra prims LL gave for free, but I only see a very few doing this. We'll just see how the free market which runs on supply and demand goes. If you don't like the estate owner's decisions you can always move to an estate that you do like.
  9. You can't. You must be selected by LL to be in it. You can however nominate the venue. Here are the details: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/About-the-Second-Life-Destination-Guide/ta-p/700059#How_venues_and_content_are_selected
  10. When you but Lindens you buy from other residents not LL. If you chose a Best Rate Buy (Limit Buy) that allows you to specify the amount of Linden dollars and the exchange rate you are willing to accept. LindeX automatically matches up buy and sell offers as they come in. If your offer is too high it could take hours, days, weeks, or months or even never, before you get any $L's. You can cancel the Limit buy and the money will go to your US dollar balance. You can cancel it on the LindeX: Transaction History page on you web dashboard. Click Manage on the sidebar then choose LindeX Order History to get to that page. You can then use Market Buy to get Lindens almost instantly. Only you can decide if it's worth waiting. We can't give advice like that.
  11. Custom work is very expensive. Usually, you have to pay RL wages for it, not the token pay that people usually get in SL and the work may take hours or even weeks to do, depending on what you want. If you really want to go ahead, then post what you want in Inworld Employment to find someone. Give more details of exactly what you are looking for too. Chances are that if you shop around you'll find things that will work for the look you want. There are some great wolf avatars and some might be able to be modified, which is going to be a lot cheaper.
  12. That web site is not connected to SL, so no one here has anyway of knowing. It's an independent system. LL has no control over it. You'd have to contact the owner of the game to find out.
  13. Maybe you accidently derendered her. If you use Firestorm and you derender it can be permanent until you actually reverse it. In the official viewer it only derenders while you are on the sim where you derendered. If you TP or log out then come back the person or object is rendered again. You can check your asset black list and see if she's been derendered and render her again.
  14. ChinRey wrote Edit: Did anybody foresee that the prim limit increase would cause problems like this? It's not unique. While I was writing this post I was also on IM with a friend who's running a network of affiliate stores across SL. He told me several of his stores are still on the old price/prim limit and he's looking for new locations for all of them. I think a lot of the 'trouble' results from a misunderstanding of what is exactly being rented. If your friend has stores in malls, generally you are renting prims not land. This is particularly true if the mall land is group owned. When you rent land, generally you have control of the land tools. Judging by several posts on this forum, tenants renting prims expected to get the additional prims for free. However they just assumed it would happen but the the landowner made another choice. The prims were given by LL to the landowner and they can choose what to do with them. Some may give them to tenants, some may use them to add tenants or rent the additional prims to merchants who want more to increase owner's financial stability, some may use them to improve their sim with better landscaping or better builds to attract and retain tenants, and some may just decide to use them for personal use. It is then the tenants choice to stay or leave. This is a prime example of the free market at work. It will be interesting to see how it all pans out.
  15. I say , dress your avatar to please yourself not anybody else. There is nothing at all wrong with that and don't let any one else tell you or make you feel otherwise. If someone doesn't want to be your friend or associate with you due to your avatar, they are the one's that are the losers, not you. People have different spending priorities in SL and prefer to spend what money they have on other things other than mesh bodies. The truth is that many of the people all decked out in mesh bodies and clothes can't afford a home, which is ok and their choice. On the other hand, I know people still using classic avatars that look great but prefer to spend their money on having a beautiful home on a beautifully landscaped lot or a business where they make no money but enjoy running, such as a club, or enjoy creating things for it, like an in world shop. Other's are great and interesting people but have very little money to spend in SL due to having RL needs that take priority and are here just for the fun. A lot of people eschew mesh because the classic avatar is so much easier to dress and they can change clothes in a heartbeat. In RL we are all subject to pressures to dress and/or look the way society wants us to or to the expectations of our employers. In SL you have the freedom to not only be who you want to be, but have the avatar that you are most comfortable with!
  16. Seems fishy to me. The person that tried to scam you would normally contact you directly rather than go through a friend like that. Maybe it was just a joke but if your friend is behind it I would think she'd admit it when you figured out the pic was fake. I'd watch my back.
  17. I understand you feel like you have a contract, but unless you have a RL contract that you can take to court, the only contract you have lasts until the next date your tier is due. But even then it isn't for certain as an estate owner can boot you off at any time for any reason, or no reason, and keep your money. Some convenants state if the rent is increased or the covenant changed you will get a certain number of days notice. But an estate owner can change the covenant on a whim at any time, so that again is not a contract. Even if you have a notecard from the estate owner that proports to be a contract, it isn't, because it is not enforceable by a RL court. Only a RL document showing the RL names of all parties and signed by all of them is enforceable in most circumstances. The estate owner has total control of their land and LL will not intefer with that in any way unless there is a clear violation of the TOS. Increasing rent, booting people at any time for any reason, and changing the covenant on a whim is not a violation and in fact are rights protected by the TOS. I don't like what your estate owner did to you at all. The only justification I can see to it at all is that if it is a full sim and they buy the extra prims to bring it up to 30k prims. If they pulled these kinds of shenanigans once, they are liable to do it again in the future or deal wrongly with you in other ways. That's why I told Matt he should move to a more reliable estate or get his own sim.
  18. If you just registered your payment information you are restricted to how much $L you can buy the first week to $30US. After 7 days that increases. This is to prevent money laundering. If you already have spent your initial $30US on $L's, you must wait until 7 days have passed since your first purchase of $L's. If your tier is due before then, you can talk to your landlord and explain the situation. Some landlords will allow you to be late on the rent if you pay it promptly on the first day you can. They are not obligated to do this however. If they won't agree, you'll just have to give up your rental until you can afford the tier and perhaps it will still be available when you can pay. You can file a support ticket to have your limit increased but LL usually takes a week to review your request and rarely will they do it for the first week after you buy your first $Ls. See this for more information about limits: https://secondlife.com/my/lindex/describe-limits.php
  19. If this is for real life training ask your school. Many RL schools have specfic log in from their own website that will put you right at the school. If it's a role play, look in search to see if there is group for it and ask the group owner.
  20. This thread and my replies about it were about the OP feeling entitled to get all the extra prims the landowner was given. This was NOT about your situation where you faced a tier increase shortly after you rented your sim since you just now presented your case with the facts as you know them. I haven't spoken to your case, which is entirely different, but will now. When you rent a sim or other land you have to determine if you are being given a promo price for a certain period of time or if the estate owner guarantees the price remains the same unless LL increases the tier. Many estates do offer a guarantee while others offer a promo price to get you to rent then increase the rent after the promo period expires. Other estate owners raise the rent anytime they can get away with it. You have to ascertain what you are dealing with PRIOR to renting it to begin with. You do that by talking to current renters on the estate,and finding out how long they have rented what increases they've seen etc. You find out how long the estate owner has been in business and asking for references etc. because a bad landlord doesn't stay in business long. You can do this by asking the estate owner specifically if it's a promo price or guaranteed etc. etc etc. Finally you can ask other residents who rent sims, specifically merchants, for recommendations. As to fact 5, it happens and usually to people who go for the cheapest rent they can get with a landlord that hasn't been in business long. That is not to say that this is right or its the renter's fault. It's a terrible thing to happen to people. As for you, either you didn't do your due diligence or you are dealing with a dishonest landlord. Always rent from a established estate owner that has been in business a long time even if it costs a bit more, because they don't pull bait and switch, raise rent without a lot of warning and a good reason or abscond with the rent money. Now the free market has responded to your landlord by people moving out. I suggest you do the same if you are unhappy. If you aren't making a profit you have nothing to lose, even if you have to shut your business down a week to move. If you are, stability in your rent amount will be worth it in the long run. You can even look into buying your own sim on the secondary market to get that stability. If you notify your customers in advance that you are moving most will be very understanding. Loyal customers will wait. You may lose a few sales otherwise but compare that to the cost increases you face. Don't air this dirty laundry in the notice as that alienates customers. Edited after reading Chin's reply which mention sub lessors: If you are subleasing to other stores then talk to your tenants and explain the situation to them. You will probably find that most are sympathetic and will stay with you when you move. Those that don't, it's their choice and it's just business. However, if you run your sim well, your loyal tenants will probably recommend it to other merchants and you may very well find that you gain tenants to replace those that you lost. I don't know you but I wish you the best of luck in finding a new sim and getting out of the situation you find yourself in.
  21. She doesn't want to listen to what is being said if it disagrees with her. If she is as combative and nasty with the creator she complains about as she is in the forums, it's no wonder they won't do anything for her.
  22. All transactions are shown on your Transaction History of your dashboard for the last 32 days. Sometimes it may take a few minutes to show up, so check again. Here are the Possibilities: Did you sign up for a premium membership 45 days ago? It may be the sign on bonus you get after being premium 45 days consecutive days. If this money was given to you in smaller sums, it isn't going to show the $1000 total. Do you see small credits in your Transaction History? Do you belong to a group that under your membership role you share in group liabilities? If so if someone paid the group for land or paid a group owned object, the money is divided equally among members like this and sent to you. Was this money given to you or did you buy it more than 32 days ago and you just forgot about it or it may not have shown in the viewer? What is shown in the viewer is not always right. If you still can't figure it out, you are sure you just got it and it's not showing where the money came on your dashboard then upi can call Billing to get help from LL. Billing support phone numbers: Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 The Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Portugal: 800.814.450 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only If you cannot use one of these phone numbers contact Live Chat if you are a premium member or file a support ticket
  23. You don't have to use a headset. My partner is a professional DJ in RL and uses a sepearate mic when he DJ's in SL. He has a very high end professional mic that runs through a mixer so he can control the sound of his voice. If you are a just a SL DJ you don't need to spend that kind of money though. Using a seperate mic is ok if you use headphones. Never use a mic and listen with speakers or your listeners will get an annoying echo or even feed back. Buy the best mic you can afford that that cancels out the most background noise. There is nothing worse then hearing kids crying, or a television going in the background when a DJ voices. A good electronics store should be able to recommend some and allow you to test them. You can always go to one to do this then shop around for the best price on the mic you decide on.
  24. I've been in SL 10+ years and never had a problem. As far as account security is concerned accounts can't be hacked but can be compromised if you are careless. Therefore you are responsible for keeping your account secure under the Terms of Service. There are two ways that security breaches to get RL info occur. The first is clicking on a link you see in world. For example: Some people make websites that have addresses that look like the address for the SL Marketplace but take you to a phishing site. The safest thing to do is always go to these sites yourself rather than clicking a link and never go to a website you don't recognize. Actually it's best to avoid clicking links altogether, then you never have to worry about this. The second is giving anyone your password. Even if you think they are the most trust worthy person in the world this is a huge NO. Not only is it against the TOS, but time and time again I've see relationships break down and a former friend and partner use the password to get into an account to 'get even'. As far as stealing just money without getting RL info, never accept an object from someone you don't know then rez it. Although you will get a dialog asking if it's ok to debit your account, many people don't pay attention and just click yes. If you don't rez it, It can't hurt you. So if you accidentally accept something, just delete it from your inventory. Note however there are times that giving debit permissions is necessary, such as a vendor system that refunds money if the wrong amount is paid, or an object that you own that pays an employee automatically from your account. So pay close attention to dialog boxes and think carefully before you agree to anything. Think if it is this really needed to accomplish what this object is supposed to do. If unsure, ask in the forums here. You can also test an item by paying it yourself to yourself and looking at your transaction history on your dashboard to see if the money is going where it is supposed to go and not to someone else. In general never use a password that may be easy to guess, such as a nickname, a common word etc. The best is a random combination of letters and numbers, caps and lower case that isn't a word at all. It's also good to change your password frequently. Welcome to SL. You have a grand and secure adventure ahead of you if you follow these tips.
  25. That's not true Quinn. People use it for role play too.
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